Which games are you currently playing?



  • edited January 2012
    Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2

    Or maybe... the game is playing me!
    (Damn you metal slimes! >:V)
  • edited January 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    There are no flamewars. You are playing a game and he is using a sandbox. Those are two totally different things that just cannot be compared.

    Not to be nitpicky, but "she". I'm female.
    I thought it had something to do with technical experience points gained by deflecting their attacks or something.

    That too. Every time you get a successful block you net EXP also. I went the other route of killing two and letting the last one get me. Not on purpose, mind you. Wakka always beat the crud out of me.
  • edited January 2012
    So finish assasins creed II and the ending kind of me go waaat? One thing about brotherhood that annoys me is I can't pause during cut-scenes and this multiplayer...I'm not thinking I'm going to like this part of the saga.
  • edited January 2012
    Not to be nitpicky, but "she". I'm female.
    If you want, for your next avatar we can get some pink "I'M A GIRL" text scrolling in a 50x50 animated gif.
  • edited January 2012
    Or do like I do and drop lots of really subtle hints.

    I'm a girl.
  • edited January 2012
    Icedhope wrote: »
    So finish assasins creed II and the ending kind of me go waaat? One thing about brotherhood that annoys me is I can't pause during cut-scenes and this multiplayer...I'm not thinking I'm going to like this part of the saga.

    I really enjoyed 2, even with the messed up ending. I own Brotherhood too and could never really get into it. I wont be touching the new one I don't think.
  • edited January 2012
    i play tomb raider.
    and even serious sam:)
    for old times sake :D
  • edited January 2012
    If you want, for your next avatar we can get some pink "I'M A GIRL" text scrolling in a 50x50 animated gif.

    50x50 nothing. She's a mod. She can do 80x80.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2012
    I really hope that the Vanilla forum will offer 100x100 avatars for everyone...

    yet I also hope that animated avatars get outlawed entirely. Sorry.
  • edited January 2012
    Oh, hell no. 100x100 avatars are obnoxiously big. 50x50 is a good size. Also, I'll be extremely annoyed if we're allowed images in signatures.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2012
    I'm against images in signatures also... ;)

    But 100x100... with present resolutions, that wouldn't even take up more space.
  • edited January 2012
    Day 4.

    I had easily wiped out the "final" bosses of the storyline in this game, and now the real challenges have opened up.
    (DQM:J2 is a wierd game like that...)

    I have gone back and got the Pheonix Sceptre so that my synthed monsters could remain in their current forms and recieve the benefits of the skills of other monsters I have been levelling on the side.

    My Metal Killer Demon-at-Arms (one of the best A class monsters due to its ability Double Trouble that lets it attack twice), has again maxed out his abilities and is slowing in growth (though his huge 468 attack stat is worth holding on to as he is the only one capable of killing liquid metal slimes).

    My other Demon-at-arms now has Uber Breath, Uber Healer, and Fortifier though it doesn't have great Wisdom or MP, (but double trouble makes up for that with Double Casting).

    My other monster has Uber Mage but in its current form it lacks the magic to take true advantage of it, so I plan to turn it into a proper magic caster.
    (Just finding the right monster is the issue)

    May take on Final boss again (he's the powered up good form) so I can get access to the last dungeon.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2012
    DEPONIA (German only for now)


    I almost did not buy it because I was massively disappointed with the technical state the last two Daedalic games I bought had been in. But I must say, nothing to regret this time.

    This is an entirely old-school adventure game with quirky cartoon graphics, mostly solvable puzzles and a storyline that manages to be quite compelling although (or exactly because?) it is stripped to its bare bones.

    Deponia is a waste planet. People live among piles of scrap. Main character Rufus' dream is to escape the planet to Elysium, that almost-legendary place in the skies. That's practically all the info you're given when the game starts.

    Rufus is Guybrush squared. He's a crackpot inventor, a complete parasite in his village, still lives in his ex-girlfriend's house. His far-fetched failed plans to escape the planet number in the dozen, and he thinks only of himself. No compassion for his fellow villagers. Rufus will steal, set fire, flood, detonate, stun or adrenalize without looking back. Mostly, he harms only himself anyway.

    Deponia is narrated in a rush - mostly to its advantage. Between chapters, some kind of bard appears with a guitar, but he's more of a (granted, hilarious) joker than a storyteller. You wish to know more about the places and characters, but you don't get much. You don't need those details normally, but when it comes to the end, you might recognize that some pieces of the puzzle that make a good and stringent story are still missing. The game plays with popular preconceptions and stereotypes about character roles, and consequently, dialog remains great and varied. But it comes across as a little too ad-libed, like an actors' improv party, all play and little substance.

    The game effectively avoids the nuisances of adventures, avoids repetition, displays hotspots with space and speeds walking with a double click. Unfortunately, it also crashes once in a while. Thankfully, getting back into the game is not a problem as it auto-saves every time you change screens. The German version also has absolutely no copy protection, but somehow I doubt that a UK or US publisher would allow an equally unprotected version of this game. Sometimes when you try to combine non-combinable objects, Rufus utters the standard "look at" phrase for that inventory item, which I found confusing gameplay-wise, but that's about it with the gameplay complaints.

