I don't generally join forums, but I'm bored enough and frustrated enough to voice my opinion on this one.
As I see it, the problem with this situation is that:
1. Telltale gave expectations that episodes would be released monthly
2. Telltale have not lived up to these expectations
3. Telltale have then not communicated any reasons for this delay or released any information
4. People, like me, who are in desperate need of something to do so they can procrastinate from uni work or who have just been looking forward to this game end up having to check for information on when it may be released and get increasingly frustrated when there is still no information...
I myself would be happy if I could check the website and see an update from Telltale saying that there have been delays, for whatever reason, and that they would give more information on a release date as soon as they can.
It's like standing at a counter waiting to be served and being totally ignored because they're busy...the longer you wait the more frustrated you'll become, where a simple "sorry, we're busy at the moment, we'll get to you when we can" would be enough to calm you down (at least for a little while ).
Anyway, enough venting and procrastination - back to study!
well said sir, problems can,t always be helped, but keeping the paying customers in the loop is common courtesy
Firstly I didn't tell people to stop complaining not at all. I was merely stating that as I provided people with information there should be less to nearly 0 complaints now :P Only was stating a fact Besides this all, what I hate about complaining is that people don't have time to read through all these posts as if they do they should find most of their answer. Why do they HAVE to ask the same question over, over, over and over again ? It's soooo boring hearing the same thing. If they just stop for a second and read they would not ask the same question as that would have already been said. That's my point in all of this. Have nothing against people complaining, but to have loads of people ask the same question gets itchy every time. I hope you can see my point
PS: you quoted all that and you didn't say anything about the rest of it :P
Sorry i guess i misunderstood i think everyone needs to complain for once for TTG to see(the ones who want to complain of course) but they shouldnt repeat that so they dont pollute the thread (and i repeated it again )
I don't see the big problem. TTG told something about "expect the game at the end of june" - so you'll only have to look here again about the beginning of july and hopefully the game will already be released...at least there will be an official release date...if not - I might be a bit angry, too
I don't generally join forums, but I'm bored enough and frustrated enough to voice my opinion on this one.
As I see it, the problem with this situation is that:
1. Telltale gave expectations that episodes would be released monthly
2. Telltale have not lived up to these expectations
3. Telltale have then not communicated any reasons for this delay or released any information
4. People, like me, who are in desperate need of something to do so they can procrastinate from uni work or who have just been looking forward to this game end up having to check for information on when it may be released and get increasingly frustrated when there is still no information...
I myself would be happy if I could check the website and see an update from Telltale saying that there have been delays, for whatever reason, and that they would give more information on a release date as soon as they can.
It's like standing at a counter waiting to be served and being totally ignored because they're busy...the longer you wait the more frustrated you'll become, where a simple "sorry, we're busy at the moment, we'll get to you when we can" would be enough to calm you down (at least for a little while ).
Anyway, enough venting and procrastination - back to study!
Very nice summation!
And you're right. As the owner of a service oriented business, I totally agree that the *worst* thing you can do is let the customer sit and stew. You'll find that just a quick, "Sorry sir or ma'am we're having some problems in back we'll have your order out as soon as we can," will do wonders for their attitude.
Good has come of this though. Through links here I've already checked out Project Zomboid (ouch! talk about bleak -- but fun!), and I'm about to load in DayZ.
Just doing my daily ck to see if ep2 released, I re-read several TWD comics last night. Do you guys have any suggestions on any other books,comics or shows that is similiar to TWD? I really dont play any other games other than this one..I watched Jericho on Netflix..that was ok. Any other suggestions...I need something to do during my "me time" after work.
Still surprised Telltale hasn't released statement on website, esp. given forum activity.
Im sure they will make up for it with Ep2 and Ep3..cant wait
I'm by no means Zombie obsessed but enjoy the horror genre in general. Give World War Z by Max Brooks a go. It's an interesting take on the Zombie story written like a survivors account after the event. Enjoyable read and very authentic feeling considering it's a zombie book.
Also give Handling The Undead by John Ajvide Lindqvist a go. It's not a traditional zombie book although well written and entertaining from the writer of Let The Right One In. Sure I can think of a few more if these are read already
I think I figured this out. The Walking Dead TV series comes back in October. If Telltale had release the games on schedule, they would have been done by August. That leaves 2 months for people to forget about the entire franchise. SO, they will have a total of 2 months worth of delay in the entire cycle so that the release of the last episode will be right before or along with the new episode for the TV Show.
