i could never understand why some people want to move something up expecting it goes down. But as it is 2012 and i don't think its that hard to make i think they should do it i guess....
because it is the correct way something would react in real life. ok think about it picture you got ur hand on the back of the players head if you were to push your hand up the players cite would go down and vise versa. but c my brain is sorts of f up. it depends on what iam doing changes something in my brain. example when you are just looking aground with the curser and clicking on things but ur controling where you moving over things on the screen then the normal set up is perfect, once i start snipering (not a word but i just invented it so shut up lol) or most actions scenes in the game i get all screwed up and a 2 yr old can play better then me. now right and left xais im normal set up all the time i have no idea y. but the thing is for me to work the best and most natural to my brain i need to split these xaises between joysticks left joy is up and down and right joy is right and left. not only should they let u invert the joysticks but customize what controls what between moving lee, moving reticle (just looked that up in the game) for thrid person view, moving reticle for first person view, and for aiming sights like during snipering. ok that was alot of explaining if you guys didnt get everthing i said be sure to quote me and ask. if you didnt wanna read all this crap THEY DIFFIDENTLY GOT MY VOTE TO UPDATE CONTROLS. dam i created this account because it pissed me off so much. but i still play the game and will continue because i still like this game alot and got really into it so plz telltale listening to us, start addressing us at least. its like playing dead podcast is in a different world and not even asking or addressing all the issues that are on everyone's mind.
Originally Posted by Mark101
So a 13 page thread and not a single response from a developer about their reasonable decision not have a invert choice.
These developers sound a little "not doing what almost every other game out there has done as a standard option".
Fixed. You are welcome.
I'm glad to see this thread and the support for the inclusion of inverted controls, but I am disappointed that no devs have even posted in here to acknowledge the issue. They HAVE to know that the lack of an option is bothersome to some players - it was even mentioned in IGN's review when the first episode came out.
I bought the season pass as soon as I could, and while I am able to "get used to" a non-inverted Y-axis, there's only so much I can do; I often still encounter passages where the non-inverted controls mess me up (particularly when aiming a gun). I get disappointed every time I download the next episode and see that there has been no update. This really doesn't seem like something that should be difficult to implement...
DEVELOPERS - listen to us! I absolutely love this series, but the controls are pulling me out of the experience.
So which is worse - Mass Effect 3's ending (but you could get to the pre-patch terrible ending with inverted mouse) or TTG's Walking Dead where you can't even play it?
So which is worse - Mass Effect 3's ending (but you could get to the pre-patch terrible ending with inverted mouse) or TTG's Walking Dead where you are slightly inconvenienced?
They'd rather finish episode 4, looking for social issues to exploit for compelling gameplay scenarios.
Massaging the hurt butts of the entitled brats who actually bought the game and refuse to enjoy it because up is up and down is down is a fruitless endeavor.
Just take the lack of a flight sim control option as an excuse to dismiss everything that's awesome about this game and hate your life.
Tell Tell Games should be given an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records for first modern game developer to not allow you to rebind keys an invert the Y axis. Not that they should be proud of it.
Tell Tell Games should be given an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records for first modern game developer to not allow you to rebind keys an invert the Y axis. Not that they should be proud of it.
It doesn't surprise me that you don't understand that the Guinness World Records don't work that way, since you don't understand that they are not the first modern game developer to not have those options.
It doesn't surprise me that you don't understand that the Guinness World Records don't work that way, since you don't understand that they are not the first modern game developer to not have those options.
It doesn't surprise me that you don't understand how humor/sarcasm works I suppose. FYI it's not meant to be taken literally.
FYI, this Alien guy is a huge jerk. In another thread he threw something at me and said a few things about my mother. I'd hate to see what happens to people who don't insult him by taking him literally or giving him advice.
FYI, this Alien guy is a huge jerk. In another thread he threw something at me and said a few things about my mother. I'd hate to see what happens to people who don't insult him by taking him literally or giving him advice.
:DGo download Pinnacle Game Profiler and you should be able to invert controls on the xbox 360 controller or Mouse
Nope, doesn't work. Neither does xpadder or any other remapper. Not only did the developers not include code to remap controls, they added code in to prevent outside applications from doing so as well.
I've emailed support on this issue, asking if the option will ever be available. The response they gave was "sorry for the inconvenience". I would like to know if inverting controls will ever be an option so i can decide if i need to demand a refund or not.
