So... does anybody here know the basis of Valve giving out coupons? Today I get into Steam, and suddenly, I have TWO coupons for Assassin's Creed: Revelations all of a sudden (sorry, already gifted to people), despite having ACR and not participating in any of the extra-activities when there are sales or stuff like that. I just don't understand, why? O_o
FFS I still haven't gotten one.
Valve I get you hate me, and probably because I still hated the winter games contest(still unfair), but come on.
So... does anybody here know the basis of Valve giving out coupons? Today I get into Steam, and suddenly, I have TWO coupons for Assassin's Creed: Revelations all of a sudden (sorry, already gifted to people), despite having ACR and not participating in any of the extra-activities when there are sales or stuff like that. I just don't understand, why? O_o
Those coupons were given out to anyone that owned any Assassin's Creed game, as far as I can tell.
Today's Daily Deal is the King's Quest Collection. All 7 adventure games for £4.99 / $9.99. Again, we in the UK get a great deal there - I honestly don't know what's going on, but I approve!
Today's Squeenix Sale is the Tomb Raider series. All the Tomb Raider games by Core Design (Anniversary, Legend, Underworld and Lara Croft and the Guardians of Light [which has DLC]) are 75% off.
Over at GamersGate, Darksiders is 75% off at a fiver, whatever your currency.
I dunno. There's something about the way Lara moves in Underworld, it's like she doesn't have any weight to her. She feels like a blow-up doll version of herself that's somehow achieved sentience and genuinely believes herself to be the real Lara, which is why she's got such a problem with getting shot.
I dunno. There's something about the way Lara moves in Underworld, it's like she doesn't have any weight to her. She feels like a blow-up doll version of herself that's somehow achieved sentience and genuinely believes herself to be the real Lara, which is why she's got such a problem with getting shot.
...or is that just me?
Have you seen her body? She's only like 90lbs. But seriously, yeah, environment doesn't really affect movement in that game. Climbing 300ft in the air feels like wall crawling over a 1 foot gap. Jumping is a bit exaggerated...rolling...okay yeah, the movement is a bit weightless. I think my enjoyment was simply because I got it on an annual store sale for $15 right when it came out and had zero expectations as I previously had no interest in the series. It was much better than I thought it would be.
Have you seen her body? She's only like 90lbs. But seriously, yeah, environment doesn't really affect movement in that game. Climbing 300ft in the air feels like wall crawling over a 1 foot gap. Jumping is a bit exaggerated...rolling...okay yeah, the movement is a bit weightless. I think my enjoyment was simply because I got it on an annual store sale for $15 right when it came out and had zero expectations as I previously had no interest in the series. It was much better than I thought it would be.
Whatever you do, don't play it after going through the other two games. It feels completely different, almost as if another company developed it or something. Or maybe they built a whole new engine and decided to do something completely different. I dunno. Not all change is good, or something.
Also, it was free to PS+ members a while back, so I now own it three times. Go me.
Make sure for the King's Quest collection you head to and grab the patches which fix a lot of issues inherent in the Steam version (old version of DOSBox, even older version of DOSBox config file, upgrades KQ7 to latest DOS version, etc).
Yes they might work, but they'll work better with the patches. And work as they were meant to work. Those XP collections often have incorrect game settings and such that you wouldn't even notice (unless it was fixed). Like digital sound effects in the earlier games (most notably KQ1 and SQ3).
Like I say - I'll probably never play 'em. But it's good to know I have options if I do.
Quick note - if you want Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai, go to GreenManGaming, because it's 35% off at £16.49. That's a saving of about £7. Don't know if it's on offer in the US, but check it out anyway.
Today's Daily Deal is X. £? / $? - It's not up yet. Check back in a bit -
Today's Squeenix Saving is the Deus Ex series, with 75% off the entire series. If you get Human Revolution, be sure to grab the DLC (which should have come with the game itself, but I digress).
Finally, over on GamersGame, today's THQ Treasure is Metro 2033, which is £3.74. US price is, I'm guessing, around the same figure, judging by the past couple of days.
but it isn't.
A shame that there is no Upgrade to get the Augmented Edition. And I cannot buy it because I own the normal edition. Seems Square doesn't want to make money.
Also: I will never buy this weapon pack that's just insulting me by making the game much easier.
I would be screaming so badly, but I own all 3 Deus Ex's(BTW the crappy second one is freebies if you own a gamefly account), and... actually how do the first 2 fallouts play?
When he says time limit, you have (in-game) around 3 months to replace the Water Pump from your Vault (or something like that, it's been a while). Unless you spend ages levelling up or something, you'll have plenty of time to accomplish everything.
