Been playing a bit of Dreamkiller and Painkiller, both first person shooters, goal is to shoot thousands of strange monsters. The only difference is the protagonist is a woman in Dreamkiller entering peoples dreams to cure them of phobias, and Painkiller it's a man redeeming his soul in hell so he can go to heaven.
Both pretty good games with their own ideas, so I am enjoying them both.
Well most people have their own ideas, and the most bad things I have heard about it is the plot is bad.
But it's just your average fps game, kill lots and lots of monsters.
I think it's quite fun, and I am really enjoying it.
Would guys consider Active a game or not? Because I started using it again after two and a half years of putting it on the self. I'm surprised the accessories haven't degraded since then, but to be honest, I should have just tried to find a copy of Active 2.
Wow Deus Ex:The missing Link already has some issues with the plot.
The gripe Ive had with it when I heard when it takes place, is which Jenson are we doing? A stealthy Jenson, Nonlethal Jenson, Run and gun Jenson? I figured it would just never be told, or you'd here guards say "I heard he did this when he got caught, or this". Nope, Jenson apparantly "took down" 8 or so guards. Ok, keep it vague on death or not, cool. After which I was asked how I felt for taking so many lives at once. So its a run and gun Jenson obviously, meaning he can now immediatly switch from run and gun, to nonlethal, to run and gun for the story:p
After which, you learn you lost all your augs(but the basic augs magicaly work, dunno why? Wait why isnt the medical aug healing Jenson's wounds?) and need to find your gear again. When you find your gear, what do you find? NONLETHAL WEAPONS!!!(And some other "plot related" stuff). So a run and gun Jenson armed himself with nonlethal weapons and was still able to successfully kill the guards? HOW?
Well just bought me an iPod touch so been playing tap tap revenge 4, carnivores:hunter a Dino game, zipper don't know if that's a game though, and Dino park
Playing mass Effect 2..for the PS3...and the backstory comic did little in the way of making me care about the characters or excited to see some of them return.
Quake with High Res mod, and Giants: Citizen Kabuto.
Just trying to play some of my backlog while I'm on "holiday".
Older brother is asleep and my little bro is out, so I set my lappy up at the computer desk, and just started playing some stuff, and having a great time.
Not a lot, since I'm busy re-installing all my programs following a virus attack and an enforced re-install of Windows XP. Goddamn thing went right through Avast. Grr. From what I could gleem before Avast gave me about 25 error messages and crashed, the virus seemed to ghost-create a new partition and fuck everything up from that. I think. Like I say, it wasn't very clear.
Anyway, while waiting for stuff to install, I tried playing Assassin's Creed on my 360, but the game kept freezing on the loading screens (glitch in the Animus?), so I've gone back to Dead Space on the PS3. Currently on my second 'run', kicking lots of ass with weapons I shouldn't technically have yet. It's great fun, if utterly non-terrifying.
With my new wireless mouse I bought the other day, a whole plethora of games have suddenly become readily playable!
(Since I can move my lappy to other areas of the house that are NOT the sofa. Though sitting in the conservatory on those crappy wooden chairs, are uncomfortable after about 10 mins. But one must suffer for their cause!)
Just completed the first campaign in Quake!
(Got a long way to go still)
Played some more Pushmo, and I am so, so close now to beating it.
Only have maybe 2 or 3 sets left (on the last Nes set!)
Doodle Fit is also a great little puzzler I've been playing on my 3DS today.
Great brain-warping fun!
Finally I just finished the main mode of Shatter, and cleared the boss rush mode, (though how anyone could ever beat it in under 10 mins is beyond me! It took me 25 mins! :O), though time attack I haven't cleared yet, so I can't say its "complete".
I have Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 and Resident Evil: Revelations coming in the post, so they will be the main plays over the next month I'd wager
(Pokemon White is currently on hiatus since I only have to just grind my team up to level 100, and thats pretty boring to do, and my 360 games are out of the question, as my older brother and my dad currently are playing Forza 4 on it alot! )
I also have Soul Calibur V pre-ordered so that should arrive in a week or so, so thats another game to look forward to playing.
Tomorrow night I may just try to push myself to play Phantasmagoria, F.E.A.R, or Penumbra. Games that I don't normally play, since I like to play those sort of games at night, like they are intended!
EDIT 2: I would have played more today, but I was trying to get mods to work on the Steam version of Quake 2, but I was having major issues with it, so I gave up in the end.
