Well... Im sure not ALL the money will still be there... some people will not actually have the funds available in their accounts when they run the cards through... I hope they release the real final total.
If a charge doesn't go through, there's a whole 30-day process where they remind the user every 10 or so days I think and try to get them to switch payment providers and get it to work out. Or at least, that's what happened when my payment on Steve Grand's life sim bounced because I attached it to a new debit card that the bank hadn't activated yet.
Internet, you never cease to surprise me. I really expected a lot of people to drop their donations to $1 at the last minute. There were a couple of times during the last 2 hours that it dropped down a few thousand dollars, but the donations kept coming.
I thought the humble indie bundle wouldn't work because most people would only pay $1, and I was proven wrong. And now I've been proven wrong again. I guess I should learn to stop being so cynical.
It's kinda surreal that two player production is so big now. I remember when they were itty bitty. They're 10 minutes from my house and that weirds me out. Then again, Portland is so tight knit, once you know someone you start knowing them all.
You kept saying this and never gave a reasonable explanation as to WHY A PERSON WOULD DO THIS.
It's fine to be skeptical and cynical and all that shit, but generally speaking cynical viewpoints are actually based on the idea that people will act in their own interests at the expense of others. Human greed and laziness doesn't factor in here. This idea of yours isn't cynical, it's entirely out of touch with reality.
To be honest... she is right.. the net is full of trolls who do that sort of thing... and sad to say it but the gaming industry has some of the worst offenders as their fanbase.
You kept saying this and never gave a reasonable explanation as to WHY A PERSON WOULD DO THIS.
It's fine to be skeptical and cynical and all that shit, but generally speaking cynical viewpoints are actually based on the idea that people will act in their own interests at the expense of others. In your scenario, there is nothing to gain. Human greed and laziness(the assumption at the root of cynical thought) doesn't factor in here. This idea of yours isn't cynical, it's entirely out of touch with reality.
I only said it once (and then clarified what I meant in another post).
And the fact is that people actually did do it. It dropped by about $5,000 at the 2 hour mark. People just didn't do it as much as I thought they would.
I don't know why people do things like this, but it's unfortunate that they do. It's the same mentality of people that ruin wikipedia pages. They don't do it because it's in their own interests. They do it because they think it's funny. And in reality, it's just sad.
I think some people will do it because a month ago they thought they would have the money... and last minute decided against it... in the end it doesn't matter they accomplished way more that I think any of us or them thought possible. Its pretty awesome... but not too surprising really when you consider most adventure gaming fans are late 20s to late 30s and have a comfortable income.
If it isn't I feel bad for the MODS on their boards... imagine the DF eats babies threads that will happen and people demanding their $15 and up contributions back.
Its going to be really hard for them to please everyone.. Adventure game fans are indeed a smaller group but the ideal adventure game withing that group differs significantly..
And the fact is that people actually did do it. It dropped by about $5,000 at the 2 hour mark. People just didn't do it as much as I thought they would.
It's far more likely and rational that instead of people dropping thier payments for no reason at all, they dropped it because at the last moment they realized: oh hey I can't afford this all the sudden. That's a completely rational and real thing that happens to people unlike "Oh I'm going to drop my backing and cause a .001% drop in the project haha im great".
It's far more likely and rational that instead of people dropping thier payments for no reason at all, they dropped it because at the last moment they realized: oh hey I can't afford this all the sudden. That's a completely rational and real thing that happens to people unlike "Oh I'm going to drop my backing and cause a .001% drop in the project haha im great".
I'd like to think that too but there was definitely a small percentage of people who thought it was funny. I saw people come into the chat and say "it's going to be funny when it drops down to $1.5 million at the last second" or "alright internet we totally trolled Double Fine, now lets take back our money".
You're talking about the behavior of ~90,000 people. For a dozen and a half actually legitimate reasons, a person could undo funding. Perhaps they don't have the money in the bank that they thought they would. Perhaps they want to DROP to a lower tier because they decided that the box really isn't worth much to them. Because you have a couple quick blips where the money went down a tiny fraction(which is understandable fluctuation for various reasons), rather than concrete data(did the money go down because of cancellations? People dropping their pledge amount to a lower tier(from $100 to $30?).
