Ok so mister WISE guy know it all, let me correct you on this. 2 months haven't even passed. Not even a month passed so you're obviously wrong as always. The game was supposed to be out on the 25th of May. Sooooo......on the 25th June, it would be considered as a MONTH delay and not like you have fantasized 2 MONTHS delay Know your math first :P
It was meant to be confusing, its clearly worked, i should have put I was being facetious, obviously TTg don't run on that logic,(i never said its been 2 months i said using TTg logic a month means two months, so when it hits mid june we have to walt an extra month, mid July as I said in the previous post, yeah im a few days off, who cares?) also I'm a bored, tired, stoned teenager at 2 am what do you expect really...but if you get your kicks by thinking you've one upped someone who is dyslexic in math(S) anyway...good for you life is clearly dull for you....Anyways, there wouldn't even be this silly conversation if they released it on the correct date or apologised. Also for future reference, games arent to be taken seriously, like some of the people on the forums (you/me/trolls/TTg ) peeeeace
It's Microsoft, not the console...unless its formed consciousness and told microsoft to make the delay?
If my Xbox isn't inherently Evil how come whenever watch a trailer or something it goes. Hi this is the new tra *3 minute pause to buffer* iler for* 3 minute pause to buffer* Wreck*3 minute pause to buffer* It*3 minute pause to buffer* Ra*3 fucking minute pause to fucking buffer* lph *starts to pause but i got to the home page and play my shoot dudes with sniper rifles demo instead*
Computers are only as evil as those who created them, so it's extremely evil, I've had this talk with milo, he says I'm crazy because i said the xbox can hear and smell us, our fear, even the words three sixty sends shivers down my spine....kinect is the eyes, it knows depth perception?!Repent all ye sinners! The time is neigh!
Why did they not just make all five episodes, complete them all first and then release them once a week or once a month ? This is ridiculous.. I have played the first one twice and still most of the storyline and characters I have forgotten already. First and last time I purchase a telltale game !
At this rate the five episodes will take 8 months or more ?
Steam states on the walking dead page:
"Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season with the remaining episodes being delivered monthly thereafter."
Why did they not just make all five episodes, complete them all first and then release them once a week or once a month ? This is ridiculous.. I have played the first one twice and still most of the storyline and characters I have forgotten already. First and last time I purchase a telltale game !
At this rate the five episodes will take 8 months or more ?
Steam states on the walking dead page:
"Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season with the remaining episodes being delivered monthly thereafter."
I can understand them not having made all the episodes before starting a monthly release schedule, but similar to the way TV seasons work, I would have expected them to have completed at least the first 2 episodes and if not finished with the 3rd to be working on it.
To purchase episode 1 and find out two weeks later that they were still working on episode 2 was a bit of a shock. That they were working on such a tight schedule (which they ultimately failed to manage) struck me as lunacy and poor planning.
Surely it would have been better business practice to have unveiled episode 1 at E3, then released it at the end of this month, whilst having episode 2 submitted to whoever this week with an eye to releasing it next month. Giving them 2 months to prepare episode 3.
I suppose to misquote a popular football chant, 'it's their company and they do what they want'.
i bet they delay it till july instead which is frankly in everyone come on!!!!!
this game they said bi monthly each month comes out i bet it comes out same date as first episode did or has that day past?
It was April 25th but it was supposed to come out April 24th, steam had it out on the 24th, that is why you see Steam key's in the forums people asking for the steam code. Steam had it the day that telltale should of had it out.
It might of been April 26 I forgot it was like the 25 or 26 that telltale released it.
I never bother to sign up for a forum, especially not one run by relatively inept developers, but I think the non-existent feedback from this company needs to be commented on. I bought what I was led to believe was an episodic game that would be delivered monthly. Instead, I bought the beginning of an unfinished game. I was given what is essentially the demo of a real game for my money. If you're reading this from a Google search, save your money and don't bother purchasing The Walking Dead game.
The developers do not have their act together yet. They're bush league, small time, and frankly over their heads. I will not be buying anything else from Tell Tale Games until they've made a good name for themselves. Neither should you.
