Need Inverted Controls Option



  • edited October 2012
    Andytizer wrote: »
    Hi guys I have finally figured out the best way to invert y-axis controls in this game and have finally tested it (only for mouse controls so far). Requires usage of a little utility called Sakasa Mouse. Y-axis and X-axis can be inverted independently.

    I actually just tried this. If you do want to invert absolutely everything, this works. Here's the direct CNET download link.
  • edited October 2012
    Playing inverted is like eating with your feet lmfao just kidding :D. Dude learn to play not inverted, what i wonder wtf would happen if you really were flying on a airplane and there was nothing like inverted O.o.
  • edited November 2012
    owner070 wrote: »
    Playing inverted is like eating with your feet lmfao just kidding :D. Dude learn to play not inverted, what i wonder wtf would happen if you really were flying on a airplane and there was nothing like inverted O.o.

    Airplane controls are inverted, so inverted players would actually be much better at flying airplanes at first.
  • edited November 2012
    Wow I encountered this playing the Black Ops 2 campaign over the weekend.

    Normally, when I play flying games I need the thumb-stick to be inverted because that is how aircraft are set up.

    But when I play first person games, I don't want inverted since I'm not flying a plane.

    In Black Ops 2, they suddenly threw the character into a flying sequence during the campaign. I flew into buildings and died 3 times before I had to temporarily invert the controls to pass the part of the level.
  • edited December 2012
    Why are we not able to change the inversion in the game, that's crap! I've played inverted all my life and I can't play normal. So I guess I wont be playing. Thanks a lot Telltale!
  • edited December 2012
    owner070 wrote: »
    Playing inverted is like eating with your feet lmfao just kidding :D. Dude learn to play not inverted, what i wonder wtf would happen if you really were flying on a airplane and there was nothing like inverted O.o.

    Have you ever done any skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, shooting, or anything that has a stance? If you have, and found that some stances feel better. There is a test you can do to see what stance you are, "goofy footed, right foot in front" or "Regular, left foot in front" The test is done by someone pushing you from the back and you fall forward to the point where you have to take a step. Witch ever foot you step with first is the one you naturally want to put in front. Shooting is the same way with witch ever eye you focus on the target with. Some people are right eye dominate and some are left eye. I don't think its hard to believe that some people are just more natural with inverted or regular control schemes based on the way your brain works.
  • edited December 2012
    Lack of inverted controls don't bother me, but I HATED not being able to play by looking over Lee's shoulder or move the camera around freely. If it was an option I don't know how to get it. Their camera angles are by far the worst.
  • edited December 2012
    So, people want the controls to be wrong? I really never understood the appeal of inverted controls.
  • edited December 2012
    My husband is inverted Y-axis, I'm normal :rolleyes: We have to fix the setting every time we play together on XBox. Thank goodness that I play WD on an IPad...
  • edited December 2012
    what the fuck...?

    and I thought nobody ever used the invert controller option.
  • edited December 2012
    I sometimes play inverted, I'm good at inverted and normal, I'm inverdextrous xD

    I'm also ambidextrous so I can play with any hand, any time, any inversion, and any control :D
  • edited December 2012
    JakeSt123 wrote: »
    So, people want the controls to be wrong? I really never understood the appeal of inverted controls.

    The controls aren't being wrong just because they're inverted. As an inverted player myself, I grew up playing games that were defaulty inverted like flight simulators, and early shooting games. That's the way it's always been, and that's what we're used to. Otherwise, it makes the game hard to play. It's almost like somebody having an accent. They grew up with that accent their whole life, and somebody calls it wrong just because it's not their accent. It's really hard for somebody to get rid of their accent. Just like it's really hard for us to play without invert.
  • edited December 2012
    Not having inverted controls is like telling someone that is right handed to write with their left hand. Of bat left handed, or what ever else you are doing with the opposite hand. You can do it but it makes things more frustrating and challenging. Eventually you get better at it but it never feel natural or comfortable. I hope that TTG does offer this option but at this stage in the game I doubt that will happen.