I have spent the last 15 years playing Inverted controls. That is how my brain works and i will not try to learn default just for one damn game. This needs to be addressed. Period. Extremely unprofessional way these devs are handling the situation as well.
It doesn't surprise me that you don't understand how humor/sarcasm works I suppose. FYI it's not meant to be taken literally.
FYI you didn't use sarcasm there. You made a snide and snarky remark that you found funny. That doesn't even come close to equaling sarcasm. Sarcasm is saying one thing while meaning the exact opposite. Example: "Oh yea, that totally is how sarcasm works."
Ive just created an account to post and show my support for an Inverted Controls Option in the Walking Dead series. I would love to buy the game but this is a game breaker for me, so ill pass until this is fixed.
Just adding another name to the list. Seriously, this inverted Y thing is killing my enjoyment of the game. If the whole game was an action FPS, I could get into the groove after a while, but using the controller for responses and pixel hunting, THEN having to switch on the fly to action blows my brain / body connection.
Jeez, it's not that hard to deal with the controls..
I like inverted controls too but I managed to use an Xbox controller for most things and when it came time to do some shooting I just switched over to mouse and keyboard (using the mouse is much easier for shooting I think, it's easier to aim and much quicker.).
Just stick to it and you'll find it's not that hard.
I'm playing on a PC, so the inverted controls thing isn't even an issue for me -- but is it honestly that challenging to sort of rewire your brain so it realizes that up is up and down is down? I'm not trying to be combative, but it feels like a pretty easy adjustment to make if people would give it a shot.
All right, you Y-axis-inverting nutjobs, I've tried to contain my rage and not state the obvious. You guys keep saying you've never encountered this in 20 + years of gaming. Well, you must've skipped Monkey Island, a game with an interface that mirrors the way people have been using computers since the invention of Windows: you know, by pointing at stuff and clicking on it. TWD is not L4D. You're moving around a cursor, not the game camera. The kind of precision you're demanding is just not required here. Christ, the cursor doesn't even have to be directly on the hotspot!
All right, you Y-axis-inverting nutjobs, I've tried to contain my rage and not state the obvious. You guys keep saying you've never encountered this in 20 + years of gaming. Well, you must've skipped Monkey Island, a game with an interface that mirrors the way people have been using computers since the invention of Windows: you know, by pointing at stuff and clicking on it. TWD is not L4D. You're moving around a cursor, not the game camera. The kind of precision you're demanding is just not required here. Christ, the cursor doesn't even have to be directly on the hotspot!
You probably should have just contained your rage by staying out of a thread that did not concern you but don't worry I will try and clear things up. I don't even know where to begin with such a blatantly uniformed post.... Monkey Island was purely a point and click adventure game, there was never any first person action, shooting sequences etc etc. It was also a game that many people probably did not play because they felt a point and click scavenger hunt game was not really something they would enjoy.
Now I can not speak for everyone here but I myself do not use inverted controls on my desktop or in point and click adventure games because yes in that instance up is up and down is down because your are moving your cursor to designated locations ON A FIXED SCREEN. That said there are many of us who when playing a game where shooting and looking is concerned inverted controls seem more intuitive to us. This comes from the concept of camera prospective. Think of it as a tripod holding a camera. If you want to look down you push forward and the camera goes down. When you want to look up you pull backwards and/or down to make the camera look up.
This said, TWD is a unique title in the sense that it is both a point and click as well as a camera based title. At times you are controlling the camera and at other times you are simply clicking interactive points on the screen. So I feel I must mention that I can understand why Tell Tale did NOT include invert controls, they would have had to find a way to individually distinguish between when a player would want invert controls and when would not want them. For me this has been a game breaking problem, for some they can move past it.
Please consider using your brain and passing up on topics that do not concern you before you pollute a thread with your ignorance.
Ok, I'm sorry for being a dick earlier. But look at my post that you quoted. I said you're controlling a cursor, not the game camera. That implies that i understand the difference in gameplay style we're talking about here. But then you reply by explaining to me (quite unnecessarily) how controlling a game camera works, as if I had made no reference to it. My whole argument is that there really is NO POINT in which you have proper camera control. It'll pan a bit in the direction you move the cursor, but that's it. I feel like you're simply approaching this game as something that it isn't. Again, sorry for my dickish and ignorant pollution of your thread. My real wish is for you to enjoy the game as much as I am, and to come back here posting about the story, characters, and your choices.
