Lets see would you rather have a game full of glitches (dead island anyone) or a game that is 95% glitches free.
Ah, so not glitch free... just less glitches. Anyway it's not a free roam so you could say it's going to be full of gamebreaking bugs... gameplay is not what sells this game, it's the story.
I agree that it would be awesome to have this episode already. But ish happens. Its that simple. Walking around mad at the world will not get us this awesome game any faster.
Were talking about glitches that hinder game play. Ive NEVER played a game that was glitches free.
Some people who bought PS3 version are having serious stuttering problems (not mentioning PS3 version's lack of self-shadowing and strange blocky lighting effects).
Some people who bought PS3 version are having serious stuttering problems (not mentioning PS3 version's lack of self-shadowing and strange blocky lighting effects).
That's because the PS3 is inferior .
But. Maybe that is one of the things they are trying to fix
Look how the fanboys defend to Telltale even when they have no right. So cute.
First (one more time), from The Walking Dead forums FAQ:
"We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month."
A month has 30 or 31 days. Now it has passed two months after the first episode release. They'll show a video where at the end says "June" like "as initially planned, guys". They NEVER confirmed this as a delay. There is no notification on the forums, or apologize either. NOTHING. I mean, officially, this is not even a delay. It's a time travel using the DeLorean. Great Scott!
Seriously, I love the games that Telltale makes including The Walking Dead (I'm a The Walking Dead fan besides) but this is not serious and they are wrong having this manners towards us.
+10 That's what makes this whole saga such a train wreck...some fanboys think that Dev's can and should take as long as they need.
However that should only be the case if they haven't made a commitment and taken your money, and all without giving a reasonable explanation. Which just leaves some forum members flaming the paying public who signs up to complain or voice concern about the delay having supported the developer by buying the game based on a CLEAR commitment of the delivery timescales of Monthly Episodes....
We do expect the game to be delivered as glitch free as possible within the timescales set by Telltale Games themselves because that's what we have paid for...
The consumer does have some rights still, and one of them is the right to complain.
First (one more time), from The Walking Dead forums FAQ:
"We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month."
"We have plans" doesn't have to mean that this is what will be....plans may change.
One thing however imo is handled wrong by TTG - after so many posts in this forum and on facebook it would have been a whole lot easier to just calm the fans down by telling them a few words about the release date and the delay. I myself think that the only reason for the delay is E3 (it takes time for a company to prepare for such a big event and such events are very important for game companys so it ist understandable that they were there). This means that it is a one time delay only and the next episodes will be released monthly"ish". I am o.k. with that and I have time.
Everybody who demands the money back because breach of contract - stay in the real life, please! It is just one harmless delay and nobodys life depends on it...in your contract however there never were fixed release dates so the release date itself was not part of your contract.
Consumers invest time, passion, money in the game so literally there investors even if not physically. This, plus stock holders don't need to know an estimate time of when TTg has to perform it's contractual obligation (all they what to know is: WHAT'S THE PROFIT? (or something similar).
You are going to talk metaphysics now? I'm talking about cold hard facts. You cannot quantify passion spent, nor time. Money you might have something in it, if it weren't for the fact that you were the one that committed to a game that is projected for an extended release schedule, not the other way around. Investors however, need release dates for projected profit margins. Release dates can be used to show how much profit they gained from a particular product line, such as...Oh I don't know, lets just say...The Walking Dead. Release dates let stock holders know when to start expecting profits from that particular line...because you do realize that the company works for the stock holders, right? The stock holders are the ones that get final say. So what you said about stock holders not needing that information? You kind of have that reversed.
Doesn't change the fact that you were using logical fallacies.
I would also like to point out something else.
Read that line from telltale on their faq again.
"We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month."
Key word there is plans. They planned it, it didn't happen. Life goes on.
r u xbox fanboy? Seriously dude that's not even funny that they can't match all the versions. The game's engine don't seem demanding.
They developed the game for each platform independently. The PC version is not the same as the ps3 or xbox version. Hell its not even the same as the steam version.
