I decided I was gonna go and replay KQ1-3 from GOG. I'm really interested in the Infamous Adventures remake of KQ3 and it'd be nice to have a refresher in the game before I touch anything unofficial. Plus, I last played a KQ game a good 8 years ago, it's time I gave them a spin again. Especially looking forwards to KQ5-7, though.
Also, It's like the cherry-picked the worst ideas for side-objectives in AC:B. Don't touch the ground on a mission that starts you off on the ground? Don't get caught on a mission where a guard spawns in that room, starring you down? Complete a mission in 3 minutes where it doesn't tell you where to go?
The optional objectives for AC:B are often pretty tough to do on the first run through of the memory. I think they're there to encourage you to replay some sequences.
For what it's worth, there was only one mission where I was unable to get the 100% sync (one of the Leonardo missions, the tank one I think), and that was more just a matter of rage quitting than it really being impossible. Some of the later ones are indeed tricky, but never impossible.
A really crappy cel-shaded third person shooter. Dear lord, is it bad. One of the worst.
(It's for my next review. Look for it towards the end of the week.)
I can't think what this could be; 'Fade to Black', maybe? Whatever the case, I look forward to your review. You've joined my list of awesome reviewers...
* The Spoony One
* Nostalgia Critic
* Angry Video Game Nerd
* Spill.com
* YourMovieSucksDOTorg (YouTube channel)
* LittleJimmy835 (YouTube Channel)
* Darth Marsden
The optional objectives for AC:B are often pretty tough to do on the first run through of the memory. I think they're there to encourage you to replay some sequences.
For what it's worth, there was only one mission where I was unable to get the 100% sync (one of the Leonardo missions, the tank one I think), and that was more just a matter of rage quitting than it really being impossible. Some of the later ones are indeed tricky, but never impossible.
Well they are either stupidly easy(Don't lose 8 health bars, max health 6/stealth mission) or difficult to the point of near impossibility(don't get caught, spawns a guard in that level).
Also, another complaint. Forced stealth missions. I'm not against stealth games, but when Ezio can overpower anything along his way with his knives/crossbow/gun/sword/otherknives/poisonknives/poisondarts/assassin minions/dagger/anything else I may not have gotten, the game doesn't pass me off as a stealth game. Plus, the game considers "getting caught" as a guard seeing me for a split second as I assassinate him. That isn't exactly getting caught.
Well they are either stupidly easy(Don't lose 8 health bars, max health 6/stealth mission) or difficult to the point of near impossibility(don't get caught, spawns a guard in that level).
Also, another complaint. Forced stealth missions. I'm not against stealth games, but when Ezio can overpower anything along his way with his knives/crossbow/gun/sword/otherknives/poisonknives/poisondarts/assassin minions/dagger/anything else I may not have gotten, the game doesn't pass me off as a stealth game. Plus, the game considers "getting caught" as a guard seeing me for a split second as I assassinate him. That isn't exactly getting caught.
I agree the forced stealth stuff in AC kind of sucks, for that very reason. The key in Brotherhood (and Revelations) is to use the poison dart firing thing unless you're sure you have a clear path to someone's back. You'll never be detected while using it, and it will conveniently draw other guards away to watch the dance.
I admit I don't recall the moment you're talking about with the guard spawning in. That seems weird.
I agree the forced stealth stuff in AC kind of sucks, for that very reason. The key in Brotherhood (and Revelations) is to use the poison dart firing thing unless you're sure you have a clear path to someone's back. You'll never be detected while using it, and it will conveniently draw other guards away to watch the dance.
I admit I don't recall the moment you're talking about with the guard spawning in. That seems weird.
On the poison dart, that is the last thing I need from Da Vinci(as far as I can tell), but for whatever reason, he doesn't appear on my map, so its a bit of a crapshoot when I see him. I'm starting to understand the crossbow though, so that is what I'm using on these missions.
As for that one mission, its when you
escort catarina out of the castle
looking at walkthroughs, the guard is supposed to spawn outside of the room, so I guess that is a glitch . I'm just trying to get the game done with so I can get to Revelations anyway, so it doesn't matter for me.
