Which games are you currently playing?



  • edited November 2011
    Alternating between Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask. I feel like I'm playing Ocarina of Time for morons. This is the most insultingly hint-laden Zelda I've ever seen. And Navi telling me to take a break just now doesn't help my attitude towards it any either.

    Really? I never paid attention to Navi, so I didn't get that feeling. Plus ignoring the wiggly Sheikah Stone helped. Though I did listen to her a couple of times, and yes, she pretty much tells you what you're supposed to do. Except after the Water Temple. That's still "Hey, you might want to look for clues about the last two sages!" What part of that says, "GO TO KAKARIKO VILLAGE TO KEEP IT FROM BURNING DOWN"? I swear, that part of the game makes no sense. You'd think the dumb fairy would say, "Hey, I see smoke from the village, maybe you should check it out?" *facepalm* For the most part, Navi's useless. I just ignore her and play the game my way.

    I will say this about the game's somewhat diluted difficulty. I think it's less Nintendo being condescending towards the past Zelda fans, and more like they realize...the current generation of gamers don't know what a hard game is. Anyone remember the original Zelda? You had NO clues about where to go. Just a wooden sword and a credo to go beat Ganon. That was it. I miss the good old days of "Nintendo hard".
  • edited November 2011
    I will say this about the game's somewhat diluted difficulty. I think it's less Nintendo being condescending towards the past Zelda fans, and more like they realize...the current generation of gamers don't know what a hard game is. Anyone remember the original Zelda? You had NO clues about where to go. Just a wooden sword and a credo to go beat Ganon. That was it. I miss the good old days of "Nintendo hard".
    I remember never knowing how to actually get into each dungeon. Not one single signpost or hint. Nothing. No wonder I got sick of it so quickly.

    I'm not saying they had to spell it out out, but at least something to nudge me in the right direction would have been nice.
  • edited November 2011
    Of course, I'm watching someone playing through Skyward Sword on YouTube, and if not for his commentary, I would've stopped watching it a long time ago. He's so bad at the game, and even though people have told him what he's doing wrong, he doesn't seem to be paying attention. He does the same with Batman Arkham City. And it astounds me because he was freakin awesome at JURASSIC PARK! I can't count how many times I was expecting him to screw up at a point when I did and he made it just fine. Yet I'm better at Batman and Zelda? Strange, strange, strange.
  • edited November 2011
    Really? I never paid attention to Navi, so I didn't get that feeling. Plus ignoring the wiggly Sheikah Stone helped. Though I did listen to her a couple of times, and yes, she pretty much tells you what you're supposed to do. Except after the Water Temple. That's still "Hey, you might want to look for clues about the last two sages!" What part of that says, "GO TO KAKARIKO VILLAGE TO KEEP IT FROM BURNING DOWN"? I swear, that part of the game makes no sense. You'd think the dumb fairy would say, "Hey, I see smoke from the village, maybe you should check it out?" *facepalm* For the most part, Navi's useless. I just ignore her and play the game my way.

    It does upset me that they made the Temple of Time so damn pretty, then ruined it by throwing that stupid Sheikah Stone in there. That said, it's been a couple of things that have irked me, even ignoring Navi 99% of the time. For example, they added a new "mandatory" Navi dialogue, in Jabu-Jabu. When you leave Ruto for the first time, to get the boomerang while Ruto holds down the switch for the door, Navi tells you that you should go back to where she is.

    Also, some of the other dialogue has been tweaked to make it more leading, such as the Great Fairy on Death Mountain telling you about her friend. In the original, she just says she has a friend who lives near Hyrule Castle. In 3D, she's much more specific about the location. It's things like that that get on my nerves. There's just so much hand-holding. And the fact that Nintendo felt that it was necessary in a 13 year old game targeted at Zelda fans is just ridiculous.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm sort of playing Skyward Sword twice over. I have a savegame that I'm playing with my wife watching, and copy it to another slot that that I play on my own when she's not around. Sometimes when I play the game with my wife I catch up to the progress my other game has, so I delete the one that has fewer collectibles obtained and load the other.

    At present, I'm heading to the first flame, after helping the dragon. That's not spoilery at all for me to say. Trust me.
  • edited November 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    At present,
    I'm heading to the first flame, after helping the dragon.
    That's not spoilery at all for me to say. Trust me.