When I'm reading this thread, it seems telltales costumers are all angry little kids today. Where are the good old times? Man, why alle these people are so angry, its just a game you wait for and until each release do something else, I really don't get the problem. Telltale releases each episode when its ready, whether its tomorrow or in a month you never know. Well, and the days I get my release mail I'm always happy. People really should live with a more positive view in their head, if they don't want to be always grim and hate each other.
They are let down, and have every right to be upset about the circumstance. The majority of posts have been handled in a mature way, and the people making them have a right to be heard. They spent hard earned money on a this, and are cleary upset about the delay. If anything Ihope TTG's developers hear the rational ones urging them to get it done faster.
I'm not an angry little kid, but I am middle aged consumer who was taught the squeeky wheele gets the grease.
I bought what I was led to believe was an episodic game that would be delivered monthly. Instead, I bought the beginning of an unfinished game.
You just contradicted yourself in those two lines right there. You bought an unfinished game that is released episodically and with a projected release schedule of every month. Your point is moot.
If you're reading this from a Google search, save your money and don't bother purchasing The Walking Dead game.
Based on what? your inability to accept that shit happens? I understand that the silence is deafening, but its not unknown in the gaming industry. Shit happens.
I will not be buying anything else from Tell Tale Games until they've made a good name for themselves.
I think you should probably check your facts. Telltale has made a name for themselves on many occasions. But I will concede one thing. You should not bother buying another episodic game. You do not have the patience for it. You won't be missed.
The people getting really riled up about it are being ridiculous, delays happen and you just have to deal with it.
But, I really feel as though Telltale games should make a press release telling the customers why it is being delayed, whatever reason it might be. As customers, we just don't like being left in the dark, more information would really help, however trivial the information might be.
Also the timeframe for release as it stands officially, is June. Could we please be told whether it could actually be tomorrow, or, definitely at the end of the month. It is like getting in a car with someone, not knowing where we're going and how long it is going to take.
It is like getting in a car with someone, not knowing where we're going and how long it is going to take.
Actually its more like your parents saying "Hey, we're going disney world!" and the people waiting are like the children going, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I'm tired! I wanna be there now! Go faster! Why won't you talk to me?! I hate you!"
Actually its more like your parents saying "Hey, we're going disney world!" and the people waiting are like the children going, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I'm tired! I wanna be there now! Go faster! Why won't you talk to me?! I hate you!"
Actually you're both wrong. It's like being on a longhaul flight estimated flight time 13 hours, during the 15th hour you pull aside the flight attendant and ask 'When will we be landing?' they walk away having said nothing, then the man sat next to you says 'Hey shit happens, we'll land when the pilot's ready, why don't you read the inflight magazine again?'
If you're reading this from a Google search, save your money and don't bother purchasing The Walking Dead game.
Based on what? your inability to accept that shit happens? I understand that the silence is deafening, but its not unknown in the gaming industry. Shit happens.
This argument ("shit happens" or as i seen previously in this thread "delays happen, deal with it") is rather flawed, because at it's source it's based on the fact that your purchase was for something that has a small or insignificant value.
Now if you would have bought something worth 10000 times more, you'd be pretty upset to be treated with silence on a delay. Instead of "shit happens" you probably would be thinking "oh, i just payed a shitload of money, money that i could of used for something else in this period or buy something else, why should i suffer the consequences of the delay?".
Yes delays can happen, but nowhere does it say that the customer should deal with it, he is not responsible for the seller's inability to fulfill his obligations, and also the customer does not have an obligation to patiently wait.
This argument ("shit happens" or as i seen previously in this thread "delays happen, deal with it") is rather flawed, because at it's source it's based on the fact that your purchase was for something that has a small or insignificant value.
Now if you would have bought something worth 10000 times more, you'd be pretty upset to be treated with silence on a delay. Instead of "shit happens" you probably would be thinking "oh, i just payed a shitload of money, money that i could of used for something else in this period or buy something else, why should i suffer the consequences of the delay?".
