This weekend's weekend deal is 60% off Rebellion games, except for Knights and Merchants. Many, many strategy games can be yours for prices as low as $2.39. Don't like strategy games? Well then, you can also play pinball, snipe nazis, or break out your best Stallone impression when you enter the world of Judge Dredd.
Edit: And I once again forget This Week in GOG, with the clue for next week's release.
Today, GOG brings us three games, so let's get on with it. As expected, you can now get Omerta: City of Gangsters for $39.99. No special launch sale price because, hey, if you wanted cheap you would have pre-ordered. Next up, from Ubisoft, we have The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary Edition for $9.99. Lastly, we have Balls of Steel, the Duke Nukem pinball game, from 3D Realms for $5.99. Hail to the king, and all that.
For the weekend deal this time, step into the 20 Awesome Games bundle, featuring 19 games that... ehh, your mileage may vary on whether or not they're awesome.
Also, hey, I rememberd this week. Check out This Week in GOG for a recap and a clue to one of next week's game. Spoilers: it's Daikatana.
I've heard so much bad about it. What is so bad about it anyway? I realize it didn't live up to its hype of being the greatest John Romero game ever, but why isn't it at least decent?
Ack, even when I remember to post the video, I forget something. Cryostasis is no longer on GOG. If you own it, it's still on your shelf, otherwise, you can't get it anymore. I'm assuming this is one of those situations where GOG didn't know about the removal until they got the takedown notice, but it still sucks.
Quite a few games which were practically made for, indie and retro games included, haven't yet found their way to the platform. I'd love to play Sword & Sworcery for once, and Trine 2 still hasn't made an appearance.
Also, how stupid is it to announce a Flashback remake and in the same breath make Steam the target platform? Complete idiots.
I can understand their point-of-view, but really, Steam's probably the best least awful DRM system out there, and it's one of the most widespread. It makes sense to release games for Steam.
Also, there's nothing stopping you from buying it on Steam and then just pirating it. Best of both worlds.
I'm kidding, in case you can't tell. I am in no way condoning piracy.
Just an extremely early reminder, but if you ever wanted to grab the original Fallout games on GOG, might wanna get on that. Interplay loses the publishing rights at the end of the year, so the games may end up getting pulled. I THINK GOG would be interested in striking a deal that keeps the games that put them on the map on their service, but I would pick them up just in case.
GOG has a new Gem Promo schedule now. Monday will see a Gem Promo on a classic game, while Wednesday will be reserved for a Gem Promo on a NEW game. That being said, the first Gem Promo on this schedule will be Street Fighter Alpha 2 at 60% off.
Oh, and there may or may not be a conference tomorrow. I mean, it sure SOUNDS like there's going to be one, because of that hidden text in the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer, but GOG has said absolutely nothing about it yet.
'ey! Street Fighter Alpha 2 is a great game!
(Just not the PC version. Emulate it instead. (My system of choice: Arcade Machine! ;D))
Now Street fighter Alpha 3? Thats the best one by far!
(The console versions have annoying loading screens. But also have a cool World Tour mode.)
The arcade version is crazy hard on default settings though. (also less characters!)
Even me! A pretty experienced fighter can't get past like Stage 3 or 4!
Today's double game update brings us something old-ish and something new... ish. You can get Etherlords 2 for $5.99, or Avadon: The Black Fortress for the launch price of $7.99.
And since we got two games today, I assume there won't be a GOG conference today. That sucks, because they were probably going to announce a new major publisher at it.
Edit: So, that announcement we assumed was a conference? Yeah, it's for The Witcher 3. Well, to celebrate, you can get The Witcher and The Witcher 2 for half off each!
It's funny how you can get Witcher 2 cheaper on Steam right now. Usually it's the other way around when it comes to games that are both on GoG and on Steam (at least in my personal experience based on the games I bought).
It's funny how you can get Witcher 2 cheaper on Steam right now. Usually it's the other way around when it comes to games that are both on GoG and on Steam (at least in my personal experience based on the games I bought).
And you also get a GoG copy of these games with the Steam-purchase. There is no reason to get it on GoG. At all.
It's funny how you can get Witcher 2 cheaper on Steam right now. Usually it's the other way around when it comes to games that are both on GoG and on Steam (at least in my personal experience based on the games I bought).
It depends on the game, and the sale.
Usually, Steam's sales seem mark games down by much more than does GOG.
King's Bounty Crossworlds GOTY on GOG (which includes Armored Princess) is $25, while King's Bounty Crossworlds on Steam (which does not), and Armored Princess, are $20 each.
On the other hand, Steam has King's Quest 1-7 bundled for $20, while GOG has bundled KQ1-3, KQ4-6, and KQ7-8, for $10 each.
EDIT: It occurs to me that Telltale's games seem to be the most expensive adventure games on either Steam or GOG, and that it's Steam and GOG's sales that actually bring TTG's prices down into the realm of the standard prices for other adventure games.
