I don't watch that kind of TV shows. I'm glad that you do.
Do you have some kind of problem with what I said at any moment, buddy?
On the Episode A patient who you'd call Joe Consumer is Dropped aka had his game delayed. The chief in charge tells everyone to shut up about it and admit nothing because he doesnt want to get sued. Joe doesn't want to sue Joe just wants an apology for being dropped but An apology is an admission of guilt so the Chief wont allow it Eventually an Alzheimers patient who was formerly a doctor there and believes he still is apologizes for it he explains that everyones scared and Joe says that they're scared? imagine how he feels. and the guy explains he understands and he's sorry. The Chief overhears and comes over saying the guy doesnt work for them and that the Apology isn't on behalf of the hospital because the guy doesnt have the authority and Joe tells him that it was never about a lawsuit even the kids in his class know if you make a mistake you apologize.
Does knowing the context make it feel less like an insult?
I've spent Alot of time tonight cleaning up after an overflowing toilet and smelling bleach so maybe i dont have the patience deal with shit tonight pardon me
Somehow I don't think this will make the list of fun things to do while waiting for Episode 2. :0) Sorry you had to deal w/ such a crappy task.
Lol im feeling ya now i also feeling let on and disapointed in telltale as a whole atm love their games but this is poorly executed you dont freakin advertise monthly episodes then turn around release the first one and then drop a dang bomb on customers days before the months up to say o by the way there a whole other month before we release episode 2.
I've spent Alot of time tonight cleaning up after an overflowing toilet and smelling bleach so maybe i dont have the patience deal with shit tonight pardon me
Why do you think anyone gives "two cents" about what you have to deal with?
Lol im feeling ya now i also feeling let on and disapointed in telltale as a whole atm love their games but this is poorly executed you dont freakin advertise monthly episodes then turn around release the first one and then drop a dang bomb on customers days before the months up to say o by the way there a whole other month before we release episode 2.
If you guys are really bored and Really angry play Sniper Elite V2 Demo. I mean I want to reccomend donating to Kickstarter Modest Medusa Season 2 again or XBL indie Games Bureau because I love both of them but I'm Addicted to SEV2 Demo
the last thing said is this "I'll more more in-depth thoughts on the next episode of The Walking Dead, which releases later this summer, next week."
so episode 2 might come out next week, but who knows.
I actually took that to mean it won't be coming next week - usually previews like that from Kotaku are generally at least a week in advance of the actual release.
It does appear from some of those previews that they've been doing a significant amount of 'adjusting' to the game. As much as I enjoyed the first ep, if the delay means the second will be better, I'm all for it.
Saying you'll release monthly and not doing so is still fake advertisement, which in my country is a crime, dunno about yours.
I believe the words you are looking for is "false advertisement" and your argument falls flat because in order for that to be the case they would have had to have promised something they knew they weren't going to deliver on. That was not the case here. Please learn your law before you go to your lawyer (which I doubt you can afford if you are complaining like this. People with lawyers tend to know when something is illegal.)
Hey all, I've spoken to a few people on here about how to get a refund for my Season Pass, and I know others have e-mailed telltale about it and gotten no response, not even your typical, "Thanks for e-mailing us we don't give a sh*t" response message. Is a refund even possible? With my entire bases being: They falsely advertised monthly installments. (Episode 1 was out in April and none in May = Not Monthly) I know a lot of ppl are bothered by this and I am just wondering what would need to be done, if anything could even be done at this point, and at E3 did they EVER give the exact date? Because if they did I've missed it. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.
Yeah I think it would be good if our comments in some way influenced the game like the Sam and max game you spoke of, however I heard the developers say in the playing dead interview that they already know where they’re going with the story and our suggestions and the overall game stats won't change their direction. They just like to hear our predictions for their own personal amusement.
There's an overall story already in place, but they have freedom to work within that. I believe the Sam & Max example was the same way.
Personally I don't think their making us wait for episode 2 because they need to. I think their doing it because they can. I find it hard to believe and accept that the game they demonstrated at E3 is far from completion, yet I have recently read posts saying they are planning to release it in the next month or 2.
No company looking for profit would intentionally antagonise their customers 'because they can'. Though I agree if episode 2 gets pushed into July/August, that would be unacceptable.
The whole point of them making TWD episodic was to fit in with the episodic nature of the comics and the TV show.
Most TellTale's games are episodic. Like a pilot episode of a TV series they test the waters, and can provide an immediate cash injection to lessen the risks of development. If they had released nothing until the game was completely finished, a multitude of bad things could have happened. Maybe they'd get distracted and work on another franchise, maybe they'd be no interest for it, or maybe they'd simply run out of money. This method of distribution has it's own drawbacks, but overall I think it's a great idea for the smaller studios.
