Ô_o What bearing does that have on anything? Heck one of the best (if not the best) zombie films of all time had a black protagonist. (Night of the Living Dead)
As for all this wild speculation. You all should see the footage in its proper context. Where a developer talks about what their actual goals are for the game and what the gameplay will be like. So check that out here.
Hey, maybe it'll be good. It's based off the show, it seems, I doubt it'd fuck up. I hope it's good, knowing Activision, it'll be bad. But hell, it's made by the same people who made the Ghostbusters game, and it was actually good. My hopes are on the middle on this.
I'm not actually surprised about the way people giving it a stinky finger, but I am actually surprised on what they base it on.
All anyone has seen is early Alpha footage... tons of people bought The War Z in a worse state and pretend they love it(no, I didn't - neither a.) nor b.)! )
Why not give it a chance and stomp it if Activision fails to deliver?
The game has gotten much undeserved hatred. The reason are ridiculous. Graghics? Who cares? Also remember that Telltale doesn't exactly provide killer visual either but no one complained there. Activision? They're the publishers. Terminal Reality is making the game. And they made the Ghostbuster game (Personally they would have been able to make a way better BTTF game IMO). Generic shooter? Can you spot one gun in the gameplay trailer? All I see is the guy using an ax and knife. I saw stealth over mindless action. It's obviously a survival horror. I don't see how anyone can look at that footage and call it a Call of Duty Walking Dead.
Anyways this could be good. I also saw some interesting details in an interview. It looks like it could be a fun game to play because it actually has... well gameplay. I guess we have to wait to see the story to see if it's as good or better than Telltales game. Heck maybe this will give them inspiration and ideas for season 2.
Generic shooter? Can you spot one gun in the gameplay trailer? All I see is the guy using an ax and knife. I saw stealth over mindless action.
At one point he had a Shotgun. I also saw neither action nor stealth. I instead saw a guy walk around as every walker but one ignored him.
That said, it does look more like alpha, but I wouldn't be showing footage at this stage anyway. It gives people a bad impression like well... right now.
So far I'm not expecting much, but given the game isn't out yet, anything can happen between now and then, so who knows.
Robert Kirkman still said a walking dead fps wasn't a good idea though, curious if he's changed his mind
At one point he had a Shotgun. I also saw neither action nor stealth. I instead saw a guy walk around as every walker but one ignored him.
That said, it does look more like alpha, but I wouldn't be showing footage at this stage anyway. It gives people a bad impression like well... right now.
So far I'm not expecting much, but given the game isn't out yet, anything can happen between now and then, so who knows.
Robert Kirkman still said a walking dead fps wasn't a good idea though, curious if he's changed his mind
Well again I wouldn't call this an FPS. It's a survival horror from a first person perspective. Yes there obviously will be shooting but you really believe it's going to be mostly shooting? Heck you might be required not to shoot at all in fear of running out of limited bullets. That's survival horror for you. It will obviously not be CoD or Halo shooting so I really wouldn't call it a shooter.
Well again I wouldn't call this an FPS. It's a survival horror from a first person perspective. Yes there obviously will be shooting but you really believe it's going to be mostly shooting? Heck you might be required not to shoot at all in fear of running out of limited bullets. That's survival horror for you. It will obviously not be CoD or Halo shooting so I really wouldn't call it a shooter.
You can't really tell what it is with the footage we got. While it certainly didn't focus on shooting, it didn't focus on stealth or survival either. Again, there are scenes were the walkers flat out ignored him.
If this really is alpha, then we will have to wait and see on if the game is any good, but why the heck would you show off footage of alpha?
You can't really tell what it is with the footage we got. While it certainly didn't focus on shooting, it didn't focus on stealth or survival either. Again, there are scenes were the walkers flat out ignored him.
If this really is alpha, then we will have to wait and see on if the game is any good, but why the heck would you show off footage of alpha?
If the point of this game is about survival, it would be ideal to be able to use the blood of walkers on the player himself/herself so that he/she can get passed without killing walkers or making noise unnecessarily.
If the point of this game is about survival, it would be ideal to be able to use the blood of walkers on the player himself/herself so that he/she can get passed without killing walkers or making noise unnecessarily.
LOL that was so lame in TWD game. That's like the scene from Heavy Rain where the police catch you and you put on a police uniform to escape the station.
LOL that was so lame in TWD game. That's like the scene from Heavy Rain where the police catch you and you put on a police uniform to escape the station.
I'd rather have that "lame" option over a shitload of walkers trying to devour me.
I'd rather have that "lame" option over a shitload of walkers trying to devour me.
It just annoys me how much they make you fear the zombies, how dangerous it is on the streets and then the solution is as easy as basically dressing up as them in a way.
It just annoys me how much they make you fear the zombies, how dangerous it is on the streets and then the solution is as easy as basically dressing up as them in a way.
