Need Inverted Controls Option

edited June 2013 in The Walking Dead
I am not sure what is wrong with my brain but I have to be able to invert the up/down settings on video games. I am sure there are many others like me who push up on the right stick and expect the cursor to plummet to the bottom of the screen and if it doesn't, we pause our brand new game and fix this in the options menu. Some of you may go further and actually look for this option before even launching the game. So why is it that The Walking Dead game does not have this simple option?
Does Telltale not understand how crippling not having this option is to someone like me? I watched all the trailers and the "Playing Dead" episodes before trying the demo. I was blown away by the whole concept only to be left deflated when I assumed control of Lee and couldn't maneuver him properly. I kept thinking "uh oh, what's going to happen when I have to fend off a zombie in a split second?" Sure enough I found my self frantically focusing on the controls instead of frantically focusing on Lee's survival.
I see the potential and to me the game looks and feels stunning. It is truly a comic book brought to life but instead of being immersed in the beautifully crafted world I am all consumed in trying to make the cursor go where I desperately want it to go. So, please Telltale, if you are reading this, please put in a simple patch to fix this huge issue for those of us that are "axis challenged". I want to love playing this game as much as you loved making it. Please....


  • edited April 2012
    That would be great nice critique too my brain does same thing died twice because of it lol
  • edited April 2012
    Agreed. Inverted should be in any game that allows you to look around.
  • edited April 2012
    Agreed.... I can't believe they released a "finished" game in 2012 without an option to invert aim. I can't even find a config file (pc).

    May have to hold off on playing until they get the option patched in or until a modder figures it out.
  • edited April 2012
    No still worth playing for sure just barrel through u won't be disappointed
  • edited April 2012
    I to wanted to add, I to need the inverted controls option. Can't play without it. I'll be second guessing future telltale purchases based on this.
  • edited April 2012
    Seriously. How it this not an option? Please fix. I bought the Season Pass on PS3, so my opinion matters!
  • edited April 2012
    I made the mistake of purchasing the 5 ep. subscription for $19.99 on PS3 to save money and with no inversion on the X and Y axis possible I simply can't play this. My brain wasn't trained this way and I don't have the time, nor would it be any fun to just "barrel through". This is seriously disappointing. Is this not possible? Why do us "Old Schoolers" have to be left out in the cold?
    If this doesn't get addressed, I've completely wasted my money. I hope you are going to consider this request, Telltale. I'm not the only one.
  • edited April 2012
    Count me as another vote for inverted Y.
  • edited April 2012
    I am not one who needs it, but I am actually surprised it was not included. Anyone with flight sim experience could need this.
  • edited April 2012
    Created an account just to say thank you all for letting me know about this. I have an amazing amount of trouble using "normal" controls.

    No look inversion = no purchase for me

    Ugh, how incredibly disappointing. :(
  • edited April 2012
    I would agree that I would like that option added later or at least into future episodes. I can play it with the way it is but it certainly isn't easy for me when it comes to trying to aim the cursor.
  • edited April 2012
    Sign me up for this! I can play the other way... but i'm gonna die a thousand times.. when it comes to xbox..

    strange thing is that i like inverted controls when i play console but not on pc..
  • edited April 2012
    Sign me up for this! I can play the other way... but i'm gonna die a thousand times.. when it comes to xbox..
    You could always hold your controller upside down :D

    kiddin'.. I kiddin'
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah, I agree, this was going to be my one request. Makes it harder though I guess!

    Only played the demo but it seems like Telltale are back on form. Will most likely purchase a season pass later.
  • edited April 2012
    I can never play inverted controls. That confuses me. Even in flight games. Forward is up and back is down for me.
  • edited April 2012
    Inverted players unite!!!
  • edited April 2012
    I play inverted; and if it isnt an option im am so glad i didnt buy it on ps3 :eek:
  • edited April 2012
    Is there anyway to modify something to get this working?
  • edited April 2012
    It's backwards for me, too. Gotten me killed more than once so far. Sure was surprised when I went to the options and didn't see one to invert the Y axis... dang. :(
  • edited April 2012
    Is there anyway to modify something to get this working?

    Nothing obvious in the registry or the steamapps folder.
  • edited April 2012
    In first person games...I like to use inverted mouse too.
  • edited April 2012
    It's this kind of thing that forced me to "unlearn" inverted controls. I've been much happier ever since I converted (except in games that only have inverted aiming, of course).

    I'm not invertaphobic, but you guys need to realize that inversion is a life choice, and that there's still time for you to go the right way.*

