The Weekend Deal is replaced with a QuakeCon Weekend. 25% off everything Bethesda and id Software, with a new individual deal every day. Today's is:
If you didn't get it in the Summer Sale, now's as good a time as any. Also, the rest of the Elder Scrolls series is 66% off. Remember to get the Deluxe edition of Oblivion if you've not got it yet, since that version has DLC not available anywhere else.
In the Netherlands, they're known as "Buurman en Buurman", translated to "Neighbor and Neighbor". But I like Pat and Mat more. Also, apparently it's a Chzech animation.
A je to!
EDIT: On one hand, I would love to purchase this, on the other hand, I'm freaking 27 years old. I think. Wait. Yeah. No wait, not yet.
Aw man, why don't I visit this thread more often?
I've had that Pat & Mat game on my wishlist for ages... but maybe it's a good thing I didn't see this, because obviously the game can't be as good as Buurman & Buurman, since it won't have the voices (those make the Dutch version of Pat & Mat amazing, it's the only one with voices).
And don't worry, I'm 30 years old and I have all the episodes on DVD!
I've had that Pat & Mat game on my wishlist for ages... but maybe it's a good thing I didn't see this, because obviously the game can't be as good as Buurman & Buurman, since it won't have the voices (those make the Dutch version of Pat & Mat amazing, it's the only one with voices).
And don't worry, I'm 30 years old and I have all the episodes on DVD!
£2.49 / $3.74, with the Gold version including the expansion (recommended) being £2.49 / $4.99.
Yes, that's right. In the UK, the Gold version is exactly the same price as the standard one. Go us, for once.
Today's QuakeCon deal (need to come up with a better name - give me time):
£6.49 / $9.99. Glad to see they finally got the price converted properly. I shall reward them with a purchase.
I'm slightly curious if the upcoming Ultimate version of Doom 3 will have a discount if you already own the original D3 on Steam. It probably won't, but then again stranger things have happened.
Oh wow. Doom 3. It's one of the 2 Id software games available in Germany. The Addon for it is on the index though.
What is the Ultimate Version of Doom 3 by the way?
Payday is a really fun game that only really suffers from some issues with the partner AI(They like to stand in specific spots and just fight there, which is good for fights, but not when you actually have the escape the area on a never ending raid of officers though).
Other than that, it's a L4D style game where instead of escape zombies, its "heists" which are diferent most of the time. I've robbed banks, chased after a traitor, attempt to rob a meth-house(this is where I found out the AI is bad for escapes ), and even attempt to rob the No Mercy hospital from L4D(Which is REALLY hard to do).
It also has an RPG level-up like system, which so far seems cool, but very important things are held off until you level up a lot(I can't get a bag to heal myself yet for instance).
Yes, AGAIN. Christ. £1.99 / $2.49, with all the DLC being 75% off as well, so if you were after the latest one (The Other Side of the Coin), here's your chance.
£1.74 / $2.49. No TotalBiscuit video, but here's an Indie Impressions one instead.
Two Midweek Madness offers.
Yep, those Summer Indie Bundles are back. Because they were so good the first time round. [/Sarcasm]
I'll probably be late again tomorrow. I have something... personal to deal with.
EDIT: Don't worry, I'm back now. In case you were wondering, I was at a funeral.
£1.74 / $2.49.
£3.74 / $4.99.
The Weekend Deal is replaced with a QuakeCon Weekend. 25% off everything Bethesda and id Software, with a new individual deal every day. Today's is:
If you didn't get it in the Summer Sale, now's as good a time as any. Also, the rest of the Elder Scrolls series is 66% off. Remember to get the Deluxe edition of Oblivion if you've not got it yet, since that version has DLC not available anywhere else.
I've had that Pat & Mat game on my wishlist for ages... but maybe it's a good thing I didn't see this, because obviously the game can't be as good as Buurman & Buurman, since it won't have the voices (those make the Dutch version of Pat & Mat amazing, it's the only one with voices).
And don't worry, I'm 30 years old and I have all the episodes on DVD!
They are on DVD?!
GamersGate is having a summer sale and the Mass Effect games ARE on sale right now.
66%, 66%, 50%.
I don't recall who was waiting for them.
£2.49 / $3.74, with the Gold version including the expansion (recommended) being £2.49 / $4.99.
Yes, that's right. In the UK, the Gold version is exactly the same price as the standard one. Go us, for once.
Today's QuakeCon deal (need to come up with a better name - give me time):
£6.49 / $9.99. Glad to see they finally got the price converted properly. I shall reward them with a purchase.
£2.99 / $3.49.
Today's QuakeCon ConQuest (see what I did there) is:
Today's Daily Deal:
87p / $1.24. Worth it at that price.
Today's QuakeCon ConQuest:
I'm slightly curious if the upcoming Ultimate version of Doom 3 will have a discount if you already own the original D3 on Steam. It probably won't, but then again stranger things have happened.
What is the Ultimate Version of Doom 3 by the way?
(Did you want Doom 3 or Resurrection of Evil?)
£2.37 / $3.39 or the collection (Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics) for £5.43 / $6.79
£2.03 / $3.39. (UK price is never what I estimate it to be!)
Also now out on Steam: Cannon Fodder 3 (not made by the original developers, but apparently it's all right) and Deponia (been waiting for this!)
Other than that, it's a L4D style game where instead of escape zombies, its "heists" which are diferent most of the time. I've robbed banks, chased after a traitor, attempt to rob a meth-house(this is where I found out the AI is bad for escapes
It also has an RPG level-up like system, which so far seems cool, but very important things are held off until you level up a lot(I can't get a bag to heal myself yet for instance).
£6.99 / $7.99.
Yes, AGAIN. Christ. £1.99 / $2.49, with all the DLC being 75% off as well, so if you were after the latest one (The Other Side of the Coin), here's your chance.
As always, do not get Jagged Alliance: Back in Action, it's a massive pile of bantha poodo.
£7.49 / $9.99. I knew it wasn't amazing, but bloody hell that's on offer pretty damn quick.
99p / $1.24.
I wasn't even aware that game existed. When I saw the release date and the reduced price I thought... well you already said it all.
There's actually three episodes, but the image for the collection isn't showing up for some reason.
£1.35 / $1.69 each or £3.73 / $4.41 for all three.
Me neither. And the one game in the bundle that I own, Psychonauts, is one I haven't gotten around to playing.
It's a short, simple, cute game. If you have a serious problem with any of those terms, you'll have an issue with it, otherwise, it's great.
Dashing doesn't like anything that isn't "important".