Steam Sale Spotlight



  • edited October 2011
    The Vampire: Masquerade video game known mostly as "the bad one"

    To who? I only know people that love Redemption.
  • edited October 2011
    Very heavy RPG circles. Will you accept "Not the Ingenious Troika One" instead?
  • edited October 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Well one particular good price: The Kings Quest collection & Space Quest Collection are 9,99€ in Europe on Steam. But they are 20$.
    Wait, those are on Steam? Huh. They did a good job at hiding those.

    Oh, and did anyone else know there was a remastered version of Broken Sword 2? News to me! Wish I'd known that when it was on offer a week or so back on GoG. May actually have to register there at last.
  • edited October 2011
    Very heavy RPG circles. Will you accept "Not the Ingenious Troika One" instead?

    I will indeed.
  • edited October 2011
    Hey, I've an idea. I've already got two games in the Painkiller collection, but there's no price difference between the two I need and the whole collection. But if I get the pack, I won't be able to gift the two games I already have to someone else.

    So. If anyone's willing to buy and gift Painkiller Black Edition & Resurrection to me, then in return I'll buy and gift them the entire Painkiller collection.

    Anyone interested? Or is that far too complicated?
  • edited October 2011
    I have a question. Why can't Europeans, whose Steam prices are apparently higher, have a American Steam account (ie. an account that lists items purchasable in dollars) but make purchases using a European Paypal account? How is Steam supposed to know what method of payment (or its country of origin) that your Paypal account uses?

    As I understand it, when you use Paypal, it is Paypal that deducts the funds from your account of choice, and then Paypal itself directs that money to the point of sale. If Paypal does the currency conversion to dollars, why can't you purchase dollar-based items from Steam?
  • edited October 2011
    Hey, I've an idea. I've already got two games in the Painkiller collection, but there's no price difference between the two I need and the whole collection. But if I get the pack, I won't be able to gift the two games I already have to someone else.

    So. If anyone's willing to buy and gift Painkiller Black Edition & Resurrection to me, then in return I'll buy and gift them the entire Painkiller collection.

    Anyone interested? Or is that far too complicated?
    Use the trading system rather than the gifting system.
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    I have a question. Why can't Europeans, whose Steam prices are apparently higher, have a American Steam account (ie. an account that lists items purchasable in dollars) but make purchases using a European Paypal account? How is Steam supposed to know what method of payment (or its country of origin) that your Paypal account uses?

    As I understand it, when you use Paypal, it is Paypal that deducts the funds from your account of choice, and then Paypal itself directs that money to the point of sale. If Paypal does the currency conversion to dollars, why can't you purchase dollar-based items from Steam?
    I believe that PayPal reports an address, and that the store shows prices based on IP address. Steam also is known for banning accounts for willful evasion tactics like this, so there's that.
  • edited October 2011
    Use the trading system rather than the gifting system.
    Ok, I'll go that route. Anyone up for it? The entire Painkiller collection for Black & Resurrection?
  • edited October 2011
    Ok, I'll go that route. Anyone up for it? The entire Painkiller collection for Black & Resurrection?

    I would but that would get you the German low violence version of Ressurection at least. No idea about the black edition. Also please accept my friendinvite.:D
  • edited October 2011
    I always accept new friends. :)

    Today's (frankly pointless) Daily Deal is Horrid Henry: Missions of Mischief. £2 / $2.50.

    Also, I don't think there's a Weekend deal. Doesn't surprise me, really.
  • edited October 2011
    I didn't even know this existed.
  • edited October 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    I didn't even know this existed.
    Looking at the screenshots, I'm not at all surprised.
  • edited October 2011
    Bought Scratches & the 2 Nancy Drew games on sale.
  • edited October 2011
    But there's a possibility that Horrid Henry is the most awesome game in the history of the universe. Should buy it to make sure we're not missing out on a great deal.
  • edited October 2011
    caeska wrote: »
    But there's a possibility that Horrid Henry is the most awesome game in the history of the universe. Should buy it to make sure we're not missing out on a great deal.
    ...only if you have a small child to entertain. Or desperately need to know what happens after this.
  • edited October 2011
    caeska wrote: »
    But there's a possibility that Horrid Henry is the most awesome game in the history of the universe.


