You guys who think it's impossible to switch or temporarily get used to standard aiming, it's really not. Annoying, yes.
Sure, it's not impossible, but why should I have to do so? Since life isn't a Monty python skit, I'm not too happy about paying to be annoyed. You may not mind it, but to each their own.
But not as terrible as you seem to think it is, and not worth screaming your heads off at the developers about.
Actually, yes it is. Maybe not to you, but to many of us it is. Effectively the game is broken. It's not like there's one or two of us who are clamoring over there not being some outrageous, never heard of option. Inverting y-axis has been an option in games since at least 92 or so. I know because that's when I started using it since my friend's PC was set up that way when I started playing shooters over at his house.
It's also not worth skipping this game over, especially since it doesn't even require the type of quick reflexes needed for most action games (yes, even in the "QTE" scenes).
Again, yes it is. I'm not going to constantly fight with a game's controls no matter how good it is. Honestly though, the game looks good from what I forced myself to play, but not spectacular. Although there is no game good enough for me to be constantly frustrated while playing.
But guys, please try to calm down and not let something that minor (minor for this game anyway) spoil your experience.
Completely broken controls is a "minor" problem? Hardly. Especially given that it would be such a simple option to implement that has already been in games for decades.
Sure, it's not impossible, but why should I have to do so? Since life isn't a Monty python skit, I'm not too happy about paying to be annoyed. You may not mind it, but to each their own.
Actually, yes it is. Maybe not to you, but to many of us it is. Effectively the game is broken. It's not like there's one or two of us who are clamoring over there not being some outrageous, never heard of option. Inverting y-axis has been an option in games since at least 92 or so. I know because that's when I started using it since my friend's PC was set up that way when I started playing shooters over at his house.
Again, yes it is. I'm not going to constantly fight with a game's controls no matter how good it is. Honestly though, the game looks good from what I forced myself to play, but not spectacular. Although there is no game good enough for me to be constantly frustrated while playing.
Completely broken controls is a "minor" problem? Hardly. Especially given that it would be such a simple option to implement that has already been in games for decades.
I agree completely. First off, this is a console game. That's ok, but when you develop a console game, then decide to market it as a PC game, there are certain considerations you need to be aware of.
The devs are either aware and don't care, or they don't know and just slapped the port out and got a steam deal for the cash.
Personally I feel dirty even playing a game that wasn't developed for PC. No big deal, live and learn.
Actually, let me add that this is actually worse than a console game. It plays more like a flash FaceBook game. This game is a crime, insulting all that is good and right about PC Gaming.
Easy fellas, the game is solid. I've been playing inverted games since the 80's, so this did throw me for a loop. The lack of inversion did cause me to die in panic situations, and I'm sure it's going to again, but I've played through twice, and after about an hour of playing, I was able to 're-train' my thumb. Also the lack of inversion made the game a little more challenging and interesting. Hopefully it will be addressed in the following episodes. But don't let it prevent you from playing the game, because it's a great filler until season 3 starts.
Actually, let me add that this is actually worse than a console game. It plays more like a flash FaceBook game. This game is a crime, insulting all that is good and right about PC Gaming.
Easy fellas, the game is solid. I've been playing inverted games since the 80's, so this did throw me for a loop. The lack of inversion did cause me to die in panic situations, and I'm sure it's going to again, but I've played through twice, and after about an hour of playing, I was able to 're-train' my thumb. Also the lack of inversion made the game a little more challenging and interesting. Hopefully it will be addressed in the following episodes. But don't let it prevent you from playing the game, because it's a great filler until season 3 starts.
You're right. We could spend the time to 'retrain', but I don't think the $25 I spent is really worth the energy. Telltale has done what they've done, no big deal.
I think the guy from the review posted above got it right, and he's playing on an xbox lol:
Inverting the Y-Axis has been a staple option of games for almost two decades. People like me basically cannot play without it. Oh, sure, we can change and adapt once we take a minute to think it through, but that is not how games should be played. Control reactions should be instinctual. Not reflective.