It used to be 20$ but it always was 40€. I think they srewed something up after the Christmas sale. 80$ is obscene. But 40€ when it was 20$ was obscene too.
Edit: Ah. It's only available in the Daedalic bundle and 80$ is the price of the whole bundle (which costs 100€ over here. I just thought I'd mention that...
One of the many colourful reasons I haven't spent money on daedalic Steam games last year or will do so this year.
Today's New/Indie Gem Promo is the MSX-hard Metroidvania game La-Mulana for 60% off. However, that's not the end of the update! GOG has launched a new "buy bundle" feature on their store, where you can get a discount on certain games by buying all the games in the franchise! As of right now, the following game series have discounted bundles associated with them:
There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to what the sale price is for each series, however that may change if and when this feature leaves beta. Also, a cool feature of these bundles is that, if you already own some games in the bundle, you can buy the rest of the bundle at an even more reduced price.
Edit: And I once again forget This Week in GOG, with the clue for next week's release.
Also, as was mentioned in this post in a different thread, Police Quest 1 EGA is now part of the Police Quest bundle.
Oh, and Geneforge is on Mac now.
Well, it's one less release Thurday's game can be. I'm hopeful, but seriously doubting, that it'll be the remaining Larry games.
No. You will not get the first 3 games on Steam.
I'm pretty sure you do. I think they updated it a couple months back with the original games.
According to the Steam store page, The Bard's Tale on Steam includes the classic trilogy.
Unless you meant that buying it from GOG doesn't give you Steam keys, which is of course correct as GOG is DRM-free only.
Also, hey, I rememberd this week. Check out This Week in GOG for a recap and a clue to one of next week's game. Spoilers: it's Daikatana.
...oh man, is that game NOT worth buying. Like, at all. Ever.
Quite a few games which were practically made for, indie and retro games included, haven't yet found their way to the platform. I'd love to play Sword & Sworcery for once, and Trine 2 still hasn't made an appearance.
Also, how stupid is it to announce a Flashback remake and in the same breath make Steam the target platform? Complete idiots.
I can understand their point-of-view, but really, Steam's probably the best least awful DRM system out there, and it's one of the most widespread. It makes sense to release games for Steam.
Also, there's nothing stopping you from buying it on Steam and then just pirating it. Best of both worlds.
I'm kidding, in case you can't tell. I am in no way condoning piracy.
Oh, and there may or may not be a conference tomorrow. I mean, it sure SOUNDS like there's going to be one, because of that hidden text in the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer, but GOG has said absolutely nothing about it yet.
(Just not the PC version. Emulate it instead. (My system of choice: Arcade Machine! ;D))
Now Street fighter Alpha 3? Thats the best one by far!
(The console versions have annoying loading screens. But also have a cool World Tour mode.)
The arcade version is crazy hard on default settings though. (also less characters!)
Even me! A pretty experienced fighter can't get past like Stage 3 or 4!
Um... what were we talking about again? XD
And since we got two games today, I assume there won't be a GOG conference today. That sucks, because they were probably going to announce a new major publisher at it.
Edit: So, that announcement we assumed was a conference? Yeah, it's for The Witcher 3. Well, to celebrate, you can get The Witcher and The Witcher 2 for half off each!
And you also get a GoG copy of these games with the Steam-purchase. There is no reason to get it on GoG. At all.
It depends on the game, and the sale.
Usually, Steam's sales seem mark games down by much more than does GOG.
King's Bounty Crossworlds GOTY on GOG (which includes Armored Princess) is $25, while King's Bounty Crossworlds on Steam (which does not), and Armored Princess, are $20 each.
On the other hand, Steam has King's Quest 1-7 bundled for $20, while GOG has bundled KQ1-3, KQ4-6, and KQ7-8, for $10 each.
EDIT: It occurs to me that Telltale's games seem to be the most expensive adventure games on either Steam or GOG, and that it's Steam and GOG's sales that actually bring TTG's prices down into the realm of the standard prices for other adventure games.
And no. TTG's games aren't the most expansive adventure games on Steam. At least not in Germany.
And I'd say that EVERYTHING TTG ever put out beats this game to the ground. Well maybe not JDTMTQTE or BTTF.
It used to be 20$ but it always was 40€. I think they srewed something up after the Christmas sale. 80$ is obscene. But 40€ when it was 20$ was obscene too.
Edit: Ah. It's only available in the Daedalic bundle and 80$ is the price of the whole bundle (which costs 100€ over here. I just thought I'd mention that...
One of the many colourful reasons I haven't spent money on daedalic Steam games last year or will do so this year.
7th Guest
Alone in the Dark
Gabriel Knight
Journeyman Project
Kings' Quest
Space Quest
Longest Journey
Little Big Adventure
Wadjet Eye Adventures
Runaway Series
Sam & Max Series
Simon the Sorcerer
Still Life
Tex Murphy
There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to what the sale price is for each series, however that may change if and when this feature leaves beta. Also, a cool feature of these bundles is that, if you already own some games in the bundle, you can buy the rest of the bundle at an even more reduced price.