Sam & Max Surfin the Highway - Now Shipping!



  • edited February 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Yeah, the tracking area is always blank. It's a bug we're trying to get fixed.

    I'll send you your tracking number in a PM.

    I really appreciate it. I figured it had just been sent as a placeholder.

    A week or two ago I bought a Max Crossbones shirt for a buddy of mine and I could've sworn that there was a tracking number on the email I got. Maybe it was another email.

    In any case, now I'm excited. I thought I'd have to wait until the end of February before it shipped! Thanks Emily!
  • edited February 2008
    Yay! Finally got the money to order two paperback copies for my friend and I. :D

    I'm so excited for this! And she's going to have such an awesome birthday gift---heck I may end up giving it to her earlier since her birthday is actually next month :p.

    On a wondering side note, how much longer are you guys planning on selling "Effigy Mound"?
  • edited February 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Also something for non-US customers to be aware of is that you may be charged import taxes when the package arrives in your country. (For some reason I don't entirely understand, we can charge VAT on downloadable goods but not physical goods.) Usually this is not a problem because most of the stuff in our store has a lower value than the value at which customs charges start being applied, but if you're planning to buy a bunch of stuff and especially if you're getting the hardcover, please look into your country's import laws first so you won't have an unexpected surprise.
    I'm from Norway, the one lucky country that is charged VAT on physical goods.:p Last time I ordered, there was the situation where I had to pay VAT again when I got it because the shipment wasn't marked as already taxed. Have you heard any news as to whether Digital River has made any changes to this system? :)

    I have already ordered the new poster and the hardcover Surfin' the Highway, for $99.91 including VAT. Expensive, but I have been looking forward to reading it for years now. Wooohoo! :D
  • edited February 2008
    Just ordered the hardback version. :D
    At first I thought I couldn't afford it after pre-ordering the DVD as well, but it turned out I can just afford it. I should really get a job... :p
  • edited February 2008
    I ordered the hardcover and paperback editions of Surfin' the Highway yesterday. On top of that, I finally got around to ordering The Effigy Mound. What would I ever do with my money without you guys? I probably would have spent it on something boring like clothing or food. I'll have to wait a little while longer since I combined everything into one order, but that's okay.

    Thank you, Telltale.
  • edited February 2008
    Soooo...... How's it selling? Was the demand for it what you expected?
  • edited February 2008
    Out of curiousity, how limited IS the limited edition hard cover? how many copies were you planning on printing?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    dloeke wrote: »
    I'm from Norway, the one lucky country that is charged VAT on physical goods.:p Last time I ordered, there was the situation where I had to pay VAT again when I got it because the shipment wasn't marked as already taxed. Have you heard any news as to whether Digital River has made any changes to this system? :)

    They've told me this shouldn't happen again, but who knows. If it does happen to anyone, let us know about it, please.
  • edited February 2008
    Out of curiousity, how limited IS the limited edition hard cover? how many copies were you planning on printing?

    I would hazard a guess that the amount would be "as many as preorders made plus a few more". It would certainly be rather annoying if people who order the HC now get told "Sorry, you missed out on our actual limited print run which we didn't tell you how many".

    If preorders are large, I'd hope the number of copies ordered to be printed will be slightly larger...

    [In other words, my suggestion is that if you want the hardcover, order it now. If you wait, you may miss out]
  • edited February 2008
    Molo> that was my thought, but then they'll end up with thousands of them! hahaha, us crazy rabid fans.

    So telltale, are you going to lock Steve in a cupboard with only a pen and stacks upon stacks of books to sign? Mwhahaha.
  • edited February 2008
    Molo> that was my thought, but then they'll end up with thousands of them! hahaha, us crazy rabid fans.
    More money for them!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    So telltale, are you going to lock Steve in a cupboard with only a pen and stacks upon stacks of books to sign? Mwhahaha.

    It may definitely come to that :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    We will not take more preorders than we have books. But there's no guarantee how long the hardcover will stay in the store, because they are a limited run. So yeah, if you want it, buy it. And no complaining if you decide to wait and then miss out. :p
  • edited February 2008
    Can't you train a monkey to do steve's signature
  • edited February 2008
    I have images like Allegro Non Tropo, the artist chained to a wall till they get funding for their animated movie, then chaining him to a chair and forcing him to animate to a LIVE orchestra... ahahahaah.

    Think we'll get personalised messages like "for the love of god call the cops! It's dark in here and I haven't eaten in 3 days!"
  • edited February 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    And no complaining if you decide to wait and then miss out. :p
    Wait, wait, wait. You can tell the internet not to complain about something?

    Does that actually work?
  • edited February 2008
    Apparently not!
  • edited February 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    Wait, wait, wait. You can tell the internet not to complain about something?

    You can't tell the internet not to complain about something. That's a terrible idea. ;)
  • edited February 2008
    The internet complains about everything, even when it's good. :D
  • edited February 2008
    The internet complains about everything, even when it's good. :D

    We don't call thos complaints. We call those "constructive criticisms."
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    Wait, wait, wait. You can tell the internet not to complain about something?