And yes, it's turn based. A little like the X-Com series. You can exploit the save feature though, which is what I did. I am a dirty rotten little bastard sometimes
EDIT; It's weird how reading one thing can lead to something completely different. See, in the Mass Effect thread here, there's a link to a PC Gamer article which asks other video game writers what they think about Bioware potentially changing the endings.
One of the people asked was Greg Kasavin (who worked on Bastion), and he mentioned the following:
Making narrative changes post-release can be tricky because story is seen as canonical… history can’t be rewritten, and so on. But I think it’s important to note this type of thing does happen sometimes. Fallout shipped with a time-sensitive main quest that gave you a really bleak ending if you took too long to finish that quest. In the first patch, the developers eliminated the time limit, removing what could be seen as a major aspect of the ending.
I didn't even know that! Weird how life intersects sometimes.
When he says time limit, you have (in-game) around 3 months to replace the Water Pump from your Vault (or something like that, it's been a while). Unless you spend ages levelling up or something, you'll have plenty of time to accomplish everything.
And yes, it's turn based. A little like the X-Com series. You can exploit the save feature though, which is what I did. I am a dirty rotten little bastard sometimes
EDIT: According to Wikipedia, the 1.1 patch changed the Time Limit from 400/500 in-game days (depending on how you complete a quest) to thirteen years. Plenty of time.
Sadly, I have other games I want to buy first.
EDIT:Actually, like Deus Ex 2, Fallout 1 is on Gamefly's "Games on Demand" service which means I can actually get to play this game, so yay for me I guess.
Both games have very similar combat systems; you control a single character, with a few optional followers whom you don't really have much control over, but will fight for you. You have a bit more control in the second game. Combat is turn based, and takes place on a grid. You have the option of making aimed shots at opponents to cripple them, have a greater chance of critical hits, etc.
As has been mentioned you have a time limit, but I never came even close to reaching it, and that is with doing absolutely everything I could.
The character creation system is quite complex compared to RPGs these days, but I don't think it is particularly overwhelming. As long as you have a basic concept of what kind of character you want to create (gun-fighter, melee fighter, diplomatic) then you should be fine. You get a lot of skill points throughout the game.
It's possible to avoid *most* combat -- including the final boss -- in the game, though probably not all.
Anyway, Fallout 1 & 2 are probably my favorite games ever so I hope this encouraged you to play.
Both games have very similar combat systems; you control a single character, with a few optional followers whom you don't really have much control over, but will fight for you. You have a bit more control in the second game. Combat is turn based, and takes place on a grid. You have the option of making aimed shots at opponents to cripple them, have a greater chance of critical hits, etc.
As has been mentioned you have a time limit, but I never came even close to reaching it, and that is with doing absolutely everything I could.
The character creation system is quite complex compared to RPGs these days, but I don't think it is particularly overwhelming. As long as you have a basic concept of what kind of character you want to create (gun-fighter, melee fighter, diplomatic) then you should be fine. You get a lot of skill points throughout the game.
It's possible to avoid *most* combat -- including the final boss -- in the game, though probably not all.
Anyway, Fallout 1 & 2 are probably my favorite games ever so I hope this encouraged you to play.
Well I can play Fallout 1 now apparantly, so I'll give it a shot.
I have been chatting with a certain Dashing fellow, and from what he tells me, the 1.2 patch for Fallout 2 removed child killing, semi-breaking the game. See, the game just turned the kids invisible, so you can't target them, but you can be pickpocketed by them.
I have been chatting with a certain Dashing fellow, and from what he tells me, the 1.2 patch for Fallout 2 removed child killing, semi-breaking the game. See, the game just turned the kids invisible, so you can't target them, but you can be pickpocketed by them.
Oh well.
That is.... just plain stupid.
EDIT:Reminds me, I haven't friended Dashing on steam, as well as some other telltalers, I need to get to that.
I have been chatting with a certain Dashing fellow, and from what he tells me, the 1.2 patch for Fallout 2 removed child killing, semi-breaking the game. See, the game just turned the kids invisible, so you can't target them, but you can be pickpocketed by them.
Oh well.
Well that's just like the normal German version then. You get screwed over by censorship for once and it makes me feel so great.
Yeah, the European version is pre-patched with it. The files linked fix it though. Yay fans.
But you don't get the EU version. It should be the NA version and the patchnotes for v. 1.02d mentions kids. (and not that they had been removed but e.g. that one of them has a grenade) Need to check that.
FFS I still haven't gotten one.
Valve I get you hate me, and probably because I still hated the winter games contest(still unfair), but come on.
Those coupons were given out to anyone that owned any Assassin's Creed game, as far as I can tell.
Today's Squeenix Sale is the Tomb Raider series. All the Tomb Raider games by Core Design (Anniversary, Legend, Underworld and Lara Croft and the Guardians of Light [which has DLC]) are 75% off.
Over at GamersGate, Darksiders is 75% off at a fiver, whatever your currency.
