Need Inverted Controls Option



  • edited April 2012
    Ya know, I understand the frustration... but calling people names? Is that really the way to get something done? :/

    I can't beat the shit out of them, so this is the least I can do lol

    but I edited and removed some names. They should have disclosed this information on the item description, so we do not buy something that is incomplete. This is fraud in my opinion. And the problem is that I can't return this POS for a refund.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm adding my voice to this request. I purchased episode one on XBLA and have found it to be barely playable due to the lack of an inverted Y-axis option.
  • edited April 2012
    spdiscus wrote: »
    I think up/down is the wrong way to look at it. You aren't moving the mouse up, you're moving it forward. That's where the disconnect is.

    As a long-time inverter, this is how I see it... if you want me to look down, you push my neck/head forward. If you want me to look up, you pull my neck/head back. That's how I use the mouse to control the avatar's view.
    Exactly. For those who just don't get what we are complaining about, just go try to cut your hair on the back of your head by yourself with your left hand while using a hand mirror pointed at a wall mirror. Now imagine that instead of having problems going left and right like you do in the mirror, you have issues doing it up and down.... All while trying to position a cursor at the right spot to bash a zombie in the face with a hammer. It's just not fun. Or try this: go get in your car, drive out to a busy, narrow two lane road put the car in reverse and try to drive down the correct side of the road, backwards doing the speed limit while only using the rear view mirrors. Seriously, that is what it is like for some of us.
  • edited April 2012
    Any word on a patch? Can it even be patched? XBLA customer.
  • edited April 2012
    Any word on a patch? Can it even be patched? XBLA customer.

    It definitely can be patched. The question, is whether they do it or not.

    A similar situation happened with the HD remake of the Splinter Cell Collection last year. They finally patched in an invert option after getting a lot of grief. The funny thing about this one, was the old Splinter Cell games these were remade from actually played DEFAULT with inverted controls, and had an option to turn "normal look" on!
  • edited April 2012
    Yes just signed up to add to the feedback as to the need of inverted controls. Loved the game and was able to manage but would have been much more comfortable using inverted and I am to a bit surprised that option was not available for this game. If they were in a zombie apocalypse they would want to be comfortable. If I wasn't so damn hooked I would most certainly threaten to not buy another episode, but well shit the best I can do hope is their asses are eaten first in a zombie apocalypse since they will be getting my damn money regardless.
  • edited April 2012
    Wow, what a bummer. I was so excited for this game but absolutely can't find enjoyment in a game on normal. It's just not natural for me.

    TellTale, Please fix your game. I want to enjoy it and buy the other episodes. I won't if you can't fix this problem.

  • edited April 2012
    Add me to the list. I managed my way through it but it would have been a little better if it would have had the invert option.
  • edited April 2012
    What the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. its 2012 and you dont have the option to put in the invert. Were you guys smoking the kronik. seriously how is there not an option to invert. I buy the game totally pumped, now i cant play. bad marketing boys. had 4 boys watching and now there not gonna get it cause there is no invert, did i say there is no invert for the controls. boooo hooooo on you guys. seriously how do you make a game and does not allow the option of inverting the x and y axis. so sad. you really could of had a winner here, even myself, if i was making a game would of said, " hey boss. theres no invert. what gives, you should put that in the game". if he says "no". poop on his desk and quit, you guys are boneheads, might be the worst desicion made in a video game. except for the first racoon city, which the controls were totally unbearable. come on patch this//////////////////////now
  • edited April 2012
    Could I add my vote to this, just finished episode 1 and yes it's such a pain without invert option.

    I wonder how many people died first time trying to line up that shotgun, only to escape and look for invert option and then found this site looking for a patch.
  • edited April 2012
    Telltale - I too have joined this just to post this message. Please allow inverted axis. Your game is all but unplayable for me like this. I died every time I had to do anything!!!

    I will not be purchasing any further episodes until you release a simple patch to fix this.

