Steam Sale Spotlight



  • edited July 2013
    ...and sadly, it's all true.

    (Except maybe that last one. Unless you're a woman. Then you just claim maternity leave)
  • edited July 2013
    You've probably all seen these by now, but I'm posting these for consistency's sake:

    Flash sales:

    * 75% off Hitman: Absolution (Windows): 6,24€ / $6.24
    * 75% off Fallout: New Vegas (Windows): 2,49€ / $2.49
    * 75% off FTL: Faster Than Light (Windows/Mac/Linux): 2,49€ / $2.49
    * 50% off Star Conflict: Elite Pilot Pack (Windows/Mac): 36,99€ / $39.99

    Community's Choice:

    * 75% off Super Meat Boy (Windows/Mac): 3,49€ / $3.74

    The new choices are between plague and cholera.
  • edited July 2013
    Flash sales:

    * 75% off Tomb Raider (Windows): 12,49€ / $12.49
    * 40% off Kerbal Space Program (Windows/Mac/Linux): 13,19€ / $13.79
    * 66% off StarDrive (Windows): 10,19€ / $10.19
    * 66% off Towns (Windows/Mac/Linux): 4,07€ / $5.09

    Community's Choice:

    * 75% off F1 2012 (Windows): 7,49€ / $9.99

    The new choices are Terraria, Sanctum 2 and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.

    There's also this one from GamersGate's Deals of the Day:

    * 75% off Serious Sam 3: BFE: 10,00€ / $10.00
  • edited July 2013
    Daily Deals:

    * 34% off Prison Architect Standard (Windows/Mac/Linux): 13,85€ / $19.79
    * 66% off Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Windows/Mac): 3,73€ / $5.09
    * 75% off Natural Selection 2 (Windows): 5,74€ / $6.24
    * 75% off Omerta City of Gangsters (Windows): 11,24€ / $9.99
    * 66% off STAR WARS®: Knights of the Old Republic II (Windows): 3,39€ / $3.39
    * 75% off Saints Row: The Third (Windows): 4,99€ / $4.99
    * 50% off StarForge (Windows): 9,49€ / $9.99
    * 75% off Worms Revolution (Windows): 2,74€ / $3.74
    * 75% off Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed (Windows): 6,24€ / $7.49
    * 40% off Assassin's Creed 3 Standard Edition (Windows): 17,99€ / $23.99

    Flash sales:

    * 85% off Strike Suit Zero (Windows): 2,84€ / $2.99
    * 50% off Zeno Clash 2 (Windows): 6,99€ / $9.99
    * 75% off Sword of the Stars: The Pit (Windows): 2,50€ / $2.50
    * 33% off Deadpool (Windows): 33,49€ / $26.79

    Community's Choice:

    * 75% off Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (Windows): 4,49€ / $6.24
  • edited July 2013
    So, I'm guessing tomorrow is the encore day.
  • edited July 2013
    Deadpool (Windows): 33,49€ / $26.79

    Well, that seems fair.
  • edited July 2013
    I'd like to point out that Monaco is on sale on the Developers site/humble store for $7.44
    which is a little cheaper than the current steam price. (in the UK at least)
    And it includes a DRM-FREE copy (minus online multiplayer) and a Steam Key.

    (But obviously getting it from the dev's site doesn't give you a summer sale card! XD)
  • edited July 2013

    I want at least the $23 copy of Prison Architect.

    Now I just have to decide if naming a prisoner and writing their bio is worth $10 to me.
  • edited July 2013
    Serec wrote: »
    Deadpool (Windows): 33,49€ / $26.79

    Well, that seems fair.
    At £20.09, it's the 'budget' price it should have launched at.
  • edited July 2013
    Summer Sale: The Damage

    Ys series: $16.97
    Deus Ex DLC: $1.62
    Scribblenauts: $4.99
    Prison Architect: $32.99(Name-In-Game edition)

    Total: $56.57

    58% of my spending was toward Prison Architect.

  • edited July 2013
    I'm not gonna bother redoing my list until the sale's over. But I'd estimate it's around £60 (some $80).
  • edited July 2013
    I'm around $120 :/ Maybe more. I did well not spending much until the sale. Next, I'll have to work on not spending so much DURING the sale.
  • edited July 2013
    Johro wrote: »
    I'm around $120 :/ Maybe more. I did well not spending much until the sale. Next, I'll have to work on not spending so much DURING the sale.

