Take that, hand!
Turning my body around, I attempt to kick the hand with all my might. After about three kicks, the hand rel… moreeases its grip and I pick myself up. I continue to run after James to see him breaking through another glass window. He clears it of broken glass and we both hop out.
“Watch your left!” He yells to me, pointing at a scuttering walker who seems pretty interested in my flesh. I dart out of his grasp and dash forward to James.
“Do you see Usui yet?” I ask, looking around.
“No! Do you think he already made it back to the van?” James suggested.
“He sure better be, I don’t think we have the luxury to wait on him. Let’s go!” The walkers behind us get closer with each sentence.
Talk to Quirk
“Well,” I muttered. “I better go see what he wants. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a second.”
Thomas looks up to me again and grumbled. “Yeah, guess so. I’ll be guarding my usual spot.” He then go… [view original content]
Taking a quick look around the room, I realize that it used to be a kitchen. After running to some nearby drawers, I open them. The object that greets me is a large kitchen knife with a black handle. This’ll come in handy. I pick it up and go back to where the car was. When I’m about to round the corner I hear moans coming from nearby. I peek over the edge of the door and see that I am no longer alone. Three walkers blocked the only exit out of here.
“Cmon, really? Of all the..” I grumbled. “They’re by the car too.” Two of the walkers were mobile, stumbling all over the place and knocking over furniture. The last one was slumped over on the ground and looked like he wasn’t getting up anytime soon.
Maybe one of the others will notice I’m gone? Daniel will probably tell them where I went and they’ll deal with this. Then again, the gunshots stopped… I grab the table next to me so I could get a better view and it creaks. One of the roaming walkers notices this and starts making his way over to me.
Shoot, there’s no way out from here. Guess I can’t wait now.
1)Try to stab the walker as he passes
2)Throw knife at the downed walker
3)Hide from approaching walker
Disinfectant attack!
Jonathan looks to me, expecting an answer to his ridiculous question. In response, I take the bottle of disinfectant from the supplies and pour it onto his hands instead of dabbing it. He jumps up and curses.
“What, can’t handle a little disinfectant?” I ask while slightly snickering.
He looks down to his hands again, and flicks some excess off of it. “No, it’s not that. I..I just wasn’t prepared for it. That’s all.”
“Alrighty then. Just keep your fingers still while I apply the splints and bandages and then we’ll be set.” He nods and takes his seat. A few minutes later while I was applying the last of the bandages he pressed his question further.
“You never did answer me about my question earlier.”
“Hm? What was it again?” I ask, trying my best not to give a straight answer. I place the very last bandage on his cut and he speaks.
“It was about what you would do if-” He is interrupted when a hand places itself on his shoulder.
“You two almost done? Quirk’s got work for us.” The voice was Greg.
Jonathan looks at me with a stone cold glare. “..Yeah, we are.” He answers.
(?) Jonathan will remember you dodging his question.
Both of us get up and I attempt to walk away, only to be stopped by Greg.
“Actually, he needs you too. Be sure to bring that medical stuff with you.”
I turn to him dumbfounded. “He wants to see me again? Why?”
He shrugs. “Hell if I know. Just hurry.” The two of them walk away and I begin to pack up the supplies.
“Wonder what Quirk’s got for me now.”
I sat down next to Greg as Quirk walked back and forth, waiting for Elvira. Maybe five minutes had passed before she made her way over to us. She hurriedly set down the bag in her possession and looked to Quirk.
“Sorry I’m late, it took awhile to pack everything.”
He smiled and shook his head. “No, it’s fine. We couldn’t start without you anyway. Take a seat and we’ll begin.”
She sat down on my left and we all waited for Quirk to begin talking.
“Well, now that we’re all here we can begin. I called you three here today to discuss matters involving the evac point. As you all know, I..I am the only surviving member of my squad, and that means that there’s nowhere for us to go from here. So I’m gonna suggest something. What if we were to stay here? We have enough people to do so, and if we happen to see any other survivors we can help. Do you all agree to this plan?”
We looked at eachother and I broke the silence.
“I think it’s a great idea. But why do you need our inputs, why not the others?”
“Good point, Jonathan.” He replies. “I’d happily invite Thomas and Josephine, but they’re busy with their own things at the moment. Our newest arrivals haven’t earned our trust yet, which is why I have them checking our perimeter right now. And I also have propositions for the three of you.”
“What kind of propositions?” Greg asked, suddenly interested.
“Glad you asked. You three have done the most work around here excluding myself, and I would like to reward you accordingly. As you know, our security isn’t the greatest at the moment, but it can be with someone taking charge of it.” He points to Greg. “I would like to have you be in charge of security from now on, Greg. If you’d accept it, that is.”
Greg smirks and kicks back, flicking his hat. “That’d be acceptable. Won’t let you down.”
Quirk then turns to me. “With all these people, we need to be able to keep em fed and happy. Would you like to be in charge of supply runs, Jonathan?”
Jonathan lifts his head and folds his arms. “I’d be honored to.”
Quirk’s face showed relief at the answer and then looked to me.
“Now’s the final question. Elvira, you’ve shown some great medical experience by fixing up Jonathan’s hands. People will get hurt all the time after this, and they’ll keep on getting hurt. Will you be the one to help them in their time of need? Will you be our camps doctor?”
1)”I will.”
2)”I can’t.”
Voting will end at either 4 or 4:30 PM tomorrow, due to my doctor's appointment. Until then, happy voting
Open the drawer
Taking a quick look around the room, I realize that it used to be a kitchen. After running to some nearby dra… morewers, I open them. The object that greets me is a large kitchen knife with a black handle. This’ll come in handy. I pick it up and go back to where the car was. When I’m about to round the corner I hear moans coming from nearby. I peek over the edge of the door and see that I am no longer alone. Three walkers blocked the only exit out of here.
“Cmon, really? Of all the..” I grumbled. “They’re by the car too.” Two of the walkers were mobile, stumbling all over the place and knocking over furniture. The last one was slumped over on the ground and looked like he wasn’t getting up anytime soon.
