He may be a week late because he was separated from his friends, but Leisure Suit Larry is ready to come out and play. Enjoy 60% off Leisure Suit Larry's classic adventures, along with a bunch of other Codemasters titles.
Also, This Week on GOG is here for your recap and upcoming game clue. It's a violent, chaotic sequel to a violent, chaotic game, so... Carmageddon 2.
Squeenix has said that they won't remake FF7 in HD unless they know for certain it will be the final Final Fantasy game ever made.
Well, an HD Final Fantasy VII could certainly be a good game, but in my opinion, that is because Squeenix hasn't delivered a good FF in more than 12 years now.
Got a double Classic Gem Promo for you today. Both Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (the good one) and Guilty Gear Isuka (the terrible, horrible, abomination of Guilty Gear one) are 60% off today, or 70% off if you buy both of them at once. So, you know, if you want to see what the series is like before Xrd Sign comes along and takes the franchise 3D, here's your chance to get #Reload. But not Isuka, that game sucks.
Surprise, midday pre-orders! Pre-order Magrunner: Dark Pulse for only $16.99, and get it first on June 20th. What is it? Well, from the trailer, it looks like some kind of first-person/third-person Portal-with-magnets puzzle game crossed with... Cthulhu... can we please have a time-out on the Cthulhu stuff?
Looks like a Portal clone, to be honest. Not that I'd say no to a Steam free Portal clone... but maybe not day one if Shadowrun Returns is within reach.
Looks like a Portal clone, to be honest. Not that I'd say no to a Steam free Portal clone... but maybe not day one if Shadowrun Returns is within reach.
Hey look, a MODERN EA game is available on GOG... kind of. You can grab the underrated BioWare epic Jade Empire: Special Edition for the launch price of only $9.99. It's not quite SWAT 4, but it'll do.
An update to Divinity: Dragon Commander. While it's still months out, and still available for pre-order at $39.99, now you get a free copy of Master of Magic when you pre-order.
Say it with me now, folks. We have yet another game from Square Enix that isn't the PC version of Final Fantasy VII. Specifically, we have Pandemonium 2 for $5.99. I can't recall if the first game was any good or not, but hey, now the sequel is available for sale. And that appears to be it this week. Only two games, because Magrunner doesn't count.
This weekend, we have 60% off a bunch of games from Nordic and... wait... didn't we JUST have a Nordic sale? Yes, we did, back at the end of April. Whatever, if you didn't get the stuff you wanted from the last Nordic sale, here's another chance.
And since TWoG is late going up again, I'll just leave a blank space here for it.
Edit: And it's up. No hint this week because of E3. Warning, Rebecca Black alert in full effect.
I decided to join if that meant free games...
And they gave me 10 games to start anyway...
I do like it when I have got 11 games without actually spending a penny...
Is it weird that I managed to avoid buying anything? I'm normally a sucker for these things, but I think I... I think I might have everything I really want.
Is it weird that I managed to avoid buying anything? I'm normally a sucker for these things, but I think I... I think I might have everything I really want.
What the hell is wrong with me?
We'll see how you feel when a deal you're waiting for rolls around.
Day three and what do we have? 75% off of the Might and Magic series (Heroes not included) and 75% off of the Daedalic Games catalogue. Sadly both packs are saddled with the stacking sale bonus. You have to buy all the games in the pack that you don't already own to get the 75% off bonus.
Day three and what do we have? 75% off of the Might and Magic series (Heroes not included) and 75% off of the Daedalic Games catalogue. Sadly both packs are saddled with the stacking sale bonus. You have to buy all the games in the pack that you don't already own to get the 75% off bonus.
I should imagine they will do a separate Heroes Bundle.
Honestly, I feel like I'm being punished for not wanting to spend money on games I don't want at this moment. Case in point, I want Deponia 2 since it's 5 bucks. But to get the 5 dollar Deponia 2, I have to spend an extra 20 or so dollars on the rest of the Daedalic collection, most of which I don't want right now.
Honestly, I feel like I'm being punished for not wanting to spend money on games I don't want at this moment. Case in point, I want Deponia 2 since it's 5 bucks. But to get the 5 dollar Deponia 2, I have to spend an extra 20 or so dollars on the rest of the Daedalic collection, most of which I don't want right now.
Which is to say that they only plan on making it sometime long after they've already gone out of business.
Also, This Week on GOG is here for your recap and upcoming game clue. It's a violent, chaotic sequel to a violent, chaotic game, so... Carmageddon 2.
Well, an HD Final Fantasy VII could certainly be a good game, but in my opinion, that is because Squeenix hasn't delivered a good FF in more than 12 years now.
And since TWoG is late going up again, I'll just leave a blank space here for it.
Edit: And it's up. No hint this week because of E3. Warning, Rebecca Black alert in full effect.
I suspect it'll be like last year's Summer Sale where nothing was on sale save for a couple daily deals.
It's probably Bioshock Infinite. :rolleyes:
The daily deals today are the Alan Wake games for 90% off (an exception to the 85% off limit on daily deals) and the Dungeons and Dragons games for 80% off.
Edit: Spoke too soon. The storewide sale on stuff that was released within a month ago was just a glitch, and they are now no longer on sale.
I decided to join if that meant free games...
And they gave me 10 games to start anyway...
I do like it when I have got 11 games without actually spending a penny...
Not bad, GOG, absolutely not bad!
It's a wonderful little game.
What the hell is wrong with me?
You REALLY need a 3DS XL.
We'll see how you feel when a deal you're waiting for rolls around.
I'm scared. Someone hold me. (Preferably someone female)
I'm getting told old for this shit.
I should imagine they will do a separate Heroes Bundle.
The beauty of their promo strategy.
(I mean right now I could get Crusaders for 1.49 dollars but I won't because its utter tripe! XD)
This sale is going to make my wallet take a real beating, though fortunately today is a day of amnesty for me! XD