Again, terrible logic. You can't take registered forum members as the denominator.
If that doesn't make sense, I'll be clear: I was referring to in this thread and the episode 2 version of this thread, not everyone that bought the game or even everyone on this forum.
You can't just take a selective portion of a player base just because it fits your view better. You need to take it as a whole. It's also a fact that the unhappy people will always be more vocal. The people that are content with Telltale won't just go on the forums usually to defend them.
Also, I'll just throw it out there that anyone whos opinion is that telltale has handled this entire release in a manner that is acceptable or professional while fully aware of the long chain of lies and broken promises needs to stay away from an entrepreneurship career.
I won't defend Telltale that they did an awesome job with the release of this game and their communication about it. I was quite unhappy too about all the delays and sure people are allowed to vent their disappointment. But it just gets tedious when you see the same guy ranting in all threads he can just on how much Telltale sucks. Some people even do that in story discussion or char discussion threads.
I think Telltales communication is somewhat decent if you compare it to alot of other companies.
I also seen someone say that one of the chapters in episode 3 is called Woodbury Bound, and that's totally groovy! I really can't wait!
Yeah, TallTale Games is shitty with communication! They needs more communication and needs to show more appreciation to their loyal customers, and they needs to tell it like it is instead of using careful wording all the time! "We said the game would be ready! We didn't say it'd be ready to play! pah ha pah ha ha, we sure showed you!" Lol freakin TTG.. they're lucky I love their game so!
konami is giving free games for their broken silent hill hd as well. if anything, there should be at least a discount on the season 2 for those who pre-ordered the season pass.
I certainly wouldn't say no to a discount, but I think everyone needs to calm down. On both sides. It's a game, and games need time. Yes, Telltale did screw up somewhat with their communications. Yes, the game was promoted with a monthly release schedule (not anymore).
But why are people running around, demanding discounts because the episodes aren't released monthly? I mean, come on - did you buy the game just because of the monthly release schedule or did you buy the game in order to play it? Whoever bought the Season Pass (which includes me) will still get all the content they paid for. Maybe not in exactly five months, but still. Also, a long wait isn't always bad - gives them time to hunt and squish pesky bugs, and don't you think that there are enough of them already as it is? :P
Oh, and I don't know any of the moderators or how they normally behave, but I have a word of advice, especially to Vainamoinen: You are representing the company you moderate for, even if you are a volunteer. You volunteered to watch over the community, helping users, keeping things civil and regulated. Basically, the users rely on you to help them with their problems as far as you can. And being a moderator, in my opinion, requires the ability to keep a neutral viewpoint at any given situation. Yes, CiscoKidd doubleposts and is a little hasty with that "Create Thread" button, and he does seem to be quite eager to express his opinion over and over again.
Guys, I seriously have enough of this stuff.
Cisko, keep this stuff in the release date thread. If you want to talk about THE GAME, feel free to open threads. If you have a support issue, post in the support forum. If you want to have a chat about forum rules, post in "General chat". Learn to edit your posts and multi-quote, and stop double posting. Next one of those random "me poor community member" threads in here, we'll have a problem.
I can fully understand why Cisco has a problem with that answer. It's rude, it's antagonizing him, and that bold part in the quote just does NOT belong into a post made by a representative in charge of the COMMUNITY. It doesn't make any sense to be so rude if the aim is to resolve problems. This is just causing more of them.
Oh, and the underlined part just called for it, so I'm not surprised by this. You had it coming with a post like that.
Oh, and the underlined part just called for it, so I'm not surprised by this. You had it coming with a post like that.
I see that the thread is gone now. That is a way to deal with problems - just shut them up - but it's most certainly not the right way to do so. As a volunteering mod, you should be able to take criticism. And while CiscoKidd is certainly overdoing it, just deleting a thread without at least making a statement is just plain wrong.
Here's my statement. There are plenty of Cisco leftover closed threads and intact posts left so his opinions have certainly not been oppressed. I tried to explain in detail what the problem with these threads was with the closing post until it was REALLY obvious that it was of no use.
I can fully understand why Cisco has a problem with that answer.
I get that you find that aggressive, but the rules have been explained to that member about five times in detail and still he continued with the disruptive posting. The warning shouldn't have been issued in the open, I definitely concede that, but I assure you the corresponding PM was clear as well. That there would not be an endless series of warnings should have been utterly clear to the user.