Yes delays can happen, but nowhere does it say that the customer should deal with it, he is not responsible for the seller's inability to fulfill his obligations, and also the customer does not have an obligation to patiently wait.
This x1000000000000 word perfect. Also I hope they realise that other new games are being released lol, casual TTg players will disappear when the big name games do come out and I don't want this to be canceled halfway through like loads of other episodic games, despite lack of customer care it's a potentially amazing game to which I've thoroughly enjoyed so far!
This argument ("shit happens" or as i seen previously in this thread "delays happen, deal with it") is rather flawed, because at it's source it's based on the fact that your purchase was for something that has a small or insignificant value.
Actually, my reasoning not once ever mentioned its price. I believe this is what is referred to as ad hominum in law. You are using an irrelevant fact to try to discredit my argument.
Now if you would have bought something worth 10000 times more, you'd be pretty upset to be treated with silence on a delay. Instead of "shit happens" you probably would be thinking "oh, i just payed a shitload of money, money that i could of used for something else in this period or buy something else, why should i suffer the consequences of the delay?".
Conjecture and ad hominum. You have no idea how I would react because price was never brought into it.
Yes delays can happen, but nowhere does it say that the customer should deal with it, he is not responsible for the seller's inability to fulfill his obligations,
Nowhere in anything that TTG has said about the game have they made a commitment to release it in the exact amount of time they projected. I believe the problem comes when people think the release dates are for the consumers. They aren't. They are for the investors, and they are only an estimated timeline. They are projections. If they were definitive, they would have set a date; but they didn't.
and also the customer does not have an obligation to patiently wait.
Indeed, petition for a refund if you wish. And you will get it, most likely, but will probably take just as long as it would have taken for the game to come out. So there is that.
and I don't want this to be canceled halfway through like loads of other episodic games, despite lack of customer care it's a potentially amazing game to which I've thoroughly enjoyed so far!
Well, I don't see that happening. TTG has been a niche gaming company that really appealed to the hardcore fans of adventure games and has continued to do so. That fair weather fans run off is not really a bad thing in terms of the games...they still will have plenty of sales.
Everyone go to www.bbb.org and file a complalint, if they get enough of them maybe then they will get the hint!
Hint of what? You realize your complaint is not really all that big of a complaint in the long run of the company? "TTG wont tell me why they delayed the game!" Um...they are not obligated to tell you why. The release date has been changed. You have plenty of places where people have gotten the information from the marketing reps at TTG, so in effect, they have informed you of a delay. Is this a bit of a different stance than what TTG has shown in the past? Yes. Is it a bit troubling. Yes. Is it criminal? No.
I'm starting to get the impression that TTG has been taking pointers from Blizzard entertainment.
How many times do deadlines get knocked back at Blizzard? well we dont know, because they dont tell us when their games are coming out, they simply tell us they will release it when it is done...
TTG might end up being the same with their titles.
Actually, my reasoning not once ever mentioned its price. I believe this is what is referred to as ad hominum in law. You are using an irrelevant fact to try to discredit my argument.
Conjecture and ad hominum. You have no idea how I would react because price was never brought into it.
Nowhere in anything that TTG has said about the game have they made a commitment to release it in the exact amount of time they projected. I believe the problem comes when people think the release dates are for the consumers. They aren't. They are for the investors, and they are only an estimated timeline. They are projections. If they were definitive, they would have set a date; but they didn't.
Indeed, petition for a refund if you wish. And you will get it, most likely, but will probably take just as long as it would have taken for the game to come out. So there is that.
You don't need to mention it, because it's self explanatory why some don't mind the delay in this case. Secondly I don't need to know your reaction, unless you're some rich kid who never had to work for anything. Ah, but here is where you're wrong... they did commit to a monthly release, meaning a month time from release, and also customers are investerers. As for your advice keep it, since MS does not offer refunds.
I'm starting to get the impression that TTG has been taking pointers from Blizzard entertainment.
How many times do deadlines get knocked back at Blizzard? well we dont know, because they dont tell us when their games are coming out, they simply tell us they will release it when it is done...