    Marketing worked fine for this one. Deponia even hit number 1 in Amazon.de's PC sales charts and was ahead of the Old Republic and Mass Effect 3's pre-sales for a short time. In fact, Daedalic had to order a second print run three days prior to release. I just wish they did not have to reveal almost everything about the game in the numerous German previews, videos and press releases to ensure good and continued PR coverage. It's a rather short game, about 7 to 9 hours in a first run, and it's just not that much fun if you've seen about every screen before.

    That said, the game ends on some kind of a cliffhanger, and Daedalic has already announced that it's supposed to become a trilogy. But I'm in right now, so I'll buy. Hopefully soon. ;)

    This is an 8 out of 10, possibly a 9.

    Wait, it's... a naked, smoking girl in the shower.
    I mean, how European can a game get?
  • edited February 2012
    Hey, that actually sounds really good. Do you know if there is an English translation planned?

    Finished playing TC:CoA:TG (the last part is The Game, check the top of the page if you don't know what the rest is) and I'm now playing a mystery game for my next review. All I'm prepared to say is that it's supposedly one of the worst games ever made. Entries on a postcard, please. :)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    I'm convinced there will be an English version (the English website version speaks volumes), but no release date was announced yet. Just pray for a good, creative translation by Native speakers exclusively, and you will think LucasArts has finally returned from the grave. ;)
  • edited February 2012
    I certainly hope it gets translated, I seem to remember reading a preview of it a while back and thinking it looked awesome. Fingers crossed I get to buy it at some point!

    Not sure if it counts, but I'm currently playing the 'distraction' game, where I'm trying to edit a video and must try not to get distracted. I'm not doing very well at it, sadly. :(
  • edited February 2012
    - Ghostbusters
    - Bully
    - Dead Rising 2
    - Hector
  • edited February 2012
    Final Final boss (Rigor Mortex) easily slaughtered, and True Monster Scout Tournament easily cleared, (barely broke a sweat! XD).

    Truly my team has become pretty damn powerful already.

    (2 A Class Demon-at-arms (the brute force/Metal Slime hunters/a bit of healing and support magic as well)) and S-class Metal King Slime (the mage/supporter/healer))

    In truth Metal King Slime was the perfect choice for this team since his high speed and immunity to non anti-metal enemies, allows it to set up Oomphles, Omniheals, and Kabuffs, but also have good enough Wisdom to hit hard with powerful magic (and it has good MP as well! :D)
    (And its immunity to magic and its incredibly high defense just add to its awesome! :D)

    Just need to scout and synth for stuff now.
    (Giant monsters in particular! :D)
  • edited February 2012
    Currently Mass Effect and Super Pokemon Rumble. I'm enjoying Mass Effect a lot, but I've got mixed feelings on Pokemon Rumble.
  • edited February 2012
    Just beaten the 'distraction' game. Take that, TotalBiscuit! Your Mailboxes were a worthy opponent, but I broke free of their hypnotic powers and will have my latest video up soon! Do you hear me, Cynical Brit? You have failed!

    Also, Unreal Tournament 1999, or more specifically, some of the single-player mods for it, since I've had to re-install UT following my reformat and wanted to make sure all the mods worked.
  • edited February 2012
    Playing Portal 2 again with liquor looking for eggs and whatforth(I know you can look it up, but it isnt as fun). Think I'll try the bundle games Chyron so kindly sent me a little later tonight.
  • edited February 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    Playing Portal 2 again with liquor looking for eggs and whatforth(I know you can look it up, but it isnt as fun). Think I'll try the bundle games Chyron so kindly sent me a little later tonight.
    Good call, since that bundle contains my game of the year.
  • edited February 2012
    Just made it through the original Titan Quest, I am now on to Immortal Throne.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    That takes a lot of time and patience. ;)
  • edited February 2012
    Erm, actually Mass Effect comes and goes for me. I put it on, but lose interest quite quickly. It started off great though.
  • edited February 2012
    Nintomster wrote: »
    Erm, actually Mass Effect comes and goes for me. I put it on, but lose interest quite quickly. It started off great though.

    The first ME gets stagnated in a lot of not so fleshed out systems, but it's worth perservering def.

    The sequel is 'streamlined' so instead of having an annoying cool-down period for an assault rifle you just have to conserve ammo wisely and instead of having a terrible inventory system you have, no inventory at all actually.

    I prefered ME2 though, it's more action-orientated, but for a game that involves pointing guns at peoples heads it's probably for the best.

    ME3 trailers have just looked like Gears of War in space though :(
  • edited February 2012
    Been playing Soul Calibur V I recieved in the mail today.

    Its.. odd.. I can't quite give an impression on it yet.

    I've only played arcade and cleared Story mode you see.

    The fighting system is better than 3 and 4, (I still prefered 2. Soul Calibur 2 was a masterpiece though!), but definately takes A LOT to get used to.

    So the core mechanics are there, but the lower health, the "super" bar, and changed movesets take some getting used to.

