What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Phoenix

    "Killing them will make the world a better place? Really? You really think that? Trust me, there are plenty of worse people out there, ten times worse then them....."

    "If you guys want to go kill them, do it, I'm leaving..."

    Phoenix says as he opens the door to the RV, looking at Will and Elizabeth to see if they'll join him.

  • Kieran

    "Yes I do think that, because if we don't kill them, they'll rape, and kill more people"

  • Molly

    "I'm speechless. Before you go, let me speak to you." Molly walked towards Phoenix outside. "Privately." as she pushed him out.

    "Really? You don't think killing them would make the world a better place? Let me ask you this, would you feel better knowing you had prevented a little girl from being raped, and a lot more little girls, or knowing you had prevented one little girl from being raped, and knowing those rapists had gone on to rape more? Seriously, if you think letting them live is the better thing, you're too caught up in keeping your humanity. Sometimes, in a world like this you have to put others first."

  • Phoenix

    "It's just- " Phoenix mouth drops as he realizes how he's been acting, one day with a group and he's already losing it...

    "You know what... I'm done arguing... Take me out of the vote.. It's up to you guys... I mean.. It's a group after all..."

    "I'm sorry..."

  • Anton

    Molly got out the RV after Phoenix. "Ain't it the time for personal drama?" Anton thought. "So, we vote or something. Should we wait for the rest or no?".

  • Han

    Han who was drunk, stumbled out of the RV. "I think that the motor inn could be seen from that hill, I have a scope and it can see from far distances, I am going to check it out, we dont have any time for a vote!" Han said while slurring his speech. Han emptied his clip and struggled to put in the new one but he manages to get it.

  • edited April 2014


    "I think we should all just get out. Han, I'm pretty damn sure your drunk, and we just need to get Ivy. We can't stop. Now Han is right, the motor inn can be seen from that hill. Let's get to a vantage point, and we can attack, but we have to be smart about this" I say

  • edited April 2014


    "They are strong and good people, they wouldn't do that to us, and you're probably worried that they might be dead but they have to still be alive, and that's why I want to get back to them" She glanced at Angel who had her eyes on the road. "Do you really think we're going to find Zara and Trina by ourselves?" She rummaged through her bag and took out her make up and hairbrush. She ran her fingers through her hair, all tangled and greasy like she expected. "Once we find the others, we can go looking for our girls, now is there a mirror anywhere?"

    Getting up from the front seat Frankie walked to the back of the RV. The place was an absolute wreck. As she started clearing up the mess, a crackling noise came from the front of the RV. Frankie spun around. "Angie, was that the radio?!" she exclaimed.

  • edited April 2014


    Zara was running as fast as she could. The walkers were all around the woods. She was almost out of breath. Her eyes darted for something to climb onto, and then she saw it, an opening exit from the forest. She sprinted towards the exit ran straight through. Looking behind her the walkers are far behind. Zara turns and breathes a sigh of relief as she sees a Motor Inn not far from here. "Finally, a safe place to rest up, lets hope that if there's people in there, they'll be friendly.

    She strolled toward the Motor Inn and knocked on the door. "Hello?" She called "I need help!"

  • Lauren

    Lauren rushed out of the RV to see where everyone went, "Wait! Only Molly and Han go first to scout, if they won't be back in 20-30 minutes we'll bust in and save them" She yelled to Kieran and Han, but not too loudly, so no one else will hear. She then turned to Molly and told her quietly: "Watch over Han, I think he's drunk, don't let him do anything stupid".

  • Jamie

    Jamie heard a noise from outside, someone was knocking on the entrance, "Hey! Get your guns! There's someone at the door!" He yelled.


    Glinda posted: »

    Zara Zara was running as fast as she could. The walkers were all around the woods. She was almost out of breath. Her eyes darted for some

  • Zara

    Zara heard movement from the other side of the door. "Hello?" she repeated and suddenly she felt nervous.

  • Han

    Before any other directions, Han blitzed off, the hill was a few minutes off but could be seen from a far distance. Han ignoring the fact that there could be other people around he shouts "Molly, go find a tree to climb!".