    I am an inverted player and right off the bat in the demo I died two times at the place where the Girl Zombie is after you. Had to keep telling myself to think opposite. I plan to get the game because the demo did hook me and I have $20 in credit on PSN. Otherwise I might not have picked it up.
  • edited December 2012
    I have never bought a game that wouldn't allow you to change y axis. I can't play this way. PLEASE fix this so I didn't waste my money.
  • edited December 2012
    How unfortunate a decision for telltale to overlook an inverted option. I don't know much about coding but could this possibly be very difficult to implement? Has telltale acknowledge these concerns anywhere? Do they even know of our difficulties? I can't play it. If I had known there was no invert Y I would not have purchased the game. In fact I'm going to try and return it right now.
  • edited December 2012
    if you are on PC you can manually invert your Y axis using small tools like SakasaMouse or Polynomial's Mouse Inverter. They are reported to work in the game. Using this driver will also invert the y-axis mouse controls for all aspects of the game, including menu items.
  • edited December 2012
    Toasty wrote: »
    The controls aren't being wrong just because they're inverted. As an inverted player myself, I grew up playing games that were defaulty inverted like flight simulators, and early shooting games. That's the way it's always been, and that's what we're used to. Otherwise, it makes the game hard to play. It's almost like somebody having an accent. They grew up with that accent their whole life, and somebody calls it wrong just because it's not their accent. It's really hard for somebody to get rid of their accent. Just like it's really hard for us to play without invert.

    Yeah, but come on now... Adapting to this kind of thing doesn't take that long. Up is up, down is down. You should be able to get used to that even if you have played flight simulators all your life. Probably.

    It's like driving a car with right hand drive when you live in a country with only left hand drive cars. You shift with the other hand and sometimes the indicators and wiper controls are on the "wrong" sides. You also have to position the car differently on the road and get used to look in the mirrors the wrong way. Even the most veteran LHD driver can get used to that. Probably.

    ... but I never realized how many people actually play with inverted controls. Do you play Counter Strike with inverted controls? COD on the PC? GTA?

    Is your mouse always inverted even when you do other stuff like browse the internet too?

    My mind is asploaded.
  • edited December 2012
    Yeah, but come on now... Adapting to this kind of thing doesn't take that long. Up is up, down is down. You should be able to get used to that even if you have played flight simulators all your life. Probably.

    It's like driving a car with right hand drive when you live in a country with only left hand drive cars. You shift with the other hand and sometimes the indicators and wiper controls are on the "wrong" sides. You also have to position the car differently on the road and get used to look in the mirrors the wrong way. Even the most veteran LHD driver can get used to that. Probably.

    ... but I never realized how many people actually play with inverted controls. Do you play Counter Strike with inverted controls? COD on the PC? GTA?

    Is your mouse always inverted even when you do other stuff like browse the internet too?

    My mind is asploaded.

    I play with inverted controls on every console, and yes, even my computer. I also use invert while browsing the internet.
  • edited December 2012
    JakeSt123 wrote: »
    So, people want the controls to be wrong? I really never understood the appeal of inverted controls.

    Quite the opposite. Inverted used to be the only option and was standard for the longest time. The "Standard" or "Normal" option is only a few years old so in actuality we want the controls to be RIGHT as they are currently wrong.

    In its current state the game is near unplayable to us older gamers who are used to the original inverted style. This is a simple feature that practically every game has today.

    Please patch the option into the game.
  • edited January 2013
    Other forum posters have adequately explained why many, many, gamers invert so I will just post two of their responses:
    spdiscus wrote:
    I think up/down is the wrong way to look at it. You aren't moving the mouse up, you're moving it forward. That's where the disconnect is.

    As a long-time inverter, this is how I see it... if you want me to look down, you push my neck/head forward. If you want me to look up, you pull my neck/head back. That's how I use the mouse to control the avatar's view.

    Dymir wrote:
    I always think of it as flying an airplane, you have to pull back on the stick to go up and push it forward to fly down.

    I don't invert on my computer while browsing the internet, etc...that's silly. It's point and click as opposed to a first person shooter so it's very different.

    Off the cuff, I would guess a large percentage of the gaming community inverts. For some people that will ALWAYS feel more natural. As natural as being left or right handed. It's not abnormal or wrong...In real life, to look UP, you tilt your head BACK. To look DOWN, tilt your head forward. You can't prevent people's brains from naturally trying to control a FPS this way.

    Personally, I think it's foolish for TellTale to leave this out of TWD. Really, it's only going to frustrate your customers.
  • edited January 2013
    I prefer inverted too. I started up the game and the first time I had to move, I paused and went looking for control options to invert.