I'm done with this topic, people defending TTG's are just as bad as the irrational people. Have fun getting walked on the rest of your lives because **** happens, and you accept it
I'm done with this topic, people defending TTG's are just as bad as the irrational people. Have fun getting walked on the rest of your lives because **** happens, and you accept it
Yes we are getting g walked on because we are waiting g FOR A GAME. I'm not waiting for a fucking heart transplant. ITS A GAME lol. Dammit.
Do they not release games on the weekend at all was looking at the poll and didn't see that. Well I would like to predict Saturday the 23 or 26 of tuesday if weekends are a no
Do they not release games on the weekend at all was looking at the poll and didn't see that. Well I would like to predict Saturday the 23 or 26 of tuesday if weekends are a no
Correct, Telltale does not do weekend releases (or at least, never has in the past).
Hello everyone! This is my very first post on any kinda internet gaming forum so please try not to rip me a new one too quickly heh. Two things then I'll shut my yap...First thing just because it needs to be said by EVERY disgruntled costumer is this...A) The delay isn't whats wrong, its not the fact that any amount of time was taken out to fix or polish or whatever the damned reason is...The problem is..and only is....That they wont come right out and tell us the release date. I think we can all agree that wouldnt detract anything from their work schedule or take away any company resources so yes...as much as you fanboys might want to think they wouldnt be jerks...Telltale not telling you when the release date is EXACTLY...is them being jerks..because they do know. *Takes deep breath* Ok onto the second point which isnt even really connected to the first one...Someone was complaining, actually complaining about all the bugs and glitches in ep 1 for PS3? Well guess what Spanky (because I wont use your actual nick..Trolls dont deserve the acclaim) thats the version I bought...also got my Jurassic Park that way...both games work flawlessly so far..and this is my third play through of of episode 1...Theres been no choppy dialogue, no cell shading issues what so ever, and not a single freeze or impassable 'screw up glitch'..Then again..Maybe Spanky there is right and not a complete moron...Maybe I and I alone somehow got ahold of a PS3 and Walking Dead ep1 that isnt full of glitches..thats clearly what it is...
Why would they give a release date when they don't know when they are gonna release it? What if something happens(God forbid) and it has to be pushed back a few days. THATS why.
Maybe I and I alone somehow got ahold of a PS3 and Walking Dead ep1 that isnt full of glitches..thats clearly what it is...
I haven't experienced glitches either. My complaints are about lack of self-shadowing and strange blocky lighting effect glitches in Clem's house.
Don't get me wrong episode 1 is absolutly fantastic, very emotional and I enjoyed it a lot, but I really want that problems fixed... especially light effect glitch, self-shadowing is not that important cos of stylised graphics.
The delay isn't whats wrong, its not the fact that any amount of time was taken out to fix or polish or whatever the damned reason is...The problem is..and only is....That they wont come right out and tell us the release date. I think we can all agree that wouldnt detract anything from their work schedule or take away any company resources so yes...as much as you fanboys might want to think they wouldnt be jerks...Telltale not telling you when the release date is EXACTLY...is them being jerks..because they do know.
I'm gonna try to be as nice as possible when I say this, so don't take offense.
Telltale has never given release dates for their games because they don't want to be locked into a hard deadline and have to play catch up afterwards. They give release "windows" if you will, like "late june" or "early may" but nothing more specific, because it gives them something to work for. And even when they give that much information, they get shit on by people if they don't meet that, so you know all the hate they are getting right now? Times that by a million more if they actually did say a date and didn't meet it.
I haven't posted much on the telltale forum before, but have been a silent fan of their games for a while now. I adore the games they put out, the focus on storytelling, and trust that episode 2 will be well worth the wait. I think why people (including myself) are truly bothered by the wait, is that the first episode was that good. If it weren't good, no one would be excited to see what happens next. It would be nice to have an idea of what day to look forward to, as I've been checking the blogs frequently, but I just wanted to also state how consistent and good this company is with story. Storytelling sometimes shouldn't be rushed. I just hope it winds up being worth the wait. I'm guessing it will be. I also agree that it wouldn't hurt for telltale to be more transparent about these things. Transparency is a hugely beneficial thing in business these days, and might be worth considering.
