I;m deciding between that and getting SimCity 4. They're the same price. I want my sim fix but I am NOT buying the new SimCity. Always-on gaming? No thanks. I get it for MMOs but I don't want to play SimCity that way
All EA and Maxis had to do was make a prettier version of Sim city 4 with some small improvements here and there.
(And then if they had any sense, release a origin version and a steam version. Everyone wins. But noooooo)
Its just like Diablo 3: nonsensical design that does more harm in the long run than any short-term good.
Ha, yet another citybuilder riding the wave of fail caused by SimCity.
I've loved the old SimCity games. You have no idea how many hours I racked up on them as a child. I was so stoked when the new SimCity was announced, but I don't preorder games, I wait and see how they actually fare before buying. And it looks like something I would really want to play, but the only way to tell companies you're against always-on DRM is to not buy always-on DRM games until it hurts them in the wallet. Period.
So, back to my original question: SimCity 4 or Cities XL?
(also, I'm not riding the SimCity wave in this case. I finally installed Windows and dual booted my Mac computer, and both of those games are PC only. So I couldn't buy or play them before)
If you haven't already got Saints Row and want it, pick up The Full Package. It's cheaper than the core game and the only DLC worth getting (the Season pass) separately, plus you get all the pointless extras as well.
The first of 4 DLC packs is now out for Aliens: Colonial Marines. Bug Hunt is a new multiplayer mode that should have been included in the full game but was kept for DLC because of reasons mostly to do with money, money, pissing off people and money. It's basically a hoard mode that you've seen a thousand times before and is therefore not even remotely worth £10. F*ck you Gearbox, Sega and everyone involved.
On a slightly brighter note, Worms Armageddon is now on Steam. And it's vastly overpriced.
Oh well - a dim note is better than nothing. ...geddit? 'cause I said bright. As in light. So dim... ah, screw you.
GMG has updated their BioShock Infinite pre-order service. Now it comes with a free copy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown in addition to the free BioShock and choice between free copies of BioShock2/Spec Ops/Darkness 2/Civ 5/Mafia 2. So for those keeping score, that is now FOUR games for 60 bucks, which can be taken down to $46 if you take the 14 dollar cash back option.
I could be wrong, but I seem to recall the classic version being bundled on there at some point. Could just be delisted. Usually those games at least leave some trace though. Either way, it's odd.
Well, Steam seems to be sort-of not working thanks to the introduction of Early Access Games. Rather helpfully, the link to the page explaining what this is just links back to the front page. *sigh* It's up now.
Get immediate access to games that are being developed with the community’s involvement. These are games that evolve as you play them, as you give feedback, and as the developers update and add content.
On a slightly brighter note, Worms Armageddon is now on Steam. And it's vastly overpriced.
Oh well - a dim note is better than nothing. ...geddit? 'cause I said bright. As in light. So dim... ah, screw you.
I'd buy it at that price but I already got it free for pre-orderng the last Worms game.
First of all: Steam be SLOW right now. Here's why.
Today's Daily Deal is 75% off...
Weekend Deals are:
There's also an Indie Spring Sale, meaning that if it's an indie game, it's almost guaranteed to be discounted. Check it out and see if there's anything there that takes your fancy. I'm almost positive there will be.
Finally, if you're interested in Civilization V or the Gods & Kings add-on, check out Gamefly, who've got them on offer today. They've also got SonicSEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed at the same price Steam had it the other day, if you happened to miss it.
I'm glad Hearts of Iron III is on sale. I just picked it up. I've been playing Crusader Kings 2, which was made by the same developer (Paradox). And if CK2 is any indication, I expect HoI3 to be a really awesome game!
So after two years of spending in Canada, got back to Moldova, and realized that there's a lot of region-locked and/or blocked whatsoever games on Steam. Which I don't like at all. I mean, it's cheaper here, but... I want to be able to play them in case I move somewhere else.
Bought Sid Meier's Pirates by adding "?cc=us" (without quotes) to the store url (Pirates! is altogether ocked from being bought in Moldova). I don't know why I DID it first and then THOUGHT about it later, kinda stupid of me, but is there going to be some kind of penalty from Valve's part for bypassing the regional restrictions that way? Anybody knows?
So after two years of spending in Canada, got back to Moldova, and realized that there's a lot of region-locked and/or blocked whatsoever games on Steam. Which I don't like at all. I mean, it's cheaper here, but... I want to be able to play them in case I move somewhere else.
Bought Sid Meier's Pirates by adding "?cc=us" (without quotes) to the store url (Pirates! is altogether ocked from being bought in Moldova). I don't know why I DID it first and then THOUGHT about it later, kinda stupid of me, but is there going to be some kind of penalty from Valve's part for bypassing the regional restrictions that way? Anybody knows?
Not that I know of, unless you're doing it on a mass scale for profit. If it's just the odd game here and there for personal use, then I doubt anyone'll really care.