    Anyone who ever played a flight sim or an FPS on the PC will have adopted the inverted Y axis mode.
  • edited January 2013
    Besides the grand total of 3 relatively short FPS style sequences, this a point and click game. You are not controlling the camera, it just broadly follows the cursor. Inverts are usually not required in these styles of games, from what I've seen.

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be there, customization options are always nice and should always be included whenever possible, but the fact it wasn't here is most certainly not game breaking due to it being a point and click, and not a FPS. It seems much more like a minor inconvenience. Maybe it's just me, but i find it extremely easy to very quickly adapt to both inverted and normal controls in any and every game. I've only been playing since the 90s, but as long as i can remember, it's always been this easy.

    Regardless, the development on the game is finished. It is very unlikely that inverted controls will be added. Hopefully they will for season 2.
  • edited January 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Besides the grand total of 3 relatively short FPS style sequences, this a point and click game. You are not controlling the camera, it just broadly follows the cursor. Inverts are usually not required in these styles of games, from what I've seen.

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be there, customization options are always nice and should always be included whenever possible, but the fact it wasn't here is most certainly not game breaking due to it being a point and click, and not a FPS. It seems much more like a minor inconvenience. Maybe it's just me, but i find it extremely easy to very quickly adapt to both inverted and normal controls in any and every game. I've only been playing since the 90s, but as long as i can remember, it's always been this easy.

    Regardless, the development on the game is finished. It is very unlikely that inverted controls will be added. Hopefully they will for season 2.

    I guess I did say FPS. It's applicable for third person, too. When I want to pan up to open cabinet, etc. it would be easier if it was inverted. Clearly you're unaffected by it so your opinion on this matter carries little weight.

    Think of it this way. Let's say you were going to play a sport that required throwing a ball (baseball, football, whatever) but you were only allowed to throw with your non-dominate hand. It would be extremely frustrating, no? Especially if EVERY OTHER SPORT gave you the option to throw with either hand. The same applies to TWD. Every other game on the market allows for y inversion. There is no good excuse to exclude the option.

    Though I do agree with you that it will probably never be fixed since millions of discs have been pressed as-is.
  • edited January 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Regardless, the development on the game is finished. It is very unlikely that inverted controls will be added. Hopefully they will for season 2.

    They told Kotaku that they would be adding it. They have so far failed to deliver on that promise.
  • edited January 2013
    You promised you would Patch Inverted Controls into the game-publicly.

    "Kotaku's own Kirk Hamilton asked about inverted camera controls. He was told then that Telltale was planning to patch it in" source

    So far you have yet to deliver. The exclusion of this very basic setting (a setting that existed long before the games current option on the matter) is making an otherwise great game unplayable.

    Please make good on your word and patch this in.
  • edited January 2013
    Telltale has promised patches for many things and failed to deliver. This is a prime example of their rather shady practice of sweeping known issues under the rug because they already have your paid money for a game with known issues.

    This way the gaming press reports that Telltale is actively motivated to fix their products, but in reality Telltale doesn't deliver anything and no-one is the wiser.

    Well customers who buy their games and face problems sure feel dumb, but again Telltale already pocketed their profits from deceived gamers.
  • edited January 2013
    Kill Kayt wrote: »
    They told Kotaku that they would be adding it. They have so far failed to deliver on that promise.

    I know. It's frustrating. Good game, but would be much better if I could control it and not die 100 times before finally getting it.
  • edited January 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Besides the grand total of 3 relatively short FPS style sequences, this a point and click game. You are not controlling the camera, it just broadly follows the cursor. Inverts are usually not required in these styles of games, from what I've seen.

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be there, customization options are always nice and should always be included whenever possible, but the fact it wasn't here is most certainly not game breaking due to it being a point and click, and not a FPS. It seems much more like a minor inconvenience. Maybe it's just me, but i find it extremely easy to very quickly adapt to both inverted and normal controls in any and every game. I've only been playing since the 90s, but as long as i can remember, it's always been this easy.

    Regardless, the development on the game is finished. It is very unlikely that inverted controls will be added. Hopefully they will for season 2.

    You realize this stopped becoming a point and click the moment they launched it on a medium that doesn't have a mouse pointer and mouse button.

    It baffles me that TTG never bumped into this problem with their other games. Is The Walking Dead their first console game? Do they realize consoles have different input mechanisms than PC's?

