What order is that, 3, 1, 2, 4? Be nice if they re-released that NGC port of the first game onto the PS3 so you can play the entire series on one console, but there I go dreaming my little dreamy dreams.
Still playing Assassin's Creed. Got the achievement for killing 25 guards in a single fight last night, which took me like 20 minutes to do. Y'know, the onee where you have to start a fight in a guard-infested place, leave two alive and then keep backing away until you reach another group of guards, blocking the attacks from the two you left alive all the while? Yeah, that one.
The timeline play through would be. 3, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake 1,2 and 4.
Currently: Ultimate Alliance 2
Not a great game by any standard, but fun to just pick up, play, destroy some shit and then play something else.... so ask me again in an hour or two what I'm playing.
I mean, sure the Zero collection on DS has a special easy mode that ties all the games together in one go, but I refuse to play that mode, (because its not how they were intended to be played!).
So I'm playing each game normally in order.
The first game is one of the hardest. Its hard. Very hard.
I only managed to get just 1 level done today.
Zero's health is the main issue. Sure there are a lot of health pickups, but he's more frail than X (MMX1 X). A few hits and he's gone.
Sure I could use some cyber elves, but thats the sneaky thing about this game.
Those power-ups are 1 use only, so they need to be used very sparingly.
Plus unlike X, Zero doesn't get loads of fancy weapons. His basic stuff just levels up instead.
I've had a Tribes Beta Key for about 2 months now(they gave them away with facebook likes, just had my friend like it), and all Ive done was terrain practice, so probably that so I can... play the game online.
Ok Tribes. When Im on the winning team with 30 seconds to go. And I contributed to the winning of said team (defense) it is NOT OK to autobalance me over to the other team. Seriously, what would have been accomplished, it was 4 to 1 with 30 seconds, autobalance wouldn't even help in that scenario.
The game which I am playing right now is “God of War 3” on my PS3. It’s really hard to play this game but I love to play this game. Also I like the graphics of this game.
Question: Has anyone actually gotten the 'Disciple of the Creed' achievement? The description says you need to assassinate all your targets with a full DNA bar, but I'm unsure if what that actually means. Does it mean do all the side missions before stabbing them all (so you have the maximum number of health slots possible), or do you just have to have full health when you do the deeds?
Been playing a bit of Tribes beta. I'd get VIP status($10 currently) for faster exp gain and other perks, but I may be broke after buying Assassins Creed Revelations which I cant even play(or refuse to) until I beat the second and brotherhood. Maybe if the multiplayer is good...
Bionic Commando (the 3D one, not the 2½D one). My god are the swinging physics a nightmare to get used to. Trying to swing from one floating mine to another, especially when you're trying to get collectables, is a pain in the ass. Not a keeper, this one. Not at all.
Im trying to beat Assassins Creed 2 so I can get onto beating Brotherhood and finally faff around(yes I took that from yahtzee) in AC:R, but its soo fun to just kill templars:D
I got AC1 for freebies so maybe that for now, but...
I love how pissed Ezio was to find out that the prophecy was just to tell Desmond that HE needs to save the world from what Im assuming is 2012. Made me lol. Also, OMFG BEST CLIFFHANGER EVAH
Neither can I, I just find it pointless to mention Skyrim, Tribes, TF2, and Terraria(which only has 1 more update before the creators work on their next project)
And since Brotherhood hasn't arrived via gamefly, I'll try the first AC game(which I got for free) and see why I disliked it so much.
'twas Bionic Commando. Then that f**king fifth collectable in Trent Industrial District... happened. I swear*, I haven't been that angry at a game in years. So very broken, them swinging physics. Oh so very broken.
Genuinely don't know if I'll go back to it after that. Really, really hate that game.
Decided to have a quick go on Crusader Kings 2.
(Just dive in and try to learn stuff)
End up playing it for about 3 hours! XD
Not as bad as Civ, (THE ULTIMATE TIME SINK), but despite the games' slow start, it really does get pretty fun.
Well, its a little easy for me at the moment, since I chose a Kaiser (emperor/king ect.), so I don't need to focus so much on aquiring land and that.
(though I may do that with his son. Yes, you can get children, and carry on your dynasty when someone dies! )
I've just been building my reputation as a good ruler, and trying to keep the general peace.
Shame then, that almost everyone else in the game is a backstabbing maniac!! XD
Well, there are a handful of loyal supporters, but there are also quite a few just sitting around, plotting each others demise.