    Someone from TELLTALE should have the decency to post a quick reply to this thread to confirm your position.
  • edited April 2012
    Telltale - I too have joined this just to post this message. Please allow inverted axis. Your game is all but unplayable for me like this. I died every time I had to do anything!!!

    I will not be purchasing any further episodes until you release a simple patch to fix this.

    Someone from TELLTALE should have the decency to post a quick reply to this thread to confirm your position.
    What's so hard in moving your mouse to the left and assume that the camera/character/whatever moves to the left? is it so so damn difficult?

    Though stop posting mean posts and suing on telltale,they did a great game,yet you are being mean because they forgot to add invert mouse option...
    Maybe they were focusing some other aspects of the game,or were too busy fixing the telltale client problem?
    It's like flaming at someone who had made a great cake,but forgot to put the cherry on top of it.
    I scrolled lots of posts in this thread and was suprised,because i saw so many people who even threatened them ( fix it or i no buy next episode or game) Maybe threatened isn't the right word but you get my idea. :D

    Could we now calmly solve this with a peaceful manner?
    I am sure that when they have the time,they will add this option for you guys :)
  • edited April 2012
    I still feel that labelling it 'inverted' still sounds wrong. It was like that for decades with joysticks! :P

    Adding my voice to this. Playing episode 1 on PS3 and it feels like I'm trying to play it drunk. Made me crap myself with the first zombie encounter though because I ended up scrambling all over the place. :P
  • edited April 2012
    I would like inverted look also. It's just natural for me. Died several times by the first zombie. Just not fun this way. Glad I just paid for first episode on Xbox. Will not play again until patched, and will most likely erase.
  • edited April 2012
    I too have signed up just to add my name to this "good god, please make this adjustment" plea.
    I spent 20 minutes going through all the options over and over again, assuring myself that something as common as inversion couldn't have been left out of a game this talked about without SOMEONE mentioning it in a review.
    I hope this thread has at least been noticed by soemone at TellTale.
  • edited April 2012
    I just played through the demo and registered here to lend my voice to this cause.
    Definitely no sale for me and I'll be remembering Telltale as 'The game company that doesn't care about old school gamers who like inverted controls'

    The joystick was made as an imitation of an airplane's flightstick and aviation has been around for more than 100 years now, time to catch up.
  • edited April 2012
    Feels weird to play without it...
  • edited April 2012
    It looks like this game could be a lot of fun but this Y axis issue makes it frustrating and unplayable to me. I'm glad I only paid for the first chapter, I won't be buying any more unless this is fixed.
    edited April 2012
    I've played nearly all TTG games since they started years ago, and while the games themselves were good, they have often been marred by little annoyances like bad audio quality for voices or lackluster settings screens which don't provide all the essential settings which just about any other game in the market offers (though they've gotten a bit better in this department lately, just not good enough, it seems).

    In this case, you can fix this problem with a $10 third party tool called XPadder:

    With that tool you'll be able to reconfigure your gamepad to your liking (ANY gamepad, not just the XBox 360 controller; I don't know why every developer now assumes that PC gamers will only use the 360 controller).

    I know we shouldn't have to spend extra to fix a problem that shouldn't be there to begin with, but at least there's an option, and that program is worth every penny, not just for this game, but for a lot of PC games which do not have proper gamepad support, since it allows you to configure your gamepad to press any key in the keyboard, or mouse button, or simulate mouse movement with the sticks. It works great every time (I don't have any affiliation with the author of that program; I'm just a happy customer ;)).
  • edited April 2012
    I too just signed up to post my disappointment about the lack of an inverted option for this game. I cannot believe a company in 2012 would release a game without this!
    I made it (struggled) through the episode without it, but I will not buy another episode or game form this company until this is fixed....

  • edited April 2012
    I am also requesting y-axis inversion in (at least) future installments.
    I get really tired of hearing how something is wrong with me because that's what I need to play.
    On PC, the regular view is fine, but with a gamepad I fumble through and always point in the wrong vertical direction.

