And the new Community Choice is SimCity 4 Deluxe at 75% off.
I'm picking it up for nostalgia. My middle school tech ed. teacher actually had a copy of the game he let us play during school on the grounds that it was 'educational.'
And again some bullshit. Fable III is not available outside the bundle any more.
Who needs a chicken costume?
On a side note: The first Fable is 75% off too. And that one was at least worth one playthrough while Fable 3 is not. Get the first game, ignore the rest.
Edt: Wait it's a dog costume & achicken costume and a dog breeding DLC. Yeah. I hate the dog anyway. Too bad I cannot turn it into soething cool. Just other dogs.
On the vote: I picked The Longest Journey, hoping that it will also discount the second game.
New vote: Puzzle Agent 2, The Longest Journey, The Next BIG Thing.
I haven't been voting on much of these (missed a day's vote, and lost interest since I can't get the badge anymore), but I'll vote The Next BIG Thing for this one. I picked up Hollywood Monsters when it was free a while back as well as the English fan translation, and I'm enjoying it. So, since this is the spiritual sequel, I'll hopefully enjoy this one too.
Dead Island 66% (bad, already was a daily)
Warhammer Space Marine 75% (might be good, already a daily deal)
Shogun: Total War 75% (will win, had already 2 deals)
Alan Wake - 75% off Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 75% off Fallout: New Vegas - 75% off (get the Ultimate Edition, it's worth it) Gratuitous Tank Battles - 66% off Indie Bundle VIII (Demolition Inc, HOARD, SOL: Exodus, Swords and Soldiers HD and Wings of Prey) - 75% off Krater - 50% off Plants vs. Zombies - 75% off Sniper Elite V2 - 50% off The Witcher II: Assassin's of Kings - 60% off
Also, new Flash Deals: Nexius and Left 4 Dead. Both the usual amount off.
Also worth noting, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition is 75% off. € 1.99/$ 2.49/£ 1.74
(Quite a steal if you ask me)
I just played The Witcher 2 a short bit and I like the first one a lot more.
Better UI, I like the graphics more, option to play isometric....
Indeed a steal at 2€.
Sure. If you're interested in horrendously written interactive software products where statistics mean jack shit, nobody has any motivation whatsoever, the world is a big disconnected jumble of unrelated stuff, the entire world(including your companion characters lack any sort of character or charm whatsoever, the combat has absolutely no redeeming or intelligent qualities, level scaling causes the most terrifying of creatures to be dull repetitions, where the "Difficulty" options only scale up the enemies health and do nothing but extend the experience rather than making it more challenging, the computer aims your guns FOR you, choices don't matter, you're deprived of major choices(like killing questgivers or children), large swaths of the world are copy-pasted bullshit, the map is huge but most of it is just empty space, open exploration is cut off through rerouting into copy-pasted subway tunnels to force the player to take a specific path, voice acting is horrible because they spent the whole budget one one big-name actor to play a character that has 20 minutes of dialog so the rest of the 200+ hours can be done by the same four awful voices, the animations are horrendous, the expansions outright BREAK what little balance there may have been in the game, none of the plot makes any sense whatsoever, and where you're treated like a slack-jawed moron for the entire experience, then sure, great deal.
Also you're forced to use GFWL's bullshit DRM solution ON TOP OF using Steam, essentially requiring two sets of login credentials to play a single-player game.
Fallout 3 is a horrendous mess, a game which took an RPG franchise and tried to make it into a shooter. The RPG remnants suck, the shooter aspects suck, and all you're left with is an ugly game with some of the most idiotic writing you'll ever see in a game that has absolutely NOTHING redeeming about it whatsoever. If that's what you're into, go for it.
