Gamers Gate is having a weekend sale on the Deus Ex Franchise, of which Deus Ex: Human Revolution will redeem on Steam, and the cheapest I've seen it.
Deus Ex Collection $17.49 (all three DE games, plus all DLC for DE:HR)
DE: HR $7.49
DE: HR Augmented Edition $9.99
DE: HR Missing Link DLC $3.75
other DLC $0.50 - $1.00
The other Deus Ex games are on sale as well, but they won't redeem on Steam.
Gamers Gate is having a weekend sale on the Deus Ex Franchise, of which Deus Ex: Human Revolution will redeem on Steam, and the cheapest I've seen it.
Deus Ex Collection $17.49 (all three DE games, plus all DLC for DE:HR)
DE: HR $7.49
DE: HR Augmented Edition $9.99
DE: HR Missing Link DLC $3.75
other DLC $0.50 - $1.00
The other Deus Ex games are on sale as well, but they won't redeem on Steam.
Buy now.
Ignore the tactical pack as it is only a few useless weapons. Explosive missions pack maybe as it does contain a new mission. Missing Link is more of the game, so buy.
First up is another Daily Deal, of sorts. Football Manager 2012, which is 60% off for yourself OR 75% off if you buy it as a gift for someone else and you already own the game.
Confusing, right? Well, the 66% off bit I can give prices for - £7.99 / $11.99. Can't tell you the 75% off Giftable price, since I don't actually own it (and nor do I want it, I hate football), but take another buck or two off the price and you won't be that far off.
Just in case anyone actually wants to know the price with 75% off is £4.99 (obviously don't know US price but would guess it's around $7.49).
Borderlands is probably worth picking up if you like FPS games, though it's a bit on the repetitive side. And the DLC is basically free since the GOTY edition is the same price as the normal game.
Borderlands is probably one of my favorite games of the past five years. Definitely my favorite of those I've played in 2009 and a high-ranking game on my top so-and-so games ever. So yes. Buy it. A truly fantastic game, with a roughly 50 hour total playthrough time with all the DLCs included. Well worth the investment.
I played about an hour or two of Borderlands when I first got it and I do intend to go back to it eventually, after I've finished all these hundred hour RPGs that I've got all stacked up all over the place.
I find it amusing (and eye-rolling, tbh) that the actual Steam sale says 75% off the Borderlands franchise, when all this really applies to is 2 versions of one game (standard and GOTY), their respective 4-pack bundles, and all applicable DLC.
I find it amusing (and eye-rolling, tbh) that the actual Steam sale says 75% off the Borderlands franchise, when all this really applies to is 2 versions of one game (standard and GOTY), their respective 4-pack bundles, and all applicable DLC.
That's it. It's one game, not a franchise.
Steam's standard wording for "This sale applies to more than one item" has been "franchise" for awhile now.
The Mafia series was already on a 50% sale. That's pretty odd.
All the 2K games are 50% off, and they're rotating the games that are 75% off each day. i.e. Borderlands is still on sale, just not by as much. It is a bit weird, I agree. No reason to buy anything at 50% off until Sunday.
Today's Daily Deal is the Hector series. All three episodes for £4.37 / $4.99. Pretty damn good for that price.
Note that the genre for Hector says "casual, adventure". I haven't played Hector but I would not pay 5 bucks for an adventure game that's too easy. And from what I've seen of Hector it doesn't look like my cup of tea.
Regarding the Mafia 50% to 75% thing - that's how week-long special sales have always worked on Steam. Summer sales, Christmas sales, Halloween sales, company catalog sales... All games that are on sale have a discount, but on a certain single day it's a bigger one. So there's really nothing surprising.
It is rather ingenious actually. I mean, for example today, people will buy shitloads copies of Mafia just because it's on a special 75% sale, and it would net a profit bigger than if Mafia would stay at the same 50% discount price.
Not the Monkey Island kind of fighting, I hasten to clarify.
I really enjoyed Hector, and I suspect anyone who is cool with adult humour, or just enjoys seeing England depicted as a sh*thole, will enjoy it too.
Well, everyone except Total Biscuit, but he's on record as saying adventure games aren't his thing. I mean honestly, who doesn't check under the mattress in one of these games? Amateur.
Hm, strange that they would call it casual. Oh, I just don't know.
In the end I'll probably submit and buy it anyway. Damn you Steam!
I am still thinking about it. But after completing JP Episode 1 I swore I would never buy another thing that had TellTaleGames written on it. Even if they just publish the PC port.
I am still thinking about it. But after completing JP Episode 1 I swore I would never buy another thing that had TellTaleGames written on it. Even if they just publish the PC port.
...but... it's point 'n' click! And funny! And has dildos!
My passport states that i'm an adult and i find the Hector games awful, the humour often is painful and cheap and it looks like a trashy production, but in a negative way. This definitely isn't what i would call a humorous game for adults.
Huh. No-one? OK, here's another question, since I haven't actually installed the Steam version. Is the Steam version of Bioshock 2 compatible with any DLC I get from Game for Windows Marketplace?
Today's Daily Deal is Blocks That Matter. £1.35 / $1.69.
Today's (final) 2K Deal is the Civilization V series. The game and all DLC is 75% off.
Today's (final) THQ Deal is the Civilization V series. The game and all DLC is 75% off.
