The Kickstarter/Crowdfunding thread



  • edited October 2012
    Here's an actual link to the Kickstarter page, as opposed to a Google search.

    Whoops, my bad. Fixed.
  • edited October 2012

    Here's one for the goon movie. Please fund it like crazy since there's only 9 days left on this. I want this to succeed.
  • edited October 2012
    Please don't fund it. Funding this story reel that backers can't see that will then be used to sell the project to a major studio is not a good idea and this project deserves every single bit of bad press it gets.

    While I'm talking about animation projects, I'm backing The Saga of Rex. I also backed Kick-Heart, the first crowd-funded Japan-made anime, but that campaign is done.
  • edited November 2012
    Dashing this is the kickstarter thread. And as you can see the goon kickstarter offers rewards like any other kickstarter project.
  • edited November 2012
    Most Kickstarters tend to offer the end result to its backers. The finished product, if you will.

    The Goon isn't doing that at all.

    The closest they get to letting people see the story reel (and that's all it is, mind - it's not the finished film. It's just a STORY REEL) is an invitation to watch it at a special screening night, and that pretty much screws over anyone who can't get to LA (like me, Mr South Coast of England). Unless you pledge 10 grand, in which case you get a private screening. And you'll still have to make your way to California.

    Everything else they're offering is just the typical bonus stuff - posters and faux-bronze sculptures. But that's pretty much it.
  • edited November 2012
    Leplaya wrote: »
    Leplaya wrote: »
    this is the kickstarter thread.
    I'm well aware. That's why we're talking about a Kickstarter campaign and not, for example, conservation efforts to save the Hispaniolan Solenodon.
    Leplaya wrote: »
    And as you can see the goon kickstarter offers rewards like any other kickstarter project.
    I don't contest that they offer rewards.

    I contest that they are creating something that the backers will be able to see.

    I contest that the thing the backers actually want to have made is actually being funded by the backers(that is, the finished film).

    I contest that a project meant to create a pitch to have a project funded by corporate interests is not going against the spirit of, if not the actual rules of, Kickstarter as a platform.

    I contest that funding this will directly lead to the thing people want to see made(that is, the film) actually being created.

    I contest that contributing to this is a good idea.

    I contest that this project deserves to succeed.

    I disagree with the way this project is being run on practical and moral grounds, and for that reason I have to say I'd be overjoyed to see it fall flat on its face and fail, and frankly I think it doesn't deserve anything better than that.
  • edited November 2012
    I gotta say... that Kickstarter looks really fishy. Four hundred thousand to create a pitch that probably won't even make it to a movie.

    It makes me think of the Producers for some reason.
  • edited November 2012
    Think I'm gonna pledge fifty dollars to the Goon project.
  • edited November 2012
    I gotta say... that Kickstarter looks really fishy. Four hundred thousand to create a pitch that probably won't even make it to a movie.

    It makes me think of the Producers for some reason.

    Yeah... The studio is essentially asking for money so you can pay to see it, IF it even makes it to that stage, under the guise that the movie is happening for sure. It's a little scary when a studio has to ask people for money so they can pitch an idea for people to invest in when no one was willing to invest in the project in the first place, let alone owing backers practically nothing whether or not the movie succeeds or fails...

    I mean, the the only way that investors would be interested in investing in a blockbuster movie is if that movie shows great promise in returning a profit. The project looks really cool, but I honestly don't see it as working out that way, ESPECIALLY when the studio has never undergone anything near this level.
  • edited November 2012
    Here's an interesting article looking at the project.

    There's also a follow-up article as the guys behind the project try and defend it.
  • edited November 2012
    Who wants some more Elite? Don't lie, you KNOW you do.

    Just don't go in expecting any actual info, because there's not a whole lot there beyond "we're making a new Elite".
  • edited November 2012
    Okay, this is not an actual Kickstarter campaign (since I'm not in the US), but IndieGoGo... and it's for my upcoming dystopian sci-fi/nostalgic book, featuring artwork by Ado Ceric. Please donate and/or tell all your friends! :D
  • edited November 2012
    I would have backed the Goon Kickstarter just because I love the comic, but I already spent way, way too much on the Relic Knights and Werewolf the Apocalypse Kickstarters, so I'm banned from Kickstarter till new year. Which is awful, because that meant I missed out on the Deadlands Hell on Earth Miniatures Kickstarter. Oh well, at least I can buy them when they hit retail, I'm not that fussed about the Kickstarter exclusive figures.
  • edited November 2012
    On a scale of 1-666, how bad is it that I seem to be taking a rather perverse glee in backing projects that I know full well won't make their target?
  • edited November 2012
    Depends on how much you're pledging...
  • edited November 2012
    So, uh, help. I seem to be addicted.

    EDIT: And before anyone says anything, I don't back these expecting immediate results. I know full well many of these won't arrive until late next year. Doesn't mean I don't still want them. Well, except the majority of the third row. That was just me branching out and attempting to support projects that looked interesting.

    EDIT2: OK, FOURTH row. Stupid film projects.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Oh FRICK. How many times have those talentless Gods and Men makers now attempted a new ST pitch pilot kickstarter?!? And shoot, it actually looks like they could make it this time... because they lowered their expectations...
  • edited November 2012

    Kaiju Combat

    The idea is to create a base game which is an arena fighter with 2-4 monsters. The real draw is that they are in talks to license several real universeses worth of monsters that will be sold as stand-alone games that then combine with each other. Possible licenses include things like Ultraman, Gamera, and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.


    Retro Game Crunch

    Six small games across six months, with you getting one game per month after the project ends. Neat idea.


