I don't know what is wrong with each complaining persons' computers. Each of them always have bugs and random errors. Duh... I am using a computer which is below minimum system requirements and it had NO in game bugs at all, I could beat that "redneck" all day long without game crashing/bugging/etc. And it never freezed for me as well. Majority of problems are people related not game related. They do not update video cards drivers and then complain about bugged game experience...
Nice try but he had it on the ps3, had nothing to do with specs just bad developing friend :-)
I should have expected the it's NOT THE DEVELOPERS FAULT IT'S YOUR COMPUTERS FAULT WAAAAAH, argument coming though...
This is the one point of the game so far, where the point of it being a game, and so needing to follow a set path was brought in to blinding focus: The Generator and the barn door.
The farmhand mentions to Lee that the generator (that's powering the fence that is keeping walkers out, part of the reason that the group view the dairy as the better option to the Motel) can be temperamental and if it goes down, can take a long time to fix. That thing is keeping them safe. I did all I could not to mechanically sabotage the device, even beyond the point where it was just absurd that he didn't call me out on it! I was laughing. I mean, an "innocent" yet insistent barrage of questions about the door, and tools around that topic, and the guy didn't react strongly.
Plus, the button mashing bit with the fight at the live fence - I died plenty of times to that. It wanted frantic. I found that difficult. I think this is probably the current weakest episode, even though it was not bad. I liked the dynamic differences between the two locations, the perception of the dairy, and the character interactions at the Motel. It introduced a successful injection of tension and moved the narrative into not just physical survival, but added a new level of group politics.
Was I the only one to know instantly that the brothers were sinister, literally instantly? Within a minute or two, after walking to the farm I guessed them to be cannibals too, it was all very cliched, saw it coming a mile away still awesome though. I've backed Kenny on everything except killing Larry, can't believe how pissy he is now over it, I didn't insult him or anything. Kenny, i saved your son twice now ya dickhead!
Feel bummed about giving Larry some food I thought I might be able to bring him around...enjoy the salt lick in asshole heaven ya big headed douche bag.
Holy fuck that episode was amazing. I sort of guessed that (Spoiler)
. Had some really cool parts like (Spoiler)
. Was good to see more of… more Katjaa and Lilly although I felt kind of cheated that (Spoiler)
. What sort of decisions did you guys make? I (Spoiler)
. Can't wait for Episode 3 though, although the delay was disappointing for this game I am pretty happy with the end result and especially the length for just one episode.
Edit: Also I loved the battery reference at the end with Carley.
Was I the only one to know instantly that the brothers were sinister, literally instantly? Within a minute or two, after walking to the farm… more I guessed them to be cannibals too, it was all very cliched, saw it coming a mile away still awesome though. I've backed Kenny on everything except killing Larry, can't believe how pissy he is now over it, I didn't insult him or anything. Kenny, i saved your son twice now ya dickhead!
Feel bummed about giving Larry some food I thought I might be able to bring him around...enjoy the salt lick in asshole heaven ya big headed douche bag.
Was I the only one to know instantly that the brothers were sinister, literally instantly? Within a minute or two, after walking to the farm… more I guessed them to be cannibals too, it was all very cliched, saw it coming a mile away still awesome though. I've backed Kenny on everything except killing Larry, can't believe how pissy he is now over it, I didn't insult him or anything. Kenny, i saved your son twice now ya dickhead!
Feel bummed about giving Larry some food I thought I might be able to bring him around...enjoy the salt lick in asshole heaven ya big headed douche bag.
Nice try but he had it on the ps3, had nothing to do with specs just bad developing friend :-)
I should have expected the it's NOT THE DEVELOPERS FAULT IT'S YOUR COMPUTERS FAULT WAAAAAH, argument coming though...
Then perhaps Sony shares some blame, they certified the game for release on their systems.
Of course they do they just want to make money but if they hold back Telltale until they make a bug free game it will never be released...
I remember playing Jurassic Park... (shudders) just thinking about all the screen freezing makes me shiver inside.
Every company wants to make money, you want to go broke?
The farmhand mentions to Lee that the generator (that's powering the fence that is keeping walkers out, part of the reason that the group view the dairy as the better option to the Motel) can be temperamental and if it goes down, can take a long time to fix. That thing is keeping them safe. I did all I could not to mechanically sabotage the device, even beyond the point where it was just absurd that he didn't call me out on it! I was laughing. I mean, an "innocent" yet insistent barrage of questions about the door, and tools around that topic, and the guy didn't react strongly.
Plus, the button mashing bit with the fight at the live fence - I died plenty of times to that. It wanted frantic. I found that difficult. I think this is probably the current weakest episode, even though it was not bad. I liked the dynamic differences between the two locations, the perception of the dairy, and the character interactions at the Motel. It introduced a successful injection of tension and moved the narrative into not just physical survival, but added a new level of group politics.
Was I the only one to know instantly that the brothers were sinister, literally instantly? Within a minute or two, after walking to the farm I guessed them to be cannibals too, it was all very cliched, saw it coming a mile away still awesome though. I've backed Kenny on everything except killing Larry, can't believe how pissy he is now over it, I didn't insult him or anything. Kenny, i saved your son twice now ya dickhead!
Feel bummed about giving Larry some food I thought I might be able to bring him around...enjoy the salt lick in asshole heaven ya big headed douche bag.
Could you please not necropost?
what the hell man.