if we whore ourselves out again and give them money for a job that is not done maybe they will give us episode three and then they can screw us for all the next episodes what do you think ?
Hey dudes! Give me an update, have there been any information about when ep.3 will arrive?
TT announced that it would be "finished" around mid-August. Some took that as it would be released mid-August. Mid-August came around, no release, chaos ensued.
So, most likely they meant finished as in finished and sent in for certification. Hopefully we get another update soon.
Can you even believe these jerk-offs? Episode 2 release was way late and it pissed off all of their fans, you think they might have learnt their lesson from that round but no, they still keep us fans in the dark while they stick us with another late release. I really hope everyone loses interest in these games when episode 4 rolls around after the TV show comes back on, telltale really deserves it. I would try to boycott the games, but the episodes are just too damn amazing. I'm not even angry about a long in-between for episodes, just don't lie to your fans twice in a row
Can you even believe these jerk-offs? Episode 2 release was way late and it pissed off all of their fans, you think they might have learnt their lesson from that round but no, they still keep us fans in the dark while they stick us with another late release. I really hope everyone loses interest in these games when episode 4 rolls around after the TV show comes back on, telltale really deserves it. I would try to boycott the games, but the episodes are just too damn amazing. I'm not even angry about a long in-between for episodes, just don't lie to your fans twice in a row
Your first post here and that is what you came up with? They didn't keep us in the dark and they didn't lie. They said QUOTE:
"we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August, and that we and our partners will do all that we can to release all platforms and regions as close together as possible."
Never did they use the word "release" in that statement.
TT announced that it would be "finished" around mid-August. Some took that as it would be released mid-August. Mid-August came around, no release, chaos ensued.
So, most likely they meant finished as in finished and sent in for certification. Hopefully we get another update soon.
I think this is what has people so angry. TT has been using vague language concerning their release dates, so when the times comes it can be justified why the product isn't there yet. I would think by the 20th we could have something more definite?
Can you even believe these jerk-offs? Episode 2 release was way late and it pissed off all of their fans, you think they might have learnt their lesson from that round but no, they still keep us fans in the dark while they stick us with another late release. I really hope everyone loses interest in these games when episode 4 rolls around after the TV show comes back on, telltale really deserves it. I would try to boycott the games, but the episodes are just too damn amazing. I'm not even angry about a long in-between for episodes, just don't lie to your fans twice in a row
Didn't piss me off in the slightest. I'm actually excited for this.
I'm only getting this game because i already paid in full... if it wasn't for this, I would definitely not have bought more episodes. there's never a certain date and that's a slap in the face for us, the costumers.
Well obviously saying it will be "ready" is a nice synonym to "released" in order to avoid making a firm release date, but On Aug. 10, telltale said QUOTE:
"The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms"
I guess the reality is as long as an announcement is made this week then they are reasonably within scheduling limits, but when you say your game will be "ready" in the middle of August, and late August rolls around and your fans are left in the dark, Telltale owes us rabid fanboys the courtesy of giving us a status update. It takes 5 minutes on a company blog and keeps nutjobs like me from venting frustration.
Well obviously saying it will be "ready" is a nice synonym to "released" in order to avoid making a firm release date, but On Aug. 10, telltale said QUOTE:
"The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms"
I guess the reality is as long as an announcement is made this week then they are reasonably within scheduling limits, but when you say your game will be "ready" in the middle of August, and late August rolls around and your fans are left in the dark, Telltale owes us rabid fanboys the courtesy of giving us a status update. It takes 5 minutes on a company blog and keeps nutjobs like me from venting frustration.
So, if you already had that information what was the point in your rant? If you know the deal and understand that it has to be submitted for certification then what's your beef?
They obviously can't give a firm release date when it is out of their hands.
hahaa the chaos on these forums makes my inner joker smile hopefully episode 3 comes soon but,in the mean time, I have my drawings,stories,other games,the great outdoors,& ect. to fill my free time...as long as no 1 boycotts this game,I've already bought the season pass for,I'll be fine :P
Your first post here and that is what you came up with? They didn't keep us in the dark and they didn't lie. They said QUOTE:
"we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August, and that we and our partners will do all that we can to release all platforms and regions as close together as possible."
Never did they use the word "release" in that statement.
Lol, actually, they did use the word "release" in that statement, you silly.