I'm not part of this discussion, but unlike what someone said next, this doesn't happen to just small indie devs.
For exemple, Google's Nexus Q sold for 300$ has been postponed for a few months. To apologize Google didn't charge any of the those who pre-ordered it and gave them a free unit, before the product even hit the stores. A 300$ free gift.
Square enix has been giving away months of game time for free to apologize for FFXIV problems. I've also seen it done on Everquest and Wow.
Sony has given 10 free games after the hack fiasco, again as an apology.
Well it happens, I'm not saying Telltalegame should do it though. it is frustrating, but hopefully with the great sells of The Walking dead franchise, they'll do better in the futur .
So you forgot that time, when Telltale gave you a free voucher, towards another game when Jurassic Park was delayed half a year, or when the first episode of TWD was delayed on the Telltale site, so they gave everyone free steam codes, so you could play it on release day? So if you are suggesting that Telltale never give freebies, then you are wrong.
So you forgot that time, when Telltale gave you a free voucher, towards another game when Jurassic Park was delayed half a year, or when the first episode of TWD was delayed on the Telltale site, so they gave everyone free steam codes, so you could play it on release day? So if you are suggesting that Telltale never give freebies, then you are wrong.
when i 1st saw this game i was super excited, played through the 1st episode and was salivating for more! was very easy but i said "hey maybe it will get more challenging with each episode". Then i waited... and waited... and more waiting... and episode 2 finally came out... late. Then i played through that... boring!!! After the late release and the game was STILL glitchy, i am barely aware that the game even exists any more... i stopped keeping track of the days and im sure by now that episode 3 is already late as well. The game may only be $5 dollars a pop but im honestly thinking at this point i'd be better off not buying it. Also... free for PS+ members?? what garbage...
I see that the thread is gone now. That is a way to deal with problems - just shut them up - but it's most certainly not the right way to do so. As a volunteering mod, you should be able to take criticism. And while CiscoKidd is certainly overdoing it, just deleting a thread without at least making a statement is just plain wrong.
I was expecting an answer like that, mainly because it always pops up once the "underdog" gets support.
No, I am not a duplicate. Look my username up on Google.
Cisco seems to be banned now, so I guess this discussion's over now anyway. There has been a lot of overreacting on both sides. Let's just hope that it doesn't have to come to a situation like that again.
You can't just take a selective portion of a player base just because it fits your view better. You need to take it as a whole. It's also a fact that the unhappy people will always be more vocal. The people that are content with Telltale won't just go on the forums usually to defend them.
Take the 1.5 million twd purchasers.
Remove the ones that never played the game.
Remove the ones that never finished the game.
Remove the ones that didn't like the game
Remove the ones that didn't pre-purchase the season
Remove the ones that don't care/didn't pay attention to release dates
Remove the ones that are too young, old, inept, or apathetic to go the social media route with their feelings
How many of the 1.5m did I just get rid of? I'd say well over 90% of them.
Now lets actually take the forum members, 500k give or take. You're going to have to remove the ones that have never posted on the twd board and the ones that haven't posted since the game's release.
Of what's left, which is, if i were to have to guess, less than 500 people, try to figure out which are the ones that came here to check on the release date. The best way I could get that figure is to only look at the release date threads (by a ridiculously huge margin the most popular threads on this site). If I were to have to guess again, I'd say that 75% of the people that have posted in non-release date threads have also posted in the release date threads, which gives us a pretty good sample to work with. Now in these threads, It'd be a matter of counting names and making a list of Pro-TTG and Anti-TTG users. This wouldn't be hard, I'd actually volunteer to do it one night if anyone wants to actually bring this to that. I'd bet my bottom dollar that you come up with more Anti's than Pro's.
Also it should be noted that this forum isn't the only channel. A lot of twd players don't know this forum exists. Get a load of the facebook page, I'd say that its 90% "WHERE IS EPISODE 3 YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST COMPANY EVER" and 10% "keep it up telltale can't wait for it you guys are doing great". If we're really having this argument you have to take things like that into account.
I won't defend Telltale that they did an awesome job with the release of this game and their communication about it. I was quite unhappy too about all the delays and sure people are allowed to vent their disappointment.
So on my list I mentioned above, I'm assuming I can tally you as an "anti"?
But it just gets tedious when you see the same guy ranting in all threads he can just on how much Telltale sucks. Some people even do that in story discussion or char discussion threads.