This is not a threat (as some users see it) as much as it is a promise. I will 100% never buy another telltale game until this is fixed! I simply have not played a game "regular" since Goldeneye in '97...I hope my 5$ does you some good. It won't happen again.
Actually, the controls could stand to have a comprehensive review. Using the face buttons on a gamepad seems a bit silly. Why not map those same actions to the shoulder buttons? That would facilitate moving, looking, and action simultaneously.
I agree. If there was some way to integrate this for the action sections because moving the right thumbstick and then taking your thumb off to hit an action button is not fluid. But focusing on an invert option is more important
Easy fellas, the game is solid. I've been playing inverted games since the 80's, so this did throw me for a loop. The lack of inversion did cause me to die in panic situations, and I'm sure it's going to again, but I've played through twice, and after about an hour of playing, I was able to 're-train' my thumb. Also the lack of inversion made the game a little more challenging and interesting. Hopefully it will be addressed in the following episodes. But don't let it prevent you from playing the game, because it's a great filler until season 3 starts.
Congrats on deluding yourself into thinking the game is playable, but seriously I don't need you to tell me to take it easy.
"the lack of inversion made the game a little more challenging and interesting"
Are you paid by Telltale to post here? I ask because that's the perfect line of BS that a company's PR department would come up with as a solution to this. If you're not you should seriously ask them for a contract. They could use your special brand of spin right about now.
Oh, and I'm not "letting it" prevent me from playing the game, it's FORCING me to not play the game.
Actually, let me add that this is actually worse than a console game. It plays more like a flash FaceBook game. This game is a crime, insulting all that is good and right about PC Gaming.
I just bought the JP game from them, and now this one, hoping it was much better. I was wrong, and should admit you where right in your statement.
I think that was the last Telltale game I will ever buy now.
Have no plans to add this option??????? It has been a basic option for like EVERY GAME for oh I don't know FOREVER???? I will never waste my money on another TellTale game. And for wasting my time and money on this release, I plan to tell everyone from now until eternity not to buy any telltale releases. If they ask if they should buy a release, I'll say don't buy it. What a joke. Game making 101 mistake. I could write the code for this @#$% ing option. It takes like 5 minutes tops.
Thank you!! This is the first I have ever heard of them acknowledging it!!
As I previous stated I had my wife play through the game and even though I was not "in control" I still enjoyed the game very much!!......and surprisingly after dropping the remote multiple times in non-gamer gal did too;)
So I was able to play/watch through the first episode BUT I am really hoping there will be a patch for the 2nd....
Again.....I have no issue with the game itself...just the no invert option
Sure, we are the minority posting here about no invert option, but I wonder how many people got frustrated using the non inverted controls to look around, if they are used to inverted controls, died numerous times getting the shotgun shell in the gun and shooting the sheriff zombie and just quit the game or tried the demo and never bought the game because of this.
I know my wife was so frustrated she said she did not want to play anymore and she loves the comic series and tv show. She would not go and register on a forum and post about no invert option, she would just not buy any more episodes, and that's a shame because I did fumble through the controls and the story was quite good. How many other players are being turned away from the game because of no invert option but don't take the time to post about it?
How many other players are being turned away from the game because of no invert option but don't take the time to post about it?
Tens of thousands.
Just wanted to mention my solution again since it's probably lost in the madness: Watch the playthrough on youtube. An imperfect solution in an imperfect world.
Just as a heads up, I emailed M$ to see if you can get a refund on Live. No, you can't. I put in a complaint that maybe they should raise their standard for approval of a game into XBLA to include the invert option on games like this. Completely unacceptable.
Tens of thousands.
Just wanted to mention my solution again since it's probably lost in the madness: Watch the playthrough on youtube. An imperfect solution in an imperfect world.
Mate thanks very much for that link, its really good.
Evidently the guy really likes the game and the commentary is cool, I found it much more fun to watch him enjoying the game (...."hey I'm Solid Snake") than I did playing it, at least I wont have to buy the sequels, the video is kinda like an animated version of the comic
Just got the game and I am seriously disappointed that the inverted option is not available. I'm actually shocked at how short sighted this omission is.