Also, the church kinda has a love/hate relationship with me. I try to be fair with the church, but man, they have to be one of the most demanding parties.
They seem to hate everything and hate everyone.
And every time you imprison them before they start going beserk, the pope gets pissed, so I have to let them go.
Well, at least I never have problems rasing armies.
(I find it best to raise troops in several areas, send them to the same place to merge together, then send them to battle. Less die then. Strength in numbers.)
I wish I didn't have to in the first place, but again, peasants just love revolting.
I can control who rules you, what laws you follow, maybe even indirectly affect your economy, but disease. I have ZERO control over that. Unless you want me going around, killing everyone, (and risking further infection), you will just have to try to endure, I'm afraid.
Also had to cut my sister out of the throneline by having some children, especially sons. A little backhanded, but she probably wouldn't be fit to rule, and I can raise my successor with some decent traits.
(And trust me, that was hard. My wife was a fat pig! XD (Oh well, I'm going to have her assasinated soon, call me paranoid (my character actually has that trait! XD), but the woman keeps developing several negative traits, and I'm afriad she may eventually conspire to assasinate me, (if one of my children doesn't conspire first. (and yes I have seen children conspire to assasinate in this game. Imagine that! XD)), so I am taking her down first.
EDIT: So yeah, I like this game.
I'm not much of a fan of strategy games, especially real time ones, but this is different.
I can speed up/slow down time, and pause. (I normally set it to max speed, then pause when something comes up for me to deal with)
I like the idea that the battles are the smallest part of the game, and the focus is on the politics and dynasty of the characters.
Beneath A Steel Sky (with the high quality soundtrack mod)
It's been a fair few years since I last played through this title. It's still a great adventure game, as I had always remembered it. However, I've noticed a couple of negative aspects this time around...
* The music, whilst catchy is actually quite inappropriate for the environments in which you are exploring and the overall story. It must be said that the main track is magnificent (the one that plays on the top level where the factory is located); it tonally shifts between being both dark and light, serious and humorous. It's a track which perfectly matches the general tone of the game.
Unfortunately, many of the other tracks are overly jolly and cheesy in nature. It's akin to watching 'Blade Runner' with Vangelis' iconic synth soundtrack replaced by 'The Best of Musak: Volume 8 - The Elevator Classics'.
It's not that the music's truly awful, it's just that many of the tracks would be more at home in a lighthearted fantasy adventure such as 'Simon The Sorcerer'; not in a humorous but supposedly gritty science-fiction game like 'Beneath a Steel Sky'.
On the subject of music; I recommend downloading the fan-made 'enhanced soundtrack' for the game. It's still MIDI based but the quality has been ramped up considerably. The cheese music now sounds even cheesier crisper.
* The puzzles in the game are relatively logical for the most part but I have found quite a number of them to be fairly obscure. The biggest crime the game commits is that there's been several points where I've been unsure as to what I need to do in order to advance the plot. At times I've been unaware of what my current objective is (other than getting to the lowest floor and escaping the City of course).
However, I suspect that I'm being overly harsh towards the game. The problem might be that I only just finished playing 'Day of the Tentacle' for the 210th time a couple of days ago... It's hardly fair to expect 'Beneath a Steel Sky' to be as well designed and executed as that slice of heaven!
Overall, the negative aspects I've covered are nothing more than nitpicks. The only reason I haven't sung the praises of the game is because the stuff I remembered as being brilliant when I played as a child, is still brilliant now. I merely wanted to point out the two areas in which the game wasn't as utterly flawless as I'd remembered.
Anyway... 'Beneath a Steel Sky' is a classic of the genre. Also; Joey, Foster's robotic pal, is sar-tastic!
Gonna start Assassins Creed: Brotherhood tomarow. Got it today, but its been rather busy, so... yeah, gonna prey that I can control myself to not run around and stab people to beat this game.
I started a new game of Pokemon White on my 3DS. Still great, even if they are running out of good ideas for new pokemon. A candle? An ice cream cone? Really? The dream world stuff is pretty nice if a bit kiddy, and is a good way to grow berries without it getting tedious.
If anyone has Black, please pm me so I can get the last couple of Pokedex entries.
I started a new game of Pokemon White on my 3DS. Still great, even if they are running out of good ideas for new pokemon. A candle? An ice cream cone? Really? The dream world stuff is pretty nice if a bit kiddy, and is a good way to grow berries without it getting tedious.