If all else fails, you can get someone else to buy the game in a different country and gift it you, then you send them the money via PayPal or something. It's what I do with Ketzer when he wants a game that German Censoring Nazis stops him getting an uncut version of - Sleeping Dogs, for example. We've done it a few times and I've seen nothing stopping us.
Also, yes - Canada is hella expensive. I have relatives who live there, and yikes.
Oh, and despite there being a new set of 'featured' games in the Spring Indie Sale, they're the same price as yesterday, which is why I'm not going to name them. Just check the Indie list and see if anything takes your fancy.
So, now Baldur's Gate:EE on Steam is the same price as the original Baldur's Gate on GOG.
Barring the inevitable DRM comparison, which one should I get? I'm well aware that the original BG can be modded to use BG2's engine, add widescreen support and have other "cut" content added and such.
I'm certain more than one person on this forum probably has both versions, and I want to buy one of them.
So, now Baldur's Gate:EE on Steam is the same price as the original Baldur's Gate on GOG.
Barring the inevitable DRM comparison, which one should I get? I'm well aware that the original BG can be modded to use BG2's engine, add widescreen support and have other "cut" content added and such.
I'm certain more than one person on this forum probably has both versions, and I want to buy one of them.
Everything I'm hearing suggests that you could easily simulate the "enhanced edition" experience with certain mods for the first game. But since one of those mods requires Baldur's Gate 2... well, depends on how much you want to spend.
It's a "minor" upgrade in the sense that mods produce a very similar(and arguably better) experience, and doesn't have the same mod support, but at the same price I'd say Enhanced Edition is worth the lack of fuss to a new player.
An additional question (though somewhat unrelated) is, if you were to mod Baldur's Gate, would you use Baldur's Gate Tutu or Baldur's Gate Trilogy?
(Tutu plays BG1 using 2's engine; BGT combines 1 and 2 into a single game.)
EasyTutu is easier to install, tends to be more stable, and plays nicer with a wider range of mods. Most mods that were made with Trilogy compatibility were "ported" there from Tutu-compatible mods, and the Tutu version tends to be less glitchy.
It's a "minor" upgrade in the sense that mods produce a very similar(and arguably better) experience, and doesn't have the same mod support, but at the same price I'd say Enhanced Edition is worth the lack of fuss to a new player.
This. Just disable the Steam Community in the game. It glitches the menu in the game and unless you find a way to battle it (pressing one of the F-Keys worked for me) this will get annoying soon.
The game defaults to what ever your desktop resolution is and items on the ground can be hard to spot because of that. But there is a zoom feature. You can zoom in at will. The new interface looks good and the new font for the text puts the other mods to shame.
Also the Steam Enhanced Edition includes new stuff (4 DLC packs) already. Including at least 2 new characters for your group that function like the ones in BG2 (so they actually interact with the main character). (one in Beregost and one in Nashkell).
In the end it is up to you though. I used TuTu before and it includes most of what BG1 EE has to offer. I personally really enjoyed the Enhanced Edition but had to use cheats in both versions of the game that port the first game to the engine of the second game. I don't remember the greater WolfWere in the first game to be that hard to kill. But he is impossible when you port the first game to the engine of the second game.
The main problem being that they regenerate health in BG2 (which is meant for players with way higher level than you can even grind in BG1) and that only 4 weapons in the whole game can harm him. Just read the topic I linked. If you stumble upon him blindly you are already dead.
I gotta say, the BG TuTu mods, for me, made the vanilla game actually playable. Just the fact that you could pause the game while searching through your inventory was worth it.
I mean, when you've got a game where your archers can only carry 60 arrows at once in their active slots and far, far fewer magic arrows... it's a dick move to not allow them to switch out.
I'm seriously asking, as I was planning on maybe getting it. (though I missed the sale.)
They have a demo on Steam. Try it.
There's also some Week-Long Deals:
75% off Bondary Domain (but not its DLC)
33% off Cities XL Platinum (or 85% off if you Cities XL 2001 or 2012)
75% off Disciples III: Gold Edition
75% off Grotesque Tactics and Grotesque Tactics II
75% off Jagged Alliance 2 Gold (recommended!)
66% off Lucius
50% off Monday Night Combat
25% off The Secret World
How's Cities XL?
I'm sure someone else will be happy to tell you though. Get to it, minions!
(And then if they had any sense, release a origin version and a steam version. Everyone wins. But noooooo)
Its just like Diablo 3: nonsensical design that does more harm in the long run than any short-term good.
I've loved the old SimCity games. You have no idea how many hours I racked up on them as a child. I was so stoked when the new SimCity was announced, but I don't preorder games, I wait and see how they actually fare before buying. And it looks like something I would really want to play, but the only way to tell companies you're against always-on DRM is to not buy always-on DRM games until it hurts them in the wallet. Period.