Every game has this option - first person or 3rd person.
I have been gaming inverted for as long as I can remember - back into the 90s with Quake. It's what comes naturally to me and many people I know.
Just registered to add to this. Just paid for this game and it is completely unplayable for me.
I've been "inverting" look for 16 years since Quake, when it wasn't "inverting" but the standard. I really cannot believe that a game with look has been released without this option; it's a massive oversight.
PLEASE, patch this. I cannot play this until it is fixed.
Just as a heads up, I emailed M$ to see if you can get a refund on Live. No, you can't. I put in a complaint that maybe they should raise their standard for approval of a game into XBLA to include the invert option on games like this. Completely unacceptable.
now imagine my frustration: I bought the season pass of this POS and can't get the refund!!!:mad::mad::mad:
This is not the first time a game I was looking forward to playing didn't pan out because of the unforgivable oversight of not including the option to invert the axis. Wish I'd done the trial version, but at least I only shelled out for Chapter 1. Won't be buying any more until they fix this. It's stunning, at this point, that any developer would ignore the segment of the gaming population that needs to invert. It can't be an insignificant amount.
So, Telltale, please remedy this situation. It can't be more than a few lines of code to make the game playable to all.
I had to sign up for an account just let Telltale know what a major disappointment it was to find out that there was no option to invert the y-axis. It did have a seriously detrimental effect on my experience with the game. I died multiple times because of an inability to quickly move the cursor in the direction I intended. I looked through the options multiple times because I couldn't believe that they would completely neglect that standard game option but was sorely disappointed. The game is actually a solid game and I would look forward to buying the next episode if I knew that feature would be included in the subsequent episodes.
It's this kind of thing that forced me to "unlearn" inverted controls. I've been much happier ever since I converted (except in games that only have inverted aiming, of course).
I'm not invertaphobic, but you guys need to realize that inversion is a life choice, and that there's still time for you to go the right way.
Yes, it would be possible to learn the other way of look control, but what game do I want to ruin for myself doing this?
It's not going to be fun, it's going to take hours of conditioning myself to it and whatever game I chose to do it on will have been ruined for me.
I have a full time job and plenty of other commitments, I'm not going to spend a huge chunk of my precious free time not enjoying myself at all because some developers are too lazy to add a completely industry standard option to their game.
If a game doesn't let me invert, I'll take it back to the shop, the kicker here is as its download only, I'm stuck with a product I can't enjoy and can't get a refund on.
Oh and as a tangent, I don't consider the way I control the look function to be "inverted", even though I accept that's become the naming convention for it. If you look down, you push your head forward. If you look up you pull your head back. I see the analogue stick or mouse as controlling my head and not the reticule so other way is inverted for me.
It's this kind of thing that forced me to "unlearn" inverted controls. I've been much happier ever since I converted (except in games that only have inverted aiming, of course).
I'm not invertaphobic, but you guys need to realize that inversion is a life choice, and that there's still time for you to go the right way.*
But seriously it'd be nice if they added inverted controls. All games with camera controls need to have that option.
I don't think it's as easy as all that. My mother, going way back, was forced to retrain her brain when it came to handwriting. She was born a lefty, but in her day they literally beat it out of you in school. Raps on the knuckles with a ruler until she conformed to being a righty. The X-axis thing, though, I think is as complex. For me I get nauseated trying to use a game where I can't invert it. I've tried to retrain my brain, but no dice. I think it's hardwired (so to speak).
Hi guys I have finally figured out the best way to invert y-axis controls in this game and have finally tested it (only for mouse controls so far). Requires usage of a little utility called Sakasa Mouse. Y-axis and X-axis can be inverted independently.
I am very disappointed there is no option to invert, I have never played a game other wise and I have tried and tried, because I really do like this game.. but I just can't do it and it's ruining the whole gaming experience for me.. I just keep dying and it's very frustrating. I just can't imagine them not patching this, invert is a BASIC option, I really can't think of ANY game that doesn't have this.. it's just a simple little patch, I'm sure they could have an intern fix it for crying out loud.. uuuggghhh.. I just hope they fix it so I can play!