Sure. If you're interested in horrendously written interactive software products where statistics mean jack shit, nobody has any motivation whatsoever, the world is a big disconnected jumble of unrelated stuff, the entire world(including your companion characters lack any sort of character or charm whatsoever, the combat has absolutely no redeeming or intelligent qualities, level scaling causes the most terrifying of creatures to be dull repetitions, where the "Difficulty" options only scale up the enemies health and do nothing but extend the experience rather than making it more challenging, the computer aims your guns FOR you, choices don't matter, you're deprived of major choices(like killing questgivers or children), large swaths of the world are copy-pasted bullshit, the map is huge but most of it is just empty space, open exploration is cut off through rerouting into copy-pasted subway tunnels to force the player to take a specific path, voice acting is horrible because they spent the whole budget one one big-name actor to play a character that has 20 minutes of dialog so the rest of the 200+ hours can be done by the same four awful voices, the animations are horrendous, the expansions outright BREAK what little balance there may have been in the game, none of the plot makes any sense whatsoever, and where you're treated like a slack-jawed moron for the entire experience, then sure, great deal.
Also you're forced to use GFWL's bullshit DRM solution ON TOP OF using Steam, essentially requiring two sets of login credentials to play a single-player game.
Fallout 3 is a horrendous mess, a game which took an RPG franchise and tried to make it into a shooter. The RPG remnants suck, the shooter aspects suck, and all you're left with is an ugly game with some of the most idiotic writing you'll ever see in a game that has absolutely NOTHING redeeming about it whatsoever. If that's what you're into, go for it.
Ok, so what are the differences between it and New Vegas. Having seen very little of Fallout 3, I barely can see the difference between the 2.
Aside from a new location, I think the tone is different. It's a tad more light-hearted, what with the 60's Vegas style gangsters and stuff. Helps that Obsidian is made up of people who were behind the original Fallouts.
New Flash Deal: Replacing Jurrasic Park The QTE, we now have the Tribes Ascend Starter Pack. Usual deal.
Ok, so what are the differences between it and New Vegas. Having seen very little of Fallout 3, I barely can see the difference between the 2.
New Vegas has less lore breaks. Seriously, that's one of the core reasons why people love New Vegas more. "It's a horribly buggy game, but at least the Brotherhood of Steel are in character."
Ok, so what are the differences between it and New Vegas. Having seen very little of Fallout 3, I barely can see the difference between the 2.
It's fair to say that New Vegas inherited a handful of Fallout 3's issues. The "spin-off" game was the last to use Bethesda's aging Gamebryo engine, and this underlying framework contributes a fair chunk of 3's issues to New Vegas.
But what is done better?
First of all, Chris Avellone is the lead writer for New Vegas. This not only returns Fallout to the hands of a major writer from Fallout 2(he's particularly responsible for the "New Reno" segment of that game), but also puts the Fallout franchise in the hands of an actual writer.
This has a lot of narrative benefits, including:
-Consistency with previous installments of the series
-Consistency with itself
-Characters and factions have believable motivations
-Side characters have rich personalities and backstories, are actually characters
-Character/faction stories tie into the larger Main Story
-The plot is actually good
-Dialog is actually intelligent
Secondly, Mechanical differences:
-Earlier mechanics return. The Traits system is back, allowing you to heavily customize the way you play from the start. The Reputation system allows faction-based reactions to your actions, and allows faction politics relative to other factions to factor into player decision-making. The Damage Threshold stat is also back, allowing some enemies to have greater defenses. Stat-based conversation options are also back and in far, far greater numbers than were ever found in Fallout 3
-Quests were overall more varied, better designed, and allowed for a lot more freedom in how they were solved
-Speaking of more freedom, the MANY ways you could go through the main story with different factions makes this game FAR more replayable than the log flume ride that is FO3's main story. A greater degree of choice pervades the entire experience.
-The weapon mod mechanic allow for greater customization in how your weapon plays
-The game is far, FAR more balanced, and character playstyles are far more differentiated because the stats are weighted properly.
-Monster leveling is done far more reasonably in New Vegas. You never find yourself easily offing Super Mutants and Deathclaws, the most dangerous of enemies in Fallout 1 and 2, with the ease that Fallout 3 offered.
-You now take 75% of normal damage in VATS, rather than FO3's 10%. This makes VATS far less of an "invincibility mode".
-Perks are gained every two levels rather than every level, and in general the Perks are far better implemented
-Expansion content(Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road) all play with gameplay mechanics in interesting and varied ways, and unlike FO3 add-ons do not break the existing game balance.