Just doing my daily ck to see if ep2 released, I re-read several TWD comics last night. Do you guys have any suggestions on any other books,comics or shows that is similiar to TWD? I really dont play any other games other than this one..I watched Jericho on Netflix..that was ok. Any other suggestions...I need something to do during my "me time" after work.
Still surprised Telltale hasn't released statement on website, esp. given forum activity.
Im sure they will make up for it with Ep2 and Ep3..cant wait
I know it's not necessarily similar in genre to Walking Dead, but I heartily recommend Kirkman's Invincible, the compendium is pretty cheap at $40 for 48 issues and it is absolutely fantastic, it starts off kind of slow but then once it kicks into gear the pages just fly by. I ended up reading the whole 1000 page compendium within just a few days.
As far as Netflix goes, I'd recommend Fido(its a zomcom period film, and quite a clever one). As far as shows on netflix go, I'd recommend Being Human(UK not US), not zombies, but a very well written well acted show in the realm of supernatural type creatures.
As for novels, Max Brook's World War Z is a pretty awesome zombie novel.
I'm extremely excited for this next episode, I'm interested as to why they've decided not to say anything about why the delay or anything, as I've always felt the Telltale staff were pretty awesome in the past about this sort of thing(I've bought every game they've ever put out). I'm still eagerly awaiting episode two and while I hope it comes out soon, I'd much rather wait for it to be more polished and such than get it and it be a mess.
Yeah, I have to agree with the people complaining at this point since I bought this game with the intention of episodes being released every month. Knowing that the episodes only last about 2 to 3 hours would be okay due to how often they are meant to be released. But now thinking that the waiting period will be longer makes me think I ain't getting the value for money. I wasn't to keen on buying it since I would only be drip fed my game but I was well aware of this. I wasn't aware that I would be lied to. I get that it might not be easy to release on time. I would be okay if the episode was released little over a week of expected release but this is almost two months.
Another thing. They say many, many times in playing dead they connect to the community and fans of the games to see if they want to add anything suggested in the forums. But they must come across a fair few comments saying that episode 2 is taking to long. I'm sure anyone with sense would make an announcement saying "look this is the reason why it has taken so long this and that has delayed progress"
It is just down to a little respect at the end of the day. You don't leave your fans in the dark specially when they've put their hard earned cash to buy your product. C'mon this thread is pretty damn hard to miss.
I agree. Telltale have always been good about keeping fans informed, and this silence is very unusual for them. I'm a long term customer and never had a problem with customer service. The thing is, a lot of people are going to see Telltale as this company who doesn't care about their fans, when I know that isn't the case. Judging by the forums and their facebook page, they are getting a lot of bad rep.
I agree. Telltale have always been good about keeping fans informed, and this silence is very unusual for them. I'm a long term customer and never had a problem with customer service. The thing is, a lot of people are going to see Telltale as this company who doesn't care about their fans, when I know that isn't the case. Judging by the forums and their facebook page, they are getting a lot of bad rep.
I bought Jurassic Park as my first TellTale Game I wasn't happy with it. I stared at this game on the Steam Store page looked at the developer and the title of the game. I put faith in them one last time let alone my money. I thought "Hey don't judge them on one poor game.
It was fun but now I am losing trust since I did follow interviews of the game during it's development and I know what they said.
But I hear it is something to do with the Xbox live marketplace or something like that. But the game is multiplatform I'm on steam don't hold me back because Microsoft like to do things a certain way. If anything it will give Microsoft a bad name not TTG. They can simply say to the XBox community "Look it isn't are fault your episode is taking longer it is just how the guys run things their"
I bought Jurassic Park as my first TellTale Game I wasn't happy with it. I stared at this game on the Steam Store page looked at the developer and the title of the game. I put faith in them one last time let alone my money. I thought "Hey don't judge them on one poor game.
It was fun but now I am losing trust since I did follow interviews of the game during it's development and I know what they said.
But I hear it is something to do with the Xbox live marketplace or something like that. But the game is multiplatform I'm on steam don't hold me back because Microsoft like to do things a certain way. If anything it will give Microsoft a bad name not TTG. They can simply say to the XBox community "Look it isn't are fault your episode is taking longer it is just how the guys run things their"
Well I enjoyed Jurassic Park, so matter of taste I suppose. You should check out the earlier games like Sam and Max. I think people are more annoyed, with the lack of communication than the actual delay.
But I hear it is something to do with the Xbox live marketplace or something like that. But the game is multiplatform I'm on steam don't hold me back because Microsoft like to do things a certain way. If anything it will give Microsoft a bad name not TTG. They can simply say to the XBox community "Look it isn't are fault your episode is taking longer it is just how the guys run things their"
Microsoft doesn't make a game fail certification just because they feel like it. If that actually was the reason for the delay, then there likely was a big enough problem that it really is good that it's been delayed.
