Good Old Games Sale Spotlight



  • edited December 2012
    Last call for Bullfrog games at 75% off. New deals go up in less than an hour.

    Edit: Alrighty, after a minor hiccup, today's daily deal is up, and is three individual games! $7.49 for The Witcher 2, $4.99 for FTL and Day Z, err... I mean ArmA 2, for $14.99.

    Few more details, too. Eidos games will go away next week, while Bohemia Interactive games and Retro City Rampage go away in two weeks. Also, Duke Nukem 3D is still free for people who haven't picked it up yet.
  • edited December 2012
    Wait, what? Why do we lose Eidos games?

    EDIT: Does this mean we'll lose the Tomb Raider games, or am I getting them mixed up again?

    EDIT 2: Dashing helped clear this up. I quote:
    "Eidos game sales end in one week, Bohemia Interactive and Retro City Rampage end in two weeks. Everything else stays on sale until the end."

    The games aren't going anywhere. The sales on them just end earlier.
  • edited December 2012
    Wait, what? Why do we lose Eidos games?

    EDIT: Does this mean we'll lose the Tomb Raider games, or am I getting them mixed up again?

    I keep forgetting to say that the SALES go away. No, the games stay, but the sale prices end.
  • edited December 2012
    Ok. Anyone else played FTL yet?

    Because damn. That game is surprisingly fun and addictive! XD
    (Its got that rogue-like sort of "one more go! one more go!" kind of feel to it!)
  • edited December 2012
    Ok. Anyone else played FTL yet?

    Because damn. That game is surprisingly fun and addictive! XD
    (Its got that rogue-like sort of "one more go! one more go!" kind of feel to it!)

    Ohhh yeah. In fact, after exhaustive research, I've determined that if FTL ever went mobile, all productivity in the world would end.

    Edit: 12 hour reminder, Duke Nukem 3D will no longer be free in 12 hours.
  • edited December 2012
    So today, we have a daily deal of 75% off select indie RPGs. Geneforge 1-5, Inquisitor, The Real Texas, Torchlight and Legend of Grimrock are all 75% off. No bundle purchases required, each game gets the full discount.
  • edited December 2012
    So today, we have a daily deal of 75% off select indie RPGs. Geneforge 1-5, Inquisitor, The Real Texas, Torchlight and Legend of Grimrock are all 75% off. No bundle purchases required, each game gets the full discount.

    Excellent... Inquisitor and The Real Texas have been added to my collection...
    Also I can totally recommend Legend of Grimrock!
    It looks great, plays old school, and has mod support as well!

    Also, addicted to space crac-eerrrr I mean FTL. (So hard, yet so moreish! :D)

    That being said, I must now own most of the titles worth getting from GOG.
    Definitely got to the point again where I'm looking at the list of titles I haven't got and umming and aaahing over them! XD

    (If I could get the tech working properly, I should spend like a year playing and reviewing them. Only reason I'd go back to Zork again! XD)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    So... 50% off Satinav, and I just bought it.

    Then I installed the gog-downloader to get this d'ld.

    Verdict: DON'T USE THAT THING. It's ugly, in no way faster, not nearly as convenient as it sounds and it fucks up reaction time in my browser although more than enough bandwidth must be left given the sorry download speed for the game.

    Thumbs down for once, gog. :o
  • edited December 2012
    So... 50% off Satinav, and I just bought it.

    Then I installed the gog-downloader to get this d'ld.

    Verdict: DON'T USE THAT THING. It's ugly, in no way faster, not nearly as convenient as it sounds and it fucks up reaction time in my browser although more than enough bandwidth must be left given the sorry download speed for the game.

    Thumbs down for once, gog. :o

    It works alright for me. (With my laptop plugged into my network via a network cable I had like 20 games queued up at 4.5mbps. Downloaded them all no problem. (had to rename the folders though afterwards, because it makes all the folders lower case with_underscores_in_them. And I like my folders nice and neat and tidy! :D))
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    Now Setup doesn't work. EXCELLENT! Tried three times... doesn't start properly.