It might have been a little blatant there, but J. Maximus did have a point in my opinion. Monkey Island isn't originally a Telltale game, and I am pretty sure he referred to the good ol' Monkey Island by LucasArts which was released in 1990.
Misunderstandings happen if several generations of gamers collide.
Ok, I'm sorry for being a dick earlier. But look at my post that you quoted. I said you're controlling a cursor, not the game camera. That implies that i understand the difference in gameplay style we're talking about here. But then you reply by explaining to me (quite unnecessarily) how controlling a game camera works, as if I had made no reference to it. My whole argument is that there really is NO POINT in which you have proper camera control. It'll pan a bit in the direction you move the cursor, but that's it. I feel like you're simply approaching this game as something that it isn't. Again, sorry for my dickish and ignorant pollution of your thread. My real wish is for you to enjoy the game as much as I am, and to come back here posting about the story, characters, and your choices.
After my equally inappropriate post I went ahead and played the rest of the title, (i started want to only play a bit more and then all of a sudden i was done with all 3 episodes wanting so much more....) The beginning of the game and the shooting sequences (i will be vague and say sniper so as not to spoil things) in the title were still difficult for me, I found myself often focusing on how to not think of it like a first person view and more of a cursor. This took away from my experience a bit.... It seems the bulk of my complaint came from only playing the beginning where several "camera" manipulation points do occur.
^See, that's what I thought! Everyone else with this complaint needs to take a page from your book and just give it a chance! It'll be worth your while, I promise.
Add me to the list also, as a long-time gamer who has used invert for every game, I am a HUGE fan of The Walking Dead, but I was sort of surprised when I saw they didn't have the option. It would be so simple to implement, so why not have it?
There's people who say "Just play the game without the invert, you'll be fine and still enjoy it!" Wrong. It makes me focus more on the controls, and not on the game itself, which is what the game is for. During the scene at the motel where you have to shoot bandits jumping over the fence, I died so many times, because I usually play with invert in FPS games. It was an agonizing scene to play for me, because I kept dying and dying, because I couldn't aim right. It makes the game harder to play, and just downright annoying.
If they had it in the game, I would absolutely love Telltale.
You would think that in this day in age that the invert Y-Axis feature would be standard. This could be a deal breaker for me for future Telltale Games if they don't address this with a patch on this current game that I have purchased. I purchased the season pass assuming such a basic feature would be included. I didn't even bother to check whether it was or not. I can't imagine how it would be more than a couple of lines of code to fix.
I think part of the problem with releasing a simple Y-inversion patch for this game is that the engine most likely doesn't differentiate between the static-screen point-and-click segments, the panning-screen point-and-click segments, and the few odd camera-controllable shooting segments (which, if you think about it, are really just tighter panning-screen point-and-click segments). I'd think it would be easy enough to create the option to invert everything, but it sounds like most people only want the camera-controllable segments inverted, which means adding specific code to specific scenes, which means a lot more QA testing to make sure it all works. It's still perfectly possible, but they've probably been so busy creating new content for new episodes and making sure that content works on the four or five different platforms they're releasing for that they haven't had the time to create a complicated patch to fix something that isn't technically game-breaking. Maybe after the entire game is finished, they'll have the time and resources to devote to the patch.
Invert should be renamed to normal, and the current "normal" should be renamed abnormal.
Jeez where do I get a refund?
learn to adapt
I'm gonna catch hell for this one.
These developers sound a little sketchy.
because it is the correct way something would react in real life. ok think about it picture you got ur hand on the back of the players head if you were to push your hand up the players cite would go down and vise versa. but c my brain is sorts of f up. it depends on what iam doing changes something in my brain. example when you are just looking aground with the curser and clicking on things but ur controling where you moving over things on the screen then the normal set up is perfect, once i start snipering (not a word but i just invented it so shut up lol) or most actions scenes in the game i get all screwed up and a 2 yr old can play better then me. now right and left xais im normal set up all the time i have no idea y. but the thing is for me to work the best and most natural to my brain i need to split these xaises between joysticks left joy is up and down and right joy is right and left. not only should they let u invert the joysticks but customize what controls what between moving lee, moving reticle (just looked that up in the game) for thrid person view, moving reticle for first person view, and for aiming sights like during snipering. ok that was alot of explaining if you guys didnt get everthing i said be sure to quote me and ask. if you didnt wanna read all this crap THEY DIFFIDENTLY GOT MY VOTE TO UPDATE CONTROLS. dam i created this account because it pissed me off so much. but i still play the game and will continue because i still like this game alot and got really into it so plz telltale listening to us, start addressing us at least. its like playing dead podcast is in a different world and not even asking or addressing all the issues that are on everyone's mind.