This is 2012. I REFUSE to purchase this game because I can't "play" it. It's not that I can't get used to it, I can! But when I put another came in I'm all screwed up AGAIN! I really want to like this game and I want to buy them all but I refuse because of the ANNOYANCE of how stupid it is for major league game developers to NOT put is such an easy thing. They play games too so what goes into the decision to not have that as an option? I would guess that 85% to 95% play with inverted controls...I am really frustrated with them for refusing to listen to their fan base and just add this for patch but all I hear are crickets.
I am not sure what is wrong with my brain but I have to be able to invert the up/down settings on video games. I am sure there are many others like me who push up on the right stick and expect the cursor to plummet to the bottom of the screen and if it doesn't, we pause our brand new game and fix this in the options menu. Some of you may go further and actually look for this option before even launching the game. So why is it that The Walking Dead game does not have this simple option?
Does Telltale not understand how crippling not having this option is to someone like me? I watched all the trailers and the "Playing Dead" episodes before trying the demo. I was blown away by the whole concept only to be left deflated when I assumed control of Lee and couldn't maneuver him properly. I kept thinking "uh oh, what's going to happen when I have to fend off a zombie in a split second?" Sure enough I found my self frantically focusing on the controls instead of frantically focusing on Lee's survival.
I see the potential and to me the game looks and feels stunning. It is truly a comic book brought to life but instead of being immersed in the beautifully crafted world I am all consumed in trying to make the cursor go where I desperately want it to go. So, please Telltale, if you are reading this, please put in a simple patch to fix this huge issue for those of us that are "axis challenged". I want to love playing this game as much as you loved making it. Please....
EXACTLY! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRanticly focusing on the horrible controls, rather than focusing on the combat, and in literally three seconds you are Dead.....for the 56th time in a row!
The controls ALL suck....movement especially! Where is the camera pan and zoom option? What the FAK?
I am just amazed by how cowards those developers are for not coming to this thread and at least give us some updates. just say "We are retarded, and we do now how fix this, anf !@# you" That is it. But no, they keep hiding. COWARDS!!!
I love all things Walking Dead. So I purchased the season pass simply based on game play videos and reviews. I was so disappointed to find out that there is no invert control option. I spent an hour or so playing the game, trying to reprogram my brain to use normal controls, but was just getting completely frustrated and could not enjoy the game.
I guess I should have just downloaded the demo. However, until there is a patch to fix this, Telltale has lost a customer. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I really hope the people at Telltale read these posts and act on it.
I can't say anything here that hasn't already been said before.
An option to invert the Y axis has to be an industry standard these days.
I used to fly planes, and when you push the stick forward, the aircraft dives.
That action is hardwired into my brain (reinforced by thousands of hours of gaming!) and to have to reprogram muscle memory due to a developer's laziness is pretty unforgivable.
Don't hold your breath though. I was similarly disappointed by the fact that I couldn't map the mouse keys on Mafia II the way I wanted.
When I queried this, 2K's response was very polite, but was basically: "This is the way it is. We've already made you our bitch. Suck it down."
This is a real shame, as it has taken the polish off what would otherwise have been a fantastic game.
I emailed them on Saturday when i purchased the game not knowing there was no invert Y-axis and i received a response about 20 minutes ago and thought i would share
The Walking Dead - Invert Y Axis [issue-58711]
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To Tom Harrison
Hey Tom,
We apologize, but we don't currently have plans to offer inverted controls for the cursor. This may be something that's addressed in a future patch.
Thanks for your continued patronage,
I just got a similar response:
"First of all, thank you for taking interest in our games. However we do not currently have plans to offer inverted controls for the cursor. This may be something that's addressed in a future patch.
Thank you,
All of us should email them until they decide to make some plans to fix this. I would really like to enjoy this and future episodes without wrestling with the controls the whole time.
+1 to Y Inversion - I am struggling playing the game after buying the season pass on PS3. I am a huge fan of the comics and willing to overlook the very basic nature of the game thanks to the story and art work but for the love of all the monkeys in the tree please please please add the Y invert option. It's such a basic thing but SO important. I seriously can't believe this was not flagged in play testing. You did have someone play test it, right?