Maybe one of the others will notice I’m gone? Daniel will probably tell them where I went and they’ll deal with this. Then again, the gunshots stopped… I grab the table next to me so I could get a better view an… [view original content]
Open the drawer
Taking a quick look around the room, I realize that it used to be a kitchen. After running to some nearby dra… morewers, I open them. The object that greets me is a large kitchen knife with a black handle. This’ll come in handy. I pick it up and go back to where the car was. When I’m about to round the corner I hear moans coming from nearby. I peek over the edge of the door and see that I am no longer alone. Three walkers blocked the only exit out of here.
“Cmon, really? Of all the..” I grumbled. “They’re by the car too.” Two of the walkers were mobile, stumbling all over the place and knocking over furniture. The last one was slumped over on the ground and looked like he wasn’t getting up anytime soon.
Maybe one of the others will notice I’m gone? Daniel will probably tell them where I went and they’ll deal with this. Then again, the gunshots stopped… I grab the table next to me so I could get a better view an… [view original content]
Open the drawer
Taking a quick look around the room, I realize that it used to be a kitchen. After running to some nearby dra… morewers, I open them. The object that greets me is a large kitchen knife with a black handle. This’ll come in handy. I pick it up and go back to where the car was. When I’m about to round the corner I hear moans coming from nearby. I peek over the edge of the door and see that I am no longer alone. Three walkers blocked the only exit out of here.
“Cmon, really? Of all the..” I grumbled. “They’re by the car too.” Two of the walkers were mobile, stumbling all over the place and knocking over furniture. The last one was slumped over on the ground and looked like he wasn’t getting up anytime soon.
Maybe one of the others will notice I’m gone? Daniel will probably tell them where I went and they’ll deal with this. Then again, the gunshots stopped… I grab the table next to me so I could get a better view an… [view original content]
Open the drawer
Taking a quick look around the room, I realize that it used to be a kitchen. After running to some nearby dra… morewers, I open them. The object that greets me is a large kitchen knife with a black handle. This’ll come in handy. I pick it up and go back to where the car was. When I’m about to round the corner I hear moans coming from nearby. I peek over the edge of the door and see that I am no longer alone. Three walkers blocked the only exit out of here.
“Cmon, really? Of all the..” I grumbled. “They’re by the car too.” Two of the walkers were mobile, stumbling all over the place and knocking over furniture. The last one was slumped over on the ground and looked like he wasn’t getting up anytime soon.
Maybe one of the others will notice I’m gone? Daniel will probably tell them where I went and they’ll deal with this. Then again, the gunshots stopped… I grab the table next to me so I could get a better view an… [view original content]
I position myself behind the door, lying in wait for the walker. The door opens slightly and I jump out, stabbing the walker in the head. It sinks down from the impact and so do I. The other walkers take notice of the commotion and start approaching. I try to pull out my knife but it stays inside of the walker. I put both of my legs on the body and pull with all my might. It finally gets loose and is free in no time. I try to pick myself up but when I look up the other walker is right next to me, his mouth open wide. I brace myself for his attack and close my eyes.
When I feel nothing has happened, I open my eyes to see a blade sticking right out of its mouth. It is then knocked to the ground and stabbed once more. As I look back in front of me, I’m greeted by a familiar face. He wipes his sword clean of blood and turns to me.
“Close one.”
“Y-you’re Usui! Thanks for that.” I stutter. “Don’t know what I woulda done if you hadn’t shown up.”
He observes the walker that I killed and smiles. “You handled yourself well. The only problem was the two other walkers that happened to be here.”
“Speaking of which, did you take that other one out too?” I ask Usui, who nods.
“What were you doing here anyway? I don’t think those two would’ve let you leave by yourself.”
I shake my head. “Actually, what I came for is in that car there.” My finger points to the vehicle in the other room.
“I see. Must be something important in there, then. I’ll go take a look, you run back to the van where it’s safe.”
I nod and start running in the direction of our van, looking over my shoulder to see Usui examining the contents of the car.
After what this kid went through to find this car, it better be important… I think to myself, watching Santiago run to the van. Walking over to the car, I see nothing of real importance right away. When I look in the back however, two fuel canisters catch my eye.
“Fuel, nice find kid. Now to just get to it..” I try opening the doors, but they refuse to open. After examining the windshield, I see it is broken in only one place, the driver’s seat. Not going through that way, I don’t wanna cut myself. I kneel down.
“Gotta find a way to get at this, there’s not much time…”
1)Try breaking the back window
2)Try finding the keys
“I accept.” I tell Quirk after thinking it through. “I accept my position of doctor.”
He places his hands together and smiles. “Good! It’s settled then. You three will be in charge of this place for now. Think of it as ‘joint custody’. Not too much power in one person."
“What about you, Quirk? You seem pretty sure of yourself, I mean, you appointed us yourself as if you were some kinda leader.” Greg speaks up.
He stares at him and his smile fades. “As qualified as I may be, I can’t just take over. I’d only feel good about it if I was elected officially. Our group has six members, excluding the newcomers and kid. The four of us, Thomas, and Josephine. If it would please you, you may vote for me now. If everyone here votes for me, then I’d have to be leader. You’d overrule as the majority, three against two. Or would you all rather wait and vote as one big group? Either way, someone will get voted and lead this group. The choice is yours.”
Try to stab the walker
I position myself behind the door, lying in wait for the walker. The door opens slightly and I jump ou… moret, stabbing the walker in the head. It sinks down from the impact and so do I. The other walkers take notice of the commotion and start approaching. I try to pull out my knife but it stays inside of the walker. I put both of my legs on the body and pull with all my might. It finally gets loose and is free in no time. I try to pick myself up but when I look up the other walker is right next to me, his mouth open wide. I brace myself for his attack and close my eyes.
When I feel nothing has happened, I open my eyes to see a blade sticking right out of its mouth. It is then knocked to the ground and stabbed once more. As I look back in front of me, I’m greeted by a familiar face. He wipes his sword clean of blood and turns to me.
“Close one.”
