Well... I even stumbled on a rather terrible bug just now (which doesn't occur if you solve the puzzle 'correctly', i.e. with a walkthrough :rolleyes: ). I'll reserve much of my judgement until later, but here's the first look some hours into the game.
On the whole, it's incredible how a game that was first released eight months ago still has such atrocious control bugs. The system was glitchy in Jack Keane 1 as well, but not to such a degree. Sometimes you click ten times at an object yet nothing happens, and only a thorough repositioning of the character helps. Sometimes a character seems glued to where he stands for five to nine seconds and you're just hammering the keyboard until Jack finally yields into walking again. What is a mere nuisance normally for the patient adventurer really becomes an issue in the action scenes. Not that there really are significant timed events in this game, but when they press the action button, the music goes into dramatic mode and shots start whizzing by the protagonists' heads, you're naturally more agitated and less accepting concerning the game's childrens' illnesses.
The environments have made great progress since Jack Keane 1. It's not often that they're really going for it, but at times you can transition seamlessly from Jack's ship to the shore, and that creates quite an interesting immersion. When they're going big, the WASD controls work very well and you don't even want the p&c they implemented later (possibly only in the German version). I love how they've hand drawn the inventory objects. They don't go overboard with the number of objects, but there sometimes still are noticable 'collector' moments.
They're reusing quite some music from part one, which is an absolute no go especially as it's been six years since the predecessor. However, they also go to some length delivering surprising notes for some environments and the pause menu. The save system is a dud. But then again, I didn't experience actual save bugs yet and if you really have to load a game, there's plennnnty of game saves to chose from.
Apart from that, the game approaches narrative in the same naive way as JK1 did, including the sudden bold 'did they really just do that?' erotic moments. I don't much care for the way they implemented how Jack's "choosing" a woman during the game, but that was bound to be rather bad anyway, no need to quote Anita Sarkeesian thank you very much.
About as good or bad as JK1's story!! Creativity has always been Deck13's friend, yet an actually skillful narrative is quite out of their grasp at the moment. The heroes are hunting for an amulet and the treasure it points to, shots get fired and ships get sunk (and shot down), McGuffins get robbed and are recaptured, and Jack repeatedly embarks on a bizzare dream world journey of the most elementary inner discovery. That is, errr, okay for a story, but it won't exactly glue you to your chair either.
The year is 1899, and even more than in Keane 1, Deck13 manages to infuse the setting with a Steampunk vibe strengthened by the chosen time and age. Yup, the airships are definitely over the top, but some variants of literally more down to earth 'newly invented technology' make this game world believable, gritty and interesting.
Also, the villains in Keane 2 are 'characters' far more than that last Mr. Tea or T guy. Opposed to Keane 1, they're really trying to set up a team of adventurers with rather different skills. Only at the very end of the first game, Jack and Amanda finally cooperate. In Keane 2, from very early on, a team of four is working together (unless one of them turns out to be a traitor; I absolutely wouldn't know yet and as soon as I find out, I won't tell). That has some story dynamics which Deck13 is unable to fully explore, but I do appreciate the effort a lot. As much appeal as the 'lone adventurer' theme still has, I believe we're ready for the feeling of not being entirely alone in the repeated pickles of the grand adventures.
About as good or bad as JK1's story!! Creativity has always been Deck13's friend, yet an actually skillful narrative is quite out of their grasp at the moment. The heroes are hunting for an amulet and the treasure it points to, shots get fired and ships get sunk (and shot down), McGuffins get robbed and are recaptured, and Jack repeatedly embarks on a bizzare dream world journey of the most elementary inner discovery. That is, errr, okay for a story, but it won't exactly glue you to your chair either.
Sounds like a horrible mixture of Pirates Of The Caribbean and Mass Effect 3.
Uh oh, it's that time again. Sword of the Stars: The Pit has a DLC pack for it, and it's $4.99. This one hasn't been one-starred into nothingness, but that could definitely change. Maybe the summer sale will overshadow it.
Yeah, but how many times has Outcast come up in this thread? Besides, and I'm just guessing here, but it'll probably be up on GOG at some point so... count it?
It's day 16, and I think it's the final batch of deals before, hopefully, tomorrow's encore day. Check out the RPG Open Worlds bundle and the Unwritten Saga bundle, both for up to 75% off.
And we're done here. The final day of the GOG sale is upon us and, as expected, it's an encore sale. If there's anything you missed in the daily deals, now's your chance to grab it. If you've been waiting until the last day to buy anything else, now's your chance to grab it. GOG should be back to its regularly scheduled schedule next week.
The summer sale is over, but the sales are not! We've got a weekend deal of a whole bunch of adventure games that didn't get a daily deal during the Summer Sale. Take 60% off stuff like Broken Sword, Tex Murphy, Runaway (makeshift peanut butter ahoy!), a bunch of non-franchise games and Simon the Sorceror, including our own moderator approved Simon the Sorceror 3D!