Refixed.... YOU are welcome.
And you "abnormal" Y axis gamers needn't bother piping up coz I don't want a discussion on it, I want it sorting so I can play it!
I bought the season pass as soon as I could, and while I am able to "get used to" a non-inverted Y-axis, there's only so much I can do; I often still encounter passages where the non-inverted controls mess me up (particularly when aiming a gun). I get disappointed every time I download the next episode and see that there has been no update. This really doesn't seem like something that should be difficult to implement...
DEVELOPERS - listen to us! I absolutely love this series, but the controls are pulling me out of the experience.
meh, that's extra work.
They rather peruse the board looking for social issues to justify.
addressing the concerns of the folks who actually bought the game and have to deal with it is asking a bit much.
Just take what they give you and like it.
You crack me up, little buddy.
It doesn't surprise me that you don't understand how humor/sarcasm works I suppose. FYI it's not meant to be taken literally.
I'm a grown ass man! I do what I want!
Nope, doesn't work. Neither does xpadder or any other remapper. Not only did the developers not include code to remap controls, they added code in to prevent outside applications from doing so as well.
I've emailed support on this issue, asking if the option will ever be available. The response they gave was "sorry for the inconvenience". I would like to know if inverting controls will ever be an option so i can decide if i need to demand a refund or not.
I have spent the last 15 years playing Inverted controls. That is how my brain works and i will not try to learn default just for one damn game. This needs to be addressed. Period. Extremely unprofessional way these devs are handling the situation as well.
Thank you
I like inverted controls too but I managed to use an Xbox controller for most things and when it came time to do some shooting I just switched over to mouse and keyboard (using the mouse is much easier for shooting I think, it's easier to aim and much quicker.).
Just stick to it and you'll find it's not that hard.
Love the game BTW.
You probably should have just contained your rage by staying out of a thread that did not concern you but don't worry I will try and clear things up. I don't even know where to begin with such a blatantly uniformed post.... Monkey Island was purely a point and click adventure game, there was never any first person action, shooting sequences etc etc. It was also a game that many people probably did not play because they felt a point and click scavenger hunt game was not really something they would enjoy.
Now I can not speak for everyone here but I myself do not use inverted controls on my desktop or in point and click adventure games because yes in that instance up is up and down is down because your are moving your cursor to designated locations ON A FIXED SCREEN. That said there are many of us who when playing a game where shooting and looking is concerned inverted controls seem more intuitive to us. This comes from the concept of camera prospective. Think of it as a tripod holding a camera. If you want to look down you push forward and the camera goes down. When you want to look up you pull backwards and/or down to make the camera look up.
This said, TWD is a unique title in the sense that it is both a point and click as well as a camera based title. At times you are controlling the camera and at other times you are simply clicking interactive points on the screen. So I feel I must mention that I can understand why Tell Tale did NOT include invert controls, they would have had to find a way to individually distinguish between when a player would want invert controls and when would not want them. For me this has been a game breaking problem, for some they can move past it.
Please consider using your brain and passing up on topics that do not concern you before you pollute a thread with your ignorance.
Take care
Misunderstandings happen if several generations of gamers collide.
After my equally inappropriate post I went ahead and played the rest of the title, (i started want to only play a bit more and then all of a sudden i was done with all 3 episodes wanting so much more....) The beginning of the game and the shooting sequences (i will be vague and say sniper so as not to spoil things) in the title were still difficult for me, I found myself often focusing on how to not think of it like a first person view and more of a cursor. This took away from my experience a bit.... It seems the bulk of my complaint came from only playing the beginning where several "camera" manipulation points do occur.
There's people who say "Just play the game without the invert, you'll be fine and still enjoy it!" Wrong. It makes me focus more on the controls, and not on the game itself, which is what the game is for. During the scene at the motel where you have to shoot bandits jumping over the fence, I died so many times, because I usually play with invert in FPS games. It was an agonizing scene to play for me, because I kept dying and dying, because I couldn't aim right. It makes the game harder to play, and just downright annoying.
If they had it in the game, I would absolutely love Telltale.