    Actually, the controls could stand to have a comprehensive review. Using the face buttons on a gamepad seems a bit silly. Why not map those same actions to the shoulder buttons? That would facilitate moving, looking, and action simultaneously.
  • edited April 2012
    SpiritBoy wrote: »
    What's so hard in moving your mouse to the left and assume that the camera/character/whatever moves to the left? is it so so damn difficult?

    Your such a nugget its the up down axis not the left right one ..
  • edited April 2012
    No invert option, I wont be buying any more episodes, shame as it was a good game apart from this stupid design decision.

    Just made an account to say this.
  • edited April 2012
    I am so angry about this. I have no way to get a refund, and can barely play this game. It is so unprofessional to leave this standard option out of a game. I am also angry that I have no recourse except to to post on this forum. I would have at least expected some form of response from Tell Tale, but I don't even have that. . .
  • edited April 2012
    they are so cowards that they do not show up to give us some explanations.

    I want to kill myself for buying the season pass of this garbage!!!!
  • edited April 2012
    Signed up to sign here.

    A Y-Axis invert is needed.

    I liked the game, or at least the trial part, was actually all ready to unlock the whole Episode after the short intro, but then I moved the cursor and it was all wrong. Went to the options and was amazed not to find anything there. :(
    In fact, I spent a few minutes going through the menu and the options because I could not believe I was unable to find the "Invert Y-Axis" option.

    I simply will not buy anything that does not allow me to Invert the Y Axis. It's a pity, but with the controls like that, I cannot enjoy the game. Not at all.

    I'm kinda :( but also kinda :mad: . Maybe most of all :confused:

    If they fix this, and not just on future episodes but this one, I'll buy it, and gladly. But if they won't... well, my dog will find a way to spend that money, I'm sure.
  • edited April 2012

    Like everyone else I am unable to play what looks to be an AMAZING game!!!

    Being a fan of the show....
    (like a fool) I didnt even bother with the demo!! I just went straight for the $20 all season pass....

    I mean come on...its the walking dead!

    All the fans want more walking dead!! PLUS the creator is involved so it was a no brainer for me...

    I should have just burned my $20!! I keep trying to play but I ALWAYS resort to my original game-play style.

    For those of you who do not need an inverted look posting on this topic is TOTALLY pointless and a waste of both our times!!!! So shoooo!!

    I stopped after shooting the officer's head off.....I cannot continue this game...I want to try but I'm PRAYING telltale will HEAR US or at least respond to us on if they plan a patch or not??

    Im forcing my poor wife to play right now just so I can see it hahaha but she stopped out of fear....

    We are not saying the game its self is bad, looks quite good

    We are saying WE NEED an invert-Y option to enjoy your game!!

    As of right now it looks like you are making some easy $ out of us old school gamers and getting a lot of new subscribers to your website ...

    ps3 user
  • edited April 2012
    Okay, I posted in here already, but after seeing the amount of hate and tantrum-throwing going on in the last couple pages, I feel like I need to come to Telltale's defense a bit.

    I used to be stuck as an inverted control gamer, too. I eventually got myself used to "standard" aiming since these days it seems to be used more in games that forget to include both options (funny, because I remember it usually being the other way around even in the ps2/gamecube/xbox console generation). You guys who think it's impossible to switch or temporarily get used to standard aiming, it's really not. Annoying, yes. But not as terrible as you seem to think it is, and not worth screaming your heads off at the developers about. It's also not worth skipping this game over, especially since it doesn't even require the type of quick reflexes needed for most action games (yes, even in the "QTE" scenes).

    That being said, it'd really be great if Telltale would include an invert camera option, and I absolutely agree with you that they should add it in a patch.