    On a serious note I got Painkiller Black Edition now.

    [sarcasm] thanks for all the help guys [/sarcasm]
  • edited October 2011
    So what games do you guys reccomend from the sale?
    So far Amnesia and Painkiller:Black Edition are the ones im interested.

    Any other reccomendations?
  • edited October 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    On a serious note I got Painkiller Black Edition now.

    [sarcasm] thanks for all the help guys [/sarcasm]
    Hey, I offered!

    Let me know how bad the censorship is, since you done got me curious and all.
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    So what games do you guys reccomend from the sale?
    So far Amnesia and Painkiller:Black Edition are the ones im interested.

    Any other reccomendations?
    If you don't already have them, I'd recommend Bioshock 1/2 (2 less so, but I'd still recommend it), Borderlands GOTY edition (which is no more expensive than the standard edition if you're in the UK!), Dead Space, the F.E.A.R. Pack, Ghostbusters: The Video Game, the Left 4 Dead games, the STALKER bundle and Terraria.

    Thankfully I already own most of those, otherwise my bank account would be weeping right about now.
  • edited October 2011
    Today's Daily Deal is Flatout: Ultimate Carnage. £5.77 / $6.79

    EDIT: Shit! I've just realized the games in Steam's Halloween sale change on a daily basis!

    Here's the new games I've noticed on offer so far:

    Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake - £2.03 / $2.37
    Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor - £2.03 / $2.37
    Pound of Ground - £2.25 / $2.50

    ...let me know if I've missed any more!
  • edited October 2011
    Anyone with(or considering) the Indie Royale pack:

    Gemini Rue Steam keys have been added, as well as Steam keys for the first two Sanctum DLC items.
    If you don't already have them, I'd recommend Bioshock 1/2 (2 less so, but I'd still recommend it), Borderlands GOTY edition (which is no more expensive than the standard edition if you're in the UK!), Dead Space, the F.E.A.R. Pack, Ghostbusters: The Video Game, the Left 4 Dead games, the STALKER bundle and Terraria.
    I personally would highly wish to dissuade anyone from buying the Bioshock games. The first one was one of the dullest weekends of gameplay I've ever experienced, with the whole experience being stitched together by a shitty hack plot that basically amounts to giving Ayn Rand a penis. As far as I'm concerned, the Bioshock games are some of the most overhyped bullshit in recent gaming history.

    My personal reccomendations from the sale are as follows(in order from best recommendation to worst):

    1. Penumbra Pack
    2. Amnesia
    3. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
    4. Painkiller Black
    5. Zombie Shooter 1/2

    Honorable mention going maybe to Terraria, really depends on if you like these sorts of aimless building block games and have a bunch of friends to play with. It has a lot more direction to it than, say, Minecraft, but it's of the same mold.

    As far as I'm concerned, nothing else on offer is either good enough or discounted enough to bother with. LIMBO and Cthulu Saves the World are both pretty good, but I wouldn't say that the price drop is so compelling that you should really jump on it. Plants vs Zombies is cute for a bit, but I'd say it's more worth it at 75%+ off, and the current discount is a bit dull. I haven't played a few entries in here either, so I might be missing one based on that.
  • edited October 2011
    Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake - £2.03 / $2.37
    Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor - £2.03 / $2.37
    Pound of Ground - £2.25 / $2.50

    the games on sale don't change. The games featured on the sale-site do. The nancy drew ones were on it on day 1. were off on day 2 and are now on again. The price did not change though.
    BUT: Crazy Machines 2 was added yesterday and it has free Halloween DLC too.
  • edited October 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    the games on sale don't change. The games featured on the sale-site do. The nancy drew ones were on it on day 1. were off on day 2 and are now on again. The price did not change though.
    BUT: Crazy Machines 2 was added yesterday and it has free Halloween DLC too.
    Ah, OK. Was panicking for a minute there, but thanks for clearing that up.