MS Live certification takes a longer time than others, and they may have held other versions back to keep releases simultaneous.
Sony and MS both typically take 3 weeks for retail titles. I don't know what it is for PSN / XBLA titles, but I wouldn't expect there to be a huge difference there either.
Either way, because the bug or whatever caused the game to fail certification is likely to affect other platforms as well, I fail to see how MS failing to certify a game is somehow a bad thing.
The release of Duke Nukem Forever was also delayed by about a month last year for similar reasons and to be honest I think it should have been delayed even longer given the MP bugs that were there on day 1.
In any case, even if MS failed the 360's certification, that's a good thing because they caught something which players shouldn't encounter. Whether or not the game was delayed for other platforms isn't MS's call either - it's Telltale's.
that means they only do 1 week = 5 days of work on it.. unless there are seperate teams doing each episode..or as has been said the game is mostly complete but needs fine tuning/bug testing.
so it could be even later than june if it fails again..
I don't generally join forums, but I'm bored enough and frustrated enough to voice my opinion on this one.
As I see it, the problem with this situation is that:
1. Telltale gave expectations that episodes would be released monthly
2. Telltale have not lived up to these expectations
3. Telltale have then not communicated any reasons for this delay or released any information
4. People, like me, who are in desperate need of something to do so they can procrastinate from uni work or who have just been looking forward to this game end up having to check for information on when it may be released and get increasingly frustrated when there is still no information...
I myself would be happy if I could check the website and see an update from Telltale saying that there have been delays, for whatever reason, and that they would give more information on a release date as soon as they can.
It's like standing at a counter waiting to be served and being totally ignored because they're busy...the longer you wait the more frustrated you'll become, where a simple "sorry, we're busy at the moment, we'll get to you when we can" would be enough to calm you down (at least for a little while ).
Anyway, enough venting and procrastination - back to study!
Care to elaborate on something we don't know rather than something we have heard like a zilliont time ?
Those links I provided on page 38 are enough to calm everyone down(at least for a little while till episode 2 comes out )
Sorry i guess i misunderstood i think everyone needs to complain for once for TTG to see(the ones who want to complain of course) but they shouldnt repeat that so they dont pollute the thread (and i repeated it again )
Don't worry everyone is seeing to it that they complain. It's HOW you complain actually that differs a complaint from a complaint. I can complain about something that was repeated several times and yet again I can complain about something NEW and different
This does kinda suck though. Mid June already. Oh well.
MID JUNE already ? Do you know how to count ? No offence though but it seems to me that mid june would be 15th and not 11/12(dates depending on country)
Why this process isn’t just handled in the one interactive phase I have no idea; all I can see is that it adds two more weeks of *****ed up stress to a process that has been more than drawn out and absolutely excruciating, and I really don’t know what I’d do if they kicked us back; I think I’d be heading for nervous breakdown territory right there.- llambsoft developer
Many developers have complained about MS certification taking forever even if the product is fine. Google Jonathin Blow and XBL certification for a prime example of how MS handles things. Ive read XBL certification takes just as long as 3 weeks while Sony if you submit it to each region can usually be up in a week http://xblvault.blogspot.com/2012/03/walking-dead-up-for-xbla-certification.html
MID JUNE already ? Do you know how to count ? No offence though but it seems to me that mid june would be 15th and not 11/12(dates depending on country)
Sorry, I know that responding to this is pedantry to the highest regard but anyway, fight fire with fire and all that.
Surely mid-June is any time around the middle of the month. I would personally class 12th June as mid-June as it's certainly not early June or late June. Unless we're suggesting that the middle of the month exists only for a day, which I suppose it does but if we're being specific 12pm on the 15th of June is the only moment of mid June.
I heard episode 3 is being released alongside the next generation consoles...xbox 720 ps4 here we come! By the time episode 5 is released I reckon a real zombie apocalypse will have already been and gone.
Sorry, I know that responding to this is pedantry to the highest regard but anyway, fight fire with fire and all that.
Surely mid-June is any time around the middle of the month. I would personally class 12th June as mid-June as it's certainly not early June or late June. Unless we're suggesting that the middle of the month exists only for a day, which I suppose it does but if we're being specific 12pm on the 15th of June is the only moment of mid June.
Using ttg logic a month is 2 months so mid way is an extra month on top, so mid July...anyway I wouldn't even be here if they released it on time/made an apology (that part really confuses me) how they can write up about how they got over a million in money, but they can't apologise to the people who gave them that money...anyone explain their rudeness?
