Unlikely. I participated in this vote and didn't get the "Vote Every Day" portion of the Summer Sale badge. I can only assume that the "day" actually starts when they roll over the daily deals, and in that case I'm guessing they're going to offer at least one more go at the voting.
Daily Deals are now up. LOT of repetition in this one. Not surprising, to be honest.
Bastion - 75% off Bioshock (franchise) - 75% off Double Fine Bundle Costume Quest, Psychonauts and Stacking) - 75% off Football Manager 2012 - 75% off Indie Bundle XI (Hydrophobia: Prophecy, ORION: Dino Beatdown, Star Ruler, Waveform and World of Goo) - 75% off Jagged Alliance: Back in Action - Doesn't matter how much off there is, it's absolute shit. DO NOT BUY. Operation Flashpoint: Red River (franchise) - 75% off S.P.A.Z. - 75% off Tom Clancy Pack (don't let the Splinter Cell picture fool you) - 78% off
New Flash deals - The Witcher 2 and Portal 2 (a-bloody-gain). Usual amount off.
Bleck. Still no Lego Batman. How good is Stacking/Costume Quest? Half tempted to pick up the Double Fine bundle just for the sake of actually buying something this sale.
EDIT:Or S.P.A.Z, might as well try that one out, just realized that game has a demo.
Bleck. Still no Lego Batman. How good is Stacking/Costume Quest? Half tempted to pick up the Double Fine bundle just for the sake of actually buying something this sale.
You should have bought Railworks then. Or actually something good.
You should have bought Railworks then. Or actually something good.
Was kind of waiting for Lego Batman, rather surprised it wasn't a daily deal. Probably won't be buying the double fine pack. Aside from Payday, nothing I really wanted went on sale.
How good is Stacking/Costume Quest? Half tempted to pick up the Double Fine bundle just for the sake of actually buying something this sale.
Stacking is quite good. It's a bit like an adventure game, but the NPCs are your inventory. Costume Quest is a solid, but somewhat repetitive and fairly simple, RPG.
- Ben There, Dan That! / Time Gentlemen, Please!
- Broken Sword: The Director's Cut or Broken Sword 2
- Commandos (you could afford two of the four)
- Hydrophobia: Prophecy
- S.P.A.Z.
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
- Tobe's Vertical Adventure
- Toki Tori
- Wizorb
I'll keep Wizorb and Broken Sword in mind, in case nothing good pops up over in the flash sales section before it's over.
I'm curious about The Bard's Tale, mostly because I've heard it's funny and I love the composers involved, but it seems to have mixed reviews. Has anyone here played it before?
I'll keep Wizorb and Broken Sword in mind, in case nothing good pops up over in the flash sales section before it's over.
I'm curious about The Bard's Tale, mostly because I've heard it's funny and I love the composers involved, but it seems to have mixed reviews. Has anyone here played it before?
It is funny. A lot of the mixed reviews are based on it being a parody reboot of an Apple II game that was not a parody. I'd say on its own it stands fine, and in general it has been remembered more kindly in hindsight than it was at release.
It is available. And only 40%.
Check again. If you don't see it in the daylies you can get it from the top 20.
Latest Flash deal is the Command & Conquer series (everything from Tiberium Wars onwards). 75%.
What's not your sort of thing DM, Arma 2 or DayZ?
And as a random aside, can I ask you not to refer to me as DM? It makes me sound like I'm playing D&D.
You can ask anything you like!
Age of Empires III won the vote. Not that surprised, really.
New vote is between Dungeon Siege 3 (+ trilogy, presumably), Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic and Ys Origins.
New flash deal: Dear Esther. Wait, that's already been on offer! Gah! Usual 75.
Managed to resist Divinity 2. There's clearly something wrong with me.
Payday: The Heist 75% (runs out in 10 minutes)*
Garry's Mod 75%
Universe Sandbox 75%
Anno 2070 50%
RAGE 66%
* I do have a gift copy in my inventory now, didn't Darth want to gift this to Gman?
KotOR won the public vote. Again. Seriously, who doesn't own that by now?
New choices are Crusader Kings II, Galactic Civilizations II and Wargame: European Escalation.
Winner of the vote was Galactic Civilizations II.
New (and final?) voting choices are Just Cause 2, L.A. Noire and Mirror's Edge.
New Flash deals are Trine 2 and Dead Island. 75% and 66% off respectively.
See you in a couple of hours for the last Daily Deals!
Got Payday now. Thanks(twice
Glad you didn't have it yet.
Bastion - 75% off
Bioshock (franchise) - 75% off
Double Fine Bundle Costume Quest, Psychonauts and Stacking) - 75% off
Football Manager 2012 - 75% off
Indie Bundle XI (Hydrophobia: Prophecy, ORION: Dino Beatdown, Star Ruler, Waveform and World of Goo) - 75% off
Jagged Alliance: Back in Action - Doesn't matter how much off there is, it's absolute shit. DO NOT BUY.
Operation Flashpoint: Red River (franchise) - 75% off
S.P.A.Z. - 75% off
Tom Clancy Pack (don't let the Splinter Cell picture fool you) - 78% off
New Flash deals - The Witcher 2 and Portal 2 (a-bloody-gain). Usual amount off.
And the last thing I want was not among the deals. Oh well.
EDIT:Or S.P.A.Z, might as well try that one out, just realized that game has a demo.
You should have bought Railworks then. Or actually something good.
Was kind of waiting for Lego Batman, rather surprised it wasn't a daily deal. Probably won't be buying the double fine pack. Aside from Payday, nothing I really wanted went on sale.
Edit: I just recieved 2 gift copies of Stacking... At the same second.
This thread is magic!(Was just about to do the same
If you meant the second one, then been out exactly one month. What did you expect? Besides, it's already a third off. Be lucky to get that.
Stacking is quite good. It's a bit like an adventure game, but the NPCs are your inventory. Costume Quest is a solid, but somewhat repetitive and fairly simple, RPG.
Second one. I know its still a new game, but you never know with these sales.
Hey, got any plans for that second copy, 'cause I'd totally take it.
it's on the way.
Edit: sent. I hope I sent it to the correct user.
Got it! Thanks a ton!!
- Broken Sword: The Director's Cut or Broken Sword 2
- Commandos (you could afford two of the four)
- Hydrophobia: Prophecy
- S.P.A.Z.
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
- Tobe's Vertical Adventure
- Toki Tori
- Wizorb
Or you could just search through this list.
Also, Just Cause 2 won the public vote. Maybe now the DLC will only be slightly overpriced.
Offspring Fling - $3.19
Eufloria - $3.75
VVVVVV - $2.49
Auditorium - $3.49
I'm curious about The Bard's Tale, mostly because I've heard it's funny and I love the composers involved, but it seems to have mixed reviews. Has anyone here played it before?
I already own all the DLC anyway. Don't think I used any of it
(Yeah... I have no life...)
Man, all those people that thought that they were going to get a game or something if they completed their badge must be pretty upset right now.
But that's pretty much their fault for getting worked up over rumors.