I really think that in AC games Stealth should not be forced, but be one of the main components to reach the 100% synch marks. Like, you have to be stealthy until a certain point and then you can go all apeshit to get 100%, because, well, isn't that what originally all this was supposed to be? Stealthy approach, assassination, and then escape?
I'm actually replaying the first AC now, and, for all it's flaws, there are some things that the series has lost (which I really liked) because it went in a bit different direction.
Like, for example, the first AC is literally the only game that can be beaten normally without HUD (with the exception of a few informant missions that were added later for the PC version, which can be REALLY tricky). Really, it's a very different experience. Even though, sadly, it can get repetitive at times, you actually get to KNOW the areas, and everything is based around planning and investigating and stuff. I know what's where in the poor area of Damascus now, I know the landmarks and I know where to get from where, and now I'm having fun exploring and getting to know Acre. You can't play AC2, AC:B or AC:R without HUD, because... well, because there are a lot of moments which are like just 'well, now what do I do?!'. This is especially true with AC2.
Then, the atmosphere is different. The first AC is a lot more about stealthy approach and then a total chaotic escape. The problem with the first AC was, though, that it didn't encourage this principle, so you could just battle your way through regardless. But what AC2 and on-on did, is that instead of fleshing out the first AC principle, they decided to go the action route, with sometimes forced stealth elements... which, I agree, kinda sucks...
And the problem with AC2 and AC:B (AC:R is actually closer to the first AC in this regards) is that there is SO many targets that it's practically impossible to get a sense of motives (other than the generic 'CONSPIRACY TO GAIN POWER!'). The first AC, even though you met each target personally only once (with the exception of few, I guess), throughout investigations and stuff you learned A LOT about them (if you actually cared, I guess) and their plans which are much more deeper than just 'take over the world'. In AC2 and AC:B... well, the enemies are just power-hungry bastards. And, yeah, AC:R fares better in this regard - there are a lot less characters (both friendly and enemy), and you get to know everyone better. And there are no characters like Rosa from AC2 (by that I mean characters that you start to care about and then suddenly disappear from the plot).
But, all that said, I'm a big fan of the AC series and am looking forward to AC3.
I'm playing Psychonauts for the first time. I actually hadn't really expected to like it much, but decided to give it a try after getting it for christmas from my brother-in-law. Except from struggling a bit with the controls, I gotta admit I love the game, and it fits my gaming schedule perfectly. Often I'm only able to play for 15 minutes or so, and then I'll just go around trying to find cards and scavenger hunt items. When I have more time, I'll do one of the brain levels. I can't remember seeing so much variation in a game before, and I think I'll miss playing this game when I'm finished with it.
I'm playing Psychonauts for the first time. I actually hadn't really expected to like it much, but decided to give it a try after getting it for christmas from my brother-in-law. Except from struggling a bit with the controls, I gotta admit I love the game, and it fits my gaming schedule perfectly. Often I'm only able to play for 15 minutes or so, and then I'll just go around trying to find cards and scavenger hunt items. When I have more time, I'll do one of the brain levels. I can't remember seeing so much variation in a game before, and I think I'll miss playing this game when I'm finished with it.
Glad to hear it, as it has been scientifically proven that people who do not enjoy Psychonauts have no soul. Just wait until you get to some of the later brain levels.
Tossing in another reason why AC:B is getting to me. I'm on
the mission on a race to the apple of edan
adn when I arrived. Nothing happened. The glowing area was still there, and the clock ticked and I lost. Due to no reason. I really think I got a glitched copy or something as I don't think these many problems would be left unchecked.
Tossing in another reason why AC:B is getting to me. I'm on
the mission on a race to the apple of edan
adn when I arrived. Nothing happened. The glowing area was still there, and the clock ticked and I lost. Due to no reason. I really think I got a glitched copy or something as I don't think these many problems would be left unchecked.
It seems like your copy does indeed have some bugs, though if I recall you have to
be anonymous in order to get the apple, so maybe there was someone chasing you?
It seems like your copy does indeed have some bugs, though if I recall you have to
be anonymous in order to get the apple, so maybe there was someone chasing you?
Regardless, I only rented the game to get the plot, so I'm not really worried should that be the case for me. I own Revelations already and it didn't feel right to skip around in the series(even if I skipped the first one, I... just can't get into it as well as the others).