I must point out that if you are to get Civ V DLC, get the bundles/combo packs, as they are significantly cheaper per DLC than buying said DLC individually.
Of course, this probably is a given, but there we are.
EDIT: You know, it occurs to me that Steam should have the ability to indicate which DLC I currently have without having to look at said DLC's individual store page (ie. while running a search and/or on the store page for the related game.)
The Korean civilization pack came out after the GOTY edition, so that makes sense.
Can't wait for Gods and Kings, man that expansion looks amazing.
It does look pretty good. Hopefully it can bring some of the diplomacy and social aspects of the game up to par with Civ IV. That has always been the weakness of V, which I found to otherwise be great.
EDIT: You know, it occurs to me that Steam should have the ability to indicate which DLC I currently have without having to look at said DLC's individual store page (ie. while running a search and/or on the store page for the related game.)
You can't in the Store, but there is a tab in the game's Properties that lists all the DLC you own for a given game.
Funny how no-one spotted it when I did that yesterday either. Oh well.
And again, I ask: Can I use DLC purchased on the Games for Windows Marketplace with my Steam copy of Bioshock 2? I'm on the verge of buying Minerva's Den, but kind of need to know if it'll actually work before doing so.
Deus Ex Collection $17.49 (all three DE games, plus all DLC for DE:HR)
DE: HR $7.49
DE: HR Augmented Edition $9.99
DE: HR Missing Link DLC $3.75
other DLC $0.50 - $1.00
The other Deus Ex games are on sale as well, but they won't redeem on Steam.
Ignore the tactical pack as it is only a few useless weapons. Explosive missions pack maybe as it does contain a new mission. Missing Link is more of the game, so buy.
Just in case anyone actually wants to know the price with 75% off is £4.99 (obviously don't know US price but would guess it's around $7.49).
F U, Steam!
I bought this at full price a few weeks back with a 10% off coupon I got from my brother, really sucks when that happens. :P
Wait, wasn't one of those coupons from the X-Mas Sale, was it?
That's it. It's one game, not a franchise.
Today's 2K Deal is the Mafia series. 75% off the lot, and that includes the DLC for Mafia II.
All the 2K games are 50% off, and they're rotating the games that are 75% off each day. i.e. Borderlands is still on sale, just not by as much. It is a bit weird, I agree. No reason to buy anything at 50% off until Sunday.
Note that the genre for Hector says "casual, adventure". I haven't played Hector but I would not pay 5 bucks for an adventure game that's too easy. And from what I've seen of Hector it doesn't look like my cup of tea.
Too bad they don't have a British Catergory... Though it doesn't seem THAT casual, then again I haven't played it so I could be wrong.
Hm, strange that they would call it casual. Oh, I just don't know.
In the end I'll probably submit and buy it anyway. Damn you Steam!
It is rather ingenious actually. I mean, for example today, people will buy shitloads copies of Mafia just because it's on a special 75% sale, and it would net a profit bigger than if Mafia would stay at the same 50% discount price.
I agree.
Also, dairy farmer fighting.
I really enjoyed Hector, and I suspect anyone who is cool with adult humour, or just enjoys seeing England depicted as a sh*thole, will enjoy it too.
Well, everyone except Total Biscuit, but he's on record as saying adventure games aren't his thing. I mean honestly, who doesn't check under the mattress in one of these games? Amateur.
aww... spoiler alert!
I am still thinking about it. But after completing JP Episode 1 I swore I would never buy another thing that had TellTaleGames written on it. Even if they just publish the PC port.
Wait wat?
Today's Daily Deal is Reaxxion. No idea what this one's about, but it's £1.49 / $2.49.
Today's 2K Deal is the Bioshock series, which is 75% off. Well, I say series, but there's only two of them.
Incidentally, does anyone know how to get the DLC for the PC versions? Is it Games for Windows?
Today's Daily Deal is Blocks That Matter. £1.35 / $1.69.
Today's (final) 2K Deal is the Civilization V series. The game and all DLC is 75% off.
To bad it's only Civ V. And for people who didn't notice, the 'GOTY' edition does *not* include all of the DLC. It's missing the Korea civ pack.
Can't wait for Gods and Kings, man that expansion looks amazing.
Ditto. That is, if I don't have an endless stream of work.
I must point out that if you are to get Civ V DLC, get the bundles/combo packs, as they are significantly cheaper per DLC than buying said DLC individually.
Of course, this probably is a given, but there we are.
EDIT: You know, it occurs to me that Steam should have the ability to indicate which DLC I currently have without having to look at said DLC's individual store page (ie. while running a search and/or on the store page for the related game.)
It does look pretty good. Hopefully it can bring some of the diplomacy and social aspects of the game up to par with Civ IV. That has always been the weakness of V, which I found to otherwise be great.
I know that, but it would be more convenient if it was visible when viewed as a list/search in the store.
For that matter, entries in a Steam search page should have an "add to cart" button/checkbox.
Wait, what?
Funny how no-one spotted it when I did that yesterday either. Oh well.
And again, I ask: Can I use DLC purchased on the Games for Windows Marketplace with my Steam copy of Bioshock 2? I'm on the verge of buying Minerva's Den, but kind of need to know if it'll actually work before doing so.