The idea that the number dropped because "internet trolls" were, I guess, fucking with Double Fine for some reason? That idea is stupid. It's really, really, monumentally stupid. You can't back this up at all. Because, okay, let's say I'm a moron on Bizarro Idiot Earth where this sort of thing actually happens. People in this universe eat soup with forks, think of glue as a beverage, and feel like changing pledge amounts on Kickstarter projects is a common and hilarious prank despite the fact that this has never been exhibited in any Kickstarter project in the past and the fact that internet trolling largely focuses on riling up individuals or socially affiliated(rather than commercially affiliated) groups. In this universe, I want to troll Double Fine because I guess that's what people do for no reason whatsoever.
IF it were the case that I wanted to do this, I'd have to:
1. Set up a Kickstarter account
2. Set up an Amazon account
3. Link my credit card to Amazon Payments
4. Pledge money to the Kickstarter
5. Be constantly aware of how much time is left so I can pull out at the last second.
Now, this set of actions wouldn't stop anyone, I suppose.
The thing is:
The top tiers sold out and stayed sold out.
If I, as an individual, wanted to troll Double Fine by making their number go lower or something I guess, to make an actual impact I'd have to take the highest tier, because we're dealing with big numbers here. Because Kickstarter stops at 10,000, I'd have to coordinate with at least 10 other people in a conspiracy to make a 100,000 drop.
And yet, the top tiers never dropped. The people who pledged $1,000 or more stayed pledged, because those tiers are still sold out. We're talking about people who wanted to troll, but didn't do so by taking up very valuable reward slots, which would actually be damaging.
The numbers in the top tiers are consistent with normal usage, which would not be the case if we lived in a universe where trolling Kickstarter campaigns by lowering/cancelling pledges was a thing that actually happened or made even the most remote bit of sense.
Ah, gotcha. Folks making a few jovial comments that are then not backed up by anything that even remotely resembles the sort of action that would most accomplish the(stupid) goal of significantly lowering Double Fine's final fundraising numbers absolutely shows that your idea has something that might look like merit if it you don't think too much(or, preferably, at all) about it.
By the way, the sky is made of jello. If you contradict me you're being a meanie weenie. My ideas are valid.
It's the way you present your argument that's the problem, not the argument itself. Stop talking down to people.
I'm talking down to ideas, not people. The idea presented here is one of the stupidest and fanciful concepts ever posted on these boards...
Have you seen the kind of things people do on the internet for no good reason at all? They intentionally ruin people's lives just for laughs. It didn't happen, but it wasn't *that* out of left field.
And I agree, you should tone it down. You are being unnecessarily combative. That's a nice way of saying you're being a jerk.
dashing... People are allowed to have their opinions no matter how ridiculous you find them... Anyway the motive behind why people decide to cancel a pledge is impossible to prove and really doesn't matter... I can't tell sometimes if you are purposely trying to get people worked up or if you are legitimately raging.... I will tell you though what I tell my kids when they fight... "you do not always have to prove you're right.. Especially when it doesn't matter sometimes both people walking away with dignity is the real victory"
Dashing, please calm down. Why don't we gush over the new Civ 5 features instead?
Mostly because that's not even tangentially related to Double Fine, Kickstarter, 2Player Productions, or any layer of the subject other than the broad umbrella of "video games for PC", which is probably way too much of a stretch to be called "on topic".
Now this is something that I have noticed in the past couple of years knowing this Dashing fellow. He is a very anaylitical individual. He has spent much of his life perfecting his method of putting together what has been observed to form his statements. I don't think I ever seen him make a decision that wasn't backed by some in depth reasoning except for maybe what to eat at I-HOP. Along with this, he is someone who has a lot of passion for the things he talks about. One of these things is Kickstarter, of which he has followed for a long time now. (And tempting me with so many cool projects!) He has studied a lot about the statistics of project funding and has learned the patterns of such. So when someone comes along and states something that goes against everything he has studied and had no proof whatsoever, then continue denying it after it had been shown to be faulty, it can be pretty frustrating.