    The Saga of Rex

    The one I'm most excited about, only has 64 hours to go as of this writing. It has met and is about to hit double its initial goal, but it still has a long way to go to hit stretch goals to add another couple minutes of animation to the final short. Michel Gagne is an incredible mind, and the creature designs in this look amazing. Every frame of animation is going to be drawn by hand, frame-by-frame, and the fluidity of the animation shows how amazing this approach can look. I really think you should back this.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2012
    The Saga of Rex

    The one I'm most excited about, only has 64 hours to go as of this writing. It has met and is about to hit double its initial goal, but it still has a long way to go to hit stretch goals to add another couple minutes of animation to the final short. Michel Gagne is an incredible mind, and the creature designs in this look amazing. Every frame of animation is going to be drawn by hand, frame-by-frame, and the fluidity of the animation shows how amazing this approach can look. I really think you should back this.

    Oh, that's the one from the "Flight" comic books. I remember that one.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Hey, Shadowgate made it's goal. :)

    I was a bit concerned about this one, since although I'd love to see it remade (the "Shadowgate Classic" re-releases really showed their age), Zojoi didn't have much success on the Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective kickstarter.

    I guess they learned from that one, since I've seen the Shadowgate kickstarter featured on adventure game websites (and even some mainstream ones). Although, it could be that it's a game with a much wider appeal. ;)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2012
    It looks interesting, but I won't back this one. Haven't played any of the titles they made... and as a PayPal-only backer, I am pretty appalled by the "early bird" backer bonus. I am, however, rather willing to leave my money at once this one surfaces for real.
  • edited November 2012
    So in a week or so this will become a Kickstarter project.


    Oh, and that sequel to Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden is up now. SO tempted by the $100 bracket.
  • edited December 2012
    Nice browser RPG with turn-based combat:

  • edited December 2012
    I read through that page and it looked incredibly suspicious.
  • edited December 2012
    I read through that page and it looked incredibly suspicious.

    Could I ask why?
  • edited December 2012
    fshock wrote: »
    Could I ask why?

    It was kinda a general feeling I got that was probably based on some minor observations that I made while reading the page. For one, a grand is a really small amount for someone to be raising when they apparently want to hire another person. And one of the stretch goals went down? How on earth does that work? There were also some very weird grammatical errors. I dunno. I got the same vibe that I did with that other fake game on indiegogo. I could probably pin down exactly what made me feel this way if I looked at that page again.
  • edited December 2012
    And one of the stretch goals went down? How on earth does that work?

    English is not my native, could you explain this one?

    and there is an update with a video, if you don't want to watch all video just watch from around 3:20

    the link:
  • edited December 2012
    I believe it means that one of the stretch goals was removed.
  • edited December 2012
    @Alcoremortis, I should say, that went down should be replaced with adjusted ;)
  • edited December 2012
    Ah. That's my bad - 'Went down' can have two meanings, and I got the wrong one. I think he meant 'adjusted'.
  • edited December 2012
    Everyone should contribute something to this unique, beautiful work of animation.
  • edited December 2012
    fshock wrote: »
    English is not my native, could you explain this one?

    I meant that we have the ultimate goal of $1000 and then one of the stretch goals was for $500. It decreased, went down, was diminished, is less than. It doesn't make sense.
  • edited December 2012
    *sigh* Oh, how I wish that this kickstarter had been a success. The most expensive reward tier involves perhaps the biggest discouragement for people to pledge the highest amount that I have ever seen!
  • edited December 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    *sigh* Oh, how I wish that this kickstarter had been a success. The most expensive reward tier involves perhaps the biggest discouragement for people to pledge the highest amount that I have ever seen!

    If I was rich id call his bluff.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    There's now a new kickstarter up for Inherit the Earth 2. I hope this one makes it, as I enjoyed what I've played of the first one. I only got about 3/4 of the way through it, and it's on my to-finish list. This seems like the perfect time to do so. :)

    By the way, the first one is only $1.99 on iTunes now, and I highly recommend it (especially at that price). You don't even need an iOS device, just download it through iTunes and rename the ipa file to zip (in the apps section of your itunes download directory). Then you can just unzip it and point ScummVM to that location, and run it on any platform supported by ScummVM. :D
  • edited January 2013
    For those who don't know, Ken Allen, composer of many early Sierra games such as Colonel's Bequest, King's Quest I, King's Quest V, Space Quest IV, Space Quest I VGA, and also some games outside of Sierra like Descent has started a KickStarter project called Under the Half Dome for a music album based on, inspired by, and re-imagining his old works.

    The project has already hit its goal in under 48 hours and there will be an announcement soon of some interesting stretch goals. Backer rewards include the album in physical and digital format, access to backer-exclusive blog of the production of the album, t-shirt, blow-up poster of the album artwork (made by ex-Sierra artist Rich Powell), and even big things like a MIDI keyboard controller (same one Ken is using to record the album), a chance for you the backer to perform on one of the tracks on the album, write some liner notes, as well as Ken composing a song specifically for you of your direction in the higher tiers. And more!

    Fund him!

    Kickstarter Project Page
    Facebook Page
    Google+ Group
  • edited January 2013
    Guys. Expect something cool to come out of Kickstarter on Feb 1st of this year. ;)
  • edited January 2013
    Please consider supporting Asylum, from the creator of Scratches!

    Lots of cool stuff on their page - viral videos, playable demo, etc. They're not asking for too much. Agustin Cordes, the creator, has been a huge supporter of a lot of other kickstarters, so let's return the favor!
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