  • Kieran

    "Lauren is right, Molly and Han can go scout and get a proper eye on them, but I don't think we should wait THAT long, because if we wait 30 minutes that could be 30 minutes that the bandits have...used...Ivy"

  • Ryan The Bandit

    I heard Jamie tell us to get the guns, but I heard the voice and it wasn't just any old voice. It was a little girl. I smiled. Another Little girl.

    "Alright guys, let's kidnap this bitch" I say.

  • lol I felt like her character was going no where so I decided to put her in danger!


  • Zara

    She remembered what Gavin told her. "Verify then trust" he had told her, "Always enter a situation with a knife in your hand". Zara felt her back jean pocket, where her knife was still stashed. "Verify then trust" she repeated.


    Glinda posted: »

    lol I felt like her character was going no where so I decided to put her in danger!

  • Angel

    "This thing still works? Damn." Angel adjusts the radio to hear something "Hey Frankie, what exactly am I listening for?" She asks Frankie

  • edited April 2014


    Frankie pressed her ear to the radio but could only make out certain words.
    "Come north...................sanctuary........................safety for all...........welcome"

    "Angie there talking about a sanctuary!" Frankie squeled. She pushed her ear closer to the radio but the crackle was all that was left. She sat back down on the front seat. "It was a women's voice and they were talking about a sanctuary up north". She felt hopeful, and happy. This was an actual good piece of news. Was Zara there? That's truly what Frankie wanted, for Zara to be in a sanctuary.

  • Molly

    Molly sprinted to the motor inn, preparing to scout. Rotation around the side, she got behind a bandit and put her axe through his skull. Proceeding to climb up a nearby tree, she saw a lot of bandits. "Well, shit." Molly said, worriedly.


    Ivy had finally cut through her bindings, using a bone from the corpse next to her. "I'm sorry." Ivy whispered.

    She quietly opened the door to her "cell". No one close to her, but a few bandits im sight. At that moment she saw Aarons axe on a nearby wall. "Thank god.." she mumbled near silently. With her new weapon, she could escape. She felt hope, but all of a sudden she noticed someone behind her...

    Note: If this is the ideal time for Paul to grab her then so be it. If not, it will be an unnamed bandit for Ivy to take out.

  • edited April 2014


    Elisha heard Lauren and Kieran, and, despite his instincts decided to stay. He rubbed his face, feeling his black beard. He sighed and stood guard, and walked over to Phoenix.

    "You... Talking about your family, that was some shit, and I know I acted like a douche in hindsight, but I have a story similar to that, if you want to hear it."

  • edited April 2014


    Han made it up the hill, he couldnt see Molly from down below, he thought that maybe she made it to the tree or found a way inside, he than saw a bandit, he readied his scope to verify that it was a bandit, he couldnt tell by the clothes and only saw the back of the bandit. "I should wait until he turns around" he says to himself. Han waits and waits, until the person finally turns around.....Han saw Hal, this was the alcohol getting to him, but he couldnt believed what he saw.. he was shocked so he dropped his rifle. "ahh!" Han screams as the alerted Bandit shoots a bullet right through his leg, he rolls off the hill and into a bunch of bushes and trees and remains hidden.

  • Just thought I'd tell everyone that the next version of the interactive story is out. Even though it isn't a huge update, i'm posting it here because none of the other links will work anymore. http://www.philome.la/Zyphon44/what-comes-afterv-21

  • Paul

    After talking to a couple guys, he decided it was time to pay the girl a visit, but by the time he got there, he saw her take the axe off it's place on the wall, and start trying to sneak away. He got his gun out and snuck up behind her. "What do you think you're doing little miss?" He said, aiming the gun at the back of her head.

  • Phoenix

    "You weren't the only one acting like a douche... I'm sorry... I'd be happy to listen to your story.

  • Ivy

    "Away from you, creep. Leave me alone!" said Ivy. She tried to run, but was stopped by Paul and his gun.

  • Wait which one Ryan or Jaime? I forgot which one you called dibs on

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah, I can write him begging.