“Y-you’re Usui! Thanks for that.” I stutter. “D… [view original content]
Try to stab the walker
I position myself behind the door, lying in wait for the walker. The door opens slightly and I jump ou… moret, stabbing the walker in the head. It sinks down from the impact and so do I. The other walkers take notice of the commotion and start approaching. I try to pull out my knife but it stays inside of the walker. I put both of my legs on the body and pull with all my might. It finally gets loose and is free in no time. I try to pick myself up but when I look up the other walker is right next to me, his mouth open wide. I brace myself for his attack and close my eyes.
When I feel nothing has happened, I open my eyes to see a blade sticking right out of its mouth. It is then knocked to the ground and stabbed once more. As I look back in front of me, I’m greeted by a familiar face. He wipes his sword clean of blood and turns to me.
“Close one.”
“Y-you’re Usui! Thanks for that.” I stutter. “D… [view original content]
Try to stab the walker
I position myself behind the door, lying in wait for the walker. The door opens slightly and I jump ou… moret, stabbing the walker in the head. It sinks down from the impact and so do I. The other walkers take notice of the commotion and start approaching. I try to pull out my knife but it stays inside of the walker. I put both of my legs on the body and pull with all my might. It finally gets loose and is free in no time. I try to pick myself up but when I look up the other walker is right next to me, his mouth open wide. I brace myself for his attack and close my eyes.
When I feel nothing has happened, I open my eyes to see a blade sticking right out of its mouth. It is then knocked to the ground and stabbed once more. As I look back in front of me, I’m greeted by a familiar face. He wipes his sword clean of blood and turns to me.
“Close one.”
“Y-you’re Usui! Thanks for that.” I stutter. “D… [view original content]
Once again, sorry for the delay for the next part. I will continue working on it and hopefully it will be finished in an hour or so.
Please forgive the lateness, and I hope you enjoy tonight's part
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the matter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded your group, and you’ve helped us make it this far. You deserve this.” He pauses to glare at Greg, who is very much aware of his hostile demeanor. “Right, Greg?”
He chuckled before giving his final answer. “Looks like I don’t have much of a choice. I’d rather have you in charge than a few others, anyway.”
“So is that a yes?” I ask. He simply nods and picks himself up.
“Looks like it’s settled then. Even if Josephine and Thomas were to object, they’d be powerless in this state. It’d be two against three.” Quirk clasps his hands together while speaking. When he finishes, one of the hands sticks outwards. Jonathan noticed the gesture almost immediately and places his hand on top of Quirk’s. Smiling, I followed. Greg sighed before doing the same.
“With this gesture of teamwork, let’s all pledge to keep everyone safe, and to help whoever passes by to the best of our ability from now on! Right?” Quirk starts pep talking us, and looks at each person.
“Yes.” Jonathan agrees, his face smiling for the first time in a long while.
“Yep!” I tell him, my voice ecstatic.
“Whatever.” Greg says, his face in the same dull, emotionless position as usual.
“Ok then. I trust you three with everything. I’ll provide help when I can, but I’ll mostly be a figurehead. Now let’s get started!”
Our arms retract and we begin walking back to the camp, our heads held high.
Look for the keys
Can’t be too far away. I’ll just comb over these corpses, grab the cans, and leave. Simple. I walk over to the first walker I killed, who is still slumped over on the wall. After checking him, I found no trace of the keys. Damnit, maybe they got thrown from the car? I investigate the car a little more carefully, and soon notice something that cuts my breath short. Upon examining the driver’s seat, I could see the keys in the ignition. Still inside of the car.
“Well..I guess that makes sense. The doors were all locked and there’s only one part of the windshield broken, after all. Wonder how I didn’t notice earlier…” I murmured to myself. “Wait...the gear’s set to neutral! It’s a wonder how it hasn’t rolled back after hitting this house. Hm, I wonder…”
Stepping back, I took notice of the several crashed cars down the hill. An idea suddenly came to me. If I can’t open it naturally, I guess I’ll find more...conventional means to do so. I walked back in front of the car and started pushing. It finally gave way after a few seconds of pushing and started rolling backwards. I started sprinting after it when it began picking up speed. In a matter of seconds the car was rocketing down the street, and right into the cars waiting at the bottom. When I arrived, I was greeted with the sight of two red fuel cans. The back door was wide open and crushed. Guess car locks nowadays can’t stand two accidents in a row. I swiftly snatched up the two cans in each arm and started making a break for the van.
“We gotta get out of here soon, man! Gas or no gas, we’d be better off walking at this rate!” I yell at James as we both try to distract walkers from the van. In the corner of my eye I could see Daniel cowering in the van. Wait...only Daniel? Where’s Santiago?! While I hastily look around, I spot the sun high up in the sky.
“We’d never make it on foot! It was hell enough just getting my truck through Macon!” I bellow back to Sebastian.
“Listen man, all I want is to get everyone there alive. We’re not gonna last much longer at this rate!” He pushes another walker back. “I have less than five rounds left, and you’re dry!”
“We gotta try! We have no idea what Miles and Shino are dealing with, they might be counting on us!” A walker tries to grab my leg, but I kick him back.
“James, I’m sorry but there’s just no way! We’ve done all we can. It’s time to cut our losses and run.”
1)”Just hold out a little more!”
2)”Fine, but I don’t like it.”
3)”What about Usui?”
4)”Alright. Grab Daniel and let’s go!”
I awoke to Shino poking my side.
“What..? What is it?” I asked.
“It’s getting late.” She responded.
“Almost sunset, I bet.” I pulled up the driver’s seat and sat up.
Shino shook her head. “That woman came by earlier, while you were asleep. She told me we had an hour at the most left before we have to leave. She uh, also gave me this.” She took out a small package from her pocket, it was about the size of a phone.
“What’s that?” I implored. Shino opened it to reveal a few gauze pads, some bandages, and a small amount of morphine. “And she’s willing to part with it? Quirk doesn’t know?”
“Actually, Quirk didn’t need to know. She’s in charge of their medical supplies now. No one at the moment could tell her not to give us this.”
