I play flight sims and can go both ways... heh... Seriously, though, is it that hard to press up on the right stick to make the cursor go up? Do you Y-invert the mouse on your computer when browsing files/the internet? I play stuff like HAWX with Y-inverted (unless it's inverted by default, I click Invert Y and screw myself over... easily confused, ok?) and I don't get how hard it is to understand that the cursor goes in the same direction as the stick.
W - move fwd
S - Move backward
A - Left
D - Right
Mouse up - look up
Mouse down - look down
Mouse left - look left
Mouse right - look right Console STANDARD FPS Controls
Lstick Up - move fwd
Lstick down - move backward
Lstick left - left
Lstick right - right
Rstick up - look up
Rstick down - look down
Rstick right - look right
Rstick left - look left
Most people are SMART enough to know we have STANDARD control schemes so everyone can learn to play and enjoy games with no issues, so we learn to play that way and rarely have issues.
Yet there are always a handful who REFUSE to learn the STANDARD control schemes that the entire gaming industry has adopted and then complain its is the games fault.
Until you stop thinking you're so special and every game developer has to cater to your own personal control scheme and learn to play with STANDARD control schemes, your are ALWAYS going to run into some games with controls that you hate and cannot change.
If you're not smart enough to realize that , it is NOT EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT!
If you have to go into the controls menu in EVERY game you play and change from the DEFAULT/STANDARD controls , then have enough common sense to realize that it is YOU that is causing your own problems and quit blaming everyone else.
W - move fwd
S - Move backward
A - Left
D - Right
Mouse up - look up
Mouse down - look down
Mouse left - look left
Mouse right - look right Console STANDARD FPS Controls
Lstick Up - move fwd
Lstick down - move backward
Lstick left - left
Lstick right - right
Rstick up - look up
Rstick down - look down
Rstick right - look right
Rstick left - look left
Most people are SMART enough to know we have STANDARD control schemes so everyone can learn to play and enjoy games with no issues, so we learn to play that way and rarely have issues.
Yet there are always a handful who REFUSE to learn the STANDARD control schemes that the entire gaming industry has adopted and then complain its is the games fault.
Until you stop thinking you're so special and every game developer has to cater to your own personal control scheme and learn to play with STANDARD control schemes, your are ALWAYS going to run into some games with controls that you hate and cannot change.
If you're not smart enough to realize that , it is NOT EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT!
If you have to go into the controls menu in EVERY game you play and change from the DEFAULT/STANDARD controls , then have enough common sense to realize that it is YOU that is causing your own problems and quit blaming everyone else.
Actually, some of us were around when they inverted cameras without the option to change it. As such, we got used to that and never changed as games have typically offered inverted controls. In fact, most people who play inverted, learned to play games on Sega's consoles.
Either way, Microsoft programmed the Xbox 360 to change settings of your games automatically so, for instance, in driving games you can automatically have your controls default to an automatic or manual transmission or you can have it default to easy, normal or hard difficulty.
Believe it or not, Microsoft also included the option to invert the controls in every game, automatically. If Microsoft seems to think that the choice between normal and inverted is so fundamental to the way people enjoy playing games that they offered it in that automatic settings menu, it is asine to argue that it's our fault that we choose to play that way.
The reason you think it's weird that we're complaining about it is because every game these days has the option to invert controls and no one needs to come to a message board and complain about it.
I would love the invert Y option.
So many games don't have it. I don't understand why?!
At the end when you are using a stick it's normal, it's not a mouse after all.
I am playing on a PS3, I precise.
Add me to those that just stopped by the forum and noticed this thread. I will not be buying the game either unless a inverted option is added. Thanks to the original poster for making me aware, it never even would occur to me this option wouldn't exist, I can't even remember the last time I played a game with out this option.
To those of you saying to unlearn it, no, I just won't buy the game.. its as simple as that and it looks like there are plenty of others who feel the same.