I think this is just sad. Many people here already told that they were angry because of the lack of an apology. But i still see people writing 'delays happen, get over it'. Also no offense, but the way i understand 'releasing once per month' means 'releasing once per month' so they DO need to apologize for the delay but they just changed that to 'approximately once per month'. When you say that, you mean you're hoping to release it once per month and it's good to inform your customers even if you didnt have to. Noone ever forced them to release it once per month. They put that deadline themselves and now, they dont even care to apologize. Personally i wouldnt be angry if they told me 'something went wrong, we're sorry, we'll release it 4 months later' because then, i would feel that the company didnt treat me bad and they cared to inform me and because of TTG, people here are eating each other. I dont mean to insult anyone of you here, these are just my opinions.
at E3 did they EVER give the exact date? Because if they did I've missed it. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.
They DID give an approximation of when it will be out and that was by the end of June.
By the end of June = It can come out within today(10th) - 30th June. Somewhere between those dates
Originally Posted by ommmnomnomnom
You did make off subject comparisons...you got owned, live with it.
An OFF TOPIC COMPARISON HAD to be made with these people to explain the facts of why there might be delays in the episodic game, as a lot of people just find it hard to understand simple words like End of June, other games had a 1/2 month gaps due to some minor/major difficulties. Due to this if others can't make out something, it has to be explained in another easier way for them and that easier way is to make an OFF TOPIC COMPARISON, exactly how you mentioned it
I hope people stop complaining and just talk about the new preview and what you guys think about it and start conversations about the video rather than continuing on the release date matter.
Here are 2 sites with reviews about ep2(Spoiler Alert)
and because of TTG, people here are eating each other. I dont mean to insult anyone of you here, these are just my opinions.
Well to be honest man you just gave me the greatest idea of what I think TTG are doing and why they haven't given us any info.
My reasoning is:
Are you even realizing what you guys are doing ? You're "Eating each other", exactly like what is happening in the game. Lee and the rest are eating each other, insulting and trying to keep the situation as clean as possible. Even if it means killing someone who they THINK is bitten. All these facts are happening here in this particular thread/forum and that's what and why TTG didn't release any info, to see for themselves how WE(TTG customers) react to all this and to know if the impact of the game affects us to. They would have probably released the info you all been waiting for once all this was seen and proved.
Well this is my whole theory about the whole thing.
Looking forward to all responses about the post :P
I have to admit, I really like the periodic release of episodes more than I thought I would. It reminds me of the way Stephen King initially released 'The Green Mile', and how much I enjoyed the anticipation of the next installment of the series. I am not a rich man, so getting 'content' in small pieces, with small prices, really appeals to me. I hope that this type of 'episodic gaming' will catch on and other devs will also give it a try. That being said, I am very ready for episode 2!
I have to admit, I really like the periodic release of episodes more than I thought I would. It reminds me of the way Stephen King initially released 'The Green Mile', and how much I enjoyed the anticipation of the next installment of the series. I am not a rich man, so getting 'content' in small pieces, with small prices, really appeals to me. I hope that this type of 'episodic gaming' will catch on and other devs will also give it a try. That being said, I am very ready for episode 2!
So... 1/ Theres 5 parts each about 2 hours long making 10 hours of gameplay for £25.
2/ Gameplay that is much better than most other games out there which cost around £40.
3/ Its The Walking Dead
No question...well worth the wait!!
Plus Im hoping the delays are because they have been listening to fans and making improvements (I know it doesnt need them, but still....)
Nunya wants a refund, not sueing them. What's the problem?
And yes, Telltale lied, you can like it or not but it's what happened, because this is not officially a "delay". It's normal there's people that wanted a refund.
I hope not... I mean we already have the dlc's model... why give them more reason to delay content.
Well they way telltale does it is fine(minus the delay here) as you still pay for the game cheaper than a normal game.
But then again, I can see how this model can go horribly wrong too. Sonic 4 only has 2 episodes, is shorter than the WD episodes, and each episode is $15!
but half life 2 ep3 /hl3 will be pure awesome no question they will do something new original and redefine the fps genre and believe me the fps genre needs it... too much 'fish in the sea'...
portal and l4d show valve know what they are doing (the sequels of them two games not so much)
but half life 2 ep3 /hl3 will be pure awesome no question they will do something new original and redefine the fps genre and believe me the fps genre needs it... too much 'fish in the sea'...
portal and l4d show valve know what they are doing (the sequels of them two games not so much)
I'm sure it will(And don't you go dissin portal 2 ), but they still failed the episodic model pretty dang hard.
I don't watch that kind of TV shows. I'm glad that you do.
Do you have some kind of problem with what I said at any moment, buddy?
On the Episode A patient who you'd call Joe Consumer is Dropped aka had his game delayed. The chief in charge tells everyone to shut up about it and admit nothing because he doesnt want to get sued. Joe doesn't want to sue Joe just wants an apology for being dropped but An apology is an admission of guilt so the Chief wont allow it Eventually an Alzheimers patient who was formerly a doctor there and believes he still is apologizes for it he explains that everyones scared and Joe says that they're scared? imagine how he feels. and the guy explains he understands and he's sorry. The Chief overhears and comes over saying the guy doesnt work for them and that the Apology isn't on behalf of the hospital because the guy doesnt have the authority and Joe tells him that it was never about a lawsuit even the kids in his class know if you make a mistake you apologize.
Does knowing the context make it feel less like an insult?