EDIT:Just beat it. And this is all I will say, when you can create a cliffhanger BETTER than AC2... then you have done a freaking amazing job. Wasn't as bad because the
murder of the one girl was spoiled on Zero Punctuation
, but still very well done. Now I can finally play AC:R guilt free.
You could have done so anyway, as it has basically no connection to any of the other games plot-wise; it's just a bookend to Ezio's story really. Except I suppose that
the Altair parts won't make as much sense if you haven't played the original.
I'm on Simon the Sorcerer 3D now, having completed the first two over the past few days. I had forgotten how much I liked the ending to Simon 2 until I was watching it again. In fact I love that whole last part.
But it wasn't as good as the main part of the 1st game, wandering around finding puzzles which would be solved at a later date and collecting as many items as possible, slowly making your way through the world until you finally reached and entered the tower. Just doing all of that felt like such an achievement. The rest of the game isn't bad, it's just not as good as what preceded it.
You could have done so anyway, as it has basically no connection to any of the other games plot-wise; it's just a bookend to Ezio's story really. Except I suppose that
the Altair parts won't make as much sense if you haven't played the original.
Well technically, I wouldn't have known about
Desmond being in the comma and put into the animus
, so that's something. As for the
Altiar parts
, oh well, that game just doesn't click for me. I don't know why.
...oh well, that game just doesn't click for me. I don't know why.
Probably because it is rather repetitive, has numerous design flaws and frustrating combat. I liked the game myself, but I can understand someone finding it difficult to get through, especially the console version.
Glad to hear it, as it has been scientifically proven that people who do not enjoy Psychonauts have no soul. Just wait until you get to some of the later brain levels.
Looking at the doors in the brain tumbler, I don't think I have that many left. I reached the green pit on the fifth floor or something in the asylum yesterday, but I might revisit a few of the brains before proceeding, in case I won't get a chance to do so later.
Nothing but i recently bought three games: Lume, which i bought as a present for a friend of mine, Alpha Centauri, which i still don't dare to open because otherwise i'll most probably get lost in the game and *drumroll* The Double Fine Adventure, i'm trying to take more care of my life, at least until it will be released. :O)
Looking at the doors in the brain tumbler, I don't think I have that many left. I reached the green pit on the fifth floor or something in the asylum yesterday, but I might revisit a few of the brains before proceeding, in case I won't get a chance to do so later.
There's a point of no return of sorts (it autosaves when you get to it), but you can always visit the collective unconscious by using the little teleport things.
Aaah! Its so good to be playing Monster Hunter again!
This one is soo much better than the first game.
Just has a lot more early game content, and some mid level content available much earlier.
Already taken down a Yian Kut Ku today. That took me aaaages to do before.
I miss the multiplayer though. Having a felyne helper is handy, but its nowhere near as good as a person backing you up!
Controls are a bit odd on the PSP. Fortunately I have a slim PSP so I have developed an odd technique to compensate for the controls. You see the camera is controlled with the d-pad, but the movement is controlled by the thumbstick below it.
The game uses the L button when tapped to lock the camera behind you, but what I do to adjust the camera is to actually use the side of my index finger to push the left and right d-pad to adjust the view while I move with the stick.
A little crampy, but it allows me to much and react much quicker.
(I love how my older brother can't seem to do a simple mission like collect 3 popo tongues, whereas I'm slaying pseudo-dragons! XD)
Trivial Pursuit: I hate those map questions with a burning passion. How am I supposed to know which part or city of the country a scene toke place? Secondly, these questions are sometimes worded so vaguely that it doesn't make sense to use in context. So far an alright game but it does get very monotonous and most of the questions I don't even know but I suppose that's my fault for picking up a game where the main objective is to answer to useless trivia.
Star Wars: The Old Republic. For a week anyway, thanks to the 7-day trail I got for being "a dedicated member of the ... community". 4 days into the trail and I'm enjoying it a lot, and now I just wish I could afford the monthly subscription. Maybe when I get a job, but then I'd have no time to play it then anyway!
Runaway: A Twist of Fate. I abandoned the trilogy after completing the awful second instalment of the series, but after seeing several people in this thread on the Double Fine forums saying it's the best of the series, I decided to give it a chance. I haven't played enough of it to form a real opinion yet, but it looks promising (confusing intro aside).
