Need Inverted Controls Option



  • edited May 2012
    or do as I did and force your wife (or husband, other, etc) to play for you!!! Hahaha

    I think the fact they haven't responded to any of this yet just means they have no plans on fixing this issue....I mean if you think about it and they truly do plan on a patch they would have posted by now to end this madness......but all I can think of is that we are being ignored OR they don't understand us Y-axis inverted people so they just have the same mentality as all the other rude people saying "well just re-train your brain" blah blah blah....

    Sadly I have given up on this game.....even though I bought the season pass and I do own other tell tale games I will NEVER buy another telltale title.....not because they will not invert the Y-axis....I can get over that...but because they are disrespecting the people who pay their bills and keep them in business by flat out ignoring us!! This issue is all over the internet....they know about it....just let us know what you will or will not be doing moving forward!! Then we can stop wasting our time and yours.....

    Until then my wife enjoys the game and I'll continue to "play" thru her since I stupidly bought the pass before trying the demo
  • edited May 2012
    "Clementine will remember that you did not save her"... that's not for want of TRYING!! Game looks great but I'm not even gonna get through episode one if I cannot execute the decisions I make cos of an omitted INVERT Y AXIS setting. We truly are the southpaws of the digital age! I cannot use PC hacks because I'm on Xbox. Trusting that developers will hack it for me. Not that it's a hack. A rudimentary UX requirement. Until then... game over.
  • edited May 2012
    I have to say, reading the responses from Telltale about their lack of plans to rectify this situation puts them in my doghouse, big time. It just seems so stupid on their part. Okay, so in my case they got my five bucks. Whoop-de-doo. They aren't going to get any more. How is that good business sense on their part? "Let's just toss away a large part of the gaming community because we can't be bothered to write some code and patch the game." That is lousy and I hope it costs them plenty.
  • edited May 2012
    I also cannot play without the invert option. Telltale needs to rectify this and soon. I bought their season pass and won't be a happy camper if this isn't patched. Is there another forum for bugs or suggestions?
  • edited May 2012
    @telltalegames on tweeter. Start the tweet requests for inverted controls. I just did.
  • edited May 2012
    I just don't understand how "critical" this issue is, I swear.

    When you play The Secret of Monkey Island, Full Throttle, IJ and the Fate of Atlantis... do you play with inverted Y axis? Because all of those games don't have the option for Y axis inverted.

    The Walking Dead it's the same thing.

    Ok, time to take cover. :p
  • edited May 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    I just don't understand how "critical" this issue is, I swear.

    When you play The Secret of Monkey Island, Full Throttle, IJ and the Fate of Atlantis... do you play with inverted Y axis? Because all of those games don't have the option for Y axis inverted.

    The Walking Dead it's the same thing.

    Ok, time to take cover. :p

    Ah, but I've never played any of those games.

    It was the TV series that sucked me into The Walking Dead universe.

    And I suspect that's the case for many gamers.

    Meanwhile, I emailed TellTale over a week ago to politely ask them if they were considering a patch.


    I'm assuming their deafening silence is a "no" then. :(
  • edited May 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    I just don't understand how "critical" this issue is, I swear.

    When you play The Secret of Monkey Island, Full Throttle, IJ and the Fate of Atlantis... do you play with inverted Y axis? Because all of those games don't have the option for Y axis inverted.

    The Walking Dead it's the same thing.

    Ok, time to take cover. :p

    It's the fact that Walking Dead has a lot of moments from first person perspective as opposed to just a cursor on a scene. It's instinctive to use ''inverted'' when in first person.
  • edited May 2012
    Sander001 wrote: »
    Tens of thousands.
    Just wanted to mention my solution again since it's probably lost in the madness: Watch the playthrough on youtube. An imperfect solution in an imperfect world.
    Would you mind explaining in one sentence here.
  • edited May 2012
    RobD wrote: »
    It's the fact that Walking Dead has a lot of moments from first person perspective as opposed to just a cursor on a scene. It's instinctive to use ''inverted'' when in first person.

    On those scenes there are still a cursor. This is not a FPS. :confused:

    I mean, the cursor never disappears so I can't understand where's the problem.

    And ok, may be you never played Fate of Atlantis, or Day of the Tentacle or so... but, I don't know, Indigo's prophecy, The Longest Journey, Dreamfall, Runaway saga...?
  • edited May 2012
    Lachi wrote: »
    Would you mind explaining in one sentence here.