The summer sale is over, but the sales are not! We've got a weekend deal of a whole bunch of adventure games that didn't get a daily deal during the Summer Sale. Take 60% off stuff like Broken Sword, Tex Murphy, Runaway (makeshift peanut butter ahoy!), a bunch of non-franchise games and Simon the Sorceror, including our own moderator approved Simon the Sorceror 3D!
Ah, darn it. i got through the summer sale spending less than $10. But, with this, I'm so tempted...
Wow, a weekend deal AND a Gem Promo this soon after a massive sale? Did GOG not get enough of our money then? Whatever, enjoy the Rollercoaster Tycoon trilogy for 60% off each, or 75% off if you buy them all.
Let's keep the "GOG still wants your money" train going. First off, we have Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages, a space shooter, for the launch price of $9.99. Secondly, the Demeter has come in with a fresh shipment of Dracula games. Specifically, we have the Dracula Trilogy for $9.99, and Dracula 4: Shadow of the Dragon for $19.99. Is 30 bucks for an entire series too much? Well then, for the next 5 days or so, you can purchase Dracula 4 at full price and receive the Dracula Trilogy absolutely free.
Since Gibbeynator seems to have taken the day off I bring you today's promo from GOG.com:
Anodyne (Windows/Mac) is currently 60% off and cost $3.99. I haven't tried it myself yet, but it's supposedly very good and even bears the Rather Dashing seal of approval.
Since Gibbeynator seems to have taken the day off I bring you today's promo from GOG.com:
Anodyne (Windows/Mac) is currently 60% off and cost $3.99. I haven't tried it myself yet, but it's supposedly very good and even bears the Rather Dashing seal of approval.
Yes, that's it, I took the day off. I didn't completely forget about it.
Wow, a weekend deal AND a Gem Promo this soon after a massive sale? Did GOG not get enough of our money then? Whatever, enjoy the Rollercoaster Tycoon trilogy for 60% off each, or 75% off if you buy them all.
Balls! Completely missed this one. Stupid holiday making me miss out, grumble grumble...
Prepare yourself for the extreme, gritty reboot of Astro Chicken! Humans Must Answer, a schmup where you play as genocidal chickens bent on whippings humanity out, has launched on GOG for the launch price of $6.66.
It's never easy to talk about this. Another developer is going under, this time it's Atari. So, in honor of their impending death, enjoy this 65% off sale of everything they have on GOG. It also means you should grab up whatever you want, because there's no guarantee these games will still be on GOG when all is said and done.
Also, please remember that This Week on GOG is not, I repeat, NOT going to be produced until September. This is my only reminder of that.
Hard to believe that the people who made Omerta actually used to make good games. Check out one of their earlier games, Tzar: Burden of the Crown, for only $5.99,
You'd think that taking 3 weeks off from releases would have given GOG a nice release backlog. Maybe not, because this is the only game today. The Settlers 4: Gold Edition is now available for $9.99. Apparently this is the last worthwhile Settlers game, which is good, because we're about to run headlong into the wall that is uPlay DRM.
You'd think that taking 3 weeks off from releases would have given GOG a nice release backlog. Maybe not, because this is the only game today. The Settlers 4: Gold Edition is now available for $9.99. Apparently this is the last worthwhile Settlers game, which is good, because we're about to run headlong into the wall that is uPlay DRM.
Settlers 5 did not use Uplay. Settlers 6 does.
And I really liked Settlers 5 but never really played it because of the German version. They hired one of my favourite commedians to tell my my settlers are starving or whatever. That really didn't work out well.
Your weekend deal of the week is almost all of the Anuman games, minus the recently released Dracula quadrilogy. A few racers, a few action games, a shooter and a bunch of point-and-click adventures can be yours for 60% off.
Also, because they are apparently announcing future releases on Youtube instead of on the main site, Brutal Legend is coming to GOG.
Also, because they are apparently announcing future releases on Youtube instead of on the main site, Brutal Legend is coming to GOG.
Oh good, a certain DRM-loathing someone can actually shut up and buy it now
Maybe it's just me, but there really doesn't seem to be all that much in this sale worth buying. Or maybe it's just not comparing well with Steam's Summer Blowout, I dunno.
Oh good, a certain DRM-loathing someone can actually shut up and buy it now
Errrr... Humble Double Fine Bundle. DUH.
But I'm really glad gog gets this. It's exactly these kind of games which deserve to be there. Hope they also get McConnell's score to download as an extra, because that was really excellent.
Maybe it's just me, but there really doesn't seem to be all that much in this sale worth buying. Or maybe it's just not comparing well with Steam's Summer Blowout, I dunno.
Yeah, and besides, I bought a lot of stuff during the summer sale. And the adventure game sale that happened afterwards where I got Broken Sword 4 and the first 2 Simon the Sorceror games. Obviously not Simon 3D, but not for the reason you're thinking, it's because the GOG version is unfinishable.