I found out that the Transformers mod was just a reskin anyway, so I thought, I'd just leave it as it was.
I need to beat Quake first before moving on regardless.
(Well thats the plan anyway. Quake -> Quake 2 -> Quake 4)
Well, I just finished King's Quest I, King's Quest VII, and Broken Sword I, and am getting through Fallout 2 while trying in vain not to go and buy the rest of the Broken Sword games.
Fallout 2 should last awhile though. I will not rest until I kill all of the Deathclaws.
So far I've played F.E.A.R for the first time today.
Its actually a pretty good game.
Very action orientated over horror, but its very solid gameplay and has pretty clever use of effects, pacing and timing.
(Sometimes it would actually catch me off guard, make me feel a bit of dread, but I'm a little bit more couragous than I used to be so it didn't really scare me that much, but it would to a good deal of people)
I've only been playing for an hour on Normal, but I the game already is providing me with a fresh challenge, rewards for exploration, and some enemies that though aren't any worry to me individually, as a group they can be pretty tough.
(They actually do move around a lot, and retreat ect. so as units they can hurt you bad)
I like the slow-mo mechanic. Its very short and recharges slow, which doesn't sound good, but unlike games like Max Payne you don't get too reliant on it.
Its there to take out a bunch of close enemies in short bursts.
(Since it blurs your vision as well, making it harder to aim)
The graphics are pretty good for its time, with excellent lighting and effects in particular, and it makes for a good bit of fun.
And though the plot is a bit cheesy, its still engrossing enough for one to keep playing.
I think my next game to play this evening is Phantasmagoria.
(But I'm currently having a little break to cool down since its hot in here)
...where else would it save data? You can't plug an external memory card into the machine, and they also can't rewrite the way PS1 games save data. Emulating a PS1 memory card is pretty much the only way they can do it. If you haven't told the PS3 to create one, then it's the same thing as telling the game you haven't got a memory card inserted, hence the prompt. At least you weren't that far in, right?
Playing a little bit of Unreal to see how it looks with the new Ultra-Res textures I've downloaded.
Answer: amazing. Almost worth the extra 2 gigs the new files need!
...where else would it save data? You can't plug an external memory card into the machine, and they also can't rewrite the way PS1 games save data. Emulating a PS1 memory card is pretty much the only way they can do it. If you haven't told the PS3 to create one, then it's the same thing as telling the game you haven't got a memory card inserted, hence the prompt. At least you weren't that far in, right?
Playing a little bit of Unreal to see how it looks with the new Ultra-Res textures I've downloaded.
Answer: amazing. Almost worth the extra 2 gigs the new files need!
But I wasn't told this at all. Sony never went "Hey do this if you want to save" It just went ahead and acted like I could save normally. No, it instead just played normally and didn't even mention this until after the stupid tutorial segment.
I don't care if there is a legit reason or not for doing that(which there is) I do care that I wasn't at all told this by Sony.
And even before my first arena battle I'll have 2 C class monsters!
(So I'll go from F to having 2 C class monsters in a few synthesis!)
Well I spent about 3 or so hours catching a training my draky's (while doing the storyline)
So by now I had 4 draky's
(2 +, 2 -)
Then I synthesised them into 2 drakys +1
(Both of opposite polarity)
By combining those I get....
Giant Draky
A class C monster!
(Its a great starting monster to get, as all Dragon Quest Monster Veterans know, they level up extremely quicky, they are very fast and strong, and make great starting synthesis material)
Then I scouted 2 slimes of opposite polarity, and am currently trying to get them to level 20.
2 Level 20 Slimes synthesised together makes a Slime X, which is also a class C Monster!
(Which I could then create another Slime X later and combine to make: Slime XY!)
I would say Kingdom Hearts 1, but I forget that the Traverse Town boss is so broken that I never get passed it.
Bad camera angles
Small arena
your partners can't do jack
can attack rapidly
can separate its body so while you are focused on your hands, the feet can attack you easily and you wont see it coming because of the camera
Can 2 shot you(see can attack rapidly for a worse reason on this)
You cant heal outside of any potions you found
Your allies only heal themselves
There is an unskippable cutscene before this
There is a small series of enemies always before this
You have no magic, only your basic crappy attacks
Your given the ability to dodge AFTER this fight(see can 2 shot you)
There are 5 "parts" so technically, killing a hand doesn't help you at all until the other is dead, but the feet can still attack you without you knowing and get you while doing this.