    But seriously it'd be nice if they added inverted controls. All games with camera controls need to have that option.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm really disappointed. I loved the comic book series and the show. I was excited to hear they were making a game. I played the trial and couldn't changed the look controls to inverted. Any game should have this option and anyone associated with the game will lose money if simple things that are expected are not included in the game. I will not be purchasing the game. It's unfortunate how companies are run in this day and age, courtesies and common sense are lacking and this is an example. Don't get me started on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm really disappointed. I loved the comic book series and the show. I was excited to hear they were making a game. I played the trial and couldn't changed the look controls to inverted. Any game should have this option and anyone associated with the game will lose money if simple things that are expected are not included in the game. I will not be purchasing the game. It's unfortunate how companies are run in this day and age, courtesies and common sense are lacking and this is an example. Don't get me started on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and the developers.
  • edited April 2012
    i could never understand why some people want to move something up expecting it goes down. But as it is 2012 and i don't think its that hard to make i think they should do it i guess....
  • edited April 2012
    I completely agree, every game that i play my controls are inverted the "Y Axis" (Vertical)
    Adjusting to this game was a challenge for me, and going back to other games which i do play inverted will get me hella confused :(
    Ducksditch wrote: »
    I am not sure what is wrong with my brain but I have to be able to invert the up/down settings on video games. I am sure there are many others like me who push up on the right stick and expect the cursor to plummet to the bottom of the screen and if it doesn't, we pause our brand new game and fix this in the options menu. Some of you may go further and actually look for this option before even launching the game. So why is it that The Walking Dead game does not have this simple option?
    Does Telltale not understand how crippling not having this option is to someone like me? I watched all the trailers and the "Playing Dead" episodes before trying the demo. I was blown away by the whole concept only to be left deflated when I assumed control of Lee and couldn't maneuver him properly. I kept thinking "uh oh, what's going to happen when I have to fend off a zombie in a split second?" Sure enough I found my self frantically focusing on the controls instead of frantically focusing on Lee's survival.
    I see the potential and to me the game looks and feels stunning. It is truly a comic book brought to life but instead of being immersed in the beautifully crafted world I am all consumed in trying to make the cursor go where I desperately want it to go. So, please Telltale, if you are reading this, please put in a simple patch to fix this huge issue for those of us that are "axis challenged". I want to love playing this game as much as you loved making it. Please....
  • edited April 2012
    i could never understand why some people want to move something up expecting it goes down.

    I think up/down is the wrong way to look at it. You aren't moving the mouse up, you're moving it forward. That's where the disconnect is.

    As a long-time inverter, this is how I see it... if you want me to look down, you push my neck/head forward. If you want me to look up, you pull my neck/head back. That's how I use the mouse to control the avatar's view.
  • edited April 2012
    i could never understand why some people want to move something up expecting it goes down. But as it is 2012 and i don't think its that hard to make i think they should do it i guess....

    I always think of it as flying an airplane, you have to pull back on the stick to go up and push it forward to fly down.
  • edited April 2012
    spdiscus wrote: »
    I think up/down is the wrong way to look at it. You aren't moving the mouse up, you're moving it forward. That's where the disconnect is.

    As a long-time inverter, this is how I see it... if you want me to look down, you push my neck/head forward. If you want me to look up, you pull my neck/head back. That's how I use the mouse to control the avatar's view.
    Dymir wrote: »
    I always think of it as flying an airplane, you have to pull back on the stick to go up and push it forward to fly down.

    Exactly. Both of you perfectly explained why inverted just feels natural to me. Both of those reasons are exactly why.
  • edited April 2012
    Exactly. Both of you perfectly explained why inverted just feels natural to me. Both of those reasons are exactly why.

    It's all about vectors and inverted is the only thing that makes sense. That's why Golden Eye was the best.
  • edited April 2012
    Add me to the list. It's complete garbage that a game is released in 2012 without a mouse invert option or key remapping options. I feel completely ripped off here.
  • edited April 2012
    I think of it as an upside-down T, where the camera/body/vehicle stays at the plane of the crossbar. You move the trunk forward and the crossbar tilts forward. This brings the nose of the plane (not airplane, but it is still applicable) down, along with your line of sight. Pull back and the nose comes up, raising your sight.

    That head explanation was great, spdiscus.
  • edited April 2012
    +1 to those asking for an inverted option. I can't imagine it would be too hard to patch, or at least add to the later chapters. Other than this one issue, great game. Keep it up.
  • edited April 2012
    Another player in need of an inverted option. Can't (won't) play until this is fixed. Bummer :(
  • edited April 2012
    I too registered in the forum just to post that inverted control options are needed. My wife and I read the walking dead comics, watch the show and I was looking forward to this game. Because of my respect and love of the source material and belief telltale would handle the game well I didn't even try the demo and bought the first episode. My wife tried it first and got so frustrated with the controls and kept dying that she said she won't play it anymore. Her and I always use inverted controls. I too was frustrated but I wanted to play at least once to follow the story. I am surprised that there is no invert option for up and down. I guess I take invert option in games for granted and assumed it would be an option in this game. I hope there can be a patch made for this so my wife will play through it. I like the story and graphics and approach so far, but the controls are keeping my wife, and it looks like others, away from playing the game on the xbox. I'll wait and see about a patch and/or invert as an option for the future episodes before I buy them.
  • edited April 2012
    Like many of you, I created an account here just to help this issue get noticed. I really REALLY want to keep playing this, but the lack of inverted look controls totally broke the experience for me!

    I bought the season pass right away, so here's to hoping this gets patched in at some point. Hopefully sooner than later.
  • edited April 2012
    i cant remember what game it was that forced me to learn inverted controls, but ive been playing this way for over 10 years now. i try and play normal every once in a while, but in high-stress moments, i always revert back to inverted, and often die as a result. i cant play this game

    sidenote: i joined only to post this. if inverted controls dont make an appearance, i wont be purchasing the rest of the episodes. guaranteed.
  • edited April 2012
    I always invert the controls and was disapointed that they weren't in the options menu but I adapted quickly with this, inverted controls next ep. would be great.
  • edited April 2012
    This is fu#$#$ ridiculous. I just wasted 20 bucks on the season pass for ps3, and just noticed there is no option for that. WHAT THE HELL?? What kind of company is that?? amateurs.

    Are you "developers" planning to add this in the next update? Someone needs to come to this thread and update us.
    I bought this based on IGN review, but they did not mention about the lack of invert controls. you need to fix that.
  • edited April 2012
    Ya know, I understand the frustration... but calling people names? Is that really the way to get something done? :/
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