If anyone has Black, please pm me so I can get the last couple of Pokedex entries.
I think they are running out of ideas.
They announced(I am not joking) Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2.
Also, ignoring the bonus objectives of Brotherhood because some are really bad. Plus I hate getting punished for not using my hidden blade and instead shooting the guy for lulz.
I hate when non-stealth games force stealth or punish you for not always wanting to take the stealth route in stealth games when you have the option of not doing so.
Anyways, been playing a lot of Terraria lately. When I'm not playing that, I'm nursing a game of FF1 on the GBA on my DS (3 Masters and a Red Wizard) that I've been enjoying. Also, I recently finished Alien Soldier and Gunstar Heroes on the Sega Classics Collection via Steam. GH was fun but AS oh my gods, so friggin hard, ended up cheating to see it through and probably won't replay it much.
Oh, and I finally played/finished Half-Life Blue Shift. That was interesting, will be looking forwards to HL2 someday when I get around to it.
Thinking of starting either Landstalker on the Sega Classics Collection or King's Quest.
I just started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution on Friday I was really enjoying it until I got to the first boss battle, Now I have no desire to finish playing or able to for that matter because I screwed myself over when I decided to go all stealth
I just started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution on Friday I was really enjoying it until I got to the first boss battle, Now I have no desire to finish playing or able to for that matter because I screwed myself over when I decided to go all stealth
Persevere my friend, persevere. The bosses do indeed sucks balls but it's worth struggling past them because the rest of the game is superb. I'm sure that it's possible to get past the bosses with a high concentration of stealth based augmentations. Their actually very tricky even no matter which augmentation route you've taken. I'd recommend looking up some boss strategies on GameFAQs.
Also, it's worth noting that there's only four bosses in total and one of those (the last one) is actually really good and requires a more stealthy approach.
Be sure to check out my 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution' review on YouTube...
I just started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution on Friday I was really enjoying it until I got to the first boss battle, Now I have no desire to finish playing or able to for that matter because I screwed myself over when I decided to go all stealth
If you still have 20 uses for the stungun you can just stunlock him until he dies.
Getting the first hit on him is kinds tricky but if you can make it he gets easy since he is stunned longer than you relad. just keep shooting him with the stungun. I was glad I still had 22 shots.
Disadvantage of that method: losing these 20 shots really hurts if you want to do a no death run.
For some reason, despite OldSkool having an option to enable Dual Automags, I can't seem to get it to work in any of the maps/mods. It's actually quite annoying. I wanna go Akimbo, dammit!
I'm replaying the Simon the Sorcerer series, including the 4th one as I never actually completed it the first time I played through it. Debating whether or not to get the 5th one as well, though it will probably mainly come down to the price.
I just started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution on Friday I was really enjoying it until I got to the first boss battle, Now I have no desire to finish playing or able to for that matter because I screwed myself over when I decided to go all stealth
What I do is use your cloak(if you have that), and get to the weapons room on the far right. He should still be looking for you because of the cloak. Now find the shotgun/ammo there. Hide on that box in the left corner(right next to the entrance to that little room) and get his attention. If you hide at just the right spot in the corner, you can shoot his arm while he shoots the wall.
What I did on my stealth playthroughs.
Also, It's like the cherry-picked the worst ideas for side-objectives in AC:B. Don't touch the ground on a mission that starts you off on the ground? Don't get caught on a mission where a guard spawns in that room, starring you down? Complete a mission in 3 minutes where it doesn't tell you where to go?
Also, it's worth noting that there's only four bosses in total and one of those (the last one) is actually really good and requires a more stealthy approach.
Or you can finish the battle in five seconds by
using the laser rifle from Harvester's hideout directly on the boss
... so it's kinda crappy too that way. gamer247
When you get past that first boss battle, get Typhoon. You'll most likely have more than enough Praxis for stuff useful for stealth/pacifist playthroughs anyway, and with Typhoon the second and third boss battle are really easy (you just have to time it well).
The timeline play through would be. 3, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake 1,2 and 4.
My god..that Acheivement was a pain in the Ass.
Not a great game by any standard, but fun to just pick up, play, destroy some shit and then play something else.... so ask me again in an hour or two what I'm playing.