If people are making off-topic posts that is an entirely different issue and there are means to go about solving it. Complaining about the complainers in the complaining thread (that's basically what this is right?) isn't the correct way of handling that.
I think Telltales communication is somewhat decent if you compare it to alot of other companies.
"Somewhat decent" Shouldn't be an acceptable accreditation for any aspect of any department of any company, and the fact that those are the words you chose tell me you're really reaching for something nice to say about them.
So you forgot that time, when Telltale gave you a free voucher, towards another game when Jurassic Park was delayed half a year, or when the first episode of TWD was delayed on the Telltale site, so they gave everyone free steam codes, so you could play it on release day? So if you are suggesting that Telltale never give freebies, then you are wrong.
No I didn't forget, I did not purchase Jurassic park nor was I even aware the game was being released back then. I wasn't a client for TWD either until ep 2. I purchased the pc pack a few days before the steam sale.
Ps: oh and please don't sink so low as to try to disminish the value of my opinion since I am not a Telltale customer "veteran" or something.
So if you are suggesting that Telltale never give freebies, then you are wrong.
Did I suggest that? Doesn't seem like it to me... I was answering someone saying "no one but indie devs gives freebies as apologizes"... by saying... "yes even big devs do". I even clearly said "I am not saying Telltale should do it though". So I am not even faulting them for not doing it. I am not saying they should not either, I certainly won't mind a freebie but I don't really want or care for one for I have the games I want already.
Did I suggest that? Doesn't seem like it to me... I was answering someone saying "no one but indie devs gives freebies as apologizes"... by saying... "yes even big devs do". I even clearly said "I am not saying Telltale should do it though". So I am not even faulting them for not doing it. I am not saying they should not either, I certainly won't mind a freebie but I don't really want or care for one for I have the games I want already.
Don't try to explain your neutral point of view. Someone will always somehow see it as an argument against him/her. It just happens.
I have a feeling that by the end of Next week we will have a release date. Once again, my super secret source (who happens to be the 14 year old who cuts my grass) assures me of this. By the way, he also correctly guessed the release date of SW:TOR... So needless to say, we will be making life and death decisions in TWD soon enough. Hopefully we get to choose between killing Kenny and Lilly. Then maybe between Duck and Clem. That would be epic.
I have a feeling that by the end of Next week we will have a release date. Once again, my super secret source (who happens to be the 14 year old who cuts my grass) assures me of this. By the way, he also correctly guessed the release date of SW:TOR... So needless to say, we will be making life and death decisions in TWD soon enough. Hopefully we get to choose between killing Kenny and Lilly. Then maybe between Duck and Clem. That would be epic.
Lilly is in the comics and she ends up staying in Woodbury with the govenor
No I didn't forget, I did not purchase Jurassic park nor was I even aware the game was being released back then. I wasn't a client for TWD either until ep 2. I purchased the pc pack a few days before the steam sale.
Ps: oh and please don't sink so low as to try to disminish the value of my opinion since I am not a Telltale customer "veteran" or something.
I apologise. I thought you were implying that Telltale don't give freebies, but maybe I just misinterpreted what you said. I didn't mean to diminish your opinion, if that's what it seemed like.
Lets hope ad see if TellTale announces something tomorrow(monday). they havent said anything on their twitter or Facebook so we just have to wait and see what happens. if it comes out this week ill be happy if next week ill be disappointed but happy to be able to play it. if it comes out september, well i have RE6 demo to do so Episode 3 will be pushed aside because i waited to long almost 2 and half months im guessing if it does come September.
Of what's left, which is, if i were to have to guess, less than 500 people, try to figure out which are the ones that came here to check on the release date. The best way I could get that figure is to only look at the release date threads (by a ridiculously huge margin the most popular threads on this site). If I were to have to guess again, I'd say that 75% of the people that have posted in non-release date threads have also posted in the release date threads, which gives us a pretty good sample to work with. Now in these threads, It'd be a matter of counting names and making a list of Pro-TTG and Anti-TTG users. This wouldn't be hard, I'd actually volunteer to do it one night if anyone wants to actually bring this to that. I'd bet my bottom dollar that you come up with more Anti's than Pro's.
Cut off alot of your start post to not make this to big but you raise some fair points here. I still think its just a vocal minority who is so opposed against Telltale. You shouldn't waste your time on exactly finding out how many ppl are "pro or against" Telltale. It would be a waste of time you better do something more enjoyable with your time .
