EDIT: Last week, the Penny Arcade games were on offer and someone mentioned there was going to be a third. A bit late, but here's some more info on that.
Today's Daily Deal is Capsized. TotalBiscuit liked it, so I guess that means I do too. £1.49 / $2.49.
This week's Midweek Madness is the X Superbox, half price at a staggering 19.99, whatever your currency, for 6 incredibly in-depth and well made space sims.
There's so much game there for your buck it's unbelievable, and the only problem I have with it is that the price hasn't been converted on any of the games after the original one and its expansion. That's just plain lazy, and it's not fair, especially Europeans who'll have to pay even more than us in the UK. Absolute bollocks.
Capsized is supposed to be pretty good, but I never liked the FPS/platformer hybrids. I think I'll pass on this one and it almost pains me do to so as it does look very decent. I just don't think I can get past the shooting mechanics.
GOG.com is having a sale 50% off all Might and Magic games.
Crusaders of Might and Magic - $2.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® - $4.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® 2: Gold Edition - $4.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® 3: Complete Edition - $4.99
Heroes Chronicles: All chapters - $4.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® 4: Complete - $4.99
Might and Magic® 6-pack (MM1-6) - $4.99
Might and Magic® 7: For Blood and Honor™ - $2.99
Might and Magic® 8: Day of the Destroyer™ - $2.99
Might and Magic® 9 - $2.99
(sorry, I don't have converted UK prices)
I don't know anything about Crusaders.
The core Might and Magic series games are turn-based, party-based, first-person RPGs.
The Heroes of Might and Magic games are turn-based strategy games, with turn-based tactics view during combat.
They're really pretty good games. I think my mother has played through all of these except Crusaders.
Today's Daily Deal is the double-pack of Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World. 99p / $1.49.
If you don't already own these, then I highly recommend them. They're made by the guys who are behind the new Penny Arcade game, so you can't really get much better than that!
Today's Daily Deal is the double-pack of Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World. 99p / $1.49.
If you don't already own these, then I highly recommend them. They're made by the guys who are behind the new Penny Arcade game, so you can't really get much better than that!
Cthulu has rather repetative gameplay, but is hilarious and can defenently hold the entire game.
BoD is like Cthulhu, but it's a bit more bland and doesn't have as much funny text or cutscenes (such as they are). I stopped playing it after a while.
Regardless, Cthulhu improves on it markedly and is definitely worth the purchase by itself.
Today's Daily Deal is A Stroke of Fate: Operation Valkyrie. It's a point-n-click adventure, though it's not got the highest rating amongst critics. Still, it's only £1.74 / $2.49.
Oh, and yesterday saw the release of some Penny Arcade skins for Dungeon Defenders. Just FYI.
Today's Daily Deal is A Stroke of Fate: Operation Valkyrie. It's a point-n-click adventure, though it's not got the highest rating amongst critics. Still, it's only £1.74 / $2.49.
Oh, and yesterday saw the release of some Penny Arcade skins for Dungeon Defenders. Just FYI.
Dungeon Defenders was fun, but man it is not SP friendly, anyone here ever need a partner for that game, I would love to give it another spin.
But but but... Awww.:(
True... and for freebies since I traded it for a game I won during the X-mas sale, but still... they didn't top the potato pack!
What about THIS:
Also, I tell a lie. Ninja Reflex is actually £1.36 / $1.70. Sorry 'bout that!
EDIT: Last week, the Penny Arcade games were on offer and someone mentioned there was going to be a third. A bit late, but here's some more info on that.
This week's Midweek Madness is the X Superbox, half price at a staggering 19.99, whatever your currency, for 6 incredibly in-depth and well made space sims.
There's so much game there for your buck it's unbelievable, and the only problem I have with it is that the price hasn't been converted on any of the games after the original one and its expansion. That's just plain lazy, and it's not fair, especially Europeans who'll have to pay even more than us in the UK. Absolute bollocks.
Another Midweek Madness has been brought to my attention! It's Blur. £3.75 / $5.
Also, Spiral Knight's holding an anniversary event where you can win 'exclusive costumes'. Woo.
Also, the Weekend Deal is Duel of the Planewalkers 2012 Gold, which is 66% off.
I'll be Rather Dashing and say its fan-freaking-perfect.
I on the otherhand say it is a great stragety game, but stragety games aren't my thing so
Also, remember you get two copies of the game for trading/gifting to a friend.
Not sure if INSTA-BUY, but I'll think about it.
(only 'til 4/7.)
EDIT: the influx of traffic crashed the site. Awwwwwww crap.
But but but.
I already got the game free on gaaaaameeeflyyyy!.
Wait, this would be DRM free, and I don't need the crap client. F-YEAH!
Is it only fallout 1?
Yes. Only the first one.
Yeah, but it's the CE and they don't force you to use the client. Doubly awesome!
Wait, is the GoG one the one that's CE and if so, what does it have?
The gamefly one was what I was talking about on crap clients BTW.
The GOG one comes with the soundtrack, an art book, and some other stuff as well.
Might as well get that one then. Any reason why this game is free?
More accounts usually means more future sales.
Good enough of a reason as any. Valve did the same thing with Portal come to think of it.
Crusaders of Might and Magic - $2.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® - $4.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® 2: Gold Edition - $4.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® 3: Complete Edition - $4.99
Heroes Chronicles: All chapters - $4.99
Heroes of Might and Magic® 4: Complete - $4.99
Might and Magic® 6-pack (MM1-6) - $4.99
Might and Magic® 7: For Blood and Honor™ - $2.99
Might and Magic® 8: Day of the Destroyer™ - $2.99
Might and Magic® 9 - $2.99
(sorry, I don't have converted UK prices)
I don't know anything about Crusaders.
The core Might and Magic series games are turn-based, party-based, first-person RPGs.
The Heroes of Might and Magic games are turn-based strategy games, with turn-based tactics view during combat.
They're really pretty good games. I think my mother has played through all of these except Crusaders.
If you don't already own these, then I highly recommend them. They're made by the guys who are behind the new Penny Arcade game, so you can't really get much better than that!
Cthulu has rather repetative gameplay, but is hilarious and can defenently hold the entire game.
never played BoD VII so
Regardless, Cthulhu improves on it markedly and is definitely worth the purchase by itself.
Oh, and yesterday saw the release of some Penny Arcade skins for Dungeon Defenders. Just FYI.
Dungeon Defenders was fun, but man it is not SP friendly, anyone here ever need a partner for that game, I would love to give it another spin.