So many problems with one boss.
EDIT: Technicaly you can grind for EXP, but this early in the game? *Sigh
1. I recall the Guard Armor to be a pushover.
2. There's actually a popular level grinding trick before you even leave Destiny Islands, involving the fight with Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka. I've never done it, so I don't know the specifics.
So aside from Four Swords Adventures, I've been working on the Time Trials in VVVVVV. So far, I've managed to get though most every level with an S rank by not dying and getting in under the time limit, except I'm working on getting through Space Station 2 without dying, and I haven't tried to do The Final Zone (though when I do, I'm guaranteed an S rank when I finish under the time limit, as the only trinket is mandatory).
1. I recall the Guard Armor to be a pushover.
2. There's actually a popular level grinding trick before you even leave Destiny Islands, involving the fight with Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka. I've never done it, so I don't know the specifics.
Failing that fight isn't game over, and you get experience for KOing an opponent. KO two, let the other one KO you.
Baldur's Gate. At times I think I might be playing this game wrong, what with the ludicrous number of time I have to save. But then again, I have made some progress. I just want to make it to level two.
Both pretty good games with their own ideas, so I am enjoying them both.
I recently went back to Super Mario 64 DS and was amazed at how awkward the control schemes were. I miss the N64.
But it's just your average fps game, kill lots and lots of monsters.
I think it's quite fun, and I am really enjoying it.
After which, you learn you lost all your augs(but the basic augs magicaly work, dunno why? Wait why isnt the medical aug healing Jenson's wounds?) and need to find your gear again. When you find your gear, what do you find? NONLETHAL WEAPONS!!!(And some other "plot related" stuff). So a run and gun Jenson armed himself with nonlethal weapons and was still able to successfully kill the guards? HOW?
Lets see what other plot problems I see.
It's a lot of fun.
29 trooper and considering leveling up my other characters.
Just trying to play some of my backlog while I'm on "holiday".
Older brother is asleep and my little bro is out, so I set my lappy up at the computer desk, and just started playing some stuff, and having a great time.
Anyway, while waiting for stuff to install, I tried playing Assassin's Creed on my 360, but the game kept freezing on the loading screens (glitch in the Animus?), so I've gone back to Dead Space on the PS3. Currently on my second 'run', kicking lots of ass with weapons I shouldn't technically have yet. It's great fun, if utterly non-terrifying.
(Since I can move my lappy to other areas of the house that are NOT the sofa. Though sitting in the conservatory on those crappy wooden chairs, are uncomfortable after about 10 mins. But one must suffer for their cause!)
Just completed the first campaign in Quake!
(Got a long way to go still)
Played some more Pushmo, and I am so, so close now to beating it.
Only have maybe 2 or 3 sets left (on the last Nes set!)
Doodle Fit is also a great little puzzler I've been playing on my 3DS today.
Great brain-warping fun!
Finally I just finished the main mode of Shatter, and cleared the boss rush mode, (though how anyone could ever beat it in under 10 mins is beyond me! It took me 25 mins! :O), though time attack I haven't cleared yet, so I can't say its "complete".
I have Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 and Resident Evil: Revelations coming in the post, so they will be the main plays over the next month I'd wager
(Pokemon White is currently on hiatus since I only have to just grind my team up to level 100, and thats pretty boring to do, and my 360 games are out of the question, as my older brother and my dad currently are playing Forza 4 on it alot!
I also have Soul Calibur V pre-ordered so that should arrive in a week or so, so thats another game to look forward to playing.
Tomorrow night I may just try to push myself to play Phantasmagoria, F.E.A.R, or Penumbra. Games that I don't normally play, since I like to play those sort of games at night, like they are intended!
EDIT 2: I would have played more today, but I was trying to get mods to work on the Steam version of Quake 2, but I was having major issues with it, so I gave up in the end.
I found out that the Transformers mod was just a reskin anyway, so I thought, I'd just leave it as it was.
I need to beat Quake first before moving on regardless.
(Well thats the plan anyway. Quake -> Quake 2 -> Quake 4)
Fallout 2 should last awhile though. I will not rest until I kill all of the Deathclaws.
Its actually a pretty good game.
Very action orientated over horror, but its very solid gameplay and has pretty clever use of effects, pacing and timing.
