"Mark of the Ninja looks as good as it plays, and plays as good as it looks... and it reminds us that cranberry juice from concentrate is mighty, mighty tasty."
They're not, Darksiders' rights and dev were bought by Crytek.
The rights now too? I know about the devs but even the game rights now? Last week it was still unclear if anybody would care to pick this franchise up.
Is there any place where you can buy the first Blood Omen? It's not on GOG either.
PSN's probably your cheapest choice - the PS1 version's on there.
If you're after the PC version though, you're pretty much out of luck. eBay'll be your best bet until GOG gets their act together. Be warned though - it's rather dated.
The rights now too? I know about the devs but even the game rights now? Last week it was still unclear if anybody would care to pick this franchise up.
Nope, the rights to Darksiders still belong to the husk of THQ, along with a laundry list of other stuff they're trying to sell. But as far as I can tell, they're still open, so they could probably still authorize a sale on what little they do still have.
Thinking about getting RPG Maker for the fun of it, but does anybody know what's different between the full version and the lite version? I downloaded the lite version and it seems pretty full-featured, and I can't get a good sense of what the advantages are that would be worth spending $35 to unlock.
There's a few database, map, and script restrictions, and the end results can't be published commercially. So if you just wanna fiddle around and get a good feel for it, then the lite version'll do you nicely, but if you want to use it to make actual games you can sell, then you'll need the full version.
Daily Deal is 75% off...
You should already own this by now, but on the off chance you've just woken from a coma, here you go.
Thinking about getting RPG Maker for the fun of it, but does anybody know what's different between the full version and the lite version? I downloaded the lite version and it seems pretty full-featured, and I can't get a good sense of what the advantages are that would be worth spending $35 to unlock.
You can use scripts in the full version, and you can use it for commercial purposes, even with the base graphics and / or addon content.
Well, there's a difference between limited script use and not being able to use scripts. Are these differences properly documented anywhere? I'm very interested in playing with the scripts so the specifics of the limits matter a bit...
The restrictions/limits pertain to databases, maps and scripts. Apparently they are:
- 10 heroes
- 10 classes
- 126 skills
- 16 items
- 60 weapons
- 60 armors
- 30 enemies
- 30 troops
- 25 states
- 110 animations
- 10 common events
- No call script but you can use the script functions of the other event commands like variable.
- No script editor
- 4 Tilesets
- 10 events per map.
- 20 maps max.
As well, while you are free to make games you are unable to produce any commercial games through RPG Maker VX Ace Lite like you are with the full version.
Hmm, so three days after SimCity's disaster of a launch, and Kalypso decides to put Tropico 4 on sale for a week. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, like how GOG just "decided" to promote SimCity 2000 a day after said nightmarish launch.
Edit: Make that ALL of Tropico on sale for 75% off.
Another must-own game. 75% off.
This includes The Cave, which is half price.
Yes, that includes BFE and the Jewel of the Nile DLC. Astonishingly good value if you don't already own it all.
I must have an error, then, because according to my client we've got another day of 80% off Serious Sam.
No that's on steams end. But the news article at the bottom states the real deal.
Oh well, on to purchasing Civ 5, the only one on Steam I don't have.
Bear in mind this is only three games - Soul Reaver 1, 2 and Defiance. No Blood Omens for Steam users!
The Midweek Madness:
I swear, I WILL do something with RPGMaker, Mr Secret Santa! I've got holiday coming up, I'll dabble in it then!
I disagree.
Riiiiiiight... :P
Read this: http://steamcommunity.com/app/224300/discussions/0/864961537317649879/
Includes a coupon code to get them even cheaper.
If you're after the PC version though, you're pretty much out of luck. eBay'll be your best bet until GOG gets their act together. Be warned though - it's rather dated.
Nope, the rights to Darksiders still belong to the husk of THQ, along with a laundry list of other stuff they're trying to sell. But as far as I can tell, they're still open, so they could probably still authorize a sale on what little they do still have.
50% off. WTF!
Daily Deal is 75% off...
You should already own this by now, but on the off chance you've just woken from a coma, here you go.
Weekend Deals:
You can use scripts in the full version, and you can use it for commercial purposes, even with the base graphics and / or addon content.
(I think I have one of the latest versions I bought a few months ago)
Light version doesn't let you mess with scripts?
Has a limit.
Eh, I like proving myself right, so I'll do it anyway.
Ehh I suppose I'll buy it anyway
Edit: Make that ALL of Tropico on sale for 75% off.
Daily Deal is 66% off...
For the love of god, buy this game. And then get the Sith Lords Restored mod. But buy this first. It's good.