TTG might end up being the same with their titles.
I spent years being disappointed with games from companies like EA and Activision who put out products that could be superb if they spent less time focusing on the set annual release date and more time actually developing the game. I've learned to live with and actually prefer companies like Blizzard and Bioware and now hopefully Telltale who release their games only after they've made them as good as they can make them.
All the complaints about release dates and the silence of developers really can't eclipse the fact that I've never found a gaming company that has done so much to make sure their customers are satisfied as much as Telltale does (maybe Blizzard, but they're also rolling in the dough so they can afford to make people happy). They've earned my patience.
So take as much time as you need to make it good, TT.
I spent years being disappointed with games from companies like EA and Activision who put out products that could be superb if they spent less time focusing on the set annual release date and more time actually developing the game. I've learned to live with and actually prefer companies like Blizzard and Bioware and now hopefully Telltale who release their games only after they've made them as good as they can make them.
All the complaints about release dates and the silence of developers really can't eclipse the fact that I've never found a gaming company that has done so much to make sure their customers are satisfied as much as Telltale does (maybe Blizzard, but they're also rolling in the dough so they can afford to make people happy). They've earned my patience.
So take as much time as you need to make it good, TT.
Thank you. Everyone who is complaining should get glitched out copies of the game. Like enough already. Yes you've been sooooo wronged for not getting g your game already. We get it. *snip*
As for your advice keep it, since MS does not offer refunds.
Then perhaps you should not purchase from the xbox live store? I believe your gripe is sounding more like you are pissed you have no recourse than the actual fact that there is a breech of contract.
And for a more clear understanding of ad hominem, I give you some examples:
"You can't believe John when he says the proposed policy would help the economy. He doesn't even have a job."
"Candidate Jane's proposal about zoning is ridiculous. She was caught cheating on her taxes in 2003."
"What would Mary know about fixing cars? She is a woman." (an example of Ad feminam)
"What makes you so smart and all-knowing to deny God's existence? You haven't even finished school."
"Your exposition is highly correct and valid, but you don't have enough academic degree" (Credential fallacy, official degree fallacy)
This argument ("shit happens" or as i seen previously in this thread "delays happen, deal with it") is rather flawed, because at it's source it's based on the fact that your purchase was for something that has a small or insignificant value.
Now if you would have bought something worth 10000 times more, you'd be pretty upset to be treated with silence on a delay. Instead of "shit happens" you probably would be thinking "oh, i just payed a shitload of money, money that i could of used for something else in this period or buy something else, why should i suffer the consequences of the delay?".
Yes delays can happen, but nowhere does it say that the customer should deal with it, he is not responsible for the seller's inability to fulfill his obligations, and also the customer does not have an obligation to patiently wait.
yeah i totally agree with this. How can someone be so bold to say, "put up with it" when they have paid for something? I feel sorry for everyone who has already bought all the episodes .
Actually you're both wrong. It's like being on a longhaul flight estimated flight time 13 hours, during the 15th hour you pull aside the flight attendant and ask 'When will we be landing?' they walk away having said nothing, then the man sat next to you says 'Hey shit happens, we'll land when the pilot's ready, why don't you read the inflight magazine again?'
yeah i totally agree with this. How can someone be so bold to say, "put up with it" when they have paid for something? I feel sorry for everyone who has already bought all the episodes .
Because they're still getting what they paid for. When they purchased, they got one episode and the promise of four more episodes at a future date. They got their one episode and those four other episodes are still coming.
Sure, except for the important distinction that we're not trapped on an airplane. Sheesh, people, go do something else for a month. I just don't get it. By the very nature of an episodic release, we have to wait for each episode anyway, why is it so hard to wait a little longer?
OK - It seems TTG have stumbled across a winning game and there are many that are far from happy with the continued delays with episode 2 (myself included!) What I find more upsetting than the delay, is the total disregard for those that are paying and have paid for this. Do TTG not read their own forums and if so, do they not recognize the need to update their website? The 'latest' update is almost 7 weeks ago?!