Meh, both styles are good but I do prefer inverted controls when shooting. Maybe TTG will add the option later on if people keep talking/bitching about it.:D
Goes to show how different people are. I absolutely hate inverted y axis in games and if I find myself playing a game where I can't change it it becomes pretty infuriating pretty quickly. I think the vehicle parts of RAGE (looking around when driving) are inverted and you can't change that, god so annoying.
Seriously, how are you people wired? flight sim experience? I should also add that I'm a PC gamer that avoids consoles like the plague, so that might have a lot to do with it.
Hey, this is just my argument with my girlfriend transcribed to a forum.
"For god's sake, how can you look around with this configuration?"
"Me? You have the right hand attack mapped to the LEFT mouse button! How can you dual-wield?"
Seriously, how are you people wired? flight sim experience? I should also add that I'm a PC gamer that avoids consoles like the plague, so that might have a lot to do with it.
The inverted system is easy to understand once analysed. c:
In real life, if you want to look up, you move your head back. If you want to look down, you move your head forward. (So, this system of head movement then translates to hand movement.)
Though I understand the logic behind inverted controls, I still prefer a non-inverted system. :P
To me inverted controls always feel like instead of moving the camera, you're moving the background. You make the things you're looking at move up and down instead of your perspective. I prefer standard controls, but I can get my brain to adapt to inverted ones if I need to.
That said, in The Walking Dead, you're controlling a cursor more than a camera. Are there people who prefer inverted controls for moving an ordinary mouse pointer?
Edit: Sorry. I hadn't read through all this. The cursor thing's already been brought up. I guess it makes sense that some people see it as more of a crosshair than a cursor. The camera does sort of move along with it.
I did not realize when I purchased episode one and two that this standard control feature was missing. I will not be purchasing any additional episodes if this basic issue is not fixed.
If you're using a PS3 controller and the Motioninjoy driver on PC, I've got good news: you can invert your controls easily!
Open the "DS3 tool", and to the right of XBOX 360 Controller Emulator (which I assume all users of this tool have selected for their control method) you will find an options link. In options, scroll down to "Right Stick Y" and UNCHECK "Reverse".
Now, you're y-axis will be inverted! Just remember to go back to these options when you're done with the game, lest your controls be backwards for every other game. Enjoy!
W - move fwd
S - Move backward
A - Left
D - Right
Mouse up - look up
Mouse down - look down
Mouse left - look left
Mouse right - look right Console STANDARD FPS Controls
Lstick Up - move fwd
Lstick down - move backward
Lstick left - left
Lstick right - right
Rstick up - look up
Rstick down - look down
Rstick right - look right
Rstick left - look left
Most people are SMART enough to know we have STANDARD control schemes so everyone can learn to play and enjoy games with no issues, so we learn to play that way and rarely have issues.
Yet there are always a handful who REFUSE to learn the STANDARD control schemes that the entire gaming industry has adopted and then complain its is the games fault.
Until you stop thinking you're so special and every game developer has to cater to your own personal control scheme and learn to play with STANDARD control schemes, your are ALWAYS going to run into some games with controls that you hate and cannot change.
If you're not smart enough to realize that , it is NOT EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT!
If you have to go into the controls menu in EVERY game you play and change from the DEFAULT/STANDARD controls , then have enough common sense to realize that it is YOU that is causing your own problems and quit blaming everyone else.
You really wasted your time on that tirade. Did you just need to get it out? Do you need a hug? Do you need a lesson on manners? We can see with 12 whole posts, you must rule the roost around here, so let us collectively apologise for starting a thread that you don't understand. It must be difficult for you to constantly be baffled by simple ideas, and if this is the only outlet you might have for expressing your anger and hurt, then please accept our sincerest empathy.
You should know something, though. You aren't helping. You've walked into a room of people you don't know who are discussing something you don't grasp. Normal behaviour in these types of situations is to quietly leave the room and find the one you were looking for. Perhaps you were looking for the bathroom for a toilet that will accept your verbal diarrhea. It sure smells.