    It is to me, I didn't even know there were
    dragons to help.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm replaying Tales of Monkey Island for the first time :D And it's inspired me to come back to these forums.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm not saying they had to spell it out out, but at least something to nudge me in the right direction would have been nice.

  • edited November 2011

    Now I remember what I didn't like about the early Guitar Hero/Rock Band games.

    The fact that most of the songs had to be unlocked via career mode.

    That was fine in Guitar Hero 3 at least, since it has a fantastic setlist, but in Rock Band, its a real chore.
    Sure there a few good songs in each tier, but it almost deliberately puts all the crap songs in the lower tiers, which motivates me less to get further.
    (Warriors of Rock is guilty of the same thing. Which begins with either Punk, or Emo metal. Punk is tolerable, (some songs are just painful), but Emo crap, me no likey! >:X

    Rock Band 3 is excellent. It really is.
    The interface is better, and the DLC is fantastic for a metal head like myself.
  • edited November 2011
    Dammit, you read between the lines and caught my hidden message. Curse you and your intellect! I could never hope to match wits against you!
  • edited November 2011
    Fealiks wrote: »
    I'm replaying Tales of Monkey Island for the first time :D And it's inspired me to come back to these forums.

    Nice to see you back. You probably don't remember me, since I was a lurker for a long time and therefore possess the ability to creep people out by remembering them when I should not have that ability.
  • edited November 2011
    It does upset me that they made the Temple of Time so damn pretty, then ruined it by throwing that stupid Sheikah Stone in there. That said, it's been a couple of things that have irked me, even ignoring Navi 99% of the time. For example, they added a new "mandatory" Navi dialogue, in Jabu-Jabu. When you leave Ruto for the first time, to get the boomerang while Ruto holds down the switch for the door, Navi tells you that you should go back to where she is.

    Also, some of the other dialogue has been tweaked to make it more leading, such as the Great Fairy on Death Mountain telling you about her friend. In the original, she just says she has a friend who lives near Hyrule Castle. In 3D, she's much more specific about the location. It's things like that that get on my nerves. There's just so much hand-holding. And the fact that Nintendo felt that it was necessary in a 13 year old game targeted at Zelda fans is just ridiculous.

    Hmm. Maybe so. I still prefer the 3DS version now. *shrugs*
  • edited November 2011
    They added a marker on the map for the trading sequence. In adult Malon's initial dialogue, after "If I disobey Mr. Ingo, he will treat the horses so badly... So... There's nothing I can do...", they added "Maybe I can sing them their favorite song." HINT HINT. And while I was in the Forest Temple, perfectly on course, Navi interrupted me to say that maybe I should go find a Sheikah Stone and get some help. This game has now reached the level of "fucking insulting". I've finally discovered a game whose heavy-handed hint system pisses me off even more than the one in Back to the Future.

    Edit: More insult. "It sure was a surprise to find out that Saria is one of the sages! I wonder how Sheik is doing? Anyway, off to the Temple of Time!" Even if they felt they needed to add that, it should've been one of those things where Navi wants to talk to you, not one of those things where Navi talks whether you want it or not.
  • edited November 2011
    Maybe I just don't notice these things because I don't talk to the characters much any more in Ocarina of Time. I already know where I'm going and what I'm doing.

    BTW, a friend of mine was telling me that a coworker was asking how to get into Dampe's grave, and the guy thought it was on the ledge that you get to with either the hookshot or a magic bean, but he didn't plant a magic bean and he couldn't go back in time, so the guy restarted the file. *facepalm* THESE ARE THE GUYS THAT THOSE HINTS ARE FOR.
  • edited November 2011
    The easier games get, the dumber gamers start to get, and the games get easier still. This is not acceptable.
  • edited November 2011
    I am currently deciding which console game of the past year or so is most worth playing again. You see, to me there are three types of games... replayable, satisfying, and garbage I didn't bother finishing(I'm looking at you Castlevania; gathering dust on my floor).
  • edited November 2011
    The easier games get, the dumber gamers start to get, and the games get easier still. This is not acceptable.

    Hence all the complaints about the Adventure Game genre of games.

    "I don't want to solve some stupid puzzle! If I wanted to do that, I'd play a puzzle game like Bejeweled!"

    Speaking of which, I started playing that again tonight. Easy to pick up as it was easy to put down the first time. I'm not one for high score achievements. :p
  • edited November 2011
    Really? It was so hard to figure out Volvagia's weak point, they felt they had to make his face flash green? Every time I think this game's hand holding can't sink lower, it surprises me.