-Hardcore Mode adds survival mechanics that are extremely well thought-out and implemented.
-Very Hard no longer rewards an XP boost, which in FO3 made the content easier faster when you chose the harder difficulty setting
Thirdly, world-building. A lot of world-building stuff does, technically, fall under writing, but I feel that in RPGs it's definitely a different skill entirely. World building in RPG terms involves making a world that is interconnected and believable. When you talk to random townspeople, they have a relationship to their world and thoughts about the events and factions around them. People in every faction are imperfect and have their own sets of flaws. No faction in the game is a set of white knights here to save everyone, risking their lives out of the goodness of their hearts, everyone had a reason to be doing what they're doing. The world responds to the players actions through the Reputation system, because factions care about what you do for the factions they hate.
The towns and settlements in New Vegas aren't just random, disconnected things that the developer thought "might be cool". You don't have a Vampire Town, a Town Run by Kids, a Superhero Town, etc. Those were just concepts, while the towns in New Vegas are PLACES. People trying to get by. People who have political, social, and personal obligations and leanings. People grow food. Raiders are not mindless cannibals. Rather than trying to throw as much "cool shit" at you as possible, Fallout: New Vegas actually takes the effort to make the world you're inhabiting an actual cohesive world. This difference in approaches is actually brought up coyly in-game, where Yes Man can make fun of Fallout 3's ending sequence with the giant robot.
New Vegas did SO MANY things, from a writing and design standpoint, to mitigate the glaring errors made by Fallout 3. That there are people who can't see that simply astounds me, because the difference is night and day.
Dead Island won the public vote. Again. And yes, I know it doesn't LOOK reduced, but it is, trust me.
New vote is: Killing Floor, S.P.a.Z. and The Walking Dead.
The next flash deal starts in two hours, while I'm asleep. Someone else'll have to report it. I'm also going to be working late tomorrow (today?), so you guys can either wait for me to post the Daily Deals a little later than usual, or someone else can post them in my stead. I'm cool either way.
New Vegas did SO MANY things, from a writing and design standpoint, to mitigate the glaring errors made by Fallout 3. That there are people who can't see that simply astounds me, because the difference is night and day.
Just remember. I did say I've seen very little of Fallout 3
Either way though, I don't think I'll be playing Fallout 3 anytime soon, the big thing I loved on New Vegas is your freedom of choice to do anything.
I bought it, and it worked. Then I upgraded to Windows 7 and it didn't. The graphical glitches made the game almost unplayable. I've also heard from people who had both versions of the game, and said the GOG version is much more stable.
Let's get something straight right now. When it comes to critical analysis, I am not your frakking friend. I do not have to be frakking nice to you. What I have to do is look at what I am analyzing and evaluate its merits. And if it doesn't have any, I'm not going to be like "awwww, but people like it, so I should be nice and treat it with respect". I don't DO that. But you know what, life is also too short to let my opinion ruin your fun. I'm just not going to change my opinion for you to be nice. And Dashing shouldn't have to either.
Because objectivity is not friendly. It is analytical. It is cold. It is calculating. It is not KIND.
I had problems with certain games not playing(or freezing or spazzing out) on my Windows 7 PC. It had a newish lower-high-end GPU. I know the common solution is to reinstall windows, but what I actually did, was put my older(but better) GPU(and PSU) in and all 3 of the problem games I've tried have worked(there's about 6 or 7 I've encountered, but I only tried 3 so far). Good for me I guess. This doesn't really help anybody else, but I thought I'd share that anyway.
Sam & Max 2 was the funniest. Everything just went ape-shit when that setup tried to load.
Just remember. I did say I've seen very little of Fallout 3
That was badly worded. What I meant to say was that I don't understand how people who've played both often don't make note of the pretty substantial mechanical differences between the two.
I'm picking it up for nostalgia. My middle school tech ed. teacher actually had a copy of the game he let us play during school on the grounds that it was 'educational.'
New Vote is: Fable III, Payday: The Heist and The Darkness II.