“That’s nice.” Shino’s smile turned into a frown before long, however. “Quirk’s still in charge of the group overall, though. They just voted for him. He still insists on us leaving.”
Insists? More like orders… “So that’s the bad news, huh? Do you have anything else on your mind?” I asked.
“It’s about our situation. I’m starting to doubt that Usui and James will reach us in time. I’d just like your thoughts on the matter on how to proceed.”
1)”My thoughts are the same. We wait.”
2)”I’ve been thinking of leaving, actually.”
Relatively long part tonight, I hope you all enjoy it! Happy voting
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
I'm going to keep the voting open longer for these votes.
They are very important and can change more than one thing in the story.
In … morethe meantime, I suggest those of you unsure about your votes to carefully read this part again (I'm lookin at you, @NoHopeLeft xD).
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the mat… moreter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded you… [view original content]
Words can't express my disappointment for being unable to continue this series in 20 whole days, and I can't imagine how you guys have been able to keep your interest in this fanfic.
Many things have happened recently, such as school being difficult with piles of homework, midterms this week, and even a day where I got sick an hour AFTER thinking of making the new part.
As I said above, midterms are here and I need to work to keep my grades in tip top shape, but know this: Sunday will be the day this series starts back up. I hate leaving things unfinished, especially if I'm not the only one anticipating them. From then on I will adapt to a new schedule that posts a new part every other say (for example Sun-Tue-Thu-Sat ect), and I hope that this will prevent any further complications.
For any of you who have come back for new parts and were rewarded with nothing, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will still read this fic and enjoy every bit of it. Until then, have a damn good day
Words can't express my disappointment for being unable to continue this series in 20 whole days, and I can't imagine how you guys have been … moreable to keep your interest in this fanfic.
Many things have happened recently, such as school being difficult with piles of homework, midterms this week, and even a day where I got sick an hour AFTER thinking of making the new part.
As I said above, midterms are here and I need to work to keep my grades in tip top shape, but know this: Sunday will be the day this series starts back up. I hate leaving things unfinished, especially if I'm not the only one anticipating them. From then on I will adapt to a new schedule that posts a new part every other say (for example Sun-Tue-Thu-Sat ect), and I hope that this will prevent any further complications.
For any of you who have come back for new parts and were rewarded with nothing, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will still read this fic and enjoy every bit of it. Until then, have a damn good day
Words can't express my disappointment for being unable to continue this series in 20 whole days, and I can't imagine how you guys have been … moreable to keep your interest in this fanfic.
Many things have happened recently, such as school being difficult with piles of homework, midterms this week, and even a day where I got sick an hour AFTER thinking of making the new part.
As I said above, midterms are here and I need to work to keep my grades in tip top shape, but know this: Sunday will be the day this series starts back up. I hate leaving things unfinished, especially if I'm not the only one anticipating them. From then on I will adapt to a new schedule that posts a new part every other say (for example Sun-Tue-Thu-Sat ect), and I hope that this will prevent any further complications.
For any of you who have come back for new parts and were rewarded with nothing, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will still read this fic and enjoy every bit of it. Until then, have a damn good day
I bite my lip and run to the van. I open the door and swing it wide open, slamming it right into the face of an approaching walker. As it hits the floor I scoop up Daniel in my arms and return to Sebastian. He turns to see us and smiles with relief. He then points in the direction we were driving in before hurrying us along.
“I’ll distract them for now, get Dan over there!”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” I warn him before sprinting to our objective.
I could hear his voice from a few yards away. “I don’t plan on it!”
“Alright. Focus on this guy, not those two, you…” My voice trailed off as I spotted a tiny flash of black. He looked almost confused, as if he had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He didn't talk, or scream, or cry. He didn't even move. The walkers saw him too and went in for the kill.
“Santiago!” I yelled, trying to prevent what was about to happen. “Get outta here!”
His head turned and his eyes met my own. Those two little pools of brown eyes were easily visible, even from this distance. I motioned my body in an attempt to make a break for him, but was stopped cold in my tracks. He just stood there, eyeing the van. That’s when a grey, rotting arm launched out from behind him and dragged him to the ground, screaming.
“NOOOOOOO!” I fired my gun in the direction of the menace, hitting him in the shoulder. I’ve never missed a target before…
The air was filled with gasps and groans from the undead, but something cut above that. A sharp, quick noise, like someone striking a tree with a stick.
The walker’s body split in two, and half of its disgusting face laid itself flat on the pavement. The body jerked back, and did the same. Hearing another groan from behind me, I struck at the source of the noise, hitting it in the stomach. It continued to growl and further impaled itself upon my blade. I knock it down by twisting my blade, and finish the job by destroying its head. Turning around, I see the body of one of the kids in front of me, the very same one that I had helped earlier. The man in the suit who I recalled being named Sebastian was knocking walkers down left and right, but not actually killing them. I kneel down, place the kid on my left shoulder, and try to balance my weight. Some of the ones over by Sebastian find their way to me, and I ready my katana.
“Hey Sebastian, you feel like helping out here?” I inquire, raising my voice above the noise. The response I was given was a quick glance at the walkers, behind him, and at me.
“I’m sorry, I..I can’t.” He finally said in a depressed tone.
“What?!” I exclaim, backing up.
“There’s just too many, I..” He swallows and sticks his gun in his pocket. “I can’t.” He starts running alongside the road, a majority of the walkers following him.
“Shit..” I sheathe my weapon and try running between two houses, trying to catch up to him. I round the corner and observe him outrun his half and hop over a chain link fence. I run after him, but when I get close they cut us off.
“You asshole, help us out! I’m walking for two people, here!” I tell him angrily.
He shakes his head. “I told you I can’t. Not with this many.” He scratches his head. “Try getting to the evac point, we’ll rendezvous there!”
“Rendezvous there? How the hell are we supposed to do that without the van?!”
He opens his mouth to respond, but stops himself short when the walkers slowly get closer to him. His head shakes and he backs away from us.