"we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August, and that we and our partners will do all that we can to release all platforms and regions as close together as possible."
They really do need to, or SHOULD, keep their fans updated on what's going on. 2 weeks ago they said "The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms". So, then a few days later when they submit it for certification, they could have taken 2 mins to update their blog or fb or twitter to say "Hello beloved fans! We have just submit the game for certification!" a few days later "Still waiting on the certification process and can't wait to give you a set release date!" So on, so forth. Little updates like that would go a loooong ways towards keeping the rage down. But TallTale Games obviously doesn't give a fuh. TTG would be awesome if they'd just show more customer appreciation and communicate with their fans more and keep them updated!
They did try a little this time... 2 very vague updates in 3 weeks.. better than nothing but definitely not as good as they could/should be doing!
All this "he said this time" and "they said that date range" and gibble gabble is so junior high project sounding...we are adults, this is a business..we should be given date of release...like movies, comics, ..etc. Why is telltale different?
We shouldnt be hoping and searching internet..we should know release date..
Major million dollar movies give release date and so do small companies...whats the deal?
Lol, actually, they did use the word "release" in that statement, you silly.
"we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August, and that we and our partners will do all that we can to release all platforms and regions as close together as possible."
:mad: Oh blah. You know what I meant ma'am. But you just had to pick on me huh? That makes you the silly one, you silly goose you.
Firstly, I am a ma'am, sir. Secondly, yes, yes I did
I apologize, and I fixed it. I pictured you as an old, fat man with ketchup on his face pretending to be a zombie searching for the next date for his weekly comic con discussion meeting. I'm glad I was wrong though.
I might not have been completely clear in my wording and I apologize for it, ma'am. But you came across as a tad too offensive in your last post. I am really hurt right now. Can't we agree to disagree?
:mad: Oh blah. You know what I meant ma'am. But you just had to pick on me huh? That makes you the silly one, you silly goose you.
Wait.. Did you just call me..... an adult?
Sorry if this comes out as picking on you. I'm almost certian, that the article did not say: "we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August" I belive, that thay said, that they were aiming for mid august (but I can't find the article, so I can't prove it).
However I do think, that you have made some fair points in other post. So no picking on you. I just think it is importent, because the way you reffered to it, it sounded like a solid promise. As I recall the article it was much more like an estimate. If someone can find the article, I would like to be proven right or wrong.
About the whole keeping us updated thing. I do belive, that it is impossible for TTG to give us one. Simply because it is very likely, that they don't get that info from Microsoft and Sony (before it is done), which means that they can't tell us because they no longer have a say in the matter of giving us info.
Sorry if this comes out as picking on you. I'm almost certian, that the article did not say: "we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August" I belive, that thay said, that they were aiming for mid august (but I can't find the article, so I can't prove it).
Don't apologize. I wouldn't quote something if I didn't know exactly what it said.
I apologize, and I fixed it. I pictured you as an old, fat man with ketchup on his face pretending to be a zombie searching for the next date for his weekly comic con discussion meeting. I'm glad I was wrong though.
whats wrong with the ketchup fake blood its too expensive my mom won't buy that
whats wrong with the ketchup fake blood its too expensive my mom won't buy that
Nah.. See.. I picture you wearing a metal trash can that has the bottom cut out of it up around your chest. The lid somehow stuck to your head (glue, tape, nails, however). And carrying around one of those kid's police sets with the gun, badge, etc.
Nah.. See.. I picture you wearing a metal trash can that has the bottom cut out of it up around your chest. The lid somehow stuck to your head (glue, tape, nails, however). And carrying around one of those kid's police sets with the gun, badge, etc.
I picture you naked in a mesh hammock, hanging down, catching a nice breeze.
Then I pour bleach in my ears to try and clean out the thought. (shudder)
Hahaha mine too!
That'd be cool
The 24th is my guess after the 21st... but I'm thinkin the 21st ain't gonna happen like I was hoping it would lol.
I'm still crossing my fingers that they'll give us the "big news and announcements" today.. but that's probably wishful thinking too lol.
i wonder the same.. they have a 'hadron' for zombies/point n click
or they just have way to much free time so they sit on the forums spamming
f5 in the deluded hope the release date pops up.. and when it doesn't they trollrage
I thought it was pretty obvious that I didn't mean to put it in there.. But hey.. You got me :rolleyes:
ahhh im only kidding buddy, I feel bad now.