Also it should be noted that this forum isn't the only channel. A lot of twd players don't know this forum exists. Get a load of the facebook page, I'd say that its 90% "WHERE IS EPISODE 3 YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST COMPANY EVER" and 10% "keep it up telltale can't wait for it you guys are doing great". If we're really having this argument you have to take things like that into account.
Yea I have no clue about facebook or twitter I don't use social sites like that so I can't comment on it.
So on my list I mentioned above, I'm assuming I can tally you as an "anti"?
I'm not "pro" or "anti" you can put me down as neutral . Even if they would release a press statement now that the game would have to be delayed to 2013. Sure it sucks but there are worse things to worry about. As long as I get a quality and enjoyable product in the end im happy.
If people are making off-topic posts that is an entirely different issue and there are means to go about solving it. Complaining about the complainers in the complaining thread (that's basically what this is right?) isn't the correct way of handling that.
You are right complaining about complainers isn't really the best way to deal with this. I guess I just got as annoyed with them as they got with Telltale . I am usually more of a lurker anyways since my English vocabulary is lacking too much to go into very deep discussions with people.
"Somewhat decent" Shouldn't be an acceptable accreditation for any aspect of any department of any company, and the fact that those are the words you chose tell me you're really reaching for something nice to say about them.
I just compare to other companies how they handle their shit. In the way Telltale does it they still rate higher than alot of other gaming companies to me.
Was mainly curious since you showed up right after he was banned and have a similar writing style .
Just to make this absolutely clear, there is no sign that this is a duplicate account.
The first poster hailed from somewhere in Pennsylvania, while ThePaSch lives... oh wait, that can't be right. About 120 km from my doorstep.
Please leave those insinuations to the mods - and welcome new members unless they post the REALLY unacceptable stuff. And just COMPLAINING is NOT unacceptable.
Of what's left, which is, if i were to have to guess, less than 500 people, try to figure out which are the ones that came here to check on the release date. The best way I could get that figure is to only look at the release date threads (by a ridiculously huge margin the most popular threads on this site). If I were to have to guess again, I'd say that 75% of the people that have posted in non-release date threads have also posted in the release date threads, which gives us a pretty good sample to work with. Now in these threads, It'd be a matter of counting names and making a list of Pro-TTG and Anti-TTG users. This wouldn't be hard, I'd actually volunteer to do it one night if anyone wants to actually bring this to that. I'd bet my bottom dollar that you come up with more Anti's than Pro's.
Of the registered 443,469 members, you can safely assume that about 90% are spambots. It's a disgrace, but unfortunately, it's the truth. I find the estimate of 500 active users to be rather accurate, let's go with that number for now.
The separation into "in favor-TTG" and "Anti-TTG" members however, wouldn't work. A lot of people come here for their first post just inquiring about how things are at the moment and when to expect a release. Are these "anti"? A lot of people have zero beef with waiting a bit longer, have complained fiercely about the lack of communication between episodes one and two yet are fairly content with how things are at the moment. Are those "in favor"? Others spread a lot of impatience all the time, yet don't "complain" per se. Are those still considered "anti"? And there are those who have complained a lot about the release, but have necessarily argued for Telltale after reading some of the more extreme comments. Are those "in favor"?
Reading just the release date thread, it's hard to not perceive the community split into extreme sides. But the truth is, there are a lot of balanced opinions on this board. Heck, I have my beefs with the game as well and spoken openly about them.
I still think that the clear cut cases in this very thread would be more into the "anti" direction, which would coincide with your assumption. People are coming to this forum for release dates; they have a hard time understanding why there can't be concrete release dates, seeing that near-monthly schedules are still a novelty for the entire industry; they see a release date thread - they complain. I'd say it's natural.
I don't like people bashing the newbies, I hate it even. But for your statistics to be really relevant, we'd have to take into account how versed the individual members are about how TTG and the whole episodic concept works. An indication of this are registration date and post count, specifically the posts about OTHER topics than release date complaints, i.e. show an interest in the actual community and its discussions.
the complaining thread (that's basically what this is right?)
Yes. No. Maybe. Not the original plan, I assure you. It's natural that release date discussion goes into the release date thread, and it's always been that way. Like, for years and years. It's just new that "release date talk" more or less means "complaint". That said, there are plenty of other things people don't necessarily like about the game - discussed in other threads. Leave me the benefit of the doubt that guessing the release date can be a fun game again some day in the future. Possibly for an entirely different franchise.