    It's a joke.

    His solution is just to watch other people play, therefore you don't need to worry about inverted controls (or lack of).
  • edited May 2012
    I downloaded the trial game on Xbox and was very glad that I didn't just jump into a purchase. The game is totally unplayable for me, which is a huge let-down as I was looking forward to this ever since it was first announced.

    To me non-inverted controls with no option to change them feel like somebody swapped the gas and brake pedals in my car and then just told me to deal with I crash into everything on the road and kill myself. Players that play with non-inverted "standard" controls or who are able to play either way just don't get literally gives me a headache to try to play without inversion, in any game. Its why I didn't buy Beyond Good and Evil when that hit XBLA.

    The game still looks awesome, and I want to buy it SO BADLY.....grrr. Not having an option to invert the control scheme is simply inexcusable in today's gaming world. PLEASE fix this Telltale! I know you'll get a lot of instant purchases if you do! Is it really that hard to fix?

    Also, just wanted to point out that I got a forum name and posted for the first time just to add my voice to this issue. I care enough about this game to waste my time doing all that. Please fix this!
  • edited May 2012
    I just wonder how the inversion of the controls should work.
    99% of the game is point+click. So would you like to move your mouse forward if you want to click something at the bottom?
    It should not be hard to click the object you want to interact with (like you do in every program on your computer).
  • edited May 2012
    Definitely need inverted controls, it's like 3 lines of code and a menu option. Please add this.
  • edited May 2012
    mystyphy wrote: »
    Definitely need inverted controls, it's like 3 lines of code and a menu option. Please add this.
    If you would have read my post then you might have understood that it is more than 3 lines of code.
  • edited May 2012
    Am I the only one that PREFERS the way that it is? It's much easier for me. But, if so many of you have this problem, it should be put in the game.
  • edited May 2012
    GCatMMA wrote: »
    Am I the only one that PREFERS the way that it is? It's much easier for me. But, if so many of you have this problem, it should be put in the game.

    You've hit the nail right on the head.

    It should be an option.

    Some people like their controls one way, other people like them another way.

    And that's the way it should be.

    But with this game nobody had a choice.

    I'm still miffed my email went unanswered - despite getting the initial "thank you for your email" automated response.
  • edited May 2012
    Lachi wrote: »
    I just wonder how the inversion of the controls should work.
    99% of the game is point+click. So would you like to move your mouse forward if you want to click something at the bottom?
    It should not be hard to click the object you want to interact with (like you do in every program on your computer).

    Trying to play it on Xbox, not PC. I rarely, if ever these days, game on my laptop. Using a non-inverted control stick to control the camera just doesn't make any sense at all to currently I can't control the game worth a damn.
  • edited May 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    On those scenes there are still a cursor. This is not a FPS. :confused:

    I mean, the cursor never disappears so I can't understand where's the problem.

    And ok, may be you never played Fate of Atlantis, or Day of the Tentacle or so... but, I don't know, Indigo's prophecy, The Longest Journey, Dreamfall, Runaway saga...?

    When it's usual point and click stuff it's fine, it's the same as the old Scumm games but with direct control on top. It's the moments it goes to Lee's perspective that's the problem. Just because there's a cursor, it doesn't mean that it's not first person. First person perspective is simply a camera angle from the view point of the character you're controlling, and if you're used to playing first person with inversion then it's disorientating.
  • edited May 2012
    jcb231 wrote: »
    Trying to play it on Xbox, not PC. I rarely, if ever these days, game on my laptop. Using a non-inverted control stick to control the camera just doesn't make any sense at all to currently I can't control the game worth a damn.
    I played the game on PS3 and Computer. I used the pad on PS3 and computer but also used the mouse on the computer. But I never had a problem moving the cursor across a 2D plane, no matter which POV the game was in.
  • edited May 2012
    Lachi wrote: »
    I played the game on PS3 and Computer. I used the pad on PS3 and computer but also used the mouse on the computer. But I never had a problem moving the cursor across a 2D plane, no matter which POV the game was in.