(Sometimes it would actually catch me off guard, make me feel a bit of dread, but I'm a little bit more couragous than I used to be so it didn't really scare me that much, but it would to a good deal of people)
I've only been playing for an hour on Normal, but I the game already is providing me with a fresh challenge, rewards for exploration, and some enemies that though aren't any worry to me individually, as a group they can be pretty tough.
(They actually do move around a lot, and retreat ect. so as units they can hurt you bad)
I like the slow-mo mechanic. Its very short and recharges slow, which doesn't sound good, but unlike games like Max Payne you don't get too reliant on it.
Its there to take out a bunch of close enemies in short bursts.
(Since it blurs your vision as well, making it harder to aim)
The graphics are pretty good for its time, with excellent lighting and effects in particular, and it makes for a good bit of fun.
And though the plot is a bit cheesy, its still engrossing enough for one to keep playing.
I think my next game to play this evening is Phantasmagoria.
(But I'm currently having a little break to cool down since its hot in here)
I find that I prefer From Dust over Black & White.
Blind Guardian is in that. \ , , /
Never played it though.
Uh, I played R&C:A4O yesterday.
...oh, and there's a plot in there somewhere too. Not really bothered about that though. Stabby stabby, etc.
I'm more partial to Terraria. LET THE FLAME WARS BEGIN!!!!!
And I have to say, is there a reason it tells me I need to "create an internal memory card" AFTER I get a bit into FF7 or else I can't save?
Playing a little bit of Unreal to see how it looks with the new Ultra-Res textures I've downloaded.
Answer: amazing. Almost worth the extra 2 gigs the new files need!
But I wasn't told this at all. Sony never went "Hey do this if you want to save" It just went ahead and acted like I could save normally. No, it instead just played normally and didn't even mention this until after the stupid tutorial segment.
I don't care if there is a legit reason or not for doing that(which there is) I do care that I wasn't at all told this by Sony.
I got Dragon Quest Monster Joker 2 today.
And even before my first arena battle I'll have 2 C class monsters!
(So I'll go from F to having 2 C class monsters in a few synthesis!)
Well I spent about 3 or so hours catching a training my draky's (while doing the storyline)
So by now I had 4 draky's
(2 +, 2 -)
Then I synthesised them into 2 drakys +1
(Both of opposite polarity)
By combining those I get....
Giant Draky
A class C monster!
(Its a great starting monster to get, as all Dragon Quest Monster Veterans know, they level up extremely quicky, they are very fast and strong, and make great starting synthesis material)
Then I scouted 2 slimes of opposite polarity, and am currently trying to get them to level 20.
2 Level 20 Slimes synthesised together makes a Slime X, which is also a class C Monster!
(Which I could then create another Slime X later and combine to make: Slime XY!)
Bad camera angles
Small arena
your partners can't do jack
can attack rapidly
can separate its body so while you are focused on your hands, the feet can attack you easily and you wont see it coming because of the camera
Can 2 shot you(see can attack rapidly for a worse reason on this)
You cant heal outside of any potions you found
Your allies only heal themselves
There is an unskippable cutscene before this
There is a small series of enemies always before this
You have no magic, only your basic crappy attacks
Your given the ability to dodge AFTER this fight(see can 2 shot you)
There are 5 "parts" so technically, killing a hand doesn't help you at all until the other is dead, but the feet can still attack you without you knowing and get you while doing this.
So many problems with one boss.
EDIT: Technicaly you can grind for EXP, but this early in the game? *Sigh
I don't know why, but for me all these problems keep showing up.
I beat it though, so I can finally get to the good parts of KH.
Until I face Malificent's dragon form.
2. There's actually a popular level grinding trick before you even leave Destiny Islands, involving the fight with Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka. I've never done it, so I don't know the specifics.
So aside from Four Swords Adventures, I've been working on the Time Trials in VVVVVV. So far, I've managed to get though most every level with an S rank by not dying and getting in under the time limit, except I'm working on getting through Space Station 2 without dying, and I haven't tried to do The Final Zone (though when I do, I'm guaranteed an S rank when I finish under the time limit, as the only trinket is mandatory).
Failing that fight isn't game over, and you get experience for KOing an opponent. KO two, let the other one KO you.
Har. Har. Har.
There are no flamewars. You are playing a game and he is using a sandbox. Those are two totally different things that just cannot be compared.
I thought it had something to do with technical experience points gained by deflecting their attacks or something.