    I think the saddest part of this is that TTG publicly announced that they would look to add an invert option back around Episode 2. I don't know why they'd bother to get people's hopes up for a feature they obviously had no intention to provide. Somehow they were able to go gold with a Packaged retail disc and not add a feature they said they'd try to deliver.
  • edited January 2013
    Also waiting for this as well. But, us "inverts" are slowly turning into an endangered species ever since CoD, so I don't think they'll be too inclined to fix something that will only satisfy about 100 of us.
  • edited January 2013
    CoD has an invert joystick option? Not sure what you're talking about.

    I think about 5% of gamers use inverted. Definitely enough to warrant keeping the feature on the table.
  • edited January 2013
    Now, I'm not saying this is the only reason I haven't played this game, but when I read on Kotaku that I couldn't play inverted, it kind of knocked this game down a bit on my priority list.

    I want to immerse myself in the game with no distractions. I'd rather focus on the game than fiddling with my controller.
  • edited January 2013
    What the fuck are you guys talking about? I don't understand anything.

    edit: nvm I got it.
  • edited January 2013
    Now, I'm not saying this is the only reason I haven't played this game, but when I read on Kotaku that I couldn't play inverted, it kind of knocked this game down a bit on my priority list.

    I want to immerse myself in the game with no distractions. I'd rather focus on the game than fiddling with my controller.

    This is exactly the reason it's frustrating. I would rather immerse myself in the game, than in the controller.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm used to invert axis from too many years of playing flight and space sims, which crossed over to first person shooter games. I can deal with it not being included on a game like this because, frankly, the number of times where you're aiming Lee in FPS mode is pretty small. You just have to force your brain to know "when I push the mouse forward, the cursor is going to go up."

  • edited January 2013
    Also waiting for this as well. But, us "inverts" are slowly turning into an endangered species ever since CoD, so I don't think they'll be too inclined to fix something that will only satisfy about 100 of us.
    CoD most definitely has the option to invert. The only games I have ever played that don't have the option to invert are The Walking Dead and Beyond Good and Evil. Both games are unplayable because of this.
    holeydonut wrote: »
    I think about 5% of gamers use inverted. Definitely enough to warrant keeping the feature on the table.
    8 Years ago Invert was the only option. Xbox 360's primary customer base age is 18-25. I guarantee you the percentage of "invert" gamers is far higher than 5%
  • edited January 2013
    I confess to not seeing the attraction of this option in The Walking Dead.

    Now in flight games I do invert Y because it makes sense, since you are flying. However when you are playing the role of a person I find it very confusing.
  • edited January 2013
    voteDC wrote: »
    when you are playing the role of a person I find it very confusing.

    Look at it this way. You are controlling someone. You have your hand on their head. You want them to look down... You push forward on their head. You want them to look up... you pull back on their head.

    Does that alleviate some of the confusion?

    In either case as it pertains to myself anything other than Invert just feels wrong.
  • edited January 2013
    Kill Kayt wrote: »
    Look at it this way. You are controlling someone. You have your hand on their head. You want them to look down... You push forward on their head. You want them to look up... you pull back on their head.

    Does that alleviate some of the confusion?

    In either case as it pertains to myself anything other than Invert just feels wrong.
    Thanks for the response but not really. We aren't controlling Lee's head. We are moving a crosshair and a man walking around the screen, in both cases it makes sense, to me, for both to move upwards when I press up.

    I didn't mean to imply you were wrong to want the invert option, I was genuinely curious as to why you'd want it in this game.
  • edited January 2013
    Kill Kayt wrote: »
    I guarantee you the percentage of "invert" gamers is far higher than 5%
    Totally agree. I'd say it's a lot closer to 50/50. It's how people's minds work and has nothing to do with prior gaming experience. Some people find it more natural for inverted, others for not inverted. There is no right or wrong way. As I said previously, inverted feels more natural for me since in real life, to look UP, you tilt your head BACK. To look DOWN, tilt your head forward.

    I can't change how my brain automatically orients itself--how my brain makes that connection. It will always be more comfortable and easier for me to control if the y-axis is inverted.
  • edited January 2013
    I read through the 11page thread on the inverted issue, didn't see telltale reply.

    Has there been an official statement from the company on this issue? Anything we can do to add it? :confused:

    This is unplayable for me and i feel robbed. MS refuses to give me a refund.

    I have no interest if you think its weird that i need inverted. So don't start a flame war or argument over it. I've been playing inverted for a decade, and that's how my brain works. End of story.
This discussion has been closed.