I used to be an invert-guy a couple of years ago but every now and then there were games which didn't let me change it so I said screw it and got used to it. Took me maybe 3-4 days total to transform. You can't expect all devs to put in all type of settings for all type of people. There is a standard that 99% of users use and every now and then a dev is kind enough to include additional stuff like colorblind-support, invert-brain etc...
but these are BONUSES, not the standard at all.
So my suggestion is: either live with your ENTIRE gamingcareer always encountering games that don't let you invert, so you have to QQ everytime it's not supported, or, do it like me, take a couple of days to fix your brain to the standard and be happy for the rest of your gaming life. Your choice really.
Most people are SMART enough to know we have STANDARD control schemes so everyone can learn to play and enjoy games with no issues, so we learn to play that way and rarely have issues.
I have huge problems with WSAD. It's just overall horrible to use.
So my suggestion is: either live with your ENTIRE gamingcareer always encountering games that don't let you invert, so you have to QQ everytime it's not supported, or, do it like me, take a couple of days to fix your brain to the standard and be happy for the rest of your gaming life. Your choice really.
Really? People just don't seem to get it.
I don't know about anyone else, but I started with inverted controls very early on in my gaming history. Started off with flying sims, but as was stated, it makes sense. If you add a thumbstick to the back of your head, how would you look up? Tilt down, of course.
The only time I don't prefer inverted controls is when a mouse & keyboard is involved. I prefer inverted controls for any type of controller-based input.
Having said all that, as was stated already, if the option to invert your controls is installed at an Xbox 360 OS level, who are you to question that? If every popular shooter and the majority of 3rd person games include inverted controls, who are you to question that?
It boggles my mind that these things aren't required to pass cert for 360 games.
My gaming career is over a decade long (almost two now), and there are a very select handful of games that I'll never play because I can't use inverted controls. Why would I erase nearly twenty years of getting good with inverted controls for a single game?
I'd already purchased a TWD subscription on Steam anyways and was going to show a buddy of mine how awesome it is on the big screen with the 360. Hell, I was probably going to end up paying for the series twice so I have it on my PC and console, but I guess they don't want extra money.
If you add a thumbstick to the back of your head, how would you look up? Tilt down, of course.
Doesn't make sense because by that logic the X axis would also have to be inverted If you had a thumbstick to the back of your head and you push it to the left it would result in the head looking right. Therefore: invalid point.
Doesn't make sense because by that logic the X axis would also have to be inverted If you had a thumbstick to the back of your head and you push it to the left it would result in the head looking right. Therefore: invalid point.
That's called "Invert X."
It's not as common as "Invert Y," but I wouldn't call it rare, either. There are many third-person games that offer it. Some third-person games automatically invert X when you invert Y - Beyond Good and Evil and Sly Cooper come to mind.
That post was a slight tangent. I just wanted to point that just because you don't acknowledge or represent a valid market segment, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Carry on.
W - move fwd
S - Move backward
A - Left
D - Right
Mouse up - look up
Mouse down - look down
Mouse left - look left
Mouse right - look right Console STANDARD FPS Controls
Lstick Up - move fwd
Lstick down - move backward
Lstick left - left
Lstick right - right
Rstick up - look up
Rstick down - look down
Rstick right - look right
Rstick left - look left
Most people are SMART enough to know we have STANDARD control schemes so everyone can learn to play and enjoy games with no issues, so we learn to play that way and rarely have issues.
Yet there are always a handful who REFUSE to learn the STANDARD control schemes that the entire gaming industry has adopted and then complain its is the games fault.
Until you stop thinking you're so special and every game developer has to cater to your own personal control scheme and learn to play with STANDARD control schemes, your are ALWAYS going to run into some games with controls that you hate and cannot change.
If you're not smart enough to realize that , it is NOT EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT!
If you have to go into the controls menu in EVERY game you play and change from the DEFAULT/STANDARD controls , then have enough common sense to realize that it is YOU that is causing your own problems and quit blaming everyone else.
You are not being asked to change the way that you enjoy playing a game, so why are you attacking others? There is no reason for games not to offer setting to customize gameplay. Just lazy and short-sighted use of developer resources.
