Well, after an astoundingly bungled launch promo, Shadow Warrior is now available on Steam for the low-low price of absolutely free forever. Meanwhile, it's still $5.99 on GOG.
Just a heads up, Night of the Rabbit is available on Steam and, unlike GOG, comes with the German language version. Of course, it's probably not a flat 20 dollars US in Germany, so make of that what you will.
The German version is nowhere available for 20$.
It's 30€, same as retail.
Also the daily deal has been on my wishlist for some time now.
Sword of The Stars: The Pit. (50% off)
Wow. Some insanely good games this week on the daily deals.
Well, after an astoundingly bungled launch promo, Shadow Warrior is now available on Steam for the low-low price of absolutely free forever. Meanwhile, it's still $5.99 on GOG.
That's just awesome. I can see why though - it's not a very good port. It uses DosBox, the mouse controls are awkward and it's unstable - I lasted a good two minutes before it crashes on me. If I'd paid for that, I'd be unhappy. Since I didn't... oh well.
Apologies for not doing the Daily Deal today, I was having a very nice dinner at my sisters. I am in love with their sofa and am currently making plans to somehow steal it while she and her boyfriend are at work. Wish me luck.
Daily Deal: Morrowind GOTY Edition for 66% less money. Has been cheaper before, will be cheaper in the summer sale. Don't buy this now. Wait for a better deal.
If none of the weekly deals are your thing, Gunpoint launched and is 10% off, only $8.99, until next week. It's a really fun game, but it only takes 2-3 hours to beat the game once.
If none of the weekly deals are your thing, Gunpoint launched and is 10% off, only $8.99, until next week. It's a really fun game, but it only takes 2-3 hours to beat the game once.
Yes and please get it from the developers site. It's cheaper (or the same price), you get a Steam-Key AND a DRM free version.
Yes and please get it from the developers site. It's cheaper (or the same price), you get a Steam-Key AND a DRM free version.
Apparently the developer requested you buy it from Steam to improve his visibility. Doesn't matter where you get it from, really, it's still a really good game, and hopefully he's going to make some DLC for it.
He asked people on the first day to buy from Steam to get into the charts and after that to buy it from his website
And considering it is now the best seller...
You can get it from his website now if you want to support him
He asked people on the first day to buy from Steam to get into the charts and after that to buy it from his website
And considering it is now the best seller...
You can get it from his website now if you want to support him
Because people are wonderful, we've had far more sales from this site than on Steam, because I mentioned we get a bigger cut that way. This is fantastic and was definitely the right thing to do for pre-orders.
The downside is, we look a bit limp on Steam. Our highest chart position was #38, just behind "Crusader Kings II: Norse Portraits DLC". This means people who don't already know about Gunpoint are unlikely to see it there, and it might hurt our chances of Valve promoting it - apparently they go largely on what's already selling well.
So today, the best way you can support Gunpoint is to buy it on Steam. If we can do well there, it could be a huge help.
I got curious about it after I noticed that der_ketzer was playing it yesterday. I checked it out and felt like playing another interesting looking stealth/platformer after finishing Mark of the Ninja recently. I've had a ton of fun with the little I've played of it so far. I love the quirkiness of the game and the way your character always makes this funny belly flop when he lands after a jump.
Anyway, I also bought it directly from the developer since it's much cheaper that way. I activated it on Steam though, and I figure that might count as a sale on Steam's end anyway?
I got curious about it after I noticed that der_ketzer was playing it yesterday.
I personally think this is way more important than being on the top sellers. The fact that your friends are playing it will make you a lot more interested.
Yes but since yesterday it has rose to the Top seller from 32 so his want to get it noticed and promoted on steam has been accomplished as the Pre-orders were on Steam but most of the on the day sales were enough to make it rise to best seller
Bear in mind the versions of Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 are the basic ones without add-ons, but they're still good.
Midweek Madness:
And finally, Marvel Heroes is now out. Core game's free-to-play but I don't think they've quite gotten the hang of this sort of thing yet because I can't see anyone buying the DLC packs, given how bloody expensive they are.
Also, if you weren't aware, Gamefly's been having a summer sale this week, and since today is the last day (or something), they've relisted all the one-day deals. Here's the list (on the UK page, anyway).
Oh, and some silly little Penny... something game came out as well. Looks kinda lame, but whatever.
Thus making it cheaper to buy the Complete Story than for people who already have the full game to buy the DLC for it.
Edit: And if you bought the full game, you can't buy the Complete Story, you have to buy the upgrade DLC for it, which as we've established is a full dollar more than Complete Story is. Who do I blame here; Valve or Frozenbyte?