Somehow I don't think this will make the list of fun things to do while waiting for Episode 2. :0) Sorry you had to deal w/ such a crappy task.
A Joke at my expense and a Pun on top. Impressive
i agree
What makes you think... nah we could literally do this all night
the last thing said is this "I'll more more in-depth thoughts on the next episode of The Walking Dead, which releases later this summer, next week."
so episode 2 might come out next week, but who knows.
Thanks, guy!
You can always try to file a civil case (I can try to file against you for breathing air, it will just get thrown out).
I actually took that to mean it won't be coming next week - usually previews like that from Kotaku are generally at least a week in advance of the actual release.
It does appear from some of those previews that they've been doing a significant amount of 'adjusting' to the game. As much as I enjoyed the first ep, if the delay means the second will be better, I'm all for it.
START EDITING YOUR POSTS please. Double, triple and even quadruple posting is out of line.
I believe the words you are looking for is "false advertisement" and your argument falls flat because in order for that to be the case they would have had to have promised something they knew they weren't going to deliver on. That was not the case here. Please learn your law before you go to your lawyer (which I doubt you can afford if you are complaining like this. People with lawyers tend to know when something is illegal.)
See above post.
See above post about editing posts instead of double posting.
No company looking for profit would intentionally antagonise their customers 'because they can'. Though I agree if episode 2 gets pushed into July/August, that would be unacceptable.
Most TellTale's games are episodic. Like a pilot episode of a TV series they test the waters, and can provide an immediate cash injection to lessen the risks of development. If they had released nothing until the game was completely finished, a multitude of bad things could have happened. Maybe they'd get distracted and work on another franchise, maybe they'd be no interest for it, or maybe they'd simply run out of money. This method of distribution has it's own drawbacks, but overall I think it's a great idea for the smaller studios.
They DID give an approximation of when it will be out and that was by the end of June.
By the end of June = It can come out within today(10th) - 30th June. Somewhere between those dates
Originally Posted by ommmnomnomnom
You did make off subject comparisons...you got owned, live with it.
An OFF TOPIC COMPARISON HAD to be made with these people to explain the facts of why there might be delays in the episodic game, as a lot of people just find it hard to understand simple words like End of June, other games had a 1/2 month gaps due to some minor/major difficulties. Due to this if others can't make out something, it has to be explained in another easier way for them and that easier way is to make an OFF TOPIC COMPARISON, exactly how you mentioned it
Thanks for listening :P
There is an edit button, start using it for Pete's sake.
You did did you ? Then why don't you just grab your chair, go in front of your PC and just play the game again to:
1)Refresh your memory of the game
2)Make different playthroughs and different choices.
What's the hold-up of doing so ?
He means that double posting(like you have done here) isn't allowed when you could just edit the original post and add what you want there.
You mean like something I just did ? :P
I want to say some thing's which I hope I will content everybody who's been waiting for ep2.
First off here's a preview of the game for ep2(Spoiler - If you don't want to, don't watch it)
I hope people stop complaining and just talk about the new preview and what you guys think about it and start conversations about the video rather than continuing on the release date matter.
Here are 2 sites with reviews about ep2(Spoiler Alert)
Well to be honest man you just gave me the greatest idea of what I think TTG are doing and why they haven't given us any info.
My reasoning is:
Are you even realizing what you guys are doing ? You're "Eating each other", exactly like what is happening in the game. Lee and the rest are eating each other, insulting and trying to keep the situation as clean as possible. Even if it means killing someone who they THINK is bitten. All these facts are happening here in this particular thread/forum and that's what and why TTG didn't release any info, to see for themselves how WE(TTG customers) react to all this and to know if the impact of the game affects us to. They would have probably released the info you all been waiting for once all this was seen and proved.
Well this is my whole theory about the whole thing.
Looking forward to all responses about the post
haha glad someone agree's and i think spawner just owned omnom by their own logic... 1-1
always polite there vaino, even in an atmosphere of extreme pessimism ?
welcome to the forums
Checkout ttg other games you may be surprised
Much bettah.
2/ Gameplay that is much better than most other games out there which cost around £40.
3/ Its The Walking Dead
No question...well worth the wait!!
Plus Im hoping the delays are because they have been listening to fans and making improvements (I know it doesnt need them, but still....)
Nunya wants a refund, not sueing them. What's the problem?
And yes, Telltale lied, you can like it or not but it's what happened, because this is not officially a "delay". It's normal there's people that wanted a refund.
Well they way telltale does it is fine(minus the delay here) as you still pay for the game cheaper than a normal game.
But then again, I can see how this model can go horribly wrong too. Sonic 4 only has 2 episodes, is shorter than the WD episodes, and each episode is $15!
And then there's valve...
but half life 2 ep3 /hl3 will be pure awesome no question they will do something new original and redefine the fps genre and believe me the fps genre needs it... too much 'fish in the sea'...
portal and l4d show valve know what they are doing (the sequels of them two games not so much)
I'm sure it will(And don't you go dissin portal 2
also the 'reviewers' thoughts on sequels can be applied to other games..
and zombiebahls welcome to the forum ! care to elaborate more ?