From sound (Nintendo never seems to allow me to turn off the damn music), to screen resolution, to game difficulty, and on and on, there are many OPTIONS that users often want to adjust to improve their gaming experience. Naturally, controls are a huge part of that. It doesn't matter the justification or the arguments for or against.
It is MORE of a standard to offer options than not. So by your own argument, TellTale broke the *standard* rules by only offering 'standard' controls.
Sorry guys, although its a fair point that the option to invert is missing I think the pure level of unnecessary rage, over dramatisation, and overwhelming sense of entitlement has damaged any sympathy some of us who are able to play with regular controls might have had.
I was quite surprised when i read the option was missing, but the more comments i read claiming the game was 'broken', the developers were 'lazy', the name calling, unnecessary anger if anyone dared to oppose the idea, and even one suggestion of a gamers bill of rights really did make me feel less inclined to support the idea.
It's not a hard thing to put your issues forward in a logical and polite manner, some of you just dont seem to have the capacity for it though.
I got the game through PS+, got about 2 minutes in and frantically searched for an invert option with no success.
I understand a lot of people are angry and are willing to point fingers, blame, name call and the like; I also understand that a lot of people (specifically those unaffected) are quick to point out that because our play-style (inverted) is not normative, that we truly have no stake in these matters.
Handicapped individuals are required access to any and all commercial buildings, yet they are not the norm. Peanut and allergen warnings are required for foodstuffs, yet those affected are not the norm. True these examples are extremes, but they exemplify a glaring omission by the TT staff: Inverted players, although not the norm, are the only other target audience you have aside from Standard players. Granted, many of us are finding out the hard way--after our money has been claimed--would it be so difficult as to acquiesce to our requests and simply patch the game?
I'm sure you're busy working on the next three chapters in the series, but I sure think it'd be swell to actually enjoy the game--where aiming is second nature--than have to think about which direction I may need to aim. I desire a fluid experience when playing, something natural.
To those standard users: try playing your favorite FPS with inverted controls; compare your performance, skill, and overall enjoyability to your normal settings.
Even if you're quick to pick up the change, I guarantee your abilities will not rival your intrinsic play style.
TellTale programers / developers aren't lazy, or stupid, or whatever my inverted peers are suggesting. They simply omitted a feature that should have been there day 1, and it would behoove them to correct this.
You are not being asked to change the way that you enjoy playing a game, so why are you attacking others? There is no reason for games not to offer setting to customize gameplay. Just lazy and short-sighted use of developer resources.
From sound (Nintendo never seems to allow me to turn off the damn music), to screen resolution, to game difficulty, and on and on, there are many OPTIONS that users often want to adjust to improve their gaming experience. Naturally, controls are a huge part of that. It doesn't matter the justification or the arguments for or against.
It is MORE of a standard to offer options than not. So by your own argument, TellTale broke the *standard* rules by only offering 'standard' controls.
- Zen
I'm with mtdew332 on this one; learn to play the game the way it is made. The control scheme is the least of Telltale's problems with The Walking Dead, they are already having trouble making the monthly promise and I'd appreciate it if idiots who can't comprehend standard controls didn't slow it down more, as I'm sure most players do as well.
Yes I called inverted only players idiots. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what buttons and movements do what.
This type of option should be built into Gaming consoles already.Most game pads made for PC's come with software to let you Invert controls.Some are built right into the game pad.
I'm with mtdew332 on this one; learn to play the game the way it is made. The control scheme is the least of Telltale's problems with The Walking Dead, they are already having trouble making the monthly promise and I'd appreciate it if idiots who can't comprehend standard controls didn't slow it down more, as I'm sure most players do as well.
Yes I called inverted only players idiots. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what buttons and movements do what.
You quoted someone else quoting mtdew332; incidentally, that person refuted any / all arguments mtdew332 had to bring up. Your glaring inability to subscribe to reason, let alone read, also invalidates any point you may bring up.
Would you go up to a left handed individual and tell them 'tough shit,' simply because they're "idiots" and not right handed like you (this of course, assuming you are)?