    I feel like I should just sarcastically say "Well, good for you then." to this, but I know you're trying to help out here. As I said in an earlier post, this is one of those things that non-inversion players just don't "get" sometimes. I wish I was one of those gamers that could play any game in inversion or non-inversion, but I'm not, and this is the latest gaming design blunder that makes me realize I'm not alone in the way my brain is wired.
    edited May 2012
    Well, I agree that TTG should offer this option for people who want it, but I find a little odd that people can find so hard to move a cursor. It's just the same as when you are controlling the pointer in your preferred OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux, whatever). You don't have Y-axis inversion there!

    And I say this while being one of those people who prefer inverted cameras when playing first and third person shooters. I like camera controls not only inverted in the Y-axis but in the X-axis as well! (only camera controls, not character controls). I hate when games don't let me invert the camera joystick controls.

    But in this case, it's just a cursor over the screen! It's just that the camera scrolls a little when moving to the edge of the screen, but it's still a cursor!

    If you can point and click while using your regular OS for work stuff, you can move a cursor in a game, no matter if the image behind the cursor is a 3D environment or just a text menu. It's still a cursor!! I don't see where's the big deal.

    Just imagine the zombies in the screen are text links in a website that say "Kill Zombies". You just move the cursor to the link and that's it! ;)

    Test your skills now! You can do it! :D

    Kill Zombies
  • edited May 2012
    I wish all you people that seem to think it's so easy to swop over after years and years of playing "inverted" ... would load up your favorite FPS game invert the mouse and see if you can hit the target first go or even better try a full level, maybe then you might get an idea of what we mean.

    Have fun seeing what its like.
  • edited May 2012
    Lachi wrote: »
    Would you mind explaining in one sentence here.
    There's no need.
  • edited May 2012
    mauler1 wrote: »
    I wish all you people that seem to think it's so easy to swop over after years and years of playing "inverted" ... would load up your favorite FPS game invert the mouse and see if you can hit the target first go or even better try a full level, maybe then you might get an idea of what we mean.

    Have fun seeing what its like.
    I know what you mean, but this is not a FPS game. In this game about 1% of all scenes are shown from the first person point of view. Does your brain switch to inverted as soon as the camera switches? Or do you have a problem with the whole game?
  • edited May 2012
    Lachi wrote: »
    I know what you mean, but this is not a FPS game. In this game about 1% of all scenes are shown from the first person point of view. Does your brain switch to inverted as soon as the camera switches? Or do you have a problem with the whole game?

    It's only the first person bits. It's instinctual to control it like that when it's in first person, it's not something you think about, which is the entire reason there's even a problem.
  • edited May 2012
    OMA wrote: »
    Well, I agree that TTG should offer this option for people who want it, but I find a little odd that people can find so hard to move a cursor. It's just the same as when you are controlling the pointer in your preferred OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux, whatever). You don't have Y-axis inversion there!

    I'm playing the game on the xbox with a controller and thumbsticks, not a mouse on the computer, it's a different feel, at least for me. I did get used to it after awhile by always repeating to myself, "up is up" and "down is down" but in the action sections I would sometimes forget and go back to inverted controls thinking. I played all of the episode 1 but my wife gave up after the first action scene with the police officer attacking because she got frustrated using an xbox controller without inverted controls. Since then I've spoken with some friends that tried the free demo on xbox live arcade and didn't buy the game because they are used to inverted controls. I'm a Walking Dead fan so I played through, but it seems like an easy patch, especially for consoles like the xbox that has many FPS games that people play with an inverted look option.
  • edited May 2012
    I'd just like to remind people that it is possible to invert the Y-axis on PC using a mouse utility:
  • edited May 2012
    Andytizer: The utility would invert the mouse troughout the whole game but most people struggle only when the game changes to First person view. Therefore it is useless for them.

    And because the invertion should only apply when changing the view, it is not possible for Telltale games to patch it because the game does not "know" when the game is in first person view. (Because technically it is just a different position of the camera.)
  • edited May 2012
    Hmm maybe it isn't such an easy patch after all. Its the first person bits that throw up the need to invert, but the game as a whole isn't a problem.

    Never looked at it that way before.