  • ~Issac~
    "Paul I heard someone screaming outside...Isn't she the crafty motherfucker!" Issac exclaimed as he noticed an bindless Ivy and cowboy Paul hosting his gun in her face

  • edited April 2014


    "Alright, so, before I joined with you all, I... was with the bandits. These very bandits we're fighting. I never wanted to do it, mind you. I just wanted to find my ex, because I still liked her, y'know? Anyway, these bandits kind of forced me to join because I knew a thing or two about chemistry. I was pissed, but I had a gun pointed at my head. What the fuck could I do? So I did their shit, helped 'em make drugs and shit while they gave me food. I was happy, before... they raped this little girl, Danielle, I think. They told me to watch her mother while they did so, make sure she didn't kill 'em. I... Cried as they raped Danielle. And that happiness I had flew away, just disappeared. I decided I was gonna get my ass outta there, and I worked on my plans for many days before I had my chance. A group at the Motel, before this one, they had an idiot kid giving drugs and shit for me to work on. They said they needed all hands for the attack, including me. The bandits held them hostage before they shot three of our people. In the confusion of the battle, I had to shoot a man, Rowan, who I was good friends with, so he wouldn't snitch. I just wandered around Macon after that, before I met up with you and Han at the cabin."

  • Phoenix (Also, I'm somehow a bit confused on where we are at. (Not sure why.) Can someone reply to this and tell me please?)

    "Man... Man... You know, that information could actually help us in the battle, you follow me?"

    "You know their tactics, their strategies, you know exactly what their next move will be! You need to inform the others, you could save any of us from dying!"

  • edited April 2014


    The door opened and a big man with broad shoulders stood behind it. "Em...hi I need help, I'm lost." The man grinned warmly.
    "Sure kid, you look tired." he welcomed her in and the inn was dark and dusty. "Thank you, but I need to warn you those things are coming through the woods, they followed me here".

    (Sorry just needed to be a random bandit for a second)

  • We are not far from the Motor inn parked by the road so Molly and Han can scout further. Han just took a tumble and Molly is doing her thang.

    Phoenix (Also, I'm somehow a bit confused on where we are at. (Not sure why.) Can someone reply to this and tell me please?) "Man... Man.

  • Kieran

    "The fuck was that?" I said as I heard a gunshot in the distance followed by a man screaming, the same way that Molly and Han went.

    "I think we have to see if they are okay, I mean that sounded a little like Han right?" I ask.

  • Anton

    "I don't know, man. I can go with you to check." Anton said.

    Kieran "The fuck was that?" I said as I heard a gunshot in the distance followed by a man screaming, the same way that Molly and Han went. "I think we have to see if they are okay, I mean that sounded a little like Han right?" I ask.

  • edited April 2014


    "The hell was that?" I ask as I rush over to Jack(unnamed bandit dude that doesn't matter)

    "I saw a guy aiming his god damn sights at us. He dropped it for some reason and I shot him. Don't know where though" Jack says.

    "For fuck sake Jack will ya improve ya aim? He'll bleed out anyway the fucking bitch" I say.

    I go over to see an Marcus bring a girl in, he winked at me and I winked at Jack.

    "Well Look who we have here" I laugh.

    edited April 2014

    And her stuff.

    We are not far from the Motor inn parked by the road so Molly and Han can scout further. Han just took a tumble and Molly is doing her thang.

  • Lauren

    "It's too dangerous to go into the open to look for him, he was shot, the bandits are alarmed, one of you needs to sneak around the hill quietly and check on him."

  • edited April 2014


    Han had several cuts around his body and head because of the twigs and bushes, but he wasnt feeling any injuries, the only part that was hurting was his leg, but not as bad as when it was first shot at. Han began to awake from being knocked out from the fall, he looked around and was shocked that he didnt lose to much blood, he didnt even feel light headed, he felt pretty good. He got to his feet and and took his first step. "ahh fuck! fuck!" he accidently shouts out, it still hurt, but he powered through and took small steps, he didnt know how long it took him to wake up, but he couldnt hear any noises. "did the battle end?" he thought. He gave a good look around, and began to notice that he was not near the hill, he was than thinking that maybe he didnt get knocked out, and managed to walk a bit further before losing blood and fainting. But he was still unsure, the only thing he could remember was getting shot in the leg.

    Han began to trail back incase he managed to move far away from the hill. He hadnt seen any sign of walkers near by, but just incase and just so he doesnt hurt his leg any further, he decided to take small steps. He didnt have any of his stuff, he left his bag and rifle on top of the hill. As Han walked further, he got more tired and sore, he began coughing out blood and he got pretty light headed. "If they are still in battle, I need to find them...I have to help" Han said to himself.

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