I'm not 'offended'..However its not 'unreasonable' to expect a a 'release' date..Robert Kirkman himself..you know the man who actually writes all the Walking Dead stuff manages to get his issues out on time..now not always mind you..There have been a couple of times when the TWD came out a week or two behind schedule. Silence breeds uncertainty. It just seems to me that the company itself would benefit more from providing something..anything...given the growing concerns. I certainly wouldnt ask that they rush anything, I wouldnt ask that they nail themselves down too hard..but talking to your customers is -NEVER- a bad idea. Also..any job that involves deadlines..and I'm sorry if some people on this forum are actually too young to understand this but..Any job that involves a deadline..You have to meet it. Robert Kirkman made The Walking Dead..and he has to meet a deadline. All of you in college know that when you have to write a term paper..you can't tell your prof "Yeah I'll have it to you by....the end of of the month or the beginning of next month..just a window." Look I understand and respect defending a company you love. (Lord knows I do the same thing with Avatar Press). Also, hate to say it but ah...not completing the episodes before they released the game..Was probably not the smartest sales idea. Does any of this make Telltale a bad company? No. Does this mean no one should enjoy the game? Of course not. Does it mean that the people who work for Telltale are bad people? Again no...All -I- am saying is that its a series of unwise decisions that have caused this whole bloody mess.
You are going to talk metaphysics now? I'm talking about cold hard facts. You cannot quantify passion spent, nor time. Money you might have something in it, if it weren't for the fact that you were the one that committed to a game that is projected for an extended release schedule, not the other way around. Investors however, need release dates for projected profit margins. Release dates can be used to show how much profit they gained from a particular product line, such as...Oh I don't know, lets just say...The Walking Dead. Release dates let stock holders know when to start expecting profits from that particular line...because you do realize that the company works for the stock holders, right? The stock holders are the ones that get final say. So what you said about stock holders not needing that information? You kind of have that reversed.
Telltale Games is not a publicly traded company therefore it does not have stock holders. The consumers are the company's primary source of capital and therefore are their main investors.
Telltale Games is not a publicly traded company therefore it does not have stock holders. The consumers are the company's primary source of capital and therefore are their main investors.
That actually is untrue. Just because a company is not publicly traded does not mean there are no shareholders. That becomes what is known as private shareholders, and private shareholders are, in fact, stock holders.
That actually is untrue. Just because a company is not publicly traded does not mean there are no shareholders. That becomes what is known as private shareholders, and private shareholders are, in fact, stock holders.
Granite Ventures and IDG Ventures SF are like banks because they provide initial capital to a company and might provide more overtime and when the companies they give money to pay them back they lose ties, so therefore they are not private shareholders.
Ok first of all "writing" a comic book is..indeed...a -VERY- hard task...and I wouldn't say that its too awfully 'easier' than making a video game. ALOT of people work on TWD the comic..not just Robert Kirkman sitting in a basement somewhere. A comic can be delayed because the marketing guys screw up, because the printing guys screw up..hell in the modern age alot of comics are done digitally as well. However Kirkman himself has long stated that he writes whole story archs weeks and sometimes months in advance..Thats not something 'exclusive' to comic books. I have never said that Telltale shouldnt do its episode style...infact I think that adds a certain comic 'feel'. However they shouldnt have to 'make' episode 2..they should have already made episode 2 and thus when its 'release date' rolled around it would have simply been a matter of the guys in charge of handling sales and advertisements doing their thing. I'm not even really sweating the delay that much its just..a bad way to plan things out in my opinion. Also walkingdeadhead...you completely missed the point of what I was saying...Everyone in this life works under deadlines. Its an unfortunate fact of the real world. Now maybe your right that making a whole video game is harder than one comic but...since you know obviously very little of robert Kirkman's work...allow me to educate you what he does. Aside from consulting on games like telltales TWD and the AMC television show...He also writes Invincible, The Walking Dead, has written two mini-specials for Brit, he launched Skybound publishing 2010...I mean this guy has written for everyone from Marvel to even doing 10 pilot comics for Top Cow since he started writing the TWD..and I tell you almost never a late release. I mean is the basis of your arguement really going to be that Robert Kirkman has an easy job?