“I wish I could answer that, I really do. But our time is up.” As he turns away and escapes, I spit some profanity at him. Shifting my head slightly, I could see the other half of the walkers closing in on us. There wasn't much time until they reached us.
1)Run along chain link fence
2)Sprint across road
3)Enter a nearby house
Here's a little excitement to kick off the return of RtRR! What's the right choice of action? We won't know until it's picked..or it's too late.
You chose to escape with Sebastian and Daniel.
I bite my lip and run to the van. I open the door and swing it wide open, slammin… moreg it right into the face of an approaching walker. As it hits the floor I scoop up Daniel in my arms and return to Sebastian. He turns to see us and smiles with relief. He then points in the direction we were driving in before hurrying us along.
“I’ll distract them for now, get Dan over there!”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” I warn him before sprinting to our objective.
I could hear his voice from a few yards away. “I don’t plan on it!”
“Alright. Focus on this guy, not those two, you…” My voice trailed off as I spotted a tiny flash of black. He looked almost confused, as if he had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He didn't talk, or scream, or cry. He didn't even move. The walkers saw him too and went in for the kill.
“Santiago!” I yelled, trying to prevent what wa… [view original content]
You chose to escape with Sebastian and Daniel.
I bite my lip and run to the van. I open the door and swing it wide open, slammin… moreg it right into the face of an approaching walker. As it hits the floor I scoop up Daniel in my arms and return to Sebastian. He turns to see us and smiles with relief. He then points in the direction we were driving in before hurrying us along.
“I’ll distract them for now, get Dan over there!”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” I warn him before sprinting to our objective.
I could hear his voice from a few yards away. “I don’t plan on it!”
“Alright. Focus on this guy, not those two, you…” My voice trailed off as I spotted a tiny flash of black. He looked almost confused, as if he had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He didn't talk, or scream, or cry. He didn't even move. The walkers saw him too and went in for the kill.
“Santiago!” I yelled, trying to prevent what wa… [view original content]
You chose to escape with Sebastian and Daniel.
I bite my lip and run to the van. I open the door and swing it wide open, slammin… moreg it right into the face of an approaching walker. As it hits the floor I scoop up Daniel in my arms and return to Sebastian. He turns to see us and smiles with relief. He then points in the direction we were driving in before hurrying us along.
“I’ll distract them for now, get Dan over there!”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” I warn him before sprinting to our objective.
I could hear his voice from a few yards away. “I don’t plan on it!”
“Alright. Focus on this guy, not those two, you…” My voice trailed off as I spotted a tiny flash of black. He looked almost confused, as if he had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He didn't talk, or scream, or cry. He didn't even move. The walkers saw him too and went in for the kill.
“Santiago!” I yelled, trying to prevent what wa… [view original content]
You chose to escape with Sebastian and Daniel.
I bite my lip and run to the van. I open the door and swing it wide open, slammin… moreg it right into the face of an approaching walker. As it hits the floor I scoop up Daniel in my arms and return to Sebastian. He turns to see us and smiles with relief. He then points in the direction we were driving in before hurrying us along.
“I’ll distract them for now, get Dan over there!”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” I warn him before sprinting to our objective.
I could hear his voice from a few yards away. “I don’t plan on it!”
“Alright. Focus on this guy, not those two, you…” My voice trailed off as I spotted a tiny flash of black. He looked almost confused, as if he had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He didn't talk, or scream, or cry. He didn't even move. The walkers saw him too and went in for the kill.
“Santiago!” I yelled, trying to prevent what wa… [view original content]
Running out of options, I started running along the fence, hoping to find a gap to squeeze into or time to climb up it. There seemed to be a small tear in the fence a few yards away, I didn’t make it 10 feet before some others noticed us, closing that option off to us. To our right were two houses so close together that they practically touched. Pressing my body against the wall of one, I managed to crawl through with Santiago in my arms.
“Cmon, kid. Just stay with me for a little while longer. We’re almost there…” I tried talking to him, but the only response I was given was a small groan as he folded his arms in to fit. Looking behind, I could see the walkers piling on top of one another in blind fury, however this prevented any of them getting through. When we reached the other side I moved my torso out, placing Santiago on the ground. After what seemed like ages I wheedled my own way out, only to be greeted with a pair of gasping jaws. Taken back by surprise, they pinned me against the wall. I kept my hands at their throats, keeping them away. But their strength proved to outweigh my own, and soon my arms folded, leaving only my forearms as my last line of defence. I couldn’t grab my sword, or else one would chomp down. I couldn't kick at this angle, either...Was this really the end? Dying to save some kid I didn’t even know thanks to a man who refused to…
The jaws got closer, overpowering me little by little. I could smell the putrid stench of flesh and blood on their teeth when one of them suddenly stopped. It slumped to the floor and I grabbed the other walker with my free hand. Adrenaline and anger pumping through my veins, I threw it to the ground where a sharp, metal object that protruded from the house pierced its skull. Looking back to the other one, I noticed three men staring at me, all of them wearing some kind of gas mask. The one closest to me was holding a small knife in his right hand, but the most peculiar thing about him was that he was wearing a cast upon his left arm. One of the others knelt down next to Santiago, who I placed on the floor. The one in the cast approached me, wiping his knife on his camo pants.
“Close one, huh?” He asked.
“Seems like it.” I replied, brushing some dirt from my shirt.
“You two shouldn’t be out here, it’s a wasteland at this point.” He folded his knife back into its handle and pocketed it. “What’re you two doing here?”
“Trying to get the hell out of this place.” Taking a closer look at the three, I noticed the one furthest from us was wielding some time of assault rifle, perhaps an M4. The one by Santiago was examining him closely, perhaps out of concern. The last man with the cast had brown hair sticking out of the end of his mask, and his shirt was pure black.
“Anyways, let’s cut the small talk in get right into introductions.” He walked right up next to me, and held out his hand. “Name’s Alec Devic. You two need some help?”
His arm stayed firmly planted in front of me, and I could his his light brown eyes shining through the eye sockets in his mask.
1)Shake hand (Accept)
2)Shove hand (Deny)
You chose to wait it out.