Also, new Flash Deal - Risen 2: Dark Waters. 33% off. DLC is also reduced.
I'm voting Payday, but odds are Darkness will win since Fable III isn't that good and Payday has already been done.
Dragon Age Origins 75% off --> Get The Ultimate Edition, like I did. It's the same price but inmcludes the Add-on and all DLC for the game.
Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers 40% off --> This game is really good. As is the soundtrack. I recommend the Soundtrack edition!
Game Of Thorones 50% off
DC Universe Power Pack 75% less
New vote: Puzzle Agent 2, The Longest Journey, The Next BIG Thing.
Also, new Flash Deal: BIT.TRIP BEAT & BIT.TRIP RUNNER. 83% off.
Who needs a chicken costume?
On a side note: The first Fable is 75% off too. And that one was at least worth one playthrough while Fable 3 is not. Get the first game, ignore the rest.
Edt: Wait it's a dog costume & achicken costume and a dog breeding DLC. Yeah. I hate the dog anyway. Too bad I cannot turn it into soething cool. Just other dogs.
On the vote: I picked The Longest Journey, hoping that it will also discount the second game.
If it wins, it should include Dreamfall. Both games are currently under the same "promotional discount".
You mean Jurassic Dildo: The Movie: The QTE.
New Vote:
Dead Island 66% (bad, already was a daily)
Warhammer Space Marine 75% (might be good, already a daily deal)
Shogun: Total War 75% (will win, had already 2 deals)
Alan Wake - 75% off
Amnesia: The Dark Descent - 75% off
Fallout: New Vegas - 75% off (get the Ultimate Edition, it's worth it)
Gratuitous Tank Battles - 66% off
Indie Bundle VIII (Demolition Inc, HOARD, SOL: Exodus, Swords and Soldiers HD and Wings of Prey) - 75% off
Krater - 50% off
Plants vs. Zombies - 75% off
Sniper Elite V2 - 50% off
The Witcher II: Assassin's of Kings - 60% off
Also, new Flash Deals: Nexius and Left 4 Dead. Both the usual amount off.
(Quite a steal if you ask me)
I just played The Witcher 2 a short bit and I like the first one a lot more.
Better UI, I like the graphics more, option to play isometric....
Indeed a steal at 2€.
And before you ask, the other Fallout games are only half price. Still good value, just not as good.
Well Rather doesn't seem to like the game. He likes New Vegas though.
Also you're forced to use GFWL's bullshit DRM solution ON TOP OF using Steam, essentially requiring two sets of login credentials to play a single-player game.
Fallout 3 is a horrendous mess, a game which took an RPG franchise and tried to make it into a shooter. The RPG remnants suck, the shooter aspects suck, and all you're left with is an ugly game with some of the most idiotic writing you'll ever see in a game that has absolutely NOTHING redeeming about it whatsoever. If that's what you're into, go for it.
Ok, so what are the differences between it and New Vegas. Having seen very little of Fallout 3, I barely can see the difference between the 2.
New Flash Deal: Replacing Jurrasic Park The QTE, we now have the Tribes Ascend Starter Pack. Usual deal.
New Vegas has less lore breaks. Seriously, that's one of the core reasons why people love New Vegas more. "It's a horribly buggy game, but at least the Brotherhood of Steel are in character."
But what is done better?
First of all, Chris Avellone is the lead writer for New Vegas. This not only returns Fallout to the hands of a major writer from Fallout 2(he's particularly responsible for the "New Reno" segment of that game), but also puts the Fallout franchise in the hands of an actual writer.
This has a lot of narrative benefits, including:
-Consistency with previous installments of the series
-Consistency with itself
-Characters and factions have believable motivations
-Side characters have rich personalities and backstories, are actually characters
-Character/faction stories tie into the larger Main Story
-The plot is actually good
-Dialog is actually intelligent
Secondly, Mechanical differences:
-Earlier mechanics return. The Traits system is back, allowing you to heavily customize the way you play from the start. The Reputation system allows faction-based reactions to your actions, and allows faction politics relative to other factions to factor into player decision-making. The Damage Threshold stat is also back, allowing some enemies to have greater defenses. Stat-based conversation options are also back and in far, far greater numbers than were ever found in Fallout 3
-Quests were overall more varied, better designed, and allowed for a lot more freedom in how they were solved
-Speaking of more freedom, the MANY ways you could go through the main story with different factions makes this game FAR more replayable than the log flume ride that is FO3's main story. A greater degree of choice pervades the entire experience.