I'm tired of seeing people flaming each other in the forum because some are more upset than others and some are more patient but that's missing the point entirely. As a responsible software developer with alleged millions of customers, they have a duty to each and every one to provide information regarding the delays even if it is bad news and means further waiting. Better the devil you know?
The continued silence does their reputation no good especially when all it takes is a moment to update? How can people expect TTG to release a game in a timely fashion if they can't even update their website/paying customers?
Each to their own but I will definitely avoid this type of episodic marketing in the future as I'm sure many others will. *awaits flaming from the more patient and reasonable forum users*
Do you people have jobs, girlfriends or boyfriends, other games, friends, books, something. I mean seesh its a Freakin 2 hr episode for God sakes. Quit the belly achin' people making accounts just to bitch make me laugh. Comn now. Please fellow gamers just please be a little more patient. It will be here WHEN ITS DONE AND GLITCH FREE.
Because they're still getting what they paid for. When they purchased, they got one episode and the promise of four more episodes at a future date. They got their one episode and those four other episodes are still coming.
Sure, except for the important distinction that we're not trapped on an airplane. Sheesh, people, go do something else for a month. I just don't get it. By the very nature of an episodic release, we have to wait for each episode anyway, why is it so hard to wait a little longer?
A future date???!!!!
Look how the fanboys defend to Telltale even when they have no right. So cute.
First (one more time), from The Walking Dead forums FAQ:
"We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month."
A month has 30 or 31 days. Now it has passed two months after the first episode release. They'll show a video where at the end says "June" like "as initially planned, guys". They NEVER confirmed this as a delay. There is no notification on the forums, or apologize either. NOTHING. I mean, officially, this is not even a delay. It's a time travel using the DeLorean. Great Scott!
Seriously, I love the games that Telltale makes including The Walking Dead (I'm a The Walking Dead fan besides) but this is not serious and they are wrong having this manners towards us.
No, consumers are consumers. Stock holders are investors.
Consumers invest time, passion, money in the game so literally there investors even if not physically. This, plus stock holders don't need to know an estimate time of when TTg has to perform it's contractual obligation (all they what to know is: WHAT'S THE PROFIT? (or something similar).
Then perhaps you should not purchase from the xbox live store? I believe your gripe is sounding more like you are pissed you have no recourse than the actual fact that there is a breech of contract.
Oh, I didn't know it was retail too, let me check my local store... nope, awww
Can you guarantee glitch free?... so if I have any what then?
Lets see would you rather have a game full of glitches (dead island anyone) or a game that is 95% glitches free.
And ripper how are we all fanboys. This is my first ttg buddy. I'm just not a CHILD crying about a delay on a GAME. ITS A GAME. Not real life. A GAME. Get over it already.
OK - It seems TTG have stumbled across a winning game
Wait, stumbled across. Implying all of Telltale's games have been bad, but TTG has only had 2 bad games... the rest have all been great.
and there are many that are far from happy with the continued delays with episode 2 (myself included!)
*rest of the rant I agree with completely.
Each to their own but I will definitely avoid this type of episodic marketing in the future as I'm sure many others will. *awaits flaming from the more patient and reasonable forum users*
As for this, episodic gaming isn't for everyone(obviously), however, I would recommend for telltale's form of episodic gaming to just wait until its all done and buy it then. Certainly beats waiting for delays and such...
It was meant to be confusing, its clearly worked, i should have put I was being facetious, obviously TTg don't run on that logic,(i never said its been 2 months i said using TTg logic a month means two months, so when it hits mid june we have to walt an extra month, mid July as I said in the previous post, yeah im a few days off, who cares?) also I'm a bored, tired, stoned teenager at 2 am what do you expect really...but if you get your kicks by thinking you've one upped someone who is dyslexic in math(S) anyway...good for you
If my Xbox isn't inherently Evil how come whenever watch a trailer or something it goes. Hi this is the new tra *3 minute pause to buffer* iler for* 3 minute pause to buffer* Wreck*3 minute pause to buffer* It*3 minute pause to buffer* Ra*3 fucking minute pause to fucking buffer* lph *starts to pause but i got to the home page and play my shoot dudes with sniper rifles demo instead*
this game they said bi monthly each month comes out i bet it comes out same date as first episode did or has that day past?