Customer Service: "Hey, we screwed up. Have a free episode of Sam and Max, eh!"
Entitlement: "You fuckshits cocked this up again! I want everything! This game free, the next game free, my name in the credits, an apology, a rewrite according to my preferences, the next season free, and whatever else ya got free!"
Customer Service: "Hey, we screwed up. Have a free episode of Sam and Max, eh!"
Entitlement: "You fuckshits cocked this up again! I want everything! This game free, the next game free, my name in the credits, an apology, a rewrite according to my preferences, the next season free, and whatever else ya got free!"
Customer Service: "Hey, we screwed up. Have a free episode of Sam and Max, eh!"
Entitlement: "You fuckshits cocked this up again! I want everything! This game free, the next game free, my name in the credits, an apology, a rewrite according to my preferences, the next season free, and whatever else ya got free!"
I hate this thread.
This guy...
If you hate it so much why do you keep coming back.
Customer Service: "Hey, we screwed up. Have a free episode of Sam and Max, eh!"
Entitlement: "You fuckshits cocked this up again! I want everything! This game free, the next game free, my name in the credits, an apology, a rewrite according to my preferences, the next season free, and whatever else ya got free!"
I hate this thread.
um no... i think most of us including myself think that it would be right if we got some compensation whether that be a "special" look at episode 4 or just get episode 3 free or discounted. way to blow it out of proportion though
um no... i think most of us including myself think that it would be right if we got some compensation whether that be a "special" look at episode 4 or just get episode 3 free or discounted. way to blow it out of proportion though
sorry kirby
but there are people who feel over entitled to free stuff
the boycotters wanting refunds yet still want the remaining episodes
and we still haven't seen any of the pre order bonus winners
If you hate it so much why do you keep coming back.
Probably because he wants to see if there are updates on the release, you know the thing this thread is supposed to be about. Instead its full of whining and complaining. And Boom goes the dynamite!
um no... i think most of us including myself think that it would be right if we got some compensation whether that be a "special" look at episode 4 or just get episode 3 free or discounted. way to blow it out of proportion though
And why should you get something for free? You're still gonna get your episodes that you paid for. Jeez. I dont get it.
Probably because he wants to see if there are updates on the release, you know the thing this thread is supposed to be about. Instead its full of whining and complaining. And Boom goes the dynamite!
Seriously, come here for updates. Nice joke, you were 'updated' 2 months ago. Pretty up to date. eh?
Maybe you should do some self reflection and ask yourself why some people don't agree with you and how you present yourself on the forums.
You can't just take a selective portion of a player base just because it fits your view better. You need to take it as a whole. It's also a fact that the unhappy people will always be more vocal. The people that are content with Telltale won't just go on the forums usually to defend them.
I won't defend Telltale that they did an awesome job with the release of this game and their communication about it. I was quite unhappy too about all the delays and sure people are allowed to vent their disappointment. But it just gets tedious when you see the same guy ranting in all threads he can just on how much Telltale sucks. Some people even do that in story discussion or char discussion threads.
I think Telltales communication is somewhat decent if you compare it to alot of other companies.
I also seen someone say that one of the chapters in episode 3 is called Woodbury Bound, and that's totally groovy! I really can't wait!
Yeah, TallTale Games is shitty with communication! They needs more communication and needs to show more appreciation to their loyal customers, and they needs to tell it like it is instead of using careful wording all the time! "We said the game would be ready! We didn't say it'd be ready to play! pah ha pah ha ha, we sure showed you!" Lol freakin TTG.. they're lucky I love their game so!
But why are people running around, demanding discounts because the episodes aren't released monthly? I mean, come on - did you buy the game just because of the monthly release schedule or did you buy the game in order to play it? Whoever bought the Season Pass (which includes me) will still get all the content they paid for. Maybe not in exactly five months, but still. Also, a long wait isn't always bad - gives them time to hunt and squish pesky bugs, and don't you think that there are enough of them already as it is? :P
Oh, and I don't know any of the moderators or how they normally behave, but I have a word of advice, especially to Vainamoinen: You are representing the company you moderate for, even if you are a volunteer. You volunteered to watch over the community, helping users, keeping things civil and regulated. Basically, the users rely on you to help them with their problems as far as you can. And being a moderator, in my opinion, requires the ability to keep a neutral viewpoint at any given situation. Yes, CiscoKidd doubleposts and is a little hasty with that "Create Thread" button, and he does seem to be quite eager to express his opinion over and over again.