-The weapon mod mechanic allow for greater customization in how your weapon plays
-The game is far, FAR more balanced, and character playstyles are far more differentiated because the stats are weighted properly.
-Monster leveling is done far more reasonably in New Vegas. You never find yourself easily offing Super Mutants and Deathclaws, the most dangerous of enemies in Fallout 1 and 2, with the ease that Fallout 3 offered.
-You now take 75% of normal damage in VATS, rather than FO3's 10%. This makes VATS far less of an "invincibility mode".
-Perks are gained every two levels rather than every level, and in general the Perks are far better implemented
-Expansion content(Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road) all play with gameplay mechanics in interesting and varied ways, and unlike FO3 add-ons do not break the existing game balance.
-Hardcore Mode adds survival mechanics that are extremely well thought-out and implemented.
-Very Hard no longer rewards an XP boost, which in FO3 made the content easier faster when you chose the harder difficulty setting
Thirdly, world-building. A lot of world-building stuff does, technically, fall under writing, but I feel that in RPGs it's definitely a different skill entirely. World building in RPG terms involves making a world that is interconnected and believable. When you talk to random townspeople, they have a relationship to their world and thoughts about the events and factions around them. People in every faction are imperfect and have their own sets of flaws. No faction in the game is a set of white knights here to save everyone, risking their lives out of the goodness of their hearts, everyone had a reason to be doing what they're doing. The world responds to the players actions through the Reputation system, because factions care about what you do for the factions they hate.
The towns and settlements in New Vegas aren't just random, disconnected things that the developer thought "might be cool". You don't have a Vampire Town, a Town Run by Kids, a Superhero Town, etc. Those were just concepts, while the towns in New Vegas are PLACES. People trying to get by. People who have political, social, and personal obligations and leanings. People grow food. Raiders are not mindless cannibals. Rather than trying to throw as much "cool shit" at you as possible, Fallout: New Vegas actually takes the effort to make the world you're inhabiting an actual cohesive world. This difference in approaches is actually brought up coyly in-game, where Yes Man can make fun of Fallout 3's ending sequence with the giant robot.
New Vegas did SO MANY things, from a writing and design standpoint, to mitigate the glaring errors made by Fallout 3. That there are people who can't see that simply astounds me, because the difference is night and day.
Dead Island won the public vote. Again. And yes, I know it doesn't LOOK reduced, but it is, trust me.
New vote is: Killing Floor, S.P.a.Z. and The Walking Dead.
The next flash deal starts in two hours, while I'm asleep. Someone else'll have to report it. I'm also going to be working late tomorrow (today?), so you guys can either wait for me to post the Daily Deals a little later than usual, or someone else can post them in my stead. I'm cool either way.
Just remember. I did say I've seen very little of Fallout 3
Either way though, I don't think I'll be playing Fallout 3 anytime soon, the big thing I loved on New Vegas is your freedom of choice to do anything.
I bought it, and it worked. Then I upgraded to Windows 7 and it didn't. The graphical glitches made the game almost unplayable. I've also heard from people who had both versions of the game, and said the GOG version is much more stable.
Because objectivity is not friendly. It is analytical. It is cold. It is calculating. It is not KIND.
How fitting, because I'm objectively saying that this ends now, and if it doesn't, I will not be kind about it.
Only if they don't have a Windows 7 machine. On Windows 7 it's borderline unplayable.
Sam & Max 2 was the funniest. Everything just went ape-shit when that setup tried to load.
What about it? I've not had many issues with it at all. It's Vista that has problems, Windows 7 works fine.
If you say real gamers use Linux or Mac, I will kill you.