“I still haven’t changed my mind, Shino. The other will get here, and we’ll all leave together.”
“But what if-”
“No ‘what if’s. If we leave now and they come back, do you really expect Quirk to point them in the right direction?” I asked.
“The others aren't like Quirk. Thomas or Elvira will-” I stopped her.
“If he’s the leader now, then his word is law. Elvira was only it charge of medicine, right? He outranks her.” I sat back against the driver’s seat. “Besides, what can two people do to protect a base anyway? You’re almost out of rounds and I’m using a knife. Do you really think we can survive by ourselves? James and I’ve been traveling for only a short while, but I know that he's reliable person. Usui sounds like he’s good, too. It’s a bad situation, but our only option is to wait. If we left and they came looking for us, we’d be abandoning them.” My voice quivered at the end, imagining all the stuff both of us had been through with our comrades.
Shino’s eyes shone as she spoke. “I hadn’t really thought about it that way...I’m glad you think so.” She smiled, and her face lit up with joy. I haven’t seen her this happy before…
She twisted around, staring outside of the passenger window. “Good thing I was rescued by someone who knows how to answer an obvious question.” Her voice had a tint of playfulness in it.
(?) Shino will remember your kindness.
“I bet it is.” I reply, thinking things over in my head. There’s still a lot of time to kill before sunset, but Quirk would probably not like me hanging around his group. What to do…
1)Walk around James's truck
2)Walk around camp
3)Stroll along the outsides of the camp
Finally got the part up. Voting ends tomorrow at 5 PM. Happy voting!
Rare footage of Quality, shot in 2010
Oh no! I've been caught! Where did you get this footage?
Everyone get that van outta there!
Don't make me say 'please'!
Elvira will pour more disinfectant.
Santiago will open the drawer.
Open the drawer
Taking a quick look around the room, I realize that it used to be a kitchen. After running to some nearby drawers, I open them. The object that greets me is a large kitchen knife with a black handle. This’ll come in handy. I pick it up and go back to where the car was. When I’m about to round the corner I hear moans coming from nearby. I peek over the edge of the door and see that I am no longer alone. Three walkers blocked the only exit out of here.
“Cmon, really? Of all the..” I grumbled. “They’re by the car too.” Two of the walkers were mobile, stumbling all over the place and knocking over furniture. The last one was slumped over on the ground and looked like he wasn’t getting up anytime soon.
Maybe one of the others will notice I’m gone? Daniel will probably tell them where I went and they’ll deal with this. Then again, the gunshots stopped… I grab the table next to me so I could get a better view and it creaks. One of the roaming walkers notices this and starts making his way over to me.
Shoot, there’s no way out from here. Guess I can’t wait now.
1)Try to stab the walker as he passes
2)Throw knife at the downed walker
3)Hide from approaching walker
Disinfectant attack!
Jonathan looks to me, expecting an answer to his ridiculous question. In response, I take the bottle of disinfectant from the supplies and pour it onto his hands instead of dabbing it. He jumps up and curses.
“What, can’t handle a little disinfectant?” I ask while slightly snickering.
He looks down to his hands again, and flicks some excess off of it. “No, it’s not that. I..I just wasn’t prepared for it. That’s all.”
“Alrighty then. Just keep your fingers still while I apply the splints and bandages and then we’ll be set.” He nods and takes his seat. A few minutes later while I was applying the last of the bandages he pressed his question further.
“You never did answer me about my question earlier.”
“Hm? What was it again?” I ask, trying my best not to give a straight answer. I place the very last bandage on his cut and he speaks.
“It was about what you would do if-” He is interrupted when a hand places itself on his shoulder.
“You two almost done? Quirk’s got work for us.” The voice was Greg.
Jonathan looks at me with a stone cold glare. “..Yeah, we are.” He answers.
(?) Jonathan will remember you dodging his question.
Both of us get up and I attempt to walk away, only to be stopped by Greg.
“Actually, he needs you too. Be sure to bring that medical stuff with you.”
I turn to him dumbfounded. “He wants to see me again? Why?”
He shrugs. “Hell if I know. Just hurry.” The two of them walk away and I begin to pack up the supplies.
“Wonder what Quirk’s got for me now.”
I sat down next to Greg as Quirk walked back and forth, waiting for Elvira. Maybe five minutes had passed before she made her way over to us. She hurriedly set down the bag in her possession and looked to Quirk.
“Sorry I’m late, it took awhile to pack everything.”
He smiled and shook his head. “No, it’s fine. We couldn’t start without you anyway. Take a seat and we’ll begin.”
She sat down on my left and we all waited for Quirk to begin talking.
“Well, now that we’re all here we can begin. I called you three here today to discuss matters involving the evac point. As you all know, I..I am the only surviving member of my squad, and that means that there’s nowhere for us to go from here. So I’m gonna suggest something. What if we were to stay here? We have enough people to do so, and if we happen to see any other survivors we can help. Do you all agree to this plan?”
We looked at eachother and I broke the silence.
“I think it’s a great idea. But why do you need our inputs, why not the others?”
“Good point, Jonathan.” He replies. “I’d happily invite Thomas and Josephine, but they’re busy with their own things at the moment. Our newest arrivals haven’t earned our trust yet, which is why I have them checking our perimeter right now. And I also have propositions for the three of you.”
“What kind of propositions?” Greg asked, suddenly interested.
“Glad you asked. You three have done the most work around here excluding myself, and I would like to reward you accordingly. As you know, our security isn’t the greatest at the moment, but it can be with someone taking charge of it.” He points to Greg. “I would like to have you be in charge of security from now on, Greg. If you’d accept it, that is.”
Greg smirks and kicks back, flicking his hat. “That’d be acceptable. Won’t let you down.”
Quirk then turns to me. “With all these people, we need to be able to keep em fed and happy. Would you like to be in charge of supply runs, Jonathan?”
Jonathan lifts his head and folds his arms. “I’d be honored to.”
Quirk’s face showed relief at the answer and then looked to me.