I can fully understand why Cisco has a problem with that answer. It's rude, it's antagonizing him, and that bold part in the quote just does NOT belong into a post made by a representative in charge of the COMMUNITY. It doesn't make any sense to be so rude if the aim is to resolve problems. This is just causing more of them.
Oh, and the underlined part just called for it, so I'm not surprised by this. You had it coming with a post like that.
So, that's that.
I see that the thread is gone now. That is a way to deal with problems - just shut them up - but it's most certainly not the right way to do so. As a volunteering mod, you should be able to take criticism. And while CiscoKidd is certainly overdoing it, just deleting a thread without at least making a statement is just plain wrong.
But hey, my opinion. :rolleyes:
I get that you find that aggressive, but the rules have been explained to that member about five times in detail and still he continued with the disruptive posting. The warning shouldn't have been issued in the open, I definitely concede that, but I assure you the corresponding PM was clear as well. That there would not be an endless series of warnings should have been utterly clear to the user.
So you forgot that time, when Telltale gave you a free voucher, towards another game when Jurassic Park was delayed half a year, or when the first episode of TWD was delayed on the Telltale site, so they gave everyone free steam codes, so you could play it on release day? So if you are suggesting that Telltale never give freebies, then you are wrong.
where's our "freebie" on this one?
greedy much ?
monthly release, lack of comms bs aside
they gave us an update just over a week ago..
creating duplicate accounts?
I was expecting an answer like that, mainly because it always pops up once the "underdog" gets support.
No, I am not a duplicate. Look my username up on Google.
Cisco seems to be banned now, so I guess this discussion's over now anyway. There has been a lot of overreacting on both sides. Let's just hope that it doesn't have to come to a situation like that again.
he didn't follow the rules of the forum and even after being warned still repeated the same things.
plus he couldn't seem to let it go or move on with his life..
Remove the ones that never played the game.
Remove the ones that never finished the game.
Remove the ones that didn't like the game
Remove the ones that didn't pre-purchase the season
Remove the ones that don't care/didn't pay attention to release dates
Remove the ones that are too young, old, inept, or apathetic to go the social media route with their feelings
How many of the 1.5m did I just get rid of? I'd say well over 90% of them.
Now lets actually take the forum members, 500k give or take. You're going to have to remove the ones that have never posted on the twd board and the ones that haven't posted since the game's release.
Of what's left, which is, if i were to have to guess, less than 500 people, try to figure out which are the ones that came here to check on the release date. The best way I could get that figure is to only look at the release date threads (by a ridiculously huge margin the most popular threads on this site). If I were to have to guess again, I'd say that 75% of the people that have posted in non-release date threads have also posted in the release date threads, which gives us a pretty good sample to work with. Now in these threads, It'd be a matter of counting names and making a list of Pro-TTG and Anti-TTG users. This wouldn't be hard, I'd actually volunteer to do it one night if anyone wants to actually bring this to that. I'd bet my bottom dollar that you come up with more Anti's than Pro's.
Also it should be noted that this forum isn't the only channel. A lot of twd players don't know this forum exists. Get a load of the facebook page, I'd say that its 90% "WHERE IS EPISODE 3 YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST COMPANY EVER" and 10% "keep it up telltale can't wait for it you guys are doing great". If we're really having this argument you have to take things like that into account.
So on my list I mentioned above, I'm assuming I can tally you as an "anti"? If people are making off-topic posts that is an entirely different issue and there are means to go about solving it. Complaining about the complainers in the complaining thread (that's basically what this is right?) isn't the correct way of handling that. "Somewhat decent" Shouldn't be an acceptable accreditation for any aspect of any department of any company, and the fact that those are the words you chose tell me you're really reaching for something nice to say about them.
No I didn't forget, I did not purchase Jurassic park nor was I even aware the game was being released back then. I wasn't a client for TWD either until ep 2. I purchased the pc pack a few days before the steam sale.
Ps: oh and please don't sink so low as to try to disminish the value of my opinion since I am not a Telltale customer "veteran" or something.