I tried to get back into Banjo-Tooie, but I just... can't. The latter levels are too hard, the collectables are confusing in their cross-level placement, the controls are kinda awkward and that f**king Canary Mary needs to die.
Runaway: A Twist of Fate. I abandoned the trilogy after completing the awful second instalment of the series, but after seeing several people in this thread on the Double Fine forums saying it's the best of the series, I decided to give it a chance. I haven't played enough of it to form a real opinion yet, but it looks promising (confusing intro aside).
It IS nice. They're unfortunately trying to wrap up the loose ends from part 2 also, but they're keeping it rather short thankfully. The ending is about what matters in the Runaway series and that's that. It's a little odd that only Brian and Gina return while all the old friends are out of the game entirely, but the new characters are good stuff too.
Runaway: A Twist of Fate. I abandoned the trilogy after completing the awful second instalment of the series, but after seeing several people in this thread on the Double Fine forums saying it's the best of the series, I decided to give it a chance. I haven't played enough of it to form a real opinion yet, but it looks promising (confusing intro aside).
It's a lot better than the first two parts, but much shorter. It only took me about 5 hours to finish, according to Steam (no walkthrough).
(It's for my next review. Look for it towards the end of the week.)
It's fantastic. Loved Alan Wake, and this is pretty much Alan Wake meets The Twilight Zone. So much fun.
The optional objectives for AC:B are often pretty tough to do on the first run through of the memory. I think they're there to encourage you to replay some sequences.
For what it's worth, there was only one mission where I was unable to get the 100% sync (one of the Leonardo missions, the tank one I think), and that was more just a matter of rage quitting than it really being impossible. Some of the later ones are indeed tricky, but never impossible.
I can't think what this could be; 'Fade to Black', maybe? Whatever the case, I look forward to your review. You've joined my list of awesome reviewers...
* The Spoony One
* Nostalgia Critic
* Angry Video Game Nerd
* Spill.com
* YourMovieSucksDOTorg (YouTube channel)
* LittleJimmy835 (YouTube Channel)
* Darth Marsden
... You're certainly amongst good company.
Well they are either stupidly easy(Don't lose 8 health bars, max health 6/stealth mission) or difficult to the point of near impossibility(don't get caught, spawns a guard in that level).
Also, another complaint. Forced stealth missions. I'm not against stealth games, but when Ezio can overpower anything along his way with his knives/crossbow/gun/sword/otherknives/poisonknives/poisondarts/assassin minions/dagger/anything else I may not have gotten, the game doesn't pass me off as a stealth game. Plus, the game considers "getting caught" as a guard seeing me for a split second as I assassinate him. That isn't exactly getting caught.
I agree the forced stealth stuff in AC kind of sucks, for that very reason. The key in Brotherhood (and Revelations) is to use the poison dart firing thing unless you're sure you have a clear path to someone's back. You'll never be detected while using it, and it will conveniently draw other guards away to watch the dance.
I admit I don't recall the moment you're talking about with the guard spawning in. That seems weird.
On the poison dart, that is the last thing I need from Da Vinci(as far as I can tell), but for whatever reason, he doesn't appear on my map, so its a bit of a crapshoot when I see him. I'm starting to understand the crossbow though, so that is what I'm using on these missions.
As for that one mission, its when you
I'm actually replaying the first AC now, and, for all it's flaws, there are some things that the series has lost (which I really liked) because it went in a bit different direction.
Like, for example, the first AC is literally the only game that can be beaten normally without HUD (with the exception of a few informant missions that were added later for the PC version, which can be REALLY tricky). Really, it's a very different experience. Even though, sadly, it can get repetitive at times, you actually get to KNOW the areas, and everything is based around planning and investigating and stuff. I know what's where in the poor area of Damascus now, I know the landmarks and I know where to get from where, and now I'm having fun exploring and getting to know Acre. You can't play AC2, AC:B or AC:R without HUD, because... well, because there are a lot of moments which are like just 'well, now what do I do?!'. This is especially true with AC2.