    Now what??
  • edited December 2012
    Now Setup doesn't work. EXCELLENT! Tried three times... doesn't start properly.

    Now what??

    What OS do you have?
    If its Vista. You need to run as administrator else it will load, then re-load itself.
    (Yeah Microsoft. That was very smart... -_-)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    It's Windows 7, but forget all that. Run as admin, nothing, even tried this crap, nothing.

    This, of course, is nothing but an insult considering my experience today:

    I spent over four hours downloading this thing. I might try again without the darn stupid crappy downloader, but this is quite the disappointment.
  • edited December 2012
    Well my Steamversion works just fine. *puts salt in the wound*
  • edited December 2012
    Could be just a dodgy download.
    (I haven't had any issue with corrupted files in a long time though, (I used to get them occasionally back when I had my old AOL connection (which was like 4mbps (512kbps download speed)). On a good day... -_-)))

    (EDIT: I mean seriously. I downloaded about 20 GOGs yesterday with the latest version of the downloader. All the installers auto-run fine when they downloaded)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, and that and only that seems to be what the downloader is good for: DL'ding a heap of games at once. Which I never do. :(
  • edited December 2012
    I've had no problems with the downloader.
  • edited December 2012
    Also my number of GOGs is catching up to my number of Steam titles (313 vs 346).

    I'm not sure whether thats impressive or just plain scary! 0_o
  • edited December 2012
    Also my number of GOGs is catching up to my number of Steam titles (313 vs 346).

    I'm not sure whether thats impressive or just plain scary! 0_o

    If you're getting that number from your profile page on Steam, it's probably wrong, since I think that number includes all paid games, some free games, all DLC and all utilities for those games.

    And yes, it is scary, since GOG only has about 500 games on their service. You own over 60% of their entire catalogue.
  • edited December 2012
    If you're getting that number from your profile page on Steam, it's probably wrong, since I think that number includes all paid games, some free games, all DLC and all utilities for those games.

    And yes, it is scary, since GOG only has about 500 games on their service. You own over 60% of their entire catalogue.

    Oh no. On that's my library figure. On my steam profile it says I own 576! X'D

    Well. All I can say on the GOG matter, is that Sales+Strong Pound+1000 days of membership = Lots of games to pick up willy nilly! XD
    (I have tried most of them tbh. Not many I stick to though (I never had a proper PC to play them on. This i7 laptop has been the closest I've been for years))
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012 GOG support on weekends of course...

    ...I won't blame them for that though.
  • edited December 2012
    Sorry for the lateness, I was out. Today's daily deal is the Cyberpunk and Steampunk Bundle, or rather, the Eidos stuff that you probably already own. Get up to 75% off Deus Ex, Thief and Anachronox.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    In other DRM-related news, the - sorry - liars from Frozenbyte have now changed the wording on their Trine 2 purchase page. It is now:

    Windows DRM free version will be added to
    all Humble Store purchases later on.

    where it has read "later in 2012" for about a year.
  • edited December 2012
    today's daily deal is the cyberpunk and steampunk bundle. Get up to 75% off anachronox.

    Alas, I already have it, so there ya go.
  • edited December 2012
    Today, GOG brings us the Pick & Mix: Scandinavian Games bundle. 75% off 4 individual games, including both Alan Wake games, Trine, and Assault on Dark Athena.
  • edited December 2012
    So... four games I already own on Steam? long before the deals run out on the Tomb Raiders and I have to buy them?
  • edited December 2012
    So... four games I already own on Steam? long before the deals run out on the Tomb Raiders and I have to buy them?
    Get this and other great Square Enix titles at 50% off until 19 December at 14:59 GMT

  • edited December 2012
    It also says it on the actual game pages. I was saying it ironically.