Well... I even stumbled on a rather terrible bug just now (which doesn't occur if you solve the puzzle 'correctly', i.e. with a walkthrough :rolleyes: ). I'll reserve much of my judgement until later, but here's the first look some hours into the game.
On the whole, it's incredible how a game that was first released eight months ago still has such atrocious control bugs. The system was glitchy in Jack Keane 1 as well, but not to such a degree. Sometimes you click ten times at an object yet nothing happens, and only a thorough repositioning of the character helps. Sometimes a character seems glued to where he stands for five to nine seconds and you're just hammering the keyboard until Jack finally yields into walking again. What is a mere nuisance normally for the patient adventurer really becomes an issue in the action scenes. Not that there really are significant timed events in this game, but when they press the action button, the music goes into dramatic mode and shots start whizzing by the protagonists' heads, you're naturally more agitated and less accepting concerning the game's childrens' illnesses.
The environments have made great progress since Jack Keane 1. It's not often that they're really going for it, but at times you can transition seamlessly from Jack's ship to the shore, and that creates quite an interesting immersion. When they're going big, the WASD controls work very well and you don't even want the p&c they implemented later (possibly only in the German version). I love how they've hand drawn the inventory objects. They don't go overboard with the number of objects, but there sometimes still are noticable 'collector' moments.
They're reusing quite some music from part one, which is an absolute no go especially as it's been six years since the predecessor. However, they also go to some length delivering surprising notes for some environments and the pause menu. The save system is a dud. But then again, I didn't experience actual save bugs yet and if you really have to load a game, there's plennnnty of game saves to chose from.
Apart from that, the game approaches narrative in the same naive way as JK1 did, including the sudden bold 'did they really just do that?' erotic moments.
My main question is the story. Good? Bad?
About as good or bad as JK1's story!! Creativity has always been Deck13's friend, yet an actually skillful narrative is quite out of their grasp at the moment. The heroes are hunting for an amulet and the treasure it points to, shots get fired and ships get sunk (and shot down), McGuffins get robbed and are recaptured, and Jack repeatedly embarks on a bizzare dream world journey of the most elementary inner discovery. That is, errr, okay for a story, but it won't exactly glue you to your chair either.
The year is 1899, and even more than in Keane 1, Deck13 manages to infuse the setting with a Steampunk vibe strengthened by the chosen time and age. Yup, the airships are definitely over the top, but some variants of literally more down to earth 'newly invented technology' make this game world believable, gritty and interesting.
Also, the villains in Keane 2 are 'characters' far more than that last Mr. Tea or T guy. Opposed to Keane 1, they're really trying to set up a team of adventurers with rather different skills. Only at the very end of the first game, Jack and Amanda finally cooperate. In Keane 2, from very early on, a team of four is working together (unless one of them turns out to be a traitor; I absolutely wouldn't know yet and as soon as I find out, I won't tell). That has some story dynamics which Deck13 is unable to fully explore, but I do appreciate the effort a lot. As much appeal as the 'lone adventurer' theme still has, I believe we're ready for the feeling of not being entirely alone in the repeated pickles of the grand adventures.
Sounds like a horrible mixture of Pirates Of The Caribbean and Mass Effect 3.
Nope, Armada of the Damned was unfortunately cancelled in 2010. Curse you, Disney!
Yeah, but how many times has Outcast come up in this thread? Besides, and I'm just guessing here, but it'll probably be up on GOG at some point so... count it?
I think you just own everything on GoG already.
Anodyne (Windows/Mac) is currently 60% off and cost $3.99. I haven't tried it myself yet, but it's supposedly very good and even bears the Rather Dashing seal of approval.
Yes, that's it, I took the day off. I didn't completely forget about it.
Balls! Completely missed this one. Stupid holiday making me miss out, grumble grumble...
Also, please remember that This Week on GOG is not, I repeat, NOT going to be produced until September. This is my only reminder of that.
What the hell is your problem?
Settlers 5 did not use Uplay. Settlers 6 does.
And I really liked Settlers 5 but never really played it because of the German version. They hired one of my favourite commedians to tell my my settlers are starving or whatever. That really didn't work out well.
Also, because they are apparently announcing future releases on Youtube instead of on the main site, Brutal Legend is coming to GOG.
Maybe it's just me, but there really doesn't seem to be all that much in this sale worth buying. Or maybe it's just not comparing well with Steam's Summer Blowout, I dunno.
Errrr... Humble Double Fine Bundle. DUH.
But I'm really glad gog gets this. It's exactly these kind of games which deserve to be there. Hope they also get McConnell's score to download as an extra, because that was really excellent.
Yeah, and besides, I bought a lot of stuff during the summer sale. And the adventure game sale that happened afterwards where I got Broken Sword 4 and the first 2 Simon the Sorceror games. Obviously not Simon 3D, but not for the reason you're thinking, it's because the GOG version is unfinishable.