    And Dashing... we're going to have to disagree again! I thoroughly enjoyed both Bioshocks, and thought the first was one of the best and most in-depth first person shooters I've played in years. You may not have thought it was very good, but it's pretty damn cheap, so I'd recommend it to anyone who's curious about it. If they think the same as you, at least they haven't lost out by much!
  • edited October 2011
    And Dashing... we're going to have to disagree again! I thoroughly enjoyed both Bioshocks, and thought the first was one of the best and most in-depth first person shooters I've played in years. You may not have thought it was very good, but it's pretty damn cheap, so I'd recommend it to anyone who's curious about it. If they think the same as you, at least they haven't lost out by much!
    In Steam terms, $5 can be quite a bit lost. Considering this sum can allow you to get the Penumbra collection, Amnesia, Terraria, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, the Painkiller collection, both Zombie Shooter games, The Binding of Isaac, and dozens of other far better games, the sum is not to be disregarded.

    How was Bioshock in-depth? It contained a HEAVILY watered-down version of System Shock's combat system, had very rote gameplay design that consisted mainly of walking down narrative hallways facing one monster at a time, contained an RPG advancement system that lacked any real differentiation between character builds, featured a life system that removed all potential consequence from death(and punished you by making the story make no sense if you turned it off, as it's a major plot point), and overall had a plot that was ripped, word for word, out of another work entirely.

    The sequel was made by different folks and aped what was popular about the first game. That was it. "People liked Big Daddies, now you ARE ONE! LOL!" People liked Rapture...NOW IT'S BACK! People liked the story about the underwater city destroyed by an extremist economic policy....well guess what we have in the NEW one? LOLOLOLOL"
  • edited October 2011
    For the the four hours I've played Bioshock, I'd say that after I got the sound to work it was a fairly enjoyable experience. I didn't find it to be too easy because I suck at first person shooters anyway and spend an inordinate amount of time shooting the ground whenever anything surprises me, which happened often. I wouldn't say that it instantly became my favorite game of the summer or anything (that honor goes to Trine), but I certainly didn't find it to be nearly as bad as you keep saying it is, Dashing. It felt much the same as Halo, overhyped but I could see why people really enjoy it.
  • edited October 2011
    Bioshock did a lot of great things, particularly in delivering narrative. Suck eggs.
  • edited October 2011
    So one final question.
    Should I go for Bioshock 1 and Painkiller:Black

    Or say "screw it" to the sale and get the original Deus Ex?

    Ive been wanting it for a while and am wondering which would be the better decision ignoring the price.
  • edited October 2011
    I would say go for Bioshock and Painkiller.

    Deus Ex tends to go on sale quite a bit, along with its birth-defected son Invisible War, so it's probably worth waiting until that happens. Bioshock and Painkiller will keep you entertained until then.

    [...waits for Dashing to come in and disagree]
  • edited October 2011
    I would say go for Bioshock and Painkiller.

    Deus Ex tends to go on sale quite a bit, along with its birth-defected son Invisible War, so it's probably worth waiting until that happens. Bioshock and Painkiller will keep you entertained until then.

    Does it usually go on sale during steams Holidays sale?
  • edited October 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    So one final question.
    Should I go for Bioshock 1 and Painkiller:Black

    Or say "screw it" to the sale and get the original Deus Ex?

    Ive been wanting it for a while and am wondering which would be the better decision ignoring the price.

    There's a demo of the first level of DX kicking about, try it out before you decide I guess.

    I loved it, but it's certainly not to everyones tastes. Also it's super-duper ugly, even at the time it was piggin' next to other games.