You're making it sound like it gives you complete invulnerability to them. Moving fast, speaking, making any kind of noise is a death sentence. On top of that, rain ruins it completely, and is a common occurrence. It's far from foolproof.
Game will be out in March... They had BETTER up their game, we ALL saw that hideous alpha footage, and just figured they had another 2 years to clean it up.
LOL that was so lame in TWD game. That's like the scene from Heavy Rain where the police catch you and you put on a police uniform to escape the station.
The only thing I don't like about it especially in the TV show, hurt people with pretty bad open wounds do it, and it doesn't bother them at all when they get the guts all over them. If a bite is bad for you the blood and guts from a rotting zombie should be just as bad.
But it gives people a poor idea as it makes the game look buggy and not interesting. If this is truly in alpha, then they should put disclaimers like that out instead of making people think the game is the way it is.
Although the game comes out in March now, so I can't expect too many changes. Guess we will just wait and see on this.
Anyone seen the launch date trailer? The fact that they´ve announced the launch date (which is only three months ahead) and we haven´t seen one bit of footage from the game past alpha isn´t very promising.
nah, its more like a face pace walk. but i guess theyre the same to be frank.
Let’s settle this. Watch the first 22 seconds:
Ô_o What bearing does that have on anything? Heck one of the best (if not the best) zombie films of all time had a black protagonist. (Night of the Living Dead)
As for all this wild speculation. You all should see the footage in its proper context. Where a developer talks about what their actual goals are for the game and what the gameplay will be like. So check that out here.
Ah yes, i keep forgetting that this is based on the TV show. They never run in the comics, so it seemed a little off.
good job.
I've never really like the walking dead but was in need of a good point and click and knew I could rely on Telltale
I don't believe a walking dead shooter will compare with other zombie shooters or other walking dead publications
A shitload of Cabbage.
All anyone has seen is early Alpha footage... tons of people bought The War Z in a worse state and pretend they love it(no, I didn't - neither a.) nor b.)!
Why not give it a chance and stomp it if Activision fails to deliver?
Anyways this could be good. I also saw some interesting details in an interview. It looks like it could be a fun game to play because it actually has... well gameplay. I guess we have to wait to see the story to see if it's as good or better than Telltales game. Heck maybe this will give them inspiration and ideas for season 2.
At one point he had a Shotgun. I also saw neither action nor stealth. I instead saw a guy walk around as every walker but one ignored him.
That said, it does look more like alpha, but I wouldn't be showing footage at this stage anyway. It gives people a bad impression like well... right now.
So far I'm not expecting much, but given the game isn't out yet, anything can happen between now and then, so who knows.
Robert Kirkman still said a walking dead fps wasn't a good idea though, curious if he's changed his mind
Well again I wouldn't call this an FPS. It's a survival horror from a first person perspective. Yes there obviously will be shooting but you really believe it's going to be mostly shooting? Heck you might be required not to shoot at all in fear of running out of limited bullets. That's survival horror for you. It will obviously not be CoD or Halo shooting so I really wouldn't call it a shooter.
You can't really tell what it is with the footage we got. While it certainly didn't focus on shooting, it didn't focus on stealth or survival either. Again, there are scenes were the walkers flat out ignored him.
If this really is alpha, then we will have to wait and see on if the game is any good, but why the heck would you show off footage of alpha?
To give people an idea of what the game is about?
LOL that was so lame in TWD game. That's like the scene from Heavy Rain where the police catch you and you put on a police uniform to escape the station.
WTF does Glenn Miller have to do with any of this?
I'd rather have that "lame" option over a shitload of walkers trying to devour me.
It just annoys me how much they make you fear the zombies, how dangerous it is on the streets and then the solution is as easy as basically dressing up as them in a way.
You're making it sound like it gives you complete invulnerability to them. Moving fast, speaking, making any kind of noise is a death sentence. On top of that, rain ruins it completely, and is a common occurrence. It's far from foolproof.
Cool, interesting stuff. Now I've become curious about the game.
If I had any doubts before (which I didn't) this info made this a "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" game......
The only thing I don't like about it especially in the TV show, hurt people with pretty bad open wounds do it, and it doesn't bother them at all when they get the guts all over them. If a bite is bad for you the blood and guts from a rotting zombie should be just as bad.
And Michael Rooker voicing Merle.
But it gives people a poor idea as it makes the game look buggy and not interesting. If this is truly in alpha, then they should put disclaimers like that out instead of making people think the game is the way it is.
Although the game comes out in March now, so I can't expect too many changes. Guess we will just wait and see on this.
March, you mean March 2013?! :eek:
Holy shit they'll be rushing to develop this game quickly since March 2013 isn't too far away.
Yeah, pretty much. It kind of makes me wonder what they'll be shipping if the footage from a few months ago was ALPHA footage.
It strikes me as a survival horror over a shooter. In that gameplay trailer you see more axes then guns.
This way it will prove to either be worth it or not.
More like two months right now. This is scary. They want to ruin this with all their might.