    The Story mode is alright. Nothing special, but suprisingly meaty.
    (But its entirely based on Sophitia's children...)

    The character creator is much better than the previous games, but not much is available currently since I haven't played enough to get more clothing.
    (You have a sort of profile that levels up as you play)

    I wish it had some extra modes, but its not a huge deal though, I can live with a lack of modes.

    Also it has no Talim, which kind of sucks, since she was my main.
    (But at least I still got ol' Mitsurugi)

    The bobble heads I got with my pre-order are neat. I was tempted to keep them sealed up, but I decided in the end, that I should show-off my swag, so I put them on the fireplace next to Sam. (Max is somewhere else, since last time I put him there, he fell of and his ears broke off (top heavy! XD) and though I glued the ears back on, it needs a little repainting (the superglue removed some of the paint and the cracks are very visable))

    The pictures I got look nice, and I'd love to frame them, but I got no where to hang them in my room, so I may just get some blutac and stick a few in my room somewhere.

    Finally I got the DLC code sent to me today via email, (shame I didn't get a little paper code) for the bonus DLC character Dampierre (from the PSP Soul Calibur game), but I haven't played as him yet. He looks cool though.
  • edited February 2012
    Have you tried playing as Ezio? I'm mildly curious to hear what he's like in this.

    Still playing my mystery game, and I'm sodding stuck in the fourth level. Fan-friggin-tastic.
  • edited February 2012
    Have you tried playing as Ezio? I'm mildly curious to hear what he's like in this.

    Still playing my mystery game, and I'm sodding stuck in the fourth level. Fan-friggin-tastic.

    I haven't played as him yet, (I have no interest in the Assasins Creed series), but I fought someone playing as him, and I lost pretty badly every time.

    Its either he's an excellent player, or the character is very good! :D

    As for online, I've played it for about 1/2 an hour, and out of 10 or so matches I've won about 50% of them, which I am pretty pleased about.
    (Some of those losses were pretty close as well)

    I only got the game today, and I'm rockin' Mitsurigi pretty well.
    I'm getting used to some of the moves, but he's not exactly hard to play as.
    He's not a combo-crazy character, he's all about anticipating an opponents move and soundly countering them, and mixing up here and there.

    The online play is HUGELY improved from 4.
    I LOATHED 4's online play.
    It was very laggy all the time, and the interface was counter-intuitve.
    To give Namco some credit, they really worked hard on the multiplayer side of the game and it pays off well.

    If anyone else gets this game for the 360 let me know and hopefully after some training we could spar a bit.

    Toyota Mitsa (my custom character! XD) is hungry for new subjects to test his bladesmenship on! :D
  • edited February 2012
    Wait, it's... a naked, smoking girl in the shower.
    I mean, how European can a game get?

    Perhaps if she had underarm hair? *shudders*

    ...Blech. Let's not think about that.
  • edited February 2012
    Had to restart my mystery game after I discovered that FRAPs has left the framerate on the top left of the screen in all my recordings. :( Oh well, at least I'll breeze through the early stuff.
  • edited February 2012
    Good call, since that bundle contains my game of the year.

    World of Goo? An excellent game, might I mention.
  • edited February 2012
    World of Goo? An excellent game, might I mention.
    It was the Frozen Synapse bundle, so the game in question is Frozen Synapse, which I think is pretty easily the best game of last year.
  • edited February 2012
    It was the Frozen Synapse bundle, so the game in question is Frozen Synapse, which I think is pretty easily the best game of last year.

    So your favorite was World of Goo? Excellent game, I might mention.
  • edited February 2012
    So your favorite was World of Goo? Excellent game, I might mention.

    Yeah. Really good game. Good that you liked it Dashing.
  • edited February 2012
    Today I made a character on Soul Calibur V called Mr. Pimp, and he fought Jesus!

    Childish? Yes. Funny? Hell YEAH!

    (Once I get more costume stuff I'm definately making Santa Satan! :D (Devil Jin moveset FTW!))
  • edited February 2012
    What, no Santa Christ? For shame. :(

    About halfway through my mystery game now, and I'm starting to run out of hard drive space. Ack! May have to delete some actually good games to make room for a video playthrough of a bad one! Oh, the shame.
  • edited February 2012
    It was the Frozen Synapse bundle, so the game in question is Frozen Synapse, which I think is pretty easily the best game of last year.

    Oh I figured you/Johro were reffering to the Humble Android Bundle. My bad... :o
  • edited February 2012
    Oh I figured you/Johro were reffering to the Humble Android Bundle. My bad... :o

    Honest mistake as I also mentioned that I got that one too. FIB was the gifted one though. I actually didn't get around to trying the FIB games yet and now that all the hype is set up, I might just have to wait til I have a good few hours set aside for Synapse itself.

    Right now, I am just playing a little NHL 12 before going out for dinner.
  • edited February 2012
    After Assassins Creed 1 left a rather bad impression on me, I thought I was done there, but I really want to like this series because it just seems like a really good series, so I'm currently playing the second game to see if it fixed what I disliked with the game.

    Still in the prologue before Ezio is an assassin, as Im taking my time with the side missions, but so far it seems pretty good.
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