    And yes, I already know about the guide lines and extra cutscene in the Water Temple.
  • edited November 2011
    [talking about the many things Zelda OoT 3D changed to dumb down challenges for the player]

    Now you see none of that stuff bothered me when I was playing through it because I already knew how to do everything, I just ignored all hints and I didn't bother talking to the stones once I knew what they were. However if I were playing the game for the first time I sure I would have been annoyed by how obvious some of the things are.

    I will add this to the list of lameness if you haven't already talked about it, on the trading sequence quest for Biggoron's Sword the map points out the exact location of the next person you have to trade with, taking all thinking out of the equation and making the whole quest pretty much redundant. It's now just an elaborate time waster.
  • edited November 2011
    Mario Kart 7.

    Love it. :D


    I'm playing all these Japanese people, (games not out yet here), and I've been kicking ass!

    I've actually won 2 races, which I never normally do.

    Go Mario and his Gerkin mobile!
  • edited December 2011
    Really? It was so hard to figure out Volvagia's weak point, they felt they had to make his face flash green? Every time I think this game's hand holding can't sink lower, it surprises me.

    And yes, I already know about the guide lines and extra cutscene in the Water Temple.

    Hey, I didn't know until recently that you could slash at him with your sword after the initial hit with the hammer or shoot him in the nose while he's flying around. Too bad Navi doesn't tell you things like that.

    And I, for one, am GLAD for that extra cutscene to show you that hole below the block. I don't know how many times I've forgotten that #@*#$&; key! Again though, I don't pay too much attention to the hints. I've played the game so much that it's second nature to me at this point. The Master Quest though...yikes.

    I attempted to do a three heart, shield-less run-through(basically got rid of the Deku Shield as fast as possible). That was fine until I ran into a Stalfos in one of the narrow halls in the Forest Temple and it killed me with one blow. Then I back-tracked to every dungeon to get the heart containers. Which sucked, because I chose to jump from the main level of the Deku Tree into the basement and just happened to land in the small section that was shallow, so that took me down to 1 and a half hearts. Then ran to the second hole to take me in front of the boss room, and one of the Deku Babas chomped at me right as I jumped. Link was dead before he hit the water. Good thing I had a fairy or there would have been rage-quitting.
  • edited December 2011
    I would consider playing Master Quest after this, but 1. this is the second time in a row that I've played Ocarina of Time, and 2. I don't like that they felt they had to mirror the game for no reason and increase damage. If I want to play Master Quest, I'll stick with the GameCube version.
  • edited December 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    It is to me, I didn't even know there were
    dragons to help.
    True, but you don't know where it is, why it is where it is or that it looks exactly like a cross between Shigeru Miyamoto, a jar of pickles and a yak.

  • edited December 2011
    Dungeons of Dredmor. Very addicting. I finally figured out how to not lose all my save files. Turns out that clicking the "Permadeath" button was a BAD thing to do if you like opening up mysterious chests that have "Evil" written all over them.
  • edited December 2011
    Dungeons of Dredmor. Very addicting. I finally figured out how to not lose all my save files. Turns out that clicking the "Permadeath" button was a BAD thing to do if you like opening up mysterious chests that have "Evil" written all over them.

    That takes all the fun away!

  • edited December 2011
    I would consider playing Master Quest after this, but 1. this is the second time in a row that I've played Ocarina of Time, and 2. I don't like that they felt they had to mirror the game for no reason and increase damage. If I want to play Master Quest, I'll stick with the GameCube version.

    Not for no reason. The Master Quest on the 3DS is supposed to be for the veterans that know the game like the back of their hand. Flip the world to confuse you, double damage to make you worry about your heart total. lol
  • edited December 2011
    I would consider playing Master Quest after this, but 1. this is the second time in a row that I've played Ocarina of Time, and 2. I don't like that they felt they had to mirror the game for no reason and increase damage. If I want to play Master Quest, I'll stick with the GameCube version.

    Twilight Princess for Wii is mirrored compared to the GameCube version.
  • edited December 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    True, but you don't know where it is, why it is where it is or that it looks exactly like a cross between Shigeru Miyamoto, a jar of pickles and a yak.


    You made me spit my root beer everywhere!!
  • edited December 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Twilight Princess for Wii is mirrored compared to the GameCube version.