    Also if you wait til Christmas it and and Invisible War will prolly be on sale together for a pittance.
  • edited October 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Does it [Deus Ex] usually go on sale during steams Holidays sale?
    It tends to, yeah. It also occasionally crops up as a Daily Deal, Midweek Madness or Weekend Deal.
    JedExodus wrote: »
    There's a demo of the first level of DX kicking about, try it out before you decide I guess.

    I loved it, but it's certainly not to everyones tastes. Also it's super-duper ugly, even at the time it was piggin' next to other games.
    There's a couple of fan-made projects to make it prettier. Still waiting for the HDTP to give us a decent release, but in the meantime this guide should help this little lovely look less like... uh, lumpy lettuce.
  • edited October 2011
    I dont honestly care about graphics(Im a Nintendo fan. We had to make sacrifices:p) so it isnt a problem.

    All right so I guess what Im hearing so far is "go for Bioshock and Painkiller and wait for deus ex during the christmas sale" sounds good, but Ill wait for what others have to say as well.
  • edited October 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I dont honestly care about graphics(Im a Nintendo fan. We had to make sacrifices:p) so it isnt a problem.

    There's not having loads of polygons and shiny's on screen, and then there's Deus Ex's ugly ugly graphics. Though there's a texture mod you might wanna track down when you do get it!

    EDIT: I'm just parroting Darth Marsden.

    I loved DX long-time. I wish I was playing it for the first time again.
  • edited October 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I dont honestly care about graphics(Im a Nintendo fan. We had to make sacrifices:p) so it isnt a problem.
    Was Metroid Prime a sacrifice? Was Twilight Princess? Was Monster Hunter 3? Pah!
    JedExodus wrote: »
    There's not having loads of polygons and shiny's on screen, and then there's Deus Ex's ugly ugly graphics. Though there's a texture mod you might wanna track down when you do get it!
    Check a couple of posts ago, I linked to a guide.
  • edited October 2011
    Check a couple of posts ago, I linked to a guide.

    Aye, i've been playing catch-up all morning and afternoon today it seems!! :p
  • edited October 2011
    As a note, despite only selling 30,000 bundles (only!), the third piece of DLC for Sanctum is currently available via the Indie Bundle site. I guess they worked out the issues.
  • edited October 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    All right so I guess what Im hearing so far is "go for Bioshock and Painkiller and wait for deus ex during the christmas sale" sounds good, but Ill wait for what others have to say as well.

    I say Deus Ex is the best 3D game on Steam and will give you a lot of playtime. But better get it on sale.
  • edited October 2011
    So I bought Bioshock, but Steam gave me Bioshock 2, so now I have to send a support ticket on that. Wonderful.
  • edited October 2011
    I say get Painkiller and anything but Bioshock, but yeah, Deus Ex will go on sale in the future. It has a tendency to do that.

    JedExodus wrote: »
    Bioshock did a lot of great things, particularly in delivering narrative. Suck eggs.
    Yes, the linear hallways you walked down were pretty and had a particularly nicely presented shit story spoonfed to you.
    I would say go for Bioshock and Painkiller.

    Deus Ex tends to go on sale quite a bit, along with its birth-defected son Invisible War, so it's probably worth waiting until that happens. Bioshock and Painkiller will keep you entertained until then.

    [...waits for Dashing to come in and disagree]
    Deus Ex will go on sale, so the wait is a good idea. I'm not sure the combined playtime of Painkiller and Bioshock will really sustain anyone that long, though. Bioshock lasted me one weekend, and there's a few of those between now and Christmas. We're not dealing with a real RPG here. We're talking about a very bad shooter with an RPG progression system arbitrarily and sloppily tacked on, as well as one real shooter. Neither is going to last anyone all THAT long.
  • edited October 2011
    I say be sure to get Bioshock, it'll make you smarter and more handsome.
  • edited October 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I say be sure to get Bioshock, it'll make you smarter and more handsome.
    Well then at least I got something out of that purchase.
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