I didn't say he had the easiest of jobs. RK isn't even that hands on with the game. The point is you have. TONS of people working on walking dead comics I.e artists, designers. So on and so forth. Kirk works his ass off but has alot of help.Telltale is a small almost independent developer. Also video games are a completely different medium then most other things that are done. No crap most of us work under a deadline. But we aren't programmers. Video games have to be the most delayed artistic artform. Movies are prob 2nd. Computers can crash, get viruses, and a number of other things. Its not like its been a year. Its been 6 weeks lol.
Even if ttg released a statement, everyone that's bitching would find something else to bitch about.
Granite Ventures and IDG Ventures SF are like banks because they provide initial capital to a company and might provide more overtime and when the companies they give money to pay them back they lose ties, so therefore they are not private shareholders.
Fair enough, but this was as of June 11th, last year: Telltale Games, a leading independent digital publisher of cinematic adventures and a pioneer of episodic content delivery, has closed a $7 million round of Series C funding with IDG Ventures, Granite Ventures and several of their original angel investors. The financing will be used to support new product launches and enhance the company’s multi-platform publishing infrastructure, with a focus on connected consumer technologies.
Still say most of their income is from consumers? And they have no private investors, eh?
Your motivation (even if i was wrong) does not entitle you to tell people "Shit happens"... maybe you could if you paid for everyone else.
Actually, I paid just as much as you did, putting me on equal ground to tell people to stop with wild accusations. I payed for the right to say that.
Really? You paid for the right to tell people "Shit happens"? Where did it say that? According to you the game did not even have an actual release date for ep.2 (even if it said monthly). Talk about EQUALITY....
Investors however, need release dates for projected profit margins. Release dates can be used to show how much profit they gained from a particular product line, such as...Oh I don't know, lets just say...The Walking Dead. Release dates let stock holders know when to start expecting profits from that particular line...because you do realize that the company works for the stock holders, right? The stock holders are the ones that get final say. So what you said about stock holders not needing that information? You kind of have that reversed.
Wrong, I said that this particular info does not show profit, just when TTg should fulfill it's contractual obligations.
"We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month."
Key word there is plans. They planned it, it didn't happen. Life goes on.
And now they face the angry mob... they should have said: we plan on releasing 5 episodes as soon as we can/in the near future... indicateing that it's not set in stones, they actually made a PLAN so they literally took a schedule in consideration.
Still say most of their income is from consumers? And they have no private investors, eh?
Q: What does TTg do? A: Makes and sells games. Q: What do investors expect? A: Profit from making and selling games... so in the end income still comes from sales (investments are long term credits... that have to be paid back or else noone would freely invest)
Really? You paid for the right to tell people "Shit happens"? Where did it say that? According to you the game did not even have an actual release date for ep.2 (even if it said monthly). Talk about EQUALITY....
Right in the same place that said you had the right to complain because you paid.
DN:F? Did you pay for it 10 years ago and you only got it last year? No... so the situation is not even SLIGHTLY comparable.
Actually, gamestop did put out pre-orders for duke nukem forever about 15 years ago... if you held onto your receipt for all that time, you would still have the ability to pick up the game when it did release. So yes, comparable. And, by the way, thank you for a good example of ad hominem.
Wrong, I said that this particular info does not show profit, just when TTg should fulfill it's contractual obligations.
An investment contract is a contractual obligation. and considering their investors shelled out 7 million dollars, I say they have more of a right to know than you. It's a business contract. They need release dates to project profit margins. It has everything to do with it.
And now they face the angry mob... they should have said: we plan on releasing 5 episodes as soon as we can/in the near future... indicateing that it's not set in stones, they actually made a PLAN so they literally took a schedule in consideration.
Yes, a plan for the investors so that they could project the profit margins. Not so you can complain that you don't get your game when you want it. Do you have a right to complain? Sure, knock yourself out. Do I have a right to call you on it? Sure do!
Fair enough, but this was as of June 11th, last year: Telltale Games, a leading independent digital publisher of cinematic adventures and a pioneer of episodic content delivery, has closed a $7 million round of Series C funding with IDG Ventures, Granite Ventures and several of their original angel investors. The financing will be used to support new product launches and enhance the company’s multi-platform publishing infrastructure, with a focus on connected consumer technologies.
Still say most of their income is from consumers? And they have no private investors, eh?