I guess it can be akin to someone trying to tell an amateur geographer that the world is flat then continuing to state that it is flat after being shown proof otherwise.
Honestly, maybe I'm biased because I know him, but I haven't really seen much anger or "nastiness" from his posts directed at people. Perhaps at ideas, but never at the people themselves. Again, he is very analytically oriented and thus is very critical towards concepts and ideas, but I've never seen him get truly hateful towards a individual and is actually one of the most forgiving people I have ever met in my entire life. (I'm dead serious!) Really, from what I read, all he really wants is well thought out reasoning.
My personal two cents. I've had people get mad at me for misinterpreting what I've said for being angry so I just wanted to get my thoughts out. I don't want to derail the thread anymore though.
{edit: removed response to an argument that I'll agree is best regarded as being over}
It's pretty exciting to think that they have so much more of a budget than they originally planned. I think the game will still be in the $15 range, since it'll be comparable to Stacking and Costume Quest budget-wise, and thus will probably be similar content-wise, though if it's 2D that content will probably manifest in pretty different ways. It could end up longer or shorter than Stacking, for instance, but Stacking was one of those games where I don't have any real idea how long it took me to finish it, I just know that I loved it. But I would be very surprised if it came to more than $19.99 at the very most.
Internet, you never cease to surprise me. I really expected a lot of people to drop their donations to $1 at the last minute. There were a couple of times during the last 2 hours that it dropped down a few thousand dollars, but the donations kept coming.
I think this probably has more in common with people who pre-order a game from multiple stores in order to "support" their favorite game, than it does with just random trolling. It's possible there were people who pledged thousands of dollars to make it seem like the money was rolling in, because they wanted the project to seem like a success and draw in more donators. In the end that's counter-productive, just like fake pre-orders, but some fans just don't get that trying to fake buzz can have negative consequences long-term.
So when someone comes along and states something that goes against everything he has studied and had no proof whatsoever, then continue denying it after it had been shown to be faulty, it can be pretty frustrating.
I guess it can be akin to someone trying to tell an amateur geographer that the world is flat then continuing to state that it is flat after being shown proof otherwise.
Yup. I totally get that. Telltale is truly blessed that they don't have many threads about biology, or I would probably be constantly yelling at people the same way I do on G+ (still furious about that guy that was trying to convince me that vaccines cause brain damage. No proof whatsoever and, when I vehemently disagreed with him, he told me, ME, to go do my homework. This was after providing him with multiple tables from reputable sources showing him his idea was pure and utter bullshit. Grrr...).
Just remember how lucky you are, Telltale forums...
Also, I seriously still can't access the Double Fine forums. I can't even view my own profile. It's as if my forum account isn't authorized for absolutely anything. I can't even private message. Who can I contact there to get some support for this? I can't find any contact support email addresses anywhere on the site. I'm starting to think my account may have accidentally been banned. My first post doesn't exist anymore.
Also, I seriously still can't access the Double Fine forums. I can't even view my own profile. It's as if my forum account isn't authorized for absolutely anything. I can't even private message. Who can I contact there to get some support for this? I can't find any contact support email addresses anywhere on the site. I'm starting to think my account may have accidentally been banned. My first post doesn't exist anymore.
If you registered within the last two days or so, then your account and posts were all deleted when they moved servers. You'll have to re-register your account sadly, or at least that's what I had to do.
Its going to be really hard for them to please everyone.. Adventure game fans are indeed a smaller group but the ideal adventure game withing that group differs significantly..
I agree, but I was surprised to see how little variety there was in this thread on the Double Fine forums where people list their favourite point and click adventures of the last 10 years. I know this is way too small a sample of backers do draw any conclusions, but it's something.
If you registered within the last two days or so, then your account and posts were all deleted when they moved servers. You'll have to re-register your account sadly, or at least that's what I had to do.
Yeah, the same thing happened to me. I registered an account on Monday and had to register again yesterday.
I agree, but I was surprised to see how little variety there was in this thread on the Double Fine forums where people list their favourite point and click adventures of the last 10 years. I know this is way too small a sample of backers do draw any conclusions, but it's something.