“Now’s the final question. Elvira, you’ve shown some great medical experience by fixing up Jonathan’s hands. People will get hurt all the time after this, and they’ll keep on getting hurt. Will you be the one to help them in their time of need? Will you be our camps doctor?”
1)”I will.”
2)”I can’t.”
Voting will end at either 4 or 4:30 PM tomorrow, due to my doctor's appointment. Until then, happy voting
1(Try to stab the walker as it passes
1("I will"
Great chapter!
1)Try to stab the walker as he passes
1)”I will.”
Awesome Chaoter!!
This is true...
2)Throw knife at the downed walker
1)”I will.”
Santiago will try to stab the walker.
Elvira will accept her role as doctor!
Try to stab the walker
I position myself behind the door, lying in wait for the walker. The door opens slightly and I jump out, stabbing the walker in the head. It sinks down from the impact and so do I. The other walkers take notice of the commotion and start approaching. I try to pull out my knife but it stays inside of the walker. I put both of my legs on the body and pull with all my might. It finally gets loose and is free in no time. I try to pick myself up but when I look up the other walker is right next to me, his mouth open wide. I brace myself for his attack and close my eyes.
When I feel nothing has happened, I open my eyes to see a blade sticking right out of its mouth. It is then knocked to the ground and stabbed once more. As I look back in front of me, I’m greeted by a familiar face. He wipes his sword clean of blood and turns to me.
“Close one.”
“Y-you’re Usui! Thanks for that.” I stutter. “Don’t know what I woulda done if you hadn’t shown up.”
He observes the walker that I killed and smiles. “You handled yourself well. The only problem was the two other walkers that happened to be here.”
“Speaking of which, did you take that other one out too?” I ask Usui, who nods.
“What were you doing here anyway? I don’t think those two would’ve let you leave by yourself.”
I shake my head. “Actually, what I came for is in that car there.” My finger points to the vehicle in the other room.
“I see. Must be something important in there, then. I’ll go take a look, you run back to the van where it’s safe.”
I nod and start running in the direction of our van, looking over my shoulder to see Usui examining the contents of the car.
After what this kid went through to find this car, it better be important… I think to myself, watching Santiago run to the van. Walking over to the car, I see nothing of real importance right away. When I look in the back however, two fuel canisters catch my eye.
“Fuel, nice find kid. Now to just get to it..” I try opening the doors, but they refuse to open. After examining the windshield, I see it is broken in only one place, the driver’s seat. Not going through that way, I don’t wanna cut myself. I kneel down.
“Gotta find a way to get at this, there’s not much time…”
1)Try breaking the back window
2)Try finding the keys
“I accept.” I tell Quirk after thinking it through. “I accept my position of doctor.”
He places his hands together and smiles. “Good! It’s settled then. You three will be in charge of this place for now. Think of it as ‘joint custody’. Not too much power in one person."
“What about you, Quirk? You seem pretty sure of yourself, I mean, you appointed us yourself as if you were some kinda leader.” Greg speaks up.
He stares at him and his smile fades. “As qualified as I may be, I can’t just take over. I’d only feel good about it if I was elected officially. Our group has six members, excluding the newcomers and kid. The four of us, Thomas, and Josephine. If it would please you, you may vote for me now. If everyone here votes for me, then I’d have to be leader. You’d overrule as the majority, three against two. Or would you all rather wait and vote as one big group? Either way, someone will get voted and lead this group. The choice is yours.”
1)Vote for Quirk now
2)Wait to vote
Voting will end at 3 PM tomorrow, happy voting
2)Try finding the keys
1)Vote for Quirk now QUIRKKKKKK
Awesome Chapter!
2)Try finding the keys
1)Vote for Quirk now
Usui will try to look for the keys.
Elvira will choose to vote now.
Oops, missed voting.
Once again, sorry for the delay for the next part. I will continue working on it and hopefully it will be finished in an hour or so.
Please forgive the lateness, and I hope you enjoy tonight's part
It´s okay. Better late than never
Vote now
“Although I believe you to be a worthy leader, I don’t think we should-” Greg attempted to give his opinion on the matter before he was interrupted by my answer.
“I actually think that’s a great idea. To vote now, I mean.” I get up from my sitting position.
Greg’s emotionless face turns to face me.
“And why’s that, I may ask?”
“Well..what’s the one thing we need right now?” I questioned. “Aside from food and supplies.”
He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his cap downwards. “Not sure. What is that?”
“A leader. Someone working behind the scenes to sort everything out. If it’s gonna be a joint operation, there must be communication between the separate parties.”
“Exactly.” Quirk chimed in, smiling with his arms folded. “Three sections controlled by three people. But who’ll help each function properly?”
Jonathan stands up. “I agree with Elvira. You have experience with these things, you commanded your group, and you’ve helped us make it this far. You deserve this.” He pauses to glare at Greg, who is very much aware of his hostile demeanor. “Right, Greg?”
He chuckled before giving his final answer. “Looks like I don’t have much of a choice. I’d rather have you in charge than a few others, anyway.”
“So is that a yes?” I ask. He simply nods and picks himself up.
“Looks like it’s settled then. Even if Josephine and Thomas were to object, they’d be powerless in this state. It’d be two against three.” Quirk clasps his hands together while speaking. When he finishes, one of the hands sticks outwards. Jonathan noticed the gesture almost immediately and places his hand on top of Quirk’s. Smiling, I followed. Greg sighed before doing the same.
“With this gesture of teamwork, let’s all pledge to keep everyone safe, and to help whoever passes by to the best of our ability from now on! Right?” Quirk starts pep talking us, and looks at each person.
“Yes.” Jonathan agrees, his face smiling for the first time in a long while.
“Yep!” I tell him, my voice ecstatic.
“Whatever.” Greg says, his face in the same dull, emotionless position as usual.
“Ok then. I trust you three with everything. I’ll provide help when I can, but I’ll mostly be a figurehead. Now let’s get started!”
Our arms retract and we begin walking back to the camp, our heads held high.