    It would almost require selective inverting. As others have pointed out when in first person its instinctive to aim "inverted" for alot of people.
  • edited May 2012
    I was actually having difficulty through the whole game, as was my wife. But again, this is on the xbox version so moving a mouse on the non action scenes may be easier, I have not tried the computer version to compare. But with the xbox controller my wife and I were having issues through action or non action scenes. Right from the start when in the police car even.
  • edited May 2012
    If some struggle only with the first person scenes and others with the whole game, then two different inversion would be needed. I guess this further reduces the chances that it will be added with a patch.
  • edited May 2012
    Just adding my two-cents, the more the merrier. I'm playing on a console (PS3) so it sucks not being able to invert the controls.

    I can't remember the last game I played where there was not an option to invert the controls... Galaxian maybe?
  • edited May 2012
    jalexan87 wrote: »
    Just adding my two-cents, the more the merrier. I'm playing on a console (PS3) so it sucks not being able to invert the controls.

    I can't remember the last game I played where there was not an option to invert the controls... Galaxian maybe?
    I have never seen an point+click adventure with inverted controls, please name one.
  • edited May 2012
    Lachi wrote: »
    I have never seen an point+click adventure with inverted controls, please name one.

    Sam and Max S3 certainly has the option for inverting the mouse.
  • edited May 2012
    I just learned of this game through a friend.
    Was really excited about purchasing it...until I discovered there is no Y-Axis Invert option
    I cannot play a game without this option.

    Im very disappointed that TTG says they have to immediate plans to implement this.
    Well, then I have no immediate plans to purchase this game

  • edited May 2012
    PyrateLV wrote: »
    I just learned of this game through a friend.
    Was really excited about purchasing it...until I discovered there is no Y-Axis Invert option
    I cannot play a game without this option.

    Im very disappointed that TTG says they have to immediate plans to implement this.
    Well, then I have no immediate plans to purchase this game


    It's so critical this feature? Really? Did you know that this game it's not a FPS? Did you play The secret of Monkey Island with inverted Y axis? There is a CURSOR!!!!

    Wow, man, I can't believe it. There are ONLY a couple short scenes (exactly 2... or one and a half) where the camera becomes first person and this would be problematic.

    I really can't see the point of all this "issue".

    Epic fail for not playing the whole game and leave from the beginning. Sorry.
  • edited May 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    It's so critical this feature? Really? Did you know that this game it's not a FPS? Did you play The secret of Monkey Island with inverted Y axis? There is a CURSOR!!!!

    Wow, man, I can't believe it. There are ONLY a couple short scenes (exactly 2... or one and a half) where the camera becomes first person and this would be problematic.

    I really can't see the point of all this "issue".

    Epic fail for not playing the whole game and leave from the beginning. Sorry.

    Dude, yes it is a critical feature for me. I know its not an FPS, but it is a 3rd person view w/ 1st person occasionally.
    It is impossible for me to play that type of game with a standard 2d y axis.
    For 3d it must be inverted.
    Thats just the way my brain has been trained from 10+ years of Flight Sims, FPS's and MMO's.
    Yes I played TSoMI, but it is not played from the same perspective as WD

    So yes for me that is a fail, because I literally cant play the game without getting an extreme headache. Who are you to say Im wrong with MY opinion?
  • edited May 2012
    I use to feel the same way. I played EVERY SINGLE GAME with inverted controls.

    And then one day, I played a game, and I can't even remember what it was, that didn't have the option. But it was an important game to me so I learned. And I spent 20 or 30 hours on the game.... Then the next time I played a shooter, I switched the controls to inverted. BUT I found I was pressing up for up so I switched to normal. Have been ever since. Up is Up, gotta get used to it someday or gravity will kick your ass
  • edited May 2012
    ADavidson wrote: »
    I use to feel the same way. I played EVERY SINGLE GAME with inverted controls.

    And then one day, I played a game, and I can't even remember what it was, that didn't have the option. But it was an important game to me so I learned. And I spent 20 or 30 hours on the game.... Then the next time I played a shooter, I switched the controls to inverted. BUT I found I was pressing up for up so I switched to normal. Have been ever since. Up is Up, gotta get used to it someday or gravity will kick your ass

    Why is this so many people's attitude? Telltale made a judgment error, so frustrated gamers just need to learn to deal with it and relearn everything we've drilled into our brains over years upon years of gaming? We don't. We can choose to not buy the game, and make our complaint heard the best we can in the hopes that Telltale fixes this bug. And yes, I'm calling it a bug, because it is unacceptable for a modern game to not have an inversion feature.
This discussion has been closed.