At this rate the five episodes will take 8 months or more ?
Steam states on the walking dead page:
"Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season with the remaining episodes being delivered monthly thereafter."
I can understand them not having made all the episodes before starting a monthly release schedule, but similar to the way TV seasons work, I would have expected them to have completed at least the first 2 episodes and if not finished with the 3rd to be working on it.
To purchase episode 1 and find out two weeks later that they were still working on episode 2 was a bit of a shock. That they were working on such a tight schedule (which they ultimately failed to manage) struck me as lunacy and poor planning.
Surely it would have been better business practice to have unveiled episode 1 at E3, then released it at the end of this month, whilst having episode 2 submitted to whoever this week with an eye to releasing it next month. Giving them 2 months to prepare episode 3.
I suppose to misquote a popular football chant, 'it's their company and they do what they want'.
It was April 25th but it was supposed to come out April 24th, steam had it out on the 24th, that is why you see Steam key's in the forums people asking for the steam code. Steam had it the day that telltale should of had it out.
It might of been April 26 I forgot it was like the 25 or 26 that telltale released it.
The developers do not have their act together yet. They're bush league, small time, and frankly over their heads. I will not be buying anything else from Tell Tale Games until they've made a good name for themselves. Neither should you.
I will not be buying anything else from Tell Tale Games[2]
I'm not an angry little kid, but I am middle aged consumer who was taught the squeeky wheele gets the grease.
Again, based on what? One minor hiccup? Please. Says the person that has never made a single game in his life as far as he has indicated. I think you should probably check your facts. Telltale has made a name for themselves on many occasions. But I will concede one thing. You should not bother buying another episodic game. You do not have the patience for it. You won't be missed. Thanks for your input, it will be paced in the circular file.
But, I really feel as though Telltale games should make a press release telling the customers why it is being delayed, whatever reason it might be. As customers, we just don't like being left in the dark, more information would really help, however trivial the information might be.
Also the timeframe for release as it stands officially, is June. Could we please be told whether it could actually be tomorrow, or, definitely at the end of the month. It is like getting in a car with someone, not knowing where we're going and how long it is going to take.
Actually its more like your parents saying "Hey, we're going disney world!" and the people waiting are like the children going, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I'm tired! I wanna be there now! Go faster! Why won't you talk to me?! I hate you!"
Actually you're both wrong. It's like being on a longhaul flight estimated flight time 13 hours, during the 15th hour you pull aside the flight attendant and ask 'When will we be landing?' they walk away having said nothing, then the man sat next to you says 'Hey shit happens, we'll land when the pilot's ready, why don't you read the inflight magazine again?'
Now if you would have bought something worth 10000 times more, you'd be pretty upset to be treated with silence on a delay. Instead of "shit happens" you probably would be thinking "oh, i just payed a shitload of money, money that i could of used for something else in this period or buy something else, why should i suffer the consequences of the delay?".
Yes delays can happen, but nowhere does it say that the customer should deal with it, he is not responsible for the seller's inability to fulfill his obligations, and also the customer does not have an obligation to patiently wait.
Hint of what? You realize your complaint is not really all that big of a complaint in the long run of the company? "TTG wont tell me why they delayed the game!" Um...they are not obligated to tell you why. The release date has been changed. You have plenty of places where people have gotten the information from the marketing reps at TTG, so in effect, they have informed you of a delay. Is this a bit of a different stance than what TTG has shown in the past? Yes. Is it a bit troubling. Yes. Is it criminal? No.
How many times do deadlines get knocked back at Blizzard? well we dont know, because they dont tell us when their games are coming out, they simply tell us they will release it when it is done...
TTG might end up being the same with their titles.