Did I suggest that? Doesn't seem like it to me... I was answering someone saying "no one but indie devs gives freebies as apologizes"... by saying... "yes even big devs do". I even clearly said "I am not saying Telltale should do it though". So I am not even faulting them for not doing it. I am not saying they should not either, I certainly won't mind a freebie but I don't really want or care for one for I have the games I want already.
the questions thread is pretty pointless now, none of the ttg employees read it anymore.
Was mainly curious since you showed up right after he was banned and have a similar writing style
Cut off alot of your start post to not make this to big but you raise some fair points here. I still think its just a vocal minority who is so opposed against Telltale. You shouldn't waste your time on exactly finding out how many ppl are "pro or against" Telltale. It would be a waste of time you better do something more enjoyable with your time
I'm not "pro" or "anti" you can put me down as neutral
You are right complaining about complainers isn't really the best way to deal with this. I guess I just got as annoyed with them as they got with Telltale
I just compare to other companies how they handle their shit. In the way Telltale does it they still rate higher than alot of other gaming companies to me.
Just to make this absolutely clear, there is no sign that this is a duplicate account.
The first poster hailed from somewhere in Pennsylvania, while ThePaSch lives... oh wait, that can't be right. About 120 km from my doorstep.
Please leave those insinuations to the mods - and welcome new members unless they post the REALLY unacceptable stuff. And just COMPLAINING is NOT unacceptable.
Of the registered 443,469 members, you can safely assume that about 90% are spambots. It's a disgrace, but unfortunately, it's the truth. I find the estimate of 500 active users to be rather accurate, let's go with that number for now.
The separation into "in favor-TTG" and "Anti-TTG" members however, wouldn't work. A lot of people come here for their first post just inquiring about how things are at the moment and when to expect a release. Are these "anti"? A lot of people have zero beef with waiting a bit longer, have complained fiercely about the lack of communication between episodes one and two yet are fairly content with how things are at the moment. Are those "in favor"? Others spread a lot of impatience all the time, yet don't "complain" per se. Are those still considered "anti"? And there are those who have complained a lot about the release, but have necessarily argued for Telltale after reading some of the more extreme comments. Are those "in favor"?
Reading just the release date thread, it's hard to not perceive the community split into extreme sides. But the truth is, there are a lot of balanced opinions on this board. Heck, I have my beefs with the game as well and spoken openly about them.
I still think that the clear cut cases in this very thread would be more into the "anti" direction, which would coincide with your assumption. People are coming to this forum for release dates; they have a hard time understanding why there can't be concrete release dates, seeing that near-monthly schedules are still a novelty for the entire industry; they see a release date thread - they complain. I'd say it's natural.
I don't like people bashing the newbies, I hate it even. But for your statistics to be really relevant, we'd have to take into account how versed the individual members are about how TTG and the whole episodic concept works. An indication of this are registration date and post count, specifically the posts about OTHER topics than release date complaints, i.e. show an interest in the actual community and its discussions.
Yes. No. Maybe. Not the original plan, I assure you. It's natural that release date discussion goes into the release date thread, and it's always been that way. Like, for years and years. It's just new that "release date talk" more or less means "complaint". That said, there are plenty of other things people don't necessarily like about the game - discussed in other threads. Leave me the benefit of the doubt that guessing the release date can be a fun game again some day in the future. Possibly for an entirely different franchise.
i think truebluejustakidd has been successfull or has just gone away..
Entitlement: "You fuckshits cocked this up again! I want everything! This game free, the next game free, my name in the credits, an apology, a rewrite according to my preferences, the next season free, and whatever else ya got free!"
I hate this thread.
This guy...
If you hate it so much why do you keep coming back.
Ahhh, the metaphorical zombie hordes.
Gotta love irony.
um no... i think most of us including myself think that it would be right if we got some compensation whether that be a "special" look at episode 4 or just get episode 3 free or discounted. way to blow it out of proportion though
sorry kirby
but there are people who feel over entitled to free stuff
the boycotters wanting refunds yet still want the remaining episodes
and we still haven't seen any of the pre order bonus winners
Probably because he wants to see if there are updates on the release, you know the thing this thread is supposed to be about. Instead its full of whining and complaining. And Boom goes the dynamite!
And why should you get something for free? You're still gonna get your episodes that you paid for. Jeez. I dont get it.
Seriously, come here for updates. Nice joke, you were 'updated' 2 months ago. Pretty up to date. eh?