Sorry, I know that responding to this is pedantry to the highest regard but anyway, fight fire with fire and all that.
Surely mid-June is any time around the middle of the month. I would personally class 12th June as mid-June as it's certainly not early June or late June. Unless we're suggesting that the middle of the month exists only for a day, which I suppose it does but if we're being specific 12pm on the 15th of June is the only moment of mid June.
No mid-June isn't any time around the middle of the month. mid is short for middle and the middle of June is the 15th. So technically I appear to be correct. I think what the dude really meant was..."Around mid-June".
Using ttg logic a month is 2 months so mid way is an extra month on top, so mid July...anyway I wouldn't even be here if they released it on time/made an apology (that part really confuses me) how they can write up about how they got over a million in money, but they can't apologise to the people who gave them that money...anyone explain their rudeness?
Ok so mister WISE guy know it all, let me correct you on this. 2 months haven't even passed. Not even a month passed so you're obviously wrong as always. The game was supposed to be out on the 25th of May. Sooooo......on the 25th June, it would be considered as a MONTH delay and not like you have fantasized 2 MONTHS delay Know your math first :P
Telltale have finally issued some information, no apology or excuses, just information on the facebook page:
"We've returned from E3 and we have so much stuff to post! First things first...we are about to submit to Microsoft and Sony and if everything goes well, episode 2 will be available before the end of the month.
Second, everyone who saw the... first 20 minutes of episode 2 loved it; the episode was nominated for multiple "Best of Show" awards, which was incredibly gratifying and humbling."
It amazes me that they can still beat on about how great their own game and is (I do agree) but not even mention the delay or reason, shameless. 'Just about to submit' indicates that xbox is not the problem for the delay. Anyway, I'm not expecting it until the last week of June...if we're lucky.
So now it's if everything goes to plan we'll be playing before the end of the month? I'm trying to stay positive mostly, but things happen, and while everyone here enjoys the game; isn't the delay harming the episodic experience? Even from TTG's perspective this must be true right?
The more people wait, the more they get pulled in other directions until they either forget, or something else draws their interest more. EP 1 was just enough to wet the beak
well said sir, problems can,t always be helped, but keeping the paying customers in the loop is common courtesy
we could always prepare for the zombie apocalypse
OMG!..You're all infected...aren't you?
It's already begun.....
Already ahead of you. I bought a new gun about a week ago. Though not with the intent to kill zombies with it.
Played a bit of Project Zomboid after reading about it in this blog and enjoyed it a lot. Good zombie based time filler whilst we all wait for Ep 2.
Very nice summation!
And you're right. As the owner of a service oriented business, I totally agree that the *worst* thing you can do is let the customer sit and stew. You'll find that just a quick, "Sorry sir or ma'am we're having some problems in back we'll have your order out as soon as we can," will do wonders for their attitude.
Good has come of this though. Through links here I've already checked out Project Zomboid (ouch! talk about bleak -- but fun!), and I'm about to load in DayZ.
Still surprised Telltale hasn't released statement on website, esp. given forum activity.
Im sure they will make up for it with Ep2 and Ep3..cant wait
Also give Handling The Undead by John Ajvide Lindqvist a go. It's not a traditional zombie book although well written and entertaining from the writer of Let The Right One In. Sure I can think of a few more if these are read already
Oh, and...
I know it's not necessarily similar in genre to Walking Dead, but I heartily recommend Kirkman's Invincible, the compendium is pretty cheap at $40 for 48 issues and it is absolutely fantastic, it starts off kind of slow but then once it kicks into gear the pages just fly by. I ended up reading the whole 1000 page compendium within just a few days.
As far as Netflix goes, I'd recommend Fido(its a zomcom period film, and quite a clever one). As far as shows on netflix go, I'd recommend Being Human(UK not US), not zombies, but a very well written well acted show in the realm of supernatural type creatures.
As for novels, Max Brook's World War Z is a pretty awesome zombie novel.
I'm extremely excited for this next episode, I'm interested as to why they've decided not to say anything about why the delay or anything, as I've always felt the Telltale staff were pretty awesome in the past about this sort of thing(I've bought every game they've ever put out). I'm still eagerly awaiting episode two and while I hope it comes out soon, I'd much rather wait for it to be more polished and such than get it and it be a mess.
Another thing. They say many, many times in playing dead they connect to the community and fans of the games to see if they want to add anything suggested in the forums. But they must come across a fair few comments saying that episode 2 is taking to long. I'm sure anyone with sense would make an announcement saying "look this is the reason why it has taken so long this and that has delayed progress"
It is just down to a little respect at the end of the day. You don't leave your fans in the dark specially when they've put their hard earned cash to buy your product. C'mon this thread is pretty damn hard to miss.