    Does that actually work?

    No, but then I get to feel self-righteous and say "I told you so" when it happens. :p
  • edited February 2008
    Okie dokie, Hardcover ordered. This'll go neatly with Don Rosa's 'The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck', which is seriously good and if you haven't read it you're missing out, by the way.

    Didn't think I could get that moved by a comic. :)
  • edited February 2008
    Nice to see a fellow Disney Comics fan.
  • edited February 2008
    Ordered my copy! I wanted the hardcover but I'm a cheapskate :( Oh well, can't wait anyways :) I have read half of it already, I went to library once to check it out, and they sent it to my library from the orange county library. But unfortunately, due to my vocabularies lack of the word 'due date' or 'calendar' I didn't return it on time. And boy was the orange county library pissed that a rare book was missing in the middle of Utah. It cost me 5 bucks for every day I didn't return it, and ever since then I haven't gone to the library cause they don't like me :(
  • edited February 2008
    I really miss the library. I haven't been in over 6 months because I have over $20 in fines on both accounts. lol
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    We got boxes and boxes of them in at the office! They're awesome.
  • edited February 2008
    Croutons wrote: »
    Ordered my copy! I wanted the hardcover but I'm a cheapskate :( Oh well, can't wait anyways :) I have read half of it already, I went to library once to check it out, and they sent it to my library from the orange county library. But unfortunately, due to my vocabularies lack of the word 'due date' or 'calendar' I didn't return it on time. And boy was the orange county library pissed that a rare book was missing in the middle of Utah. It cost me 5 bucks for every day I didn't return it, and ever since then I haven't gone to the library cause they don't like me :(
    Are you kidding? They love fines, it's one of the ways they keep afloat. Really, how many days did it add up? Ten, twenty? Why that's $100 right there! Of course, if you actually lost the book, I'm sure they'd be pissed. :p
  • edited February 2008
    Are you kidding? They love fines, it's one of the ways they keep afloat. Really, how many days did it add up? Ten, twenty? Why that's $100 right there! Of course, if you actually lost the book, I'm sure they'd be pissed. :p

    The orange county library charged me about 95$ and my local library charged me 150$ because apparently the orange county library held our library responsible, yeah, that's why they don't like me.:(
  • edited February 2008
    I got my copy today! Read up to the end On the Road pt. 1 So far! Loving it! 1st time I've read the original comics. Myintial exsposure to the duo was the Fox Kids cartoon. :D
  • edited February 2008
    My old copy was actually stolen (accidentally) from my local library. I checked it out and then lost it, so I paid for the missing book (which was cover price plus a bit for a fee I think). Then, later, I found it again! Then it disappeared again, and I never found out what happened to it that time.
  • edited February 2008
    If my library had Surfin the Highway I'd pretend to lose it and pay the fee. It's still cheaper than buying it online.... (at least before the re-print was issued)
  • edited February 2008
    But you'd be stripping others the chance to read it. That's mean.
  • edited February 2008
    Who reads "Sam & Max" anyway. It wouldn't be missed :P
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Heh oh man, Crutons, that's a huge bummer. At least you didn't steal it! :)

    I've heard a surprising number of stories of people who stole their copy of Surfin the Highway from the local library, most of them justifying it by saying they somehow were "saving" the book or some crap. What crap! You're just stealing from a library! How low is that?
  • edited February 2008
    Hey, I legitimately lost it :p
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Losing it is kind of the opposite of saving it, so you're off the hook!
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Heh oh man, Crutons, that's a huge bummer. At least you didn't steal it! :)

    I've heard a surprising number of stories of people who stole their copy of Surfin the Highway from the local library, most of them justifying it by saying they somehow were "saving" the book or some crap. What crap! You're just stealing from a library! How low is that?

    When I found out I had to pay 245$ for it I almost did feel like stealing it, but then again I'm really paranoid about the feds finding me for some mysterious reason *cough*Idunwantmyharddrivewithbackupsofover10,000dvdstobeconfusedwithpiratedmovies*cough*
    and I have really big guilty conscious so I don't think I could ever really steal something. My friend points that out all the time when I spend large checks on imports for Japanese music that I could download online, and since they aren't published in the US it's not illegal to pirate.
  • edited February 2008
    I'm not a bad person...

    I once took out a Bone book from the library, and being convinced I had already returned it (and telling them that) I ended up finding it a couple of months later under the passenger side seat of my car. Luckily, during this time the library was going through renovations and setting up a new computer system so they decided it must have gotten lost in the chaos. I could have kept it and they wouldn't have ever known, but (being the upstanding citizen I am) I returned it :P
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    tabacco wrote:
    Then, later, I found it again! Then it disappeared again, and I never found out what happened to it that time.

    Divine justice. Somewhere, a library is laughing at you.
  • edited February 2008
    You wouldn't steal a baby...

    This fits the conversation too well not to post. :)
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