I spent years being disappointed with games from companies like EA and Activision who put out products that could be superb if they spent less time focusing on the set annual release date and more time actually developing the game. I've learned to live with and actually prefer companies like Blizzard and Bioware and now hopefully Telltale who release their games only after they've made them as good as they can make them.
All the complaints about release dates and the silence of developers really can't eclipse the fact that I've never found a gaming company that has done so much to make sure their customers are satisfied as much as Telltale does (maybe Blizzard, but they're also rolling in the dough so they can afford to make people happy). They've earned my patience.
So take as much time as you need to make it good, TT.
Thank you. Everyone who is complaining should get glitched out copies of the game. Like enough already. Yes you've been sooooo wronged for not getting g your game already. We get it. *snip*
And for a more clear understanding of ad hominem, I give you some examples:
"You can't believe John when he says the proposed policy would help the economy. He doesn't even have a job."
"Candidate Jane's proposal about zoning is ridiculous. She was caught cheating on her taxes in 2003."
"What would Mary know about fixing cars? She is a woman." (an example of Ad feminam)
"What makes you so smart and all-knowing to deny God's existence? You haven't even finished school."
"Your exposition is highly correct and valid, but you don't have enough academic degree" (Credential fallacy, official degree fallacy)
yeah i totally agree with this. How can someone be so bold to say, "put up with it" when they have paid for something? I feel sorry for everyone who has already bought all the episodes .
This is actually bang on
Because they're still getting what they paid for. When they purchased, they got one episode and the promise of four more episodes at a future date. They got their one episode and those four other episodes are still coming.
Sure, except for the important distinction that we're not trapped on an airplane. Sheesh, people, go do something else for a month. I just don't get it. By the very nature of an episodic release, we have to wait for each episode anyway, why is it so hard to wait a little longer?
I want my money back... And I am not kidding...
I'm tired of seeing people flaming each other in the forum because some are more upset than others and some are more patient but that's missing the point entirely. As a responsible software developer with alleged millions of customers, they have a duty to each and every one to provide information regarding the delays even if it is bad news and means further waiting. Better the devil you know?
The continued silence does their reputation no good especially when all it takes is a moment to update? How can people expect TTG to release a game in a timely fashion if they can't even update their website/paying customers?
Each to their own but I will definitely avoid this type of episodic marketing in the future as I'm sure many others will. *awaits flaming from the more patient and reasonable forum users*
A future date???!!!!
Look how the fanboys defend to Telltale even when they have no right. So cute.
First (one more time), from The Walking Dead forums FAQ:
"We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month."
A month has 30 or 31 days. Now it has passed two months after the first episode release. They'll show a video where at the end says "June" like "as initially planned, guys". They NEVER confirmed this as a delay. There is no notification on the forums, or apologize either. NOTHING. I mean, officially, this is not even a delay. It's a time travel using the DeLorean. Great Scott!
Seriously, I love the games that Telltale makes including The Walking Dead (I'm a The Walking Dead fan besides) but this is not serious and they are wrong having this manners towards us.
Ha.... If it would be so, than they could release episode 2 (for example) in 10 years because the it was only projected monthly.
Consumers invest time, passion, money in the game so literally there investors even if not physically. This, plus stock holders don't need to know an estimate time of when TTg has to perform it's contractual obligation (all they what to know is: WHAT'S THE PROFIT? (or something similar).
Oh, I didn't know it was retail too, let me check my local store... nope, awww
Nice, wiki wiki wiki.....
Lets see would you rather have a game full of glitches (dead island anyone) or a game that is 95% glitches free.
And ripper how are we all fanboys. This is my first ttg buddy. I'm just not a CHILD crying about a delay on a GAME. ITS A GAME. Not real life. A GAME. Get over it already.
Wait, stumbled across. Implying all of Telltale's games have been bad, but TTG has only had 2 bad games... the rest have all been great.
*rest of the rant I agree with completely.
As for this, episodic gaming isn't for everyone(obviously), however, I would recommend for telltale's form of episodic gaming to just wait until its all done and buy it then. Certainly beats waiting for delays and such...