I think the lack of variety is because their lists are limited to games that released in the last 10 years. It's a sad fact, but it's really not that easy naming good adventure games that have released in that timespan.
Now, I need to follow my standard forum procedure and forget about it for a few months, then lurk for a year, troll for a bit, and then become a well-known member of the community.
You know, like I always do.
Maybe I'll cut out the lurking for a year. That was pretty boring.
Now, I need to follow my new forum procedure and forget about it for a few months, then lurk for a year, troll for a bit, and then become a well-known moderator of the community.
Why not skip the boring parts altogether and employ that lil' fix I applied up there?
Step 2 - Repeat the mantra "I mustn't be nasty to innocent people" a few times.
Step 3 - Take a deep breath.
Step 4 - Resume typing.
Patronizing isn't going to help. There might be an element of nastiness within some of his posts. (Often abrasiveness is just a by-product of an honest opinion and a strongly-made argument.) But to look upon Dashing's posts as simply 'raging', and label his words as 'being nasty to people' is an insult, and is ignorant.
Now, I need to follow my standard forum procedure and forget about it for a few months, then lurk for a year, troll for a bit, and then become a well-known member of the community.
You know, like I always do.
Maybe I'll cut out the lurking for a year. That was pretty boring.
I apparently have an account that predates mine here.... Must have been psychonauts that prompted me to do so.
Why not skip the boring parts altogether and employ that lil' fix I applied up there?
Well, yesterday it looked like I was going to be forced into lurking because apparently they don't let you post on your first day there or something. But now, I see the post button! Watch out, Double Fine!
Wait... moderator? M-m-m-moderator?! Never! I mean, you guys can have that job. Perfectly all right with me. Yup. And I really am not going to envy the mods on the Double Fine forums for the next few months, what with all these newbies and me coming in from all angles.
I thought the humble indie bundle wouldn't work because most people would only pay $1, and I was proven wrong. And now I've been proven wrong again. I guess I should learn to stop being so cynical.
To be honest... she is right.. the net is full of trolls who do that sort of thing... and sad to say it but the gaming industry has some of the worst offenders as their fanbase.
And the fact is that people actually did do it. It dropped by about $5,000 at the 2 hour mark. People just didn't do it as much as I thought they would.
I don't know why people do things like this, but it's unfortunate that they do. It's the same mentality of people that ruin wikipedia pages. They don't do it because it's in their own interests. They do it because they think it's funny. And in reality, it's just sad.
Well then I just won't buy it.
No problemo. I hope the game is good.
If it isn't I feel bad for the MODS on their boards... imagine the DF eats babies threads that will happen and people demanding their $15 and up contributions back.
Its going to be really hard for them to please everyone.. Adventure game fans are indeed a smaller group but the ideal adventure game withing that group differs significantly..
It's far more likely and rational that instead of people dropping thier payments for no reason at all, they dropped it because at the last moment they realized: oh hey I can't afford this all the sudden. That's a completely rational and real thing that happens to people unlike "Oh I'm going to drop my backing and cause a .001% drop in the project haha im great".
Chill out man.
It's the way you present your argument that's the problem, not the argument itself. Stop talking down to people.
Have you seen the kind of things people do on the internet for no good reason at all? They intentionally ruin people's lives just for laughs. It didn't happen, but it wasn't *that* out of left field.
And I agree, you should tone it down. You are being unnecessarily combative. That's a nice way of saying you're being a jerk.
Love you guys.
Even though, yeah, they look pretty cool. =P
Step 1 - Back away from the keyboard.
Step 2 - Repeat the mantra "I mustn't be nasty to innocent people" a few times.
Step 3 - Take a deep breath.
Step 4 - Resume typing.
I guess it can be akin to someone trying to tell an amateur geographer that the world is flat then continuing to state that it is flat after being shown proof otherwise.