It's more than a Euro more. And it's complete bullshit. They also removed the Goblin Menace completely.
I get punished for owning the game but not owning the overpriced DLC here and I am not liking it. Not one bit.
Let's just hope this was an oversight and will be solved shortly. Otherwise I will never buy anything from them ever again. They'll be as dead and dodgy to me as GoG is.
The German version is nowhere available for 20$.
It's 30€, same as retail.
Also the daily deal has been on my wishlist for some time now.
Sword of The Stars: The Pit. (50% off)
Wow. Some insanely good games this week on the daily deals.
Apologies for not doing the Daily Deal today, I was having a very nice dinner at my sisters. I am in love with their sofa and am currently making plans to somehow steal it while she and her boyfriend are at work. Wish me luck.
I just bought it on Greenman Gaming. It's even cheaper there right now and will drop even lower if you use this coupon code:
Huh, I read that as German Gaming at first. Looks interesting.
I wouldn't recommend German Gaming to anyone. German Gaming sucks.:D
Oddly, the front page, and the news update, only mention The Second Encounter HD. Strange.
Weekend Deals:
Y'know, in case you were stupid enough to miss the Humble Indie sale for ^. You muppet.
Been cheaper (and will be again), so wait for the inevitable summer sale.
BUT if you must get it, get the Deluxe edition for DLC not available anywhere else.
What will be on sale tomorrow? Skyrim?
Green Man Gaming will occasionally do a Skyrim DLC sale. Otherwise, just wait until the Summer Sale or Quakecon.
...no, it's not Skyrim...
Week-long deals:
66% off Anna: Extended Edition
75% off Chains
66% off Retro/Grade (which has an amazing soundtrack and is worth it for that alone)
66% off Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory
60% off The Journey Down: Episode I (in case you missed any of the dozen indie bundles it's been in)
Yes and please get it from the developers site. It's cheaper (or the same price), you get a Steam-Key AND a DRM free version.
Apparently the developer requested you buy it from Steam to improve his visibility. Doesn't matter where you get it from, really, it's still a really good game, and hopefully he's going to make some DLC for it.
And considering it is now the best seller...
You can get it from his website now if you want to support him
I thought it was the other way around?
I got curious about it after I noticed that der_ketzer was playing it yesterday. I checked it out and felt like playing another interesting looking stealth/platformer after finishing Mark of the Ninja recently. I've had a ton of fun with the little I've played of it so far. I love the quirkiness of the game and the way your character always makes this funny belly flop when he lands after a jump.
Anyway, I also bought it directly from the developer since it's much cheaper that way. I activated it on Steam though, and I figure that might count as a sale on Steam's end anyway?
I personally think this is way more important than being on the top sellers. The fact that your friends are playing it will make you a lot more interested.
Yes but since yesterday it has rose to the Top seller from 32 so his want to get it noticed and promoted on steam has been accomplished as the Pre-orders were on Steam but most of the on the day sales were enough to make it rise to best seller
Bear in mind the versions of Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 are the basic ones without add-ons, but they're still good.
Midweek Madness:
And finally, Marvel Heroes is now out. Core game's free-to-play but I don't think they've quite gotten the hang of this sort of thing yet because I can't see anyone buying the DLC packs, given how bloody expensive they are.
...well, that didn't take long.
The core game's not on offer because it's free-to-play.
Hey, let's have some Weekend Deals. Because why not.
Also, if you weren't aware, Gamefly's been having a summer sale this week, and since today is the last day (or something), they've relisted all the one-day deals. Here's the list (on the UK page, anyway).
Oh, and some silly little Penny... something game came out as well. Looks kinda lame, but whatever.
No idea if it's actually good or not, I've long since stopped caring.
Is it at least finished?
was released recently, it being 10% off until June 14th?
Look under your chaiiirrrrr!!!
That was ENTIRELY unnecessary, you know!
As unnecessary as slapping myself with a kipper and dancing through fire!
Thus making it cheaper to buy the Complete Story than for people who already have the full game to buy the DLC for it.
Edit: And if you bought the full game, you can't buy the Complete Story, you have to buy the upgrade DLC for it, which as we've established is a full dollar more than Complete Story is. Who do I blame here; Valve or Frozenbyte?
I get punished for owning the game but not owning the overpriced DLC here and I am not liking it. Not one bit.
Let's just hope this was an oversight and will be solved shortly. Otherwise I will never buy anything from them ever again. They'll be as dead and dodgy to me as GoG is.
87% off.
WELL worth it at that price.