    Or was I?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    Thank god. After downloading the entire 4.5 GB AGAIN, this time without the darn downloader, the installation worked just peachy. So now I'm 10 minutes into Chains of Satinav... unfortunately, the weekend is over. :rolleyes:
  • edited December 2012
    Weird. Sounds like a corrupted download, which they claim their downloader is supposed to fix...

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, that really stunned me, to be precise. The first thing support asks you to do when the installation doesn't start is to re-download explicitly USING this DL manager. In which I won't put any trust in the future, sad to say.

    It might still be a configuration thing... but then again, how the fuck is my configuration supposed to interfere with my downloads. Standard download worked, GOG downloader didn't, this at least is my - subjective - experience. :o
  • edited December 2012
    Today, we've got a good one. It's another bundle, but it's for 75% off all "Quest" titles from Sierra.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2012
    Today, we've got a good one. It's another bundle, but it's for 75% off all "Quest" titles from Sierra.
    I guess I'll cave in and buy the ones that I already have on Steam. I don't have the Police Quest games yet, and the deal makes it $9.98 for the Police Quest series + SWAT 1+2, or $14.94 for those games, plus King's Quest 1-6, and the Space Quest series (plus, I've read that some of the releases are different at GOG, offering the AGI versions instead of the SCI versions Steam offers).
  • edited December 2012
    Who here likes giveaways? GOG has another giveaway, with three lucky winners receiving copies of Heroes of Might and Magic. Just go to this Facebook link and enter for a chance to win!
  • edited December 2012
    Thank god. After downloading the entire 4.5 GB AGAIN, this time without the darn downloader, the installation worked just peachy.

    I've never had any problems with using the downloader.

    I assume that you hate the GOG downloader on principle (given that it's not simply a standalone executable anymore) but I don't see what's wrong with it, especially since it makes downloads resumable.
  • edited December 2012
    The GOG downloader hasn't worked at all for me for a while, so I'm just forgetting the fact that it even exists. No problems since.
  • edited December 2012
    Another dale, another sale I can somehow avoid. Maybe my Steal Sale Sickness isn't spreading as I'd suspected.
  • edited December 2012
    The GOG downloader hasn't worked at all for me for a while, so I'm just forgetting the fact that it even exists. No problems since.

    I ran into this problem too. You have to uninstall the old downloader, download the new one, and make sure to change the file association in your browser. Took me forever to figure it out and fix it, and I didn't realize the browser thing until I was in bed that night.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    I assume that you hate the GOG downloader on principle


    When the two central things advertised about the tool that would be of interest to me - "faster downloads" (applies only to more than one GAME at the same time) and "error protection" (factually failed in my case) - do not work, AND somehow my browser makes ill things while a download with the tool is in progress, it's hardly 'principle' when I get the solid impression that I personally will most likely be better off without it.

    I have no idea how you got a "principle" vibe here. I've nothing against sensible browser plugins. Heck, I'd be lost without my ad and Facebook blockers - and it's not as if the latter would be a crown jewel of functionality.
  • edited December 2012
    Defend and conquer with today's daily deal, the... err... Defend & Conquer Bundle. Up to 75% off indie strategy games such as Spacechem, Defender's Quest and Darwinia.

    Also, we've GOT to be getting close to the end of the sales for the Eidos games. I've asked around to find out how much longer those sales go on for, but probably not much longer. Get 'em while you can.

    And hey, another contest! The 4th annual Screenshot Scavenger Hunt is on! Find 12 screenshots across EVERY game on GOG that have been 'shopped into Christmas themed images and get a chance to win two games from the GOG catalogue.

    Edit: Checked a time converter. When the daily deal changes tomorrow, 10 am where I live, 3 pm GMT, the Eidos deals will end.
  • edited December 2012
    I have no idea how you got a "principle" vibe here.

    Your vehement distaste for DRM suggested to me that you oppose being required to install additional seemingly unnecessary software just to get a game to download/install/run.

    Not that the GOG downloader is invasive or bloated at all, but you seem to loathe buying stuff from Steam as well.
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