Honestly, maybe I'm biased because I know him, but I haven't really seen much anger or "nastiness" from his posts directed at people. Perhaps at ideas, but never at the people themselves. Again, he is very analytically oriented and thus is very critical towards concepts and ideas, but I've never seen him get truly hateful towards a individual and is actually one of the most forgiving people I have ever met in my entire life. (I'm dead serious!) Really, from what I read, all he really wants is well thought out reasoning.
My personal two cents. I've had people get mad at me for misinterpreting what I've said for being angry so I just wanted to get my thoughts out. I don't want to derail the thread anymore though.
*hugs all around*
Woah! Caught in the act! Where did you get these from?
It's pretty exciting to think that they have so much more of a budget than they originally planned. I think the game will still be in the $15 range, since it'll be comparable to Stacking and Costume Quest budget-wise, and thus will probably be similar content-wise, though if it's 2D that content will probably manifest in pretty different ways. It could end up longer or shorter than Stacking, for instance, but Stacking was one of those games where I don't have any real idea how long it took me to finish it, I just know that I loved it. But I would be very surprised if it came to more than $19.99 at the very most.
They were posted on the kickstarter blog a few days ago.
I think this probably has more in common with people who pre-order a game from multiple stores in order to "support" their favorite game, than it does with just random trolling. It's possible there were people who pledged thousands of dollars to make it seem like the money was rolling in, because they wanted the project to seem like a success and draw in more donators. In the end that's counter-productive, just like fake pre-orders, but some fans just don't get that trying to fake buzz can have negative consequences long-term.
Yup. I totally get that. Telltale is truly blessed that they don't have many threads about biology, or I would probably be constantly yelling at people the same way I do on G+ (still furious about that guy that was trying to convince me that vaccines cause brain damage. No proof whatsoever and, when I vehemently disagreed with him, he told me, ME, to go do my homework. This was after providing him with multiple tables from reputable sources showing him his idea was pure and utter bullshit. Grrr...).
Just remember how lucky you are, Telltale forums...
$3,336,371 + $110,000 = $3,446,371
Also, I seriously still can't access the Double Fine forums. I can't even view my own profile. It's as if my forum account isn't authorized for absolutely anything. I can't even private message. Who can I contact there to get some support for this? I can't find any contact support email addresses anywhere on the site. I'm starting to think my account may have accidentally been banned. My first post doesn't exist anymore.
If you registered within the last two days or so, then your account and posts were all deleted when they moved servers. You'll have to re-register your account sadly, or at least that's what I had to do.
I agree, but I was surprised to see how little variety there was in this thread on the Double Fine forums where people list their favourite point and click adventures of the last 10 years. I know this is way too small a sample of backers do draw any conclusions, but it's something.
Yeah, the same thing happened to me. I registered an account on Monday and had to register again yesterday.
I think the lack of variety is because their lists are limited to games that released in the last 10 years. It's a sad fact, but it's really not that easy naming good adventure games that have released in that timespan.
Now, I need to follow my standard forum procedure and forget about it for a few months, then lurk for a year, troll for a bit, and then become a well-known member of the community.
You know, like I always do.
Maybe I'll cut out the lurking for a year. That was pretty boring.
Why not skip the boring parts altogether and employ that lil' fix I applied up there?
Patronizing isn't going to help. There might be an element of nastiness within some of his posts. (Often abrasiveness is just a by-product of an honest opinion and a strongly-made argument.) But to look upon Dashing's posts as simply 'raging', and label his words as 'being nasty to people' is an insult, and is ignorant.
I apparently have an account that predates mine here.... Must have been psychonauts that prompted me to do so.
EDIT: I tweeted the legend Tim himself and he got in contact with the right people and fixed my account. Nice.
The next months are going to be amazing! Thanks to you Divisionten
I'm still a non-supporter, DAMN.
@Tim: website. Button. Donate. Paypal. 4.5, easy-peasy.
Well, yesterday it looked like I was going to be forced into lurking because apparently they don't let you post on your first day there or something. But now, I see the post button! Watch out, Double Fine!
Wait... moderator? M-m-m-moderator?! Never! I mean, you guys can have that job. Perfectly all right with me. Yup. And I really am not going to envy the mods on the Double Fine forums for the next few months, what with all these newbies and me coming in from all angles.