You quoted someone else quoting mtdew332; incidentally, that person refuted any / all arguments mtdew332 had to bring up. Your glaring inability to subscribe to reason, let alone read, also invalidates any point you may bring up.
Would you go up to a left handed individual and tell them 'tough shit,' simply because they're "idiots" and not right handed like you (this of course, assuming you are)?
I can read, reason and comprehend just fine. You also assumed incorrectly; I was a lefty until middle school. I practiced with my right hand throughout elementary school, because my parents and I didn't want me to be hampered by being a lefty. If you haven't noticed the U.S still isn't very lefty friendly, and they've been trying to make it that way for years. Through practicing I became ambidextrous and every day I'm thankful I learned to use my right hand, I can just go have fun without having to worry about time and money spent on things adapted for lefties.
I can drive a stick shift without grinding the clutch. Good luck to you lefties.
So don't try and make it out to be, "but people are born like that". It is purely learned behavior and it can be changed. So yes, as you said; "tough shit".
Sorry guys, although its a fair point that the option to invert is missing I think the pure level of unnecessary rage, over dramatisation, and overwhelming sense of entitlement has damaged any sympathy some of us who are able to play with regular controls might have had.
I'm used to inverted controls, it's hard-wired into my brain. Yet, after dying a couple of times in the first zombie encounter, I soon got used to the layout. It wasn't a chore, it didn't take hours to reprogramme. It took minutes, that's all. The game isn't broken, it just requires certain players to adapt.
235 posts and no fix from Telltale :mad:? Yes this is a fix, not a feature request. What modern game doesn't include an invert-y option ?? None that I would play. I can't believe they are ignoring all these requests. Absolutely the last Telltale game I ever play!!
235 posts and no fix from Telltale :mad:? Yes this is a fix, not a feature request. What modern game doesn't include an invert-y option ?? None that I would play. I can't believe they are ignoring all these requests. Absolutely the last Telltale game I ever play!!
No need to fix anything from the controls.
You should quit to play as if you were holding some kind of MG-42. You are holding a mouse!
Yeah sucks when a company knowingly just lets people that WANT to give them money en masse just walk away without buying. Guess they are so flush with cash they just don't need the sales? Totally not being a smartass, Just honest observation. Maybe they made their target revenue and just don't care to do anymore investing into the product. Oh well.
W - move fwd
S - Move backward
A - Left
D - Right
Mouse up - look up
Mouse down - look down
Mouse left - look left
Mouse right - look right
Console STANDARD FPS Controls
Lstick Up - move fwd
Lstick down - move backward
Lstick left - left
Lstick right - right
Rstick up - look up
Rstick down - look down
Rstick right - look right
Rstick left - look left
Most people are SMART enough to know we have STANDARD control schemes so everyone can learn to play and enjoy games with no issues, so we learn to play that way and rarely have issues.
Yet there are always a handful who REFUSE to learn the STANDARD control schemes that the entire gaming industry has adopted and then complain its is the games fault.
Until you stop thinking you're so special and every game developer has to cater to your own personal control scheme and learn to play with STANDARD control schemes, your are ALWAYS going to run into some games with controls that you hate and cannot change.
If you're not smart enough to realize that , it is NOT EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT!
If you have to go into the controls menu in EVERY game you play and change from the DEFAULT/STANDARD controls , then have enough common sense to realize that it is YOU that is causing your own problems and quit blaming everyone else.
Actually, some of us were around when they inverted cameras without the option to change it. As such, we got used to that and never changed as games have typically offered inverted controls. In fact, most people who play inverted, learned to play games on Sega's consoles.
Either way, Microsoft programmed the Xbox 360 to change settings of your games automatically so, for instance, in driving games you can automatically have your controls default to an automatic or manual transmission or you can have it default to easy, normal or hard difficulty.
Believe it or not, Microsoft also included the option to invert the controls in every game, automatically. If Microsoft seems to think that the choice between normal and inverted is so fundamental to the way people enjoy playing games that they offered it in that automatic settings menu, it is asine to argue that it's our fault that we choose to play that way.