I bought Jurassic Park as my first TellTale Game I wasn't happy with it. I stared at this game on the Steam Store page looked at the developer and the title of the game. I put faith in them one last time let alone my money. I thought "Hey don't judge them on one poor game.
It was fun but now I am losing trust since I did follow interviews of the game during it's development and I know what they said.
But I hear it is something to do with the Xbox live marketplace or something like that. But the game is multiplatform I'm on steam don't hold me back because Microsoft like to do things a certain way. If anything it will give Microsoft a bad name not TTG. They can simply say to the XBox community "Look it isn't are fault your episode is taking longer it is just how the guys run things their"
Apparently the script needed a rewrite
Microsoft doesn't make a game fail certification just because they feel like it. If that actually was the reason for the delay, then there likely was a big enough problem that it really is good that it's been delayed.
Sony and MS both typically take 3 weeks for retail titles. I don't know what it is for PSN / XBLA titles, but I wouldn't expect there to be a huge difference there either.
Either way, because the bug or whatever caused the game to fail certification is likely to affect other platforms as well, I fail to see how MS failing to certify a game is somehow a bad thing.
The release of Duke Nukem Forever was also delayed by about a month last year for similar reasons and to be honest I think it should have been delayed even longer given the MP bugs that were there on day 1.
In any case, even if MS failed the 360's certification, that's a good thing because they caught something which players shouldn't encounter. Whether or not the game was delayed for other platforms isn't MS's call either - it's Telltale's.
that means they only do 1 week = 5 days of work on it.. unless there are seperate teams doing each episode..or as has been said the game is mostly complete but needs fine tuning/bug testing.
so it could be even later than june if it fails again..
Care to elaborate on something we don't know rather than something we have heard like a zilliont time ?
Those links I provided on page 38 are enough to calm everyone down(at least for a little while till episode 2 comes out
Don't worry everyone is seeing to it that they complain. It's HOW you complain actually that differs a complaint from a complaint. I can complain about something that was repeated several times and yet again I can complain about something NEW and different
MID JUNE already ? Do you know how to count ? No offence though but it seems to me that mid june would be 15th and not 11/12(dates depending on country)
Many developers have complained about MS certification taking forever even if the product is fine. Google Jonathin Blow and XBL certification for a prime example of how MS handles things. Ive read XBL certification takes just as long as 3 weeks while Sony if you submit it to each region can usually be up in a week
See how long it gakes them?
Sorry, I know that responding to this is pedantry to the highest regard but anyway, fight fire with fire and all that.
Surely mid-June is any time around the middle of the month. I would personally class 12th June as mid-June as it's certainly not early June or late June. Unless we're suggesting that the middle of the month exists only for a day, which I suppose it does but if we're being specific 12pm on the 15th of June is the only moment of mid June.
issue 99 that GREAT,maybe Telltale should stay with what they do BEST (comic books)
Using ttg logic a month is 2 months so mid way is an extra month on top, so mid July...anyway I wouldn't even be here if they released it on time/made an apology (that part really confuses me) how they can write up about how they got over a million in money, but they can't apologise to the people who gave them that money...anyone explain their rudeness?
No mid-June isn't any time around the middle of the month. mid is short for middle and the middle of June is the 15th. So technically I appear to be correct. I think what the dude really meant was..."Around mid-June".
Ok so mister WISE guy know it all, let me correct you on this. 2 months haven't even passed. Not even a month passed so you're obviously wrong as always. The game was supposed to be out on the 25th of May. Sooooo......on the 25th June, it would be considered as a MONTH delay and not like you have fantasized 2 MONTHS delay
"We've returned from E3 and we have so much stuff to post! First things first...we are about to submit to Microsoft and Sony and if everything goes well, episode 2 will be available before the end of the month.
Second, everyone who saw the... first 20 minutes of episode 2 loved it; the episode was nominated for multiple "Best of Show" awards, which was incredibly gratifying and humbling."
It amazes me that they can still beat on about how great their own game and is (I do agree) but not even mention the delay or reason, shameless. 'Just about to submit' indicates that xbox is not the problem for the delay. Anyway, I'm not expecting it until the last week of June...if we're lucky.
thats putting it mildly...
as for the reason a few people have mentioned the certification with the xbox...
The more people wait, the more they get pulled in other directions until they either forget, or something else draws their interest more. EP 1 was just enough to wet the beak