    Isn't that only if you're playing right-handed?
  • edited December 2011
    Not for no reason. The Master Quest on the 3DS is supposed to be for the veterans that know the game like the back of their hand. Flip the world to confuse you, double damage to make you worry about your heart total. lol

    If the original Master Quest didn't need it, why did they feel the need to change it?
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Twilight Princess for Wii is mirrored compared to the GameCube version.

    Yes, but there was a reason for that (which I don't fully understand. Why do you have to flip Hyrule just to change Link's handedness?). In this case, they seem to have just felt the original Master Quest wasn't good enough.
  • edited December 2011
    Alex IDV wrote: »
    Isn't that only if you're playing right-handed?

    Shigeru Miyamoto said in a video interview I saw once that Link in Twilight Princess is right-handed because most people (ie. gamers) are right-handed, and game testers' movements were getting confused when they slashed with their right hand making Link slash with his left. Miyamoto then said that, for the sake of resolving potential clipping issues, it was better to mirror the entire game horizontally rather than just to just flip Link's sprite.

    The GameCube version of Twilight Princess (which is what I own) has Link left-handed, as he has been in all previous Zelda games.
  • edited December 2011
    I'd kind of like to pick up the GameCube version at some point.
  • edited December 2011
    That takes all the fun away!


    I die far too much. I want to play with the cool skills and stuff! And even now, I can still make my game unplayable by saving while I'm in my death throes. I totally did that already.
  • edited December 2011
    If the original Master Quest didn't need it, why did they feel the need to change it?

    Yes, but there was a reason for that (which I don't fully understand. Why do you have to flip Hyrule just to change Link's handedness?). In this case, they seem to have just felt the original Master Quest wasn't good enough.

    They flipped the entirety of TP in order to prevent clipping issues and so they didn't have to reprogram parts of the game. Time-saving. Which I'm thankful for, they made us wait long enough for that game.

    As for OoT3D's Master Quest...they probably decided that there needed to be extra challenge. Which I can say that trying to do the Biggoron's Sword quest was given that extra challenge because I kept trying to go the "right" way.

    Also, I'm glad I never look at my map, I didn't know that the game pretty much tells you where to go for the next part of the Biggoron sequence now. Heck, I even turn my mini-map off. Maps are for wimps. lol You'd think they'd keep that kind of stuff obscure so people would maybe buy strategy guides, but then again, Nintendo doesn't technically make their own guides anymore.

    Speaking of, I was disappointed that Ocarina of Time 3D didn't get one of those nice hard-bound collector's edition guides. Would've liked one to replace my old, old, OLD OoT strategy guide that's barely intact.
  • edited December 2011
    Also, I'm glad I never look at my map, I didn't know that the game pretty much tells you where to go for the next part of the Biggoron sequence now. Heck, I even turn my mini-map off. Maps are for wimps. lol You'd think they'd keep that kind of stuff obscure so people would maybe buy strategy guides, but then again, Nintendo doesn't technically make their own guides anymore.

    Speaking of, I was disappointed that Ocarina of Time 3D didn't get one of those nice hard-bound collector's edition guides. Would've liked one to replace my old, old, OLD OoT strategy guide that's barely intact.

    Wait, so maps are for whimps but strategy guides are OK? :p
  • edited December 2011
    I just go for Maniac Mansion because its my favorite.
  • edited December 2011
    Woodsyblue wrote: »
    Wait, so maps are for whimps but strategy guides are OK? :p

    They are when you're trying to 100% the games. lol Really, for Ocarina of Time, I don't need a guide unless I'm trying to track down the dumb Skulltulas. I've played the game far too many times.
  • edited December 2011
    Playing Twighlight princess...I want to start Skyward Sword...but noooooo! Ocd won't let me...I need to beat twighlight princess.
  • edited December 2011
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Playing Twighlight princess...I want to start Skyward Sword...but noooooo! Ocd won't let me...I need to beat twighlight princess.
    Apparently, your OCD doesn't extend to spelling Twilight Princess properly, though. :D

    How far are you in the game atm?
  • edited December 2011
    I'm playing this dating sim/visual novel where you take the role of a girl in a school of pigeons.

    No, "pigeons" isn't a fancy term for a type of anime boy, it is exactly as it sounds.

    (help me I'm laughing so hard)
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