I am so glad that i wasn't the only person very upset with the lack of inverted controls for this game. I had to become a member just to voice my anger over this. I wasted money on what looks like a good game because I like many just have to play games inverted. Will not purchase any further episodes unless this is fixed.
Just wanted to mention my solution again since it's probably lost in the madness: Watch the playthrough of the game on youtube. An imperfect solution in an imperfect world.
Mate thanks very much for that link, its really good.
Evidently the guy really likes the game and the commentary is cool, I found it much more fun to watch him enjoying the game (...."hey I'm Solid Snake") than I did playing it, at least I wont have to buy the sequels, the video is kinda like an animated version of the comic
You're welcome, I think it's actually an excellent solution to this problem.
I am also an 'inverted' aim gamer, and have been for over ten years.
Having said that, I'm very surprised that the option has been omitted, especially considering how easy it is to code and how many people it alienates!
Just fix it with a simple patch and the problem is solved!
Sure, it's not impossible, but why should I have to do so? Since life isn't a Monty python skit, I'm not too happy about paying to be annoyed. You may not mind it, but to each their own.
Actually, yes it is. Maybe not to you, but to many of us it is. Effectively the game is broken. It's not like there's one or two of us who are clamoring over there not being some outrageous, never heard of option. Inverting y-axis has been an option in games since at least 92 or so. I know because that's when I started using it since my friend's PC was set up that way when I started playing shooters over at his house.
Again, yes it is. I'm not going to constantly fight with a game's controls no matter how good it is. Honestly though, the game looks good from what I forced myself to play, but not spectacular. Although there is no game good enough for me to be constantly frustrated while playing.
Completely broken controls is a "minor" problem? Hardly. Especially given that it would be such a simple option to implement that has already been in games for decades.
I agree completely. First off, this is a console game. That's ok, but when you develop a console game, then decide to market it as a PC game, there are certain considerations you need to be aware of.
The devs are either aware and don't care, or they don't know and just slapped the port out and got a steam deal for the cash.
Personally I feel dirty even playing a game that wasn't developed for PC. No big deal, live and learn.
/uninstalled, moving on to real games.
And so goes my hope and all my money away from Telltale. I am sad now
Nerdrage alert.
You're right. We could spend the time to 'retrain', but I don't think the $25 I spent is really worth the energy. Telltale has done what they've done, no big deal.
I think the guy from the review posted above got it right, and he's playing on an xbox lol:
Inverting the Y-Axis has been a staple option of games for almost two decades. People like me basically cannot play without it. Oh, sure, we can change and adapt once we take a minute to think it through, but that is not how games should be played. Control reactions should be instinctual. Not reflective.
Thanks for posting the response.
Plan B initiated: Watching the walkthrough of the game on youtube.
I agree. If there was some way to integrate this for the action sections because moving the right thumbstick and then taking your thumb off to hit an action button is not fluid. But focusing on an invert option is more important
Congrats on deluding yourself into thinking the game is playable, but seriously I don't need you to tell me to take it easy.
"the lack of inversion made the game a little more challenging and interesting"
Are you paid by Telltale to post here? I ask because that's the perfect line of BS that a company's PR department would come up with as a solution to this. If you're not you should seriously ask them for a contract. They could use your special brand of spin right about now.
Oh, and I'm not "letting it" prevent me from playing the game, it's FORCING me to not play the game.
+1 more person never buying from Telltale again.
I just bought the JP game from them, and now this one, hoping it was much better. I was wrong, and should admit you where right in your statement.
I think that was the last Telltale game I will ever buy now.
And there will be no more support of TellTale products from this guy.
I was wondering the same thing on xbox live. These guys are FAIL. How amateur can you get?
Thank you!! This is the first I have ever heard of them acknowledging it!!
As I previous stated I had my wife play through the game and even though I was not "in control" I still enjoyed the game very much!!......and surprisingly after dropping the remote multiple times in non-gamer gal did too;)
So I was able to play/watch through the first episode BUT I am really hoping there will be a patch for the 2nd....