US price is $5.00
Anniversary and Guardian of Light though.
Not really all that keen on the series, but its good to play for an afternoon or so.
(Remembered having a good time playing the first one both on the PS1 and the N-Gage!
I bought those too. I have Underworld, I rather enjoyed it. Who doesn't love running around with a shotgun shooting lions and giant spiders?
...or is that just me?
Have you seen her body? She's only like 90lbs. But seriously, yeah, environment doesn't really affect movement in that game. Climbing 300ft in the air feels like wall crawling over a 1 foot gap. Jumping is a bit exaggerated...rolling...okay yeah, the movement is a bit weightless. I think my enjoyment was simply because I got it on an annual store sale for $15 right when it came out and had zero expectations as I previously had no interest in the series. It was much better than I thought it would be.
Also, it was free to PS+ members a while back, so I now own it three times. Go me.
Quick note - if you want Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai, go to GreenManGaming, because it's 35% off at £16.49. That's a saving of about £7. Don't know if it's on offer in the US, but check it out anyway.
Today's Daily Deal is X. £? / $? - It's not up yet. Check back in a bit -
Today's Squeenix Saving is the Deus Ex series, with 75% off the entire series. If you get Human Revolution, be sure to grab the DLC (which should have come with the game itself, but I digress).
Finally, over on GamersGame, today's THQ Treasure is Metro 2033, which is £3.74. US price is, I'm guessing, around the same figure, judging by the past couple of days.
What if X was an Adventure Game?
A shame that there is no Upgrade to get the Augmented Edition. And I cannot buy it because I own the normal edition. Seems Square doesn't want to make money.
Also: I will never buy this weapon pack that's just insulting me by making the game much easier.
Even better - the Fallout Collection (Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics) is £5.43 / $6.79! Well worth the wait!
I own all 3 of them but I'll rebuy them to get the Englisch versions.
Deus Ex and the first 2 fallouts.
I would be screaming so badly, but I own all 3 Deus Ex's(BTW the crappy second one is freebies if you own a gamefly account), and... actually how do the first 2 fallouts play?
Not at all like Fallout 3. They are turn-based top-down isometric RPGs and there is a (generous) time limit.
I knew top down, but time limit and turn based?
And yes, it's turn based. A little like the X-Com series. You can exploit the save feature though, which is what I did. I am a dirty rotten little bastard sometimes
EDIT; It's weird how reading one thing can lead to something completely different. See, in the Mass Effect thread here, there's a link to a PC Gamer article which asks other video game writers what they think about Bioware potentially changing the endings.
One of the people asked was Greg Kasavin (who worked on Bastion), and he mentioned the following: I didn't even know that! Weird how life intersects sometimes.
Ah. I'll give it a pass then.
You shouldn't!
EDIT: According to Wikipedia, the 1.1 patch changed the Time Limit from 400/500 in-game days (depending on how you complete a quest) to thirteen years. Plenty of time.
Sadly, I have other games I want to buy first.
EDIT:Actually, like Deus Ex 2, Fallout 1 is on Gamefly's "Games on Demand" service which means I can actually get to play this game, so yay for me I guess.
They play like... victory.
No, seriously, a basic overview is:
Both games have very similar combat systems; you control a single character, with a few optional followers whom you don't really have much control over, but will fight for you. You have a bit more control in the second game. Combat is turn based, and takes place on a grid. You have the option of making aimed shots at opponents to cripple them, have a greater chance of critical hits, etc.
As has been mentioned you have a time limit, but I never came even close to reaching it, and that is with doing absolutely everything I could.
The character creation system is quite complex compared to RPGs these days, but I don't think it is particularly overwhelming. As long as you have a basic concept of what kind of character you want to create (gun-fighter, melee fighter, diplomatic) then you should be fine. You get a lot of skill points throughout the game.
It's possible to avoid *most* combat -- including the final boss -- in the game, though probably not all.
Anyway, Fallout 1 & 2 are probably my favorite games ever so I hope this encouraged you to play.
Good. Make sure you read this thread on how to install the high resolution patch for Fallout.
Well I have little clue how that would work with gamefly, but we'll see.
EDIT:Exactly like steam actually, nevermind.
Oh well.
That is.... just plain stupid.
EDIT:Reminds me, I haven't friended Dashing on steam, as well as some other telltalers, I need to get to that.
Well that's just like the normal German version then. You get screwed over by censorship for once and it makes me feel so great.
Patches for Fallout 1 and Patches for Fallout 2.
If that certain dashing fellow happens to be reading, then you have my thanks for those.
Yeah, the European version is pre-patched with it. The files linked fix it though. Yay fans.
But you don't get the EU version. It should be the NA version and the patchnotes for v. 1.02d mentions kids. (and not that they had been removed but e.g. that one of them has a grenade) Need to check that.