    But guys, please try to calm down and not let something that minor (minor for this game anyway) spoil your experience. Those of you who asked for inverted controls politely can ignore my condescending remarks, as it doesn't apply to you. :)
  • edited April 2012
    OMA wrote: »
    In this case, you can fix this problem with a $10 third party tool called XPadder:

    With that tool you'll be able to reconfigure your gamepad to your liking (ANY gamepad, not just the XBox 360 controller; I don't know why every developer now assumes that PC gamers will only use the 360 controller).
    Have you actually tried it with this game? I have and it hasn't helped. It seems to be more applicable to games with no gamepad support rather than trying to override whatever was built in. Perhaps it's just me but even if I tell it to "Invert RY" on stick 2 of my 360 controller the game ignores it. Even better, it takes the Xpadder profile and un-inverts it, for lack of a better term.

    Any tips for getting this to actually work?
  • edited April 2012
    Epic Kiwi wrote: »
    Okay, I posted in here already, but after seeing the amount of hate and tantrum-throwing going on in the last couple pages, I feel like I need to come to Telltale's defense a bit.

    I used to be stuck as an inverted control gamer, too. I eventually got myself used to "standard" aiming since these days it seems to be used more in games that forget to include both options (funny, because I remember it usually being the other way around even in the ps2/gamecube/xbox console generation). You guys who think it's impossible to switch or temporarily get used to standard aiming, it's really not. Annoying, yes. But not as terrible as you seem to think it is, and not worth screaming your heads off at the developers about. It's also not worth skipping this game over, especially since it doesn't even require the type of quick reflexes needed for most action games (yes, even in the "QTE" scenes).

    That being said, it'd really be great if Telltale would include an invert camera option, and I absolutely agree with you that they should add it in a patch.

    But guys, please try to calm down and not let something that minor (minor for this game anyway) spoil your experience. Those of you who asked for inverted controls politely can ignore my condescending remarks, as it doesn't apply to you. :)
    Well, instead of struggling through the game to get the experience, I can just watch it on youtube and skip the bad controls part. Us inverts get to save our money, the youtubers get extra hits on their channels and telltale doesn't have to hassle itself with putting in proper control options. Win-win-win!
  • edited April 2012
    "But guys, please try to calm down and not let something that minor (minor for this game anyway) spoil your experience."

    But if we choose this game to try to unlearn our inverted y axis "defect" then it will be a spoiled experience for us because we will have spent so much time concentrating on the controls that we will be missing out on the magic of immersion that happens in great stories. Enough people complain that the trophy notifications that pops up do damage to the experience by yanking you out of fantasy land so I can imagine if one of those people had to suffer through relearning controls, they would be even more vocal than us. (Of course that doesn't mean that you can only suffer from one condition)
    As someone who isn't bothered by the trophy pop ups, I could just as easily say to them the same thing that the uninverted y'ers say to us. But I empathize with them and stand by them in support of our request that game makers use the basic fundamentals of game making to make a game. I think we should start a new thread for a petition calling for a Gamers Bill of Rights...
  • edited April 2012
    I am absolutely, positively an inverted gamer both on PC and Xbox. I know this isn't an FPS, flight sim or racing game but my eye/hand coordination is so "inverted-Y-axis-centric" that it really threw my brain for a loop. I got used to it after a bit but my brain and thumbs are still confused. ;-)

    I even went so far as to back in and out of the menus multiple times, saying out loud "gameplay options, check, "settings, check," etc, then, still totally sure that no modern gaming company would release a game without an invert option, I restarted the Xbox to make sure I hadn't missed the option from a clean boot of the game.

    Wow. As I said I got used to it and I kind of see how it builds a bit of flow but I did blow it on a few early scenes because the reticle kept moving "upside down" from my instinctive movement.

    Please include an invert option in an update and then throughout the series as it is released, TTG folks. My brain/body wires are totally scrambled.
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012

    Insulting other members is not tolerated. Making an account just to insult others is highly intolerable.
    One more slip-up from any of you, in that direction, and we might seriously consider a ban.

    Express your personal opinions about games as much as you want. Bad opinions on other members are to be taken in private or not shared at all. You are entitled to believe that the entire World's IQ is lower than yours... but keep it to yourself on these boards, please.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Man, you guys should have been here when Telltale switched from point&click to WASD...