Starting to get back into Rift. I can't deside if I want to play my Inquisitor or my Assassin.
I mean, sure the Zero collection on DS has a special easy mode that ties all the games together in one go, but I refuse to play that mode, (because its not how they were intended to be played!).
So I'm playing each game normally in order.
The first game is one of the hardest. Its hard. Very hard.
I only managed to get just 1 level done today.
Zero's health is the main issue. Sure there are a lot of health pickups, but he's more frail than X (MMX1 X). A few hits and he's gone.
Sure I could use some cyber elves, but thats the sneaky thing about this game.
Those power-ups are 1 use only, so they need to be used very sparingly.
Plus unlike X, Zero doesn't get loads of fancy weapons. His basic stuff just levels up instead.
Im kinda at the point where I need a new game.
Maybe my backlog....
No Ill just get Kingdoms of Alumar on PS3 or RE:R on the 3ds.
Question: Has anyone actually gotten the 'Disciple of the Creed' achievement? The description says you need to assassinate all your targets with a full DNA bar, but I'm unsure if what that actually means. Does it mean do all the side missions before stabbing them all (so you have the maximum number of health slots possible), or do you just have to have full health when you do the deeds?
Playing Twisted Metal..I have not put this game down and the multiplayer is fun. Single Player Campaign is pretty short, but it's fun.
I got AC1 for freebies so maybe that for now, but...
I just can't stick to one thing.
And since Brotherhood hasn't arrived via gamefly, I'll try the first AC game(which I got for free) and see why I disliked it so much.
Genuinely don't know if I'll go back to it after that. Really, really hate that game.
(Just dive in and try to learn stuff)
End up playing it for about 3 hours! XD
Not as bad as Civ, (THE ULTIMATE TIME SINK), but despite the games' slow start, it really does get pretty fun.
Well, its a little easy for me at the moment, since I chose a Kaiser (emperor/king ect.), so I don't need to focus so much on aquiring land and that.
(though I may do that with his son. Yes, you can get children, and carry on your dynasty when someone dies!
I've just been building my reputation as a good ruler, and trying to keep the general peace.
Shame then, that almost everyone else in the game is a backstabbing maniac!! XD
Well, there are a handful of loyal supporters, but there are also quite a few just sitting around, plotting each others demise.
Also, the church kinda has a love/hate relationship with me. I try to be fair with the church, but man, they have to be one of the most demanding parties.
They seem to hate everything and hate everyone.
And every time you imprison them before they start going beserk, the pope gets pissed, so I have to let them go.
Well, at least I never have problems rasing armies.
(I find it best to raise troops in several areas, send them to the same place to merge together, then send them to battle. Less die then. Strength in numbers.)
I wish I didn't have to in the first place, but again, peasants just love revolting.
I can control who rules you, what laws you follow, maybe even indirectly affect your economy, but disease. I have ZERO control over that. Unless you want me going around, killing everyone, (and risking further infection), you will just have to try to endure, I'm afraid.
Also had to cut my sister out of the throneline by having some children, especially sons. A little backhanded, but she probably wouldn't be fit to rule, and I can raise my successor with some decent traits.
(And trust me, that was hard. My wife was a fat pig! XD (Oh well, I'm going to have her assasinated soon, call me paranoid (my character actually has that trait! XD), but the woman keeps developing several negative traits, and I'm afriad she may eventually conspire to assasinate me, (if one of my children doesn't conspire first. (and yes I have seen children conspire to assasinate in this game. Imagine that! XD)), so I am taking her down first.
EDIT: So yeah, I like this game.
I'm not much of a fan of strategy games, especially real time ones, but this is different.
I can speed up/slow down time, and pause. (I normally set it to max speed, then pause when something comes up for me to deal with)
I like the idea that the battles are the smallest part of the game, and the focus is on the politics and dynasty of the characters.
It's been a fair few years since I last played through this title. It's still a great adventure game, as I had always remembered it. However, I've noticed a couple of negative aspects this time around...
* The music, whilst catchy is actually quite inappropriate for the environments in which you are exploring and the overall story. It must be said that the main track is magnificent (the one that plays on the top level where the factory is located); it tonally shifts between being both dark and light, serious and humorous. It's a track which perfectly matches the general tone of the game.
Unfortunately, many of the other tracks are overly jolly and cheesy in nature. It's akin to watching 'Blade Runner' with Vangelis' iconic synth soundtrack replaced by 'The Best of Musak: Volume 8 - The Elevator Classics'.