So, back to my original question: SimCity 4 or Cities XL?
(also, I'm not riding the SimCity wave in this case. I finally installed Windows and dual booted my Mac computer, and both of those games are PC only. So I couldn't buy or play them before)
The Midweek Madness deals are:
If you haven't already got Saints Row and want it, pick up The Full Package. It's cheaper than the core game and the only DLC worth getting (the Season pass) separately, plus you get all the pointless extras as well.
The first of 4 DLC packs is now out for Aliens: Colonial Marines. Bug Hunt is a new multiplayer mode that should have been included in the full game but was kept for DLC because of reasons mostly to do with money, money, pissing off people and money. It's basically a hoard mode that you've seen a thousand times before and is therefore not even remotely worth £10. F*ck you Gearbox, Sega and everyone involved.
On a slightly brighter note, Worms Armageddon is now on Steam. And it's vastly overpriced.
Oh well - a dim note is better than nothing. ...geddit? 'cause I said bright. As in light. So dim... ah, screw you.
Also... uh, Hail to the King, Baby?
(See if you can spot what's odd about this)
Didn't think it was anyway.
Rather helpfully, the link to the page explaining what this is just links back to the front page. *sigh* It's up now.
Here's what it's all about:
And oh! Duke 3D has a page now. Good luck loading it though.
I'd buy it at that price but I already got it free for pre-orderng the last Worms game.
Today's Daily Deal is 75% off...
Weekend Deals are:
There's also an Indie Spring Sale, meaning that if it's an indie game, it's almost guaranteed to be discounted. Check it out and see if there's anything there that takes your fancy. I'm almost positive there will be.
Finally, if you're interested in Civilization V or the Gods & Kings add-on, check out Gamefly, who've got them on offer today. They've also got SonicSEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed at the same price Steam had it the other day, if you happened to miss it.
Bought Sid Meier's Pirates by adding "?cc=us" (without quotes) to the store url (Pirates! is altogether ocked from being bought in Moldova). I don't know why I DID it first and then THOUGHT about it later, kinda stupid of me, but is there going to be some kind of penalty from Valve's part for bypassing the regional restrictions that way? Anybody knows?
That's what folks do here. They save up and then move somewhere cheaper.
Who knows. I wouldn't go and ask them.
If all else fails, you can get someone else to buy the game in a different country and gift it you, then you send them the money via PayPal or something. It's what I do with Ketzer when he wants a game that German Censoring Nazis stops him getting an uncut version of - Sleeping Dogs, for example. We've done it a few times and I've seen nothing stopping us.
Also, yes - Canada is hella expensive. I have relatives who live there, and yikes.
Oh, and despite there being a new set of 'featured' games in the Spring Indie Sale, they're the same price as yesterday, which is why I'm not going to name them. Just check the Indie list and see if anything takes your fancy.
(Oh, and the same discount applies to the entire Total War collection. Just an FYI.)
Barring the inevitable DRM comparison, which one should I get? I'm well aware that the original BG can be modded to use BG2's engine, add widescreen support and have other "cut" content added and such.
I'm certain more than one person on this forum probably has both versions, and I want to buy one of them.
Everything I'm hearing suggests that you could easily simulate the "enhanced edition" experience with certain mods for the first game. But since one of those mods requires Baldur's Gate 2... well, depends on how much you want to spend.
It's a "minor" upgrade in the sense that mods produce a very similar(and arguably better) experience, and doesn't have the same mod support, but at the same price I'd say Enhanced Edition is worth the lack of fuss to a new player.
(Tutu plays BG1 using 2's engine; BGT combines 1 and 2 into a single game.)
This. Just disable the Steam Community in the game. It glitches the menu in the game and unless you find a way to battle it (pressing one of the F-Keys worked for me) this will get annoying soon.
The game defaults to what ever your desktop resolution is and items on the ground can be hard to spot because of that. But there is a zoom feature. You can zoom in at will. The new interface looks good and the new font for the text puts the other mods to shame.
Also the Steam Enhanced Edition includes new stuff (4 DLC packs) already. Including at least 2 new characters for your group that function like the ones in BG2 (so they actually interact with the main character). (one in Beregost and one in Nashkell).
In the end it is up to you though. I used TuTu before and it includes most of what BG1 EE has to offer. I personally really enjoyed the Enhanced Edition but had to use cheats in both versions of the game that port the first game to the engine of the second game. I don't remember the greater WolfWere in the first game to be that hard to kill. But he is impossible when you port the first game to the engine of the second game.
The main problem being that they regenerate health in BG2 (which is meant for players with way higher level than you can even grind in BG1) and that only 4 weapons in the whole game can harm him. Just read the topic I linked. If you stumble upon him blindly you are already dead.
I mean, when you've got a game where your archers can only carry 60 arrows at once in their active slots and far, far fewer magic arrows... it's a dick move to not allow them to switch out.