    It gets easier once you already own all games like me. :(
  • edited July 2013
    I think I've spent £60.00ish
    And I still have some stuff to get...
  • edited July 2013
    I'm at around £60 as well, but that will go up by at least £10 with Prison Architect. Just waiting to see if anything else I want pops up in the next hour and a half.
  • edited July 2013
    I'm just hoping Ys goes on uber-sale again. SO irritated I missed that.
  • edited July 2013
    Mine could go up a fair amount as the sales end and all of those games that were on Sale but not a Daily deal...
    I can safely say I'm probably going to get Rogue Legacy and Prison Architect and maybe a few other things...
  • SydSyd
    edited July 2013
    Just Cause is 96% off right now. It's so cheap that it looks like a pricing mistake, but it's had that price for over an hour now, so I think it's actually intentional.

    Also, take note that that price is specifically for the first Just Cause, not its sequel.
  • edited July 2013
    Also Final Fantasy 7 is on sale now. 33% off.
    40 cents cheaper than what I paid at Greenman. XD
  • edited July 2013
    I'll post a damage report when I'm done spending too. I'm at 42€ so far, so it's not so bad.

    Flash sales:

    * 75% off Dark Souls™: Prepare To Die™ Edition (Windows): 7,49€ / $7.49
    * 75% off Sleeping Dogs (Windows): 6,24€ / $6.24
    * 75% off Terraria (Windows): 2,49€ / $2.49
    * 75% off Max Payne 3 (Windows/Mac): 7,49€ / $9.99

    Community's Choice:

    * 75% off FTL: Faster Than Light (Windows/Mac/Linux): 2,49€ / $2.49

    Next up for voting are Evoland, Dragon's Lair and... ooh Kentucky Route Zero! KRZ is definitely the one to vote on for me.
  • edited July 2013
    Forgot about the GamersGate deals. All of the summer sale deals are redeemable on Steam today:

    * 66% off R.A.W. : Realms of Ancient War: 5,08€ / $5.08
    * 50% off Thunder Wolves: 5,00€ / $5.00
    * 70% off Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army: 3,30€ / $4.50
    * 75% off Primal Carnage: 3,49€ / $3.74

    Kind of starting to look forward to the end of the sales now.
  • edited July 2013
    It's encore day, so today's deals are apparently the most popular deals. Don't forget to pick up whatever else you need at reduced prices.

    Daily Deals:

    * 40% off Kerbal Space Program (Windows/Mac/Linux): 13,19€ / $13.79
    * 50% off Bioshock Infinite (Windows): 24,99€ / $29.99
    * 66% off Borderlands 2 (Windows/Mac): 10,19€ / $10.19
    * 75% off Tomb Raider (Windows): 12,49€ / $12.49
    * 75% off Torchlight II (Windows): 4,74€ / $4.99
    * 75% off Sid Meier's Civilization V (Windows/Mac): 7,49€ / $7.49
    * 75% off Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (Windows): 4,49€ / $6.24
    * 66% off Dishonored (Windows): 10,19€ / $10.19
    * 40% off The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition (Windows): 23,99€ / $35.99
    * 75% off The Walking Dead (Windows/Mac): 6,24€ / $6.24

    Flash sales:

    * 75% off Grand Theft Auto IV (Windows): 4,99€ / $4.99
    * 50% off Dead Island Riptide (Windows): 19,99€ / $19.99
    * 66% off The Cave (Windows/Mac/Linux): 4,75€ / $5.09
    * 75% off Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (Windows): 4,99€ / $4.99

    Community's Choice:

    * 50% off Dragon's Lair (Windows/Mac): 4,99€ / $4.99
  • edited July 2013
    I find this lack of Ys disturbing... >:O
  • edited July 2013
    Probably too niche. Most of the encores are AAA titles and the rest are extremely well known. Might be a small chance of it turning up as a flash sale though.
  • edited July 2013
    I find this lack of Ys disturbing... >:O

    yes. 2 more sets of Flash Deals & Community Choices.
  • edited July 2013
    flesk wrote: »
    Probably too niche. Most of the encores are AAA titles and the rest are extremely well known. Might be a small chance of it turning up as a flash sale though.
    I bloody well hope so.
  • edited July 2013
    OK, two more sets of flash and community deals... do I risk it and just grab Rogue Legacy now?
  • edited July 2013
    Personally, I'd wait for the last Flash sale, but I really do doubt it'll go any cheaper, so go for it if you want.

    Question of my own: Are the two new character classes for Borderlands 2 (Mechromancer and Psycho) worth getting? I've no idea how they really play, so would appreciate some advice.
  • edited July 2013
    Well have you played as the other 4 already?
    I will only play through the game once most likely so for me this is a "no".
  • edited July 2013
    I'd say yes, with a big, HUGE asterisk. The asterisk being that this is a big game, and the game sadly does not give you the option to roll up a character at level 30 once you've beaten the game once. So if you want them, get them now before you get too far into the game.
  • edited July 2013
    I haven't actually played the game yet.