Again.....I have no issue with the game itself...just the no invert option
I know my wife was so frustrated she said she did not want to play anymore and she loves the comic series and tv show. She would not go and register on a forum and post about no invert option, she would just not buy any more episodes, and that's a shame because I did fumble through the controls and the story was quite good. How many other players are being turned away from the game because of no invert option but don't take the time to post about it?
Just wanted to mention my solution again since it's probably lost in the madness: Watch the playthrough on youtube. An imperfect solution in an imperfect world.
Mate thanks very much for that link, its really good.
Evidently the guy really likes the game and the commentary is cool, I found it much more fun to watch him enjoying the game (...."hey I'm Solid Snake") than I did playing it, at least I wont have to buy the sequels, the video is kinda like an animated version of the comic
Every game has this option - first person or 3rd person.
I have been gaming inverted for as long as I can remember - back into the 90s with Quake. It's what comes naturally to me and many people I know.
Patch the game, make it right.
I've been "inverting" look for 16 years since Quake, when it wasn't "inverting" but the standard. I really cannot believe that a game with look has been released without this option; it's a massive oversight.
PLEASE, patch this. I cannot play this until it is fixed.
now imagine my frustration: I bought the season pass of this POS and can't get the refund!!!:mad::mad::mad:
So, Telltale, please remedy this situation. It can't be more than a few lines of code to make the game playable to all.
Yes, it would be possible to learn the other way of look control, but what game do I want to ruin for myself doing this?
It's not going to be fun, it's going to take hours of conditioning myself to it and whatever game I chose to do it on will have been ruined for me.
I have a full time job and plenty of other commitments, I'm not going to spend a huge chunk of my precious free time not enjoying myself at all because some developers are too lazy to add a completely industry standard option to their game.
If a game doesn't let me invert, I'll take it back to the shop, the kicker here is as its download only, I'm stuck with a product I can't enjoy and can't get a refund on.
Oh and as a tangent, I don't consider the way I control the look function to be "inverted", even though I accept that's become the naming convention for it. If you look down, you push your head forward. If you look up you pull your head back. I see the analogue stick or mouse as controlling my head and not the reticule so other way is inverted for me.
I don't think it's as easy as all that. My mother, going way back, was forced to retrain her brain when it came to handwriting. She was born a lefty, but in her day they literally beat it out of you in school. Raps on the knuckles with a ruler until she conformed to being a righty. The X-axis thing, though, I think is as complex. For me I get nauseated trying to use a game where I can't invert it. I've tried to retrain my brain, but no dice. I think it's hardwired (so to speak).
EXACTLY! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRanticly focusing on the horrible controls, rather than focusing on the combat, and in literally three seconds you are Dead.....for the 56th time in a row!
The controls ALL suck....movement especially! Where is the camera pan and zoom option? What the FAK?
I guess I should have just downloaded the demo. However, until there is a patch to fix this, Telltale has lost a customer. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I can't say anything here that hasn't already been said before.
An option to invert the Y axis has to be an industry standard these days.
I used to fly planes, and when you push the stick forward, the aircraft dives.
That action is hardwired into my brain (reinforced by thousands of hours of gaming!) and to have to reprogram muscle memory due to a developer's laziness is pretty unforgivable.
Don't hold your breath though. I was similarly disappointed by the fact that I couldn't map the mouse keys on Mafia II the way I wanted.
When I queried this, 2K's response was very polite, but was basically: "This is the way it is. We've already made you our bitch. Suck it down."
This is a real shame, as it has taken the polish off what would otherwise have been a fantastic game.
I just got a similar response:
"First of all, thank you for taking interest in our games. However we do not currently have plans to offer inverted controls for the cursor. This may be something that's addressed in a future patch.
Thank you,
All of us should email them until they decide to make some plans to fix this. I would really like to enjoy this and future episodes without wrestling with the controls the whole time.
Having said that, I'm very surprised that the option has been omitted, especially considering how easy it is to code and how many people it alienates!
Just fix it with a simple patch and the problem is solved!