It's not that the music's truly awful, it's just that many of the tracks would be more at home in a lighthearted fantasy adventure such as 'Simon The Sorcerer'; not in a humorous but supposedly gritty science-fiction game like 'Beneath a Steel Sky'.
On the subject of music; I recommend downloading the fan-made 'enhanced soundtrack' for the game. It's still MIDI based but the quality has been ramped up considerably. The cheese music now sounds even cheesier crisper.
* The puzzles in the game are relatively logical for the most part but I have found quite a number of them to be fairly obscure. The biggest crime the game commits is that there's been several points where I've been unsure as to what I need to do in order to advance the plot. At times I've been unaware of what my current objective is (other than getting to the lowest floor and escaping the City of course).
However, I suspect that I'm being overly harsh towards the game. The problem might be that I only just finished playing 'Day of the Tentacle' for the 210th time a couple of days ago... It's hardly fair to expect 'Beneath a Steel Sky' to be as well designed and executed as that slice of heaven!
Overall, the negative aspects I've covered are nothing more than nitpicks. The only reason I haven't sung the praises of the game is because the stuff I remembered as being brilliant when I played as a child, is still brilliant now. I merely wanted to point out the two areas in which the game wasn't as utterly flawless as I'd remembered.
Anyway... 'Beneath a Steel Sky' is a classic of the genre. Also; Joey, Foster's robotic pal, is sar-tastic!
If anyone has Black, please pm me so I can get the last couple of Pokedex entries.
I think they are running out of ideas.
They announced(I am not joking) Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2.
Also, ignoring the bonus objectives of Brotherhood because some are really bad. Plus I hate getting punished for not using my hidden blade and instead shooting the guy for lulz.
Anyways, been playing a lot of Terraria lately. When I'm not playing that, I'm nursing a game of FF1 on the GBA on my DS (3 Masters and a Red Wizard) that I've been enjoying. Also, I recently finished Alien Soldier and Gunstar Heroes on the Sega Classics Collection via Steam. GH was fun but AS oh my gods, so friggin hard, ended up cheating to see it through and probably won't replay it much.
Oh, and I finally played/finished Half-Life Blue Shift. That was interesting, will be looking forwards to HL2 someday when I get around to it.
Thinking of starting either Landstalker on the Sega Classics Collection or King's Quest.
Persevere my friend, persevere. The bosses do indeed sucks balls but it's worth struggling past them because the rest of the game is superb. I'm sure that it's possible to get past the bosses with a high concentration of stealth based augmentations. Their actually very tricky even no matter which augmentation route you've taken. I'd recommend looking up some boss strategies on GameFAQs.
Also, it's worth noting that there's only four bosses in total and one of those (the last one) is actually really good and requires a more stealthy approach.
Be sure to check out my 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution' review on YouTube...
'Deus Ex: Human Revolution' Review: Part Two.
If you still have 20 uses for the stungun you can just stunlock him until he dies.
Getting the first hit on him is kinds tricky but if you can make it he gets easy since he is stunned longer than you relad. just keep shooting him with the stungun. I was glad I still had 22 shots.
Disadvantage of that method: losing these 20 shots really hurts if you want to do a no death run.
and I wanna to play the game with you.
De Da Doop
For some reason, despite OldSkool having an option to enable Dual Automags, I can't seem to get it to work in any of the maps/mods. It's actually quite annoying. I wanna go Akimbo, dammit!
What I do is use your cloak(if you have that), and get to the weapons room on the far right. He should still be looking for you because of the cloak. Now find the shotgun/ammo there. Hide on that box in the left corner(right next to the entrance to that little room) and get his attention. If you hide at just the right spot in the corner, you can shoot his arm while he shoots the wall.
What I did on my stealth playthroughs.
Also, It's like the cherry-picked the worst ideas for side-objectives in AC:B. Don't touch the ground on a mission that starts you off on the ground? Don't get caught on a mission where a guard spawns in that room, starring you down? Complete a mission in 3 minutes where it doesn't tell you where to go?
Or you can finish the battle in five seconds by
When you get past that first boss battle, get Typhoon. You'll most likely have more than enough Praxis for stuff useful for stealth/pacifist playthroughs anyway, and with Typhoon the second and third boss battle are really easy (you just have to time it well).
Huh... I did not know that.