Then, the atmosphere is different. The first AC is a lot more about stealthy approach and then a total chaotic escape. The problem with the first AC was, though, that it didn't encourage this principle, so you could just battle your way through regardless. But what AC2 and on-on did, is that instead of fleshing out the first AC principle, they decided to go the action route, with sometimes forced stealth elements... which, I agree, kinda sucks...
And the problem with AC2 and AC:B (AC:R is actually closer to the first AC in this regards) is that there is SO many targets that it's practically impossible to get a sense of motives (other than the generic 'CONSPIRACY TO GAIN POWER!'). The first AC, even though you met each target personally only once (with the exception of few, I guess), throughout investigations and stuff you learned A LOT about them (if you actually cared, I guess) and their plans which are much more deeper than just 'take over the world'. In AC2 and AC:B... well, the enemies are just power-hungry bastards. And, yeah, AC:R fares better in this regard - there are a lot less characters (both friendly and enemy), and you get to know everyone better. And there are no characters like Rosa from AC2 (by that I mean characters that you start to care about and then suddenly disappear from the plot).
But, all that said, I'm a big fan of the AC series and am looking forward to AC3.
Reached level 20 on my siren, want to hit level 22 really fast as I have a lot of good items in my inventory for that level.
Glad to hear it, as it has been scientifically proven that people who do not enjoy Psychonauts have no soul. Just wait until you get to some of the later brain levels.
Only you, Dashing.
Decided to give Bionic Commando another go. Not liking the challenges/achievements, but eh.
It seems like your copy does indeed have some bugs, though if I recall you have to
Regardless, I only rented the game to get the plot, so I'm not really worried should that be the case for me. I own Revelations already and it didn't feel right to skip around in the series(even if I skipped the first one, I... just can't get into it as well as the others).
EDIT:Just beat it. And this is all I will say, when you can create a cliffhanger BETTER than AC2... then you have done a freaking amazing job. Wasn't as bad because the
You could have done so anyway, as it has basically no connection to any of the other games plot-wise; it's just a bookend to Ezio's story really. Except I suppose that
But it wasn't as good as the main part of the 1st game, wandering around finding puzzles which would be solved at a later date and collecting as many items as possible, slowly making your way through the world until you finally reached and entered the tower. Just doing all of that felt like such an achievement. The rest of the game isn't bad, it's just not as good as what preceded it.
Well technically, I wouldn't have known about
What's wrong with grinding levels?
Probably because it is rather repetitive, has numerous design flaws and frustrating combat. I liked the game myself, but I can understand someone finding it difficult to get through, especially the console version.
Looking at the doors in the brain tumbler, I don't think I have that many left. I reached the green pit on the fifth floor or something in the asylum yesterday, but I might revisit a few of the brains before proceeding, in case I won't get a chance to do so later.
As in this?
I wasn't sure if you meant that game or 'Loom'!
There's a point of no return of sorts (it autosaves when you get to it), but you can always visit the collective unconscious by using the little teleport things.
Yep, i meant Lume.
And to whoever will play that game(it is free) add me:p I'm Gman5852.
Aaah! Its so good to be playing Monster Hunter again!
This one is soo much better than the first game.
Just has a lot more early game content, and some mid level content available much earlier.
Already taken down a Yian Kut Ku today. That took me aaaages to do before.
I miss the multiplayer though. Having a felyne helper is handy, but its nowhere near as good as a person backing you up!
Controls are a bit odd on the PSP. Fortunately I have a slim PSP so I have developed an odd technique to compensate for the controls. You see the camera is controlled with the d-pad, but the movement is controlled by the thumbstick below it.
The game uses the L button when tapped to lock the camera behind you, but what I do to adjust the camera is to actually use the side of my index finger to push the left and right d-pad to adjust the view while I move with the stick.
A little crampy, but it allows me to much and react much quicker.
(I love how my older brother can't seem to do a simple mission like collect 3 popo tongues, whereas I'm slaying pseudo-dragons! XD)
It IS nice. They're unfortunately trying to wrap up the loose ends from part 2 also, but they're keeping it rather short thankfully. The ending is about what matters in the Runaway series and that's that. It's a little odd that only Brian and Gina return while all the old friends are out of the game entirely, but the new characters are good stuff too.
Why haven't I ever played this before now? I don't know, but whatever reasons they are were stupid. This game is great.