    How do these two characters actually play? And is there anything stopping me starting a new game as them without losing my other games with one of the original 4?
  • edited July 2013
    Each character you roll up has a different save slot, so don't worry about restarting the game and losing your progress.
  • edited July 2013
    Cool. I thought that was the case with the first game, but I couldn't remember. Memory like a sieve.

    Again though - how do they play? Is the Psycho a mostly melee character, and does the Mechromancer tend to rely on summons? 'cause that's what the basic page descriptions seem to give me.
  • edited July 2013
    Cool. I thought that was the case with the first game, but I couldn't remember. Memory like a sieve.

    Again though - how do they play? Is the Psycho a mostly melee character, and does the Mechromancer tend to rely on summons? 'cause that's what the basic page descriptions seem to give me.
    The Pycho works on taking high damge and a very risky but OP character about using his axe, explosions and has abilities that make him want to take damge to be powerful
    The Mechromancer is very skilled has anarchy stack tree which is really high damage and has Deathtrap which is so much better than the commando and is always reliable
    I'd say they are the best characters in the game and the Mechromancer renders the commando useless as does the Psycho render the Gunzerker weak
    Enjoyable and powerful characters
  • edited July 2013
    Hmm. Psycho doesn't sound right for me, but Mechromancer might be. I'll Google it, see what I get. Thanks.
  • edited July 2013

    This is pretty much all you need to know about the Mechromancer.
  • edited July 2013
    Fantastic. Thanks for that.
  • edited July 2013
    I bought the rest of the stuff I really wanted or was ridiculously cheap off my wishlist now, since I'll be travelling tomorrow and don't know if I get much chance to buy stuff then. Seriously doubt more of that stuff will go on sale anyway.

    Here's what I've bought during the sales:

    Scribblenauts Unlimited: 4.74 EUR
    The Mawesome Pack: 2.99 EUR
    Your Doodles Are Bugged!: 0.87 EUR
    Surgeon Simulator: 3.39 EUR
    Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4: 2.49 EUR
    Storm in a Teacup: 0.59 EUR
    System Shock 2: 2.49 EUR
    Fallout New Vegas Ultimate: 4.99 EUR
    Trine Complete: 4.29 EUR (for my wife)
    Organ Trail: Director’s Cut: 0.99 EUR
    Assassin’s Creed: 2.49 EUR
    Assassin’s Creed II: Deluxe Edition: 2.49 EUR
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Standard Edition: 1.79 EUR
    Bully: Scholarship Edition: 2.49 EUR
    Monaco: 5.45 EUR
    Just Cause: 0.27 EUR
    Safecracker: 2.49 EUR
    Gateways: 1.99 EUR
    Kairo: 1.99 EUR
    Hamlet or the last game without MMORPG features: 2.49 EUR
    Stealth Bastard Deluxe - The Teleporter Chambers: 1.24 EUR
    Fly’N: 1.74 EUR

    Should make the total 54.75 Euro and I’m done buying now unless Kentucky Route Zero turns up as a flash sale or community choice.

    In addition to that someone gifted me Sleeping Dogs for posting the sales on the Double Fine forums. Overall I'm very happy with what I got out of the summer sale.
  • edited July 2013
    Just one big decision for me to make - do I get Kerbal Space Program. I don't usually spend more than £10 per item during a Steam sale but so far I've broken that twice already (though one was the Tomb Raider collection so that's 10 games there) and it is something I would like. But I could wait until the Christmas sale and maybe get it for over 50% off or something.

    I guess it comes down to the question of will I play it now or just let it collect cyber dust for 6 months.
  • edited July 2013
    Since I probably won't be buying anything else...

    Afterfall InSanity: Extended Edition (£1.87)
    Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Gold Edition (£4.74)
    Axel & Pixel (£1.74)
    Bad Bots (£1.74)
    Bionic Commando (£1.62)
    Borderlands 2, Season Pass & Mechromancer Pack (£16.29)
    Dead Island: Ripper (£0.34)
    Duke Nukem I, II & Manhattan Project (£4.68)
    Inversion (£2.49)
    Pirates of Black Cove: Origins (£1.99)
    Sleeping Dogs: Dragon Master Pack, Square Enix Character Pack and Wheels of Fury (£2.12)
    Space Trader (£0.87)
    Star Trek (£4.99)
    Storm in a Teacup (£0.44)
    Telltale Texas Hold 'em (£0.99)
    Thomas Was Alone (£1.49)
    Tomb Raider: Outfit Pack 1 & 2 (£0.70)
    Torchlight II (£3.74)
    Vegas: Make it Big (£0.74)
    Worms: Revolution and Season Pass (£5.98)
    Worms: Ultimate Mayhem - Customization Pack (£0.49)
    Zack Zero (£2.09)

    Grand total... will make me cry.

    EDIT: It's £62.14, which is... pretty good for all of that, I think.

    Now to go off and never play half of it. :rolleyes:
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