Nope. When someone cries, it really hurts my heart. You're causing me pain my man.
TT announced that it would be "finished" around mid-August. Some took that as it would be released mid-August. Mid-August came around, no release, chaos ensued.
So, most likely they meant finished as in finished and sent in for certification. Hopefully we get another update soon.
Your first post here and that is what you came up with? They didn't keep us in the dark and they didn't lie. They said QUOTE:
"we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August, and that we and our partners will do all that we can to release all platforms and regions as close together as possible."
Never did they use the word "release" in that statement.
I think this is what has people so angry. TT has been using vague language concerning their release dates, so when the times comes it can be justified why the product isn't there yet. I would think by the 20th we could have something more definite?
It didn't piss me off. Your post is invalid.
Um, I think he put that there on purpose to mock the other d00d.
Didn't piss me off in the slightest. I'm actually excited for this.
"The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms"
I guess the reality is as long as an announcement is made this week then they are reasonably within scheduling limits, but when you say your game will be "ready" in the middle of August, and late August rolls around and your fans are left in the dark, Telltale owes us rabid fanboys the courtesy of giving us a status update. It takes 5 minutes on a company blog and keeps nutjobs like me from venting frustration.
So, if you already had that information what was the point in your rant? If you know the deal and understand that it has to be submitted for certification then what's your beef?
They obviously can't give a firm release date when it is out of their hands.
Nope, they just pissed off the vocal minority. You really think this is the majority of their fans? God no.
Lol, actually, they did use the word "release" in that statement, you silly.
"we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August, and that we and our partners will do all that we can to release all platforms and regions as close together as possible."
They really do need to, or SHOULD, keep their fans updated on what's going on. 2 weeks ago they said "The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms". So, then a few days later when they submit it for certification, they could have taken 2 mins to update their blog or fb or twitter to say "Hello beloved fans! We have just submit the game for certification!" a few days later "Still waiting on the certification process and can't wait to give you a set release date!" So on, so forth. Little updates like that would go a loooong ways towards keeping the rage down. But TallTale Games obviously doesn't give a fuh. TTG would be awesome if they'd just show more customer appreciation and communicate with their fans more and keep them updated!
They did try a little this time... 2 very vague updates in 3 weeks.. better than nothing but definitely not as good as they could/should be doing!
We shouldnt be hoping and searching internet..we should know release date..
Major million dollar movies give release date and so do small companies...whats the deal?
Do you know any other company with near-monthly episodic video game releases?
:mad: Oh blah. You know what I meant ma'am. But you just had to pick on me huh? That makes you the silly one, you silly goose you.
Wait.. Did you just call me..... an adult?
Firstly, I am a ma'am, sir. Secondly, yes, yes I did
I apologize, and I fixed it. I pictured you as an old, fat man with ketchup on his face pretending to be a zombie searching for the next date for his weekly comic con discussion meeting. I'm glad I was wrong though.
Now THAT'S proper fixing!
Sorry if this comes out as picking on you. I'm almost certian, that the article did not say: "we can say that episode three will be ready in the middle of August" I belive, that thay said, that they were aiming for mid august (but I can't find the article, so I can't prove it).
However I do think, that you have made some fair points in other post. So no picking on you. I just think it is importent, because the way you reffered to it, it sounded like a solid promise. As I recall the article it was much more like an estimate. If someone can find the article, I would like to be proven right or wrong.
About the whole keeping us updated thing. I do belive, that it is impossible for TTG to give us one. Simply because it is very likely, that they don't get that info from Microsoft and Sony (before it is done), which means that they can't tell us because they no longer have a say in the matter of giving us info.
Thanks Vain. Apparently you're the true adult here. *hangs head in shame*
Don't apologize. I wouldn't quote something if I didn't know exactly what it said.
Thanks. Then I shall stand corrected:)
whats wrong with the ketchup fake blood its too expensive my mom won't buy that
Nah.. See.. I picture you wearing a metal trash can that has the bottom cut out of it up around your chest. The lid somehow stuck to your head (glue, tape, nails, however). And carrying around one of those kid's police sets with the gun, badge, etc.
WOOT Sept 14th bday's.
Then I pour bleach in my ears to try and clean out the thought. (shudder)