    ...oh, sorry, wrong crowd. ;)
  • edited April 2012
    People saying you can unlearn it... well, yeah, maybe, but not likely. Just try something that inverts your X-Axis with no option to switch, you'll see how "easy" it is.

    More importantly, you should not have to. Seriously, this is 2012. Not 1995 where even having "options" at all was so genuinely amazing on your N64.

    I've been playing video games since 86, both on the PC and (starting in 86 with my ColecoVision and Zaxxxon 3D) on pretty much every other console (except for the PS3).
    I played Zak Mc Cracken and Maniac Mansion, all Monkey Islands, Loom and Indy 3 and Sam&Max (actually I still play those), so I am familiar with Point&Click. Point in fact, LucasArts re-released Monkey Island 1 & 2 as Point&Click, and guess what? There was an option to invert your Y-Axis.
    The existing Telltale system is still pretty much Point&Click, except you can move on your own, but the principle still applies.

    The Basic Xbox configuration lets you add a preference to your game style to invert the Y-Axis, so games can automatically make that adjustment. So even without an extra option this could easily have been implemented.

    As I see it, this game has been tailored for the PC / Mouse-Keyboard audience, but not much consideration has gone into the Console Version. Yet, you still do want our money.

    Finally, despite whatever naysayers or unlearners or any might think or say:

    Why would you not have an option to invert the Y-Axis? What reason could there be not to do it? Does it hurt the gameplay? Does it create technical difficulties? Has there been some study that conclusively links inverted camera controls with anti-social or violent behavior? Or was it one of those "let's be different from the herd - our customers will love us for it" things I never seem to understand?

    If I were the Telltale Head Honcho, I would take a good long look at the fellow in QA that said Telltale games don't need inverted Y-Axis camera controls...
  • edited April 2012
    Seriously Telltale, is it really that hard to enter a simple code? Here, I'll do it for you:

    Index: jquery.flot.js
    ================================================== =================
    --- jquery.flot.js (revision 154)
    +++ jquery.flot.js (working copy)

    tickFormatter: null, // fn: number -> string
    labelWidth: null, // size of tick labels in pixels
    labelHeight: null,
    + invert: false, // inverts the axis when true

    // mode specific options
    tickDecimals: null, // no. of decimals, null means auto

    axes[axis].datamax = bottomSentry;
    axes[axis].min = options[axis].min;
    axes[axis].max = options[axis].max;
    + axes[axis].invert = options[axis].invert;
    axes[axis].used = false;

    prepareTickGeneration(axis, options);
    setTicks(axis, options);
    // add transformation helpers
    - if (axis == axes.xaxis || axis == axes.x2axis) {
    + if ((axis == axes.xaxis || axis == axes.x2axis) && !axis.invert
    + || (axis == axes.yaxis || axis == axes.y2axis) && axis.invert) {
    // data point to canvas coordinate
    axis.p2c = function (p) { return (p - axis.min) * axis.scale; };
    // canvas coordinate to data point

    There you go, your welcome.... No payment necessary just fix the game and we'll call it even.
  • TcHTcH
    edited April 2012
    I emailed them on Saturday when i purchased the game not knowing there was no invert Y-axis and i received a response about 20 minutes ago and thought i would share
    The Walking Dead - Invert Y Axis [issue-58711]‏

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    To Tom Harrison

    Hey Tom,

    We apologize, but we don't currently have plans to offer inverted controls for the cursor. This may be something that's addressed in a future patch.

    Thanks for your continued patronage,
  • edited April 2012
    TcH wrote: »
    I emailed them on Saturday when i purchased the game not knowing there was no invert Y-axis and i received a response about 20 minutes ago and thought i would share
    The Walking Dead - Invert Y Axis [issue-58711]‏

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    To Tom Harrison

    Hey Tom,

    We apologize, but we don't currently have plans to offer inverted controls for the cursor. This may be something that's addressed in a future patch.

    Thanks for your continued patronage,
    Guess I will be waiting for the patch then. Thanks for the update.
This discussion has been closed.