True enough they get money from them but their income is what they get from customers buying the product, the money that they get from venture companies would be classified as an asset on the balance sheet and it has no place on the income statement and therefore would not be considered income.
True enough they get money from them but their income is what they get from customers buying the product, the money that they get from venture companies would be classified as an asset on the balance sheet and it has no place on the income statement and therefore would not be considered income.
”Regarding the investment Chris Hollenbeck, Managing Director of Granite Ventures said, “This team rocks. All the big trends in the video game business are converging toward the vision Telltale has had from the start ... they are positioned to lead the next wave and we're proud to be a part of it.”
Sounds to me like they have a vested interest in it. And perhaps still have a need for the information that I was talking about.
Lets put it in terms of movie production: The investors are the executive producers. They have final say, and when they set a release date, its so that the executive producers know when to expect to see returns.
”Regarding the investment Chris Hollenbeck, Managing Director of Granite Ventures said, “This team rocks. All the big trends in the video game business are converging toward the vision Telltale has had from the start ... they are positioned to lead the next wave and we're proud to be a part of it.”
Sounds to me like they have a vested interest in it. And perhaps still have a need for the information that I was talking about.
The customers who invested money by buying the game have the same right as the investors to knowledge of when the next episode is coming and why it is being delayed because with unhappy consumers businesses wouldn't exist and venture companies wouldn't invest money into a company that has a small consumer base because a majority of consumers are unhappy with said company and the company would go out of business.
yes, but one game will not break Telltale. Trust me on this. It's the first time they have had communication issues with their customer base. And trust me, they have had plenty of times where it was more convenient to keep quiet...the silence is puzzling, but it wont end their customer base.
Were talking about glitches that hinder game play. Ive NEVER played a game that was glitches free.
That's because the PS3 is inferior
But. Maybe that is one of the things they are trying to fix
+10 That's what makes this whole saga such a train wreck...some fanboys think that Dev's can and should take as long as they need.
However that should only be the case if they haven't made a commitment and taken your money, and all without giving a reasonable explanation. Which just leaves some forum members flaming the paying public who signs up to complain or voice concern about the delay having supported the developer by buying the game based on a CLEAR commitment of the delivery timescales of Monthly Episodes....
We do expect the game to be delivered as glitch free as possible within the timescales set by Telltale Games themselves because that's what we have paid for...
The consumer does have some rights still, and one of them is the right to complain.
This is a free country so we have every right
"We have plans" doesn't have to mean that this is what will be....plans may change.
One thing however imo is handled wrong by TTG - after so many posts in this forum and on facebook it would have been a whole lot easier to just calm the fans down by telling them a few words about the release date and the delay. I myself think that the only reason for the delay is E3 (it takes time for a company to prepare for such a big event and such events are very important for game companys so it ist understandable that they were there). This means that it is a one time delay only and the next episodes will be released monthly"ish". I am o.k. with that and I have time.
Everybody who demands the money back because breach of contract - stay in the real life, please! It is just one harmless delay and nobodys life depends on it...in your contract however there never were fixed release dates so the release date itself was not part of your contract.
Actually...you are spot on. Duke Nukem Forever, anyone?
You are going to talk metaphysics now? I'm talking about cold hard facts. You cannot quantify passion spent, nor time. Money you might have something in it, if it weren't for the fact that you were the one that committed to a game that is projected for an extended release schedule, not the other way around. Investors however, need release dates for projected profit margins. Release dates can be used to show how much profit they gained from a particular product line, such as...Oh I don't know, lets just say...The Walking Dead. Release dates let stock holders know when to start expecting profits from that particular line...because you do realize that the company works for the stock holders, right? The stock holders are the ones that get final say. So what you said about stock holders not needing that information? You kind of have that reversed.
Oh look at that, there is a link to buy the game right on amazon, oh and on this site too! Awesome! There are always options.
Doesn't change the fact that you were using logical fallacies.
I would also like to point out something else.
Read that line from telltale on their faq again.
"We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month."
Key word there is plans. They planned it, it didn't happen. Life goes on.
They developed the game for each platform independently. The PC version is not the same as the ps3 or xbox version. Hell its not even the same as the steam version.