The reason you think it's weird that we're complaining about it is because every game these days has the option to invert controls and no one needs to come to a message board and complain about it.
So many games don't have it. I don't understand why?!
At the end when you are using a stick it's normal, it's not a mouse after all.
I am playing on a PS3, I precise.
To those of you saying to unlearn it, no, I just won't buy the game.. its as simple as that and it looks like there are plenty of others who feel the same.
Seriously, how are you people wired?
"For god's sake, how can you look around with this configuration?"
"Me? You have the right hand attack mapped to the LEFT mouse button! How can you dual-wield?"
The inverted system is easy to understand once analysed. c:
In real life, if you want to look up, you move your head back. If you want to look down, you move your head forward. (So, this system of head movement then translates to hand movement.)
Though I understand the logic behind inverted controls, I still prefer a non-inverted system. :P
That said, in The Walking Dead, you're controlling a cursor more than a camera. Are there people who prefer inverted controls for moving an ordinary mouse pointer?
Edit: Sorry. I hadn't read through all this. The cursor thing's already been brought up. I guess it makes sense that some people see it as more of a crosshair than a cursor. The camera does sort of move along with it.
Open the "DS3 tool", and to the right of XBOX 360 Controller Emulator (which I assume all users of this tool have selected for their control method) you will find an options link. In options, scroll down to "Right Stick Y" and UNCHECK "Reverse".
Now, you're y-axis will be inverted! Just remember to go back to these options when you're done with the game, lest your controls be backwards for every other game. Enjoy!
You really wasted your time on that tirade. Did you just need to get it out? Do you need a hug? Do you need a lesson on manners? We can see with 12 whole posts, you must rule the roost around here, so let us collectively apologise for starting a thread that you don't understand. It must be difficult for you to constantly be baffled by simple ideas, and if this is the only outlet you might have for expressing your anger and hurt, then please accept our sincerest empathy.
You should know something, though. You aren't helping. You've walked into a room of people you don't know who are discussing something you don't grasp. Normal behaviour in these types of situations is to quietly leave the room and find the one you were looking for. Perhaps you were looking for the bathroom for a toilet that will accept your verbal diarrhea. It sure smells.
but these are BONUSES, not the standard at all.
So my suggestion is: either live with your ENTIRE gamingcareer always encountering games that don't let you invert, so you have to QQ everytime it's not supported, or, do it like me, take a couple of days to fix your brain to the standard and be happy for the rest of your gaming life. Your choice really.
Really? People just don't seem to get it.
I don't know about anyone else, but I started with inverted controls very early on in my gaming history. Started off with flying sims, but as was stated, it makes sense. If you add a thumbstick to the back of your head, how would you look up? Tilt down, of course.
The only time I don't prefer inverted controls is when a mouse & keyboard is involved. I prefer inverted controls for any type of controller-based input.
Having said all that, as was stated already, if the option to invert your controls is installed at an Xbox 360 OS level, who are you to question that? If every popular shooter and the majority of 3rd person games include inverted controls, who are you to question that?
It boggles my mind that these things aren't required to pass cert for 360 games.
My gaming career is over a decade long (almost two now), and there are a very select handful of games that I'll never play because I can't use inverted controls. Why would I erase nearly twenty years of getting good with inverted controls for a single game?
I'd already purchased a TWD subscription on Steam anyways and was going to show a buddy of mine how awesome it is on the big screen with the 360. Hell, I was probably going to end up paying for the series twice so I have it on my PC and console, but I guess they don't want extra money.
they just ain't too keen on working for it
Doesn't make sense because by that logic the X axis would also have to be inverted If you had a thumbstick to the back of your head and you push it to the left it would result in the head looking right. Therefore: invalid point.
You mean history. I doubt you have any type of gaming career. And I have started gaming in 1981 thank you very much.
Also: I like to make random words bold without making any sense whatsoever
That's called "Invert X."
It's not as common as "Invert Y," but I wouldn't call it rare, either. There are many third-person games that offer it. Some third-person games automatically invert X when you invert Y - Beyond Good and Evil and Sly Cooper come to mind.
You are not being asked to change the way that you enjoy playing a game, so why are you attacking others? There is no reason for games not to offer setting to customize gameplay. Just lazy and short-sighted use of developer resources.
From sound (Nintendo never seems to allow me to turn off the damn music), to screen resolution, to game difficulty, and on and on, there are many OPTIONS that users often want to adjust to improve their gaming experience. Naturally, controls are a huge part of that. It doesn't matter the justification or the arguments for or against.
It is MORE of a standard to offer options than not. So by your own argument, TellTale broke the *standard* rules by only offering 'standard' controls.
- Zen
I was quite surprised when i read the option was missing, but the more comments i read claiming the game was 'broken', the developers were 'lazy', the name calling, unnecessary anger if anyone dared to oppose the idea, and even one suggestion of a gamers bill of rights really did make me feel less inclined to support the idea.
It's not a hard thing to put your issues forward in a logical and polite manner, some of you just dont seem to have the capacity for it though.
I understand a lot of people are angry and are willing to point fingers, blame, name call and the like; I also understand that a lot of people (specifically those unaffected) are quick to point out that because our play-style (inverted) is not normative, that we truly have no stake in these matters.
Handicapped individuals are required access to any and all commercial buildings, yet they are not the norm. Peanut and allergen warnings are required for foodstuffs, yet those affected are not the norm. True these examples are extremes, but they exemplify a glaring omission by the TT staff: Inverted players, although not the norm, are the only other target audience you have aside from Standard players. Granted, many of us are finding out the hard way--after our money has been claimed--would it be so difficult as to acquiesce to our requests and simply patch the game?
I'm sure you're busy working on the next three chapters in the series, but I sure think it'd be swell to actually enjoy the game--where aiming is second nature--than have to think about which direction I may need to aim. I desire a fluid experience when playing, something natural.
To those standard users: try playing your favorite FPS with inverted controls; compare your performance, skill, and overall enjoyability to your normal settings.
Even if you're quick to pick up the change, I guarantee your abilities will not rival your intrinsic play style.
TellTale programers / developers aren't lazy, or stupid, or whatever my inverted peers are suggesting. They simply omitted a feature that should have been there day 1, and it would behoove them to correct this.
I'm with mtdew332 on this one; learn to play the game the way it is made. The control scheme is the least of Telltale's problems with The Walking Dead, they are already having trouble making the monthly promise and I'd appreciate it if idiots who can't comprehend standard controls didn't slow it down more, as I'm sure most players do as well.
Yes I called inverted only players idiots. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what buttons and movements do what.
You quoted someone else quoting mtdew332; incidentally, that person refuted any / all arguments mtdew332 had to bring up. Your glaring inability to subscribe to reason, let alone read, also invalidates any point you may bring up.
Would you go up to a left handed individual and tell them 'tough shit,' simply because they're "idiots" and not right handed like you (this of course, assuming you are)?
I can read, reason and comprehend just fine. You also assumed incorrectly; I was a lefty until middle school. I practiced with my right hand throughout elementary school, because my parents and I didn't want me to be hampered by being a lefty. If you haven't noticed the U.S still isn't very lefty friendly, and they've been trying to make it that way for years. Through practicing I became ambidextrous and every day I'm thankful I learned to use my right hand, I can just go have fun without having to worry about time and money spent on things adapted for lefties.
I can drive a stick shift without grinding the clutch. Good luck to you lefties.
So don't try and make it out to be, "but people are born like that". It is purely learned behavior and it can be changed. So yes, as you said; "tough shit".
I'm used to inverted controls, it's hard-wired into my brain. Yet, after dying a couple of times in the first zombie encounter, I soon got used to the layout. It wasn't a chore, it didn't take hours to reprogramme. It took minutes, that's all. The game isn't broken, it just requires certain players to adapt.
No need to fix anything from the controls.
You should quit to play as if you were holding some kind of MG-42. You are holding a mouse!
anyone suggested this fix ?
turn the controller around...
No invert = No sale.