Yes we are getting g walked on because we are waiting g FOR A GAME. I'm not waiting for a fucking heart transplant. ITS A GAME lol. Dammit.
Correct, Telltale does not do weekend releases (or at least, never has in the past).
But who knows. May e that could change. But probably not
Don't get me wrong episode 1 is absolutly fantastic, very emotional and I enjoyed it a lot, but I really want that problems fixed... especially light effect glitch, self-shadowing is not that important cos of stylised graphics.
Telltale has never given release dates for their games because they don't want to be locked into a hard deadline and have to play catch up afterwards. They give release "windows" if you will, like "late june" or "early may" but nothing more specific, because it gives them something to work for. And even when they give that much information, they get shit on by people if they don't meet that, so you know all the hate they are getting right now? Times that by a million more if they actually did say a date and didn't meet it.
HAHAHA!!!! Well said. If this is getting walked on, go start using drugs, or rob a bank. Get some real life problems.
That actually is untrue. Just because a company is not publicly traded does not mean there are no shareholders. That becomes what is known as private shareholders, and private shareholders are, in fact, stock holders.
It's a product that I've purchased (or prepruchased).
I don't agree with the manners are treating us. Maybe you do. I think that's a lack of respect.
Granite Ventures and IDG Ventures SF are like banks because they provide initial capital to a company and might provide more overtime and when the companies they give money to pay them back they lose ties, so therefore they are not private shareholders.
Even if ttg released a statement, everyone that's bitching would find something else to bitch about.
Fair enough, but this was as of June 11th, last year: Telltale Games, a leading independent digital publisher of cinematic adventures and a pioneer of episodic content delivery, has closed a $7 million round of Series C funding with IDG Ventures, Granite Ventures and several of their original angel investors. The financing will be used to support new product launches and enhance the company’s multi-platform publishing infrastructure, with a focus on connected consumer technologies.
Still say most of their income is from consumers? And they have no private investors, eh?
DN:F? Did you pay for it 10 years ago and you only got it last year? No... so the situation is not even SLIGHTLY comparable.
Wrong, I said that this particular info does not show profit, just when TTg should fulfill it's contractual obligations.
Amazon does not ship where I live... anything else to add?
Not that you don't...
And now they face the angry mob... they should have said: we plan on releasing 5 episodes as soon as we can/in the near future... indicateing that it's not set in stones, they actually made a PLAN so they literally took a schedule in consideration.
Q: What does TTg do? A: Makes and sells games. Q: What do investors expect? A: Profit from making and selling games... so in the end income still comes from sales (investments are long term credits... that have to be paid back or else noone would freely invest)
Actually, gamestop did put out pre-orders for duke nukem forever about 15 years ago... if you held onto your receipt for all that time, you would still have the ability to pick up the game when it did release. So yes, comparable. And, by the way, thank you for a good example of ad hominem.
An investment contract is a contractual obligation. and considering their investors shelled out 7 million dollars, I say they have more of a right to know than you. It's a business contract. They need release dates to project profit margins. It has everything to do with it.
Yup, Some people see obstacles, others see challenges to rise above.
Show me my logical fallacy.
Yes, a plan for the investors so that they could project the profit margins. Not so you can complain that you don't get your game when you want it. Do you have a right to complain? Sure, knock yourself out. Do I have a right to call you on it? Sure do!
True enough they get money from them but their income is what they get from customers buying the product, the money that they get from venture companies would be classified as an asset on the balance sheet and it has no place on the income statement and therefore would not be considered income.
”Regarding the investment Chris Hollenbeck, Managing Director of Granite Ventures said, “This team rocks. All the big trends in the video game business are converging toward the vision Telltale has had from the start ... they are positioned to lead the next wave and we're proud to be a part of it.”
Sounds to me like they have a vested interest in it. And perhaps still have a need for the information that I was talking about.
Lets put it in terms of movie production: The investors are the executive producers. They have final say, and when they set a release date, its so that the executive producers know when to expect to see returns.
The customers who invested money by buying the game have the same right as the investors to knowledge of when the next episode is coming and why it is being delayed because with unhappy consumers businesses wouldn't exist and venture companies wouldn't invest money into a company that has a small consumer base because a majority of consumers are unhappy with said company and the company would go out of business.