Look for the keys
Can’t be too far away. I’ll just comb over these corpses, grab the cans, and leave. Simple. I walk over to the first walker I killed, who is still slumped over on the wall. After checking him, I found no trace of the keys. Damnit, maybe they got thrown from the car? I investigate the car a little more carefully, and soon notice something that cuts my breath short. Upon examining the driver’s seat, I could see the keys in the ignition. Still inside of the car.
“Well..I guess that makes sense. The doors were all locked and there’s only one part of the windshield broken, after all. Wonder how I didn’t notice earlier…” I murmured to myself. “Wait...the gear’s set to neutral! It’s a wonder how it hasn’t rolled back after hitting this house. Hm, I wonder…”
Stepping back, I took notice of the several crashed cars down the hill. An idea suddenly came to me. If I can’t open it naturally, I guess I’ll find more...conventional means to do so. I walked back in front of the car and started pushing. It finally gave way after a few seconds of pushing and started rolling backwards. I started sprinting after it when it began picking up speed. In a matter of seconds the car was rocketing down the street, and right into the cars waiting at the bottom. When I arrived, I was greeted with the sight of two red fuel cans. The back door was wide open and crushed. Guess car locks nowadays can’t stand two accidents in a row. I swiftly snatched up the two cans in each arm and started making a break for the van.
“We gotta get out of here soon, man! Gas or no gas, we’d be better off walking at this rate!” I yell at James as we both try to distract walkers from the van. In the corner of my eye I could see Daniel cowering in the van. Wait...only Daniel? Where’s Santiago?! While I hastily look around, I spot the sun high up in the sky.
“We’d never make it on foot! It was hell enough just getting my truck through Macon!” I bellow back to Sebastian.
“Listen man, all I want is to get everyone there alive. We’re not gonna last much longer at this rate!” He pushes another walker back. “I have less than five rounds left, and you’re dry!”
“We gotta try! We have no idea what Miles and Shino are dealing with, they might be counting on us!” A walker tries to grab my leg, but I kick him back.
“James, I’m sorry but there’s just no way! We’ve done all we can. It’s time to cut our losses and run.”
1)”Just hold out a little more!”
2)”Fine, but I don’t like it.”
3)”What about Usui?”
4)”Alright. Grab Daniel and let’s go!”
I awoke to Shino poking my side.
“What..? What is it?” I asked.
“It’s getting late.” She responded.
“Almost sunset, I bet.” I pulled up the driver’s seat and sat up.
Shino shook her head. “That woman came by earlier, while you were asleep. She told me we had an hour at the most left before we have to leave. She uh, also gave me this.” She took out a small package from her pocket, it was about the size of a phone.
“What’s that?” I implored. Shino opened it to reveal a few gauze pads, some bandages, and a small amount of morphine. “And she’s willing to part with it? Quirk doesn’t know?”
“Actually, Quirk didn’t need to know. She’s in charge of their medical supplies now. No one at the moment could tell her not to give us this.”
“That’s nice.” Shino’s smile turned into a frown before long, however. “Quirk’s still in charge of the group overall, though. They just voted for him. He still insists on us leaving.”
Insists? More like orders… “So that’s the bad news, huh? Do you have anything else on your mind?” I asked.
“It’s about our situation. I’m starting to doubt that Usui and James will reach us in time. I’d just like your thoughts on the matter on how to proceed.”
1)”My thoughts are the same. We wait.”
2)”I’ve been thinking of leaving, actually.”
Relatively long part tonight, I hope you all enjoy it! Happy voting
3)”What about Usui?”
2)”I’ve been thinking of leaving, actually.”
1.( "Just hold out a little more!"
1.( "My thoughts are the same. We wait."
4)”Alright. Grab Daniel and let’s go!”
1)”My thoughts are the same. We wait.”
4)”Alright. Grab Daniel and let’s go!”
2)”I’ve been thinking of leaving, actually.”
4)”Alright. Grab Daniel and let’s go!”
Usui is fine.
1)”My thoughts are the same. We wait.”
Patience padawan.
I'm going to keep the voting open longer for these votes.
They are very important and can change more than one thing in the story.
In the meantime, I suggest those of you unsure about your votes to carefully read this part again (I'm lookin at you, @NoHopeLeft xD).
I've missed something, I know it!
Is everyone 100% sure about their votes?
There's only an hour left to change your minds...
James and Sebastian will leave with Daniel.
Miles will wait.
Words can't express my disappointment for being unable to continue this series in 20 whole days, and I can't imagine how you guys have been able to keep your interest in this fanfic.
Many things have happened recently, such as school being difficult with piles of homework, midterms this week, and even a day where I got sick an hour AFTER thinking of making the new part.
As I said above, midterms are here and I need to work to keep my grades in tip top shape, but know this: Sunday will be the day this series starts back up. I hate leaving things unfinished, especially if I'm not the only one anticipating them. From then on I will adapt to a new schedule that posts a new part every other say (for example Sun-Tue-Thu-Sat ect), and I hope that this will prevent any further complications.
For any of you who have come back for new parts and were rewarded with nothing, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will still read this fic and enjoy every bit of it. Until then, have a damn good day
Sounds good, can't wait for it to be back. Good luck on midterms.
You chose to escape with Sebastian and Daniel.
I bite my lip and run to the van. I open the door and swing it wide open, slamming it right into the face of an approaching walker. As it hits the floor I scoop up Daniel in my arms and return to Sebastian. He turns to see us and smiles with relief. He then points in the direction we were driving in before hurrying us along.
“I’ll distract them for now, get Dan over there!”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” I warn him before sprinting to our objective.
I could hear his voice from a few yards away. “I don’t plan on it!”
“Alright. Focus on this guy, not those two, you…” My voice trailed off as I spotted a tiny flash of black. He looked almost confused, as if he had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He didn't talk, or scream, or cry. He didn't even move. The walkers saw him too and went in for the kill.
“Santiago!” I yelled, trying to prevent what was about to happen. “Get outta here!”
His head turned and his eyes met my own. Those two little pools of brown eyes were easily visible, even from this distance. I motioned my body in an attempt to make a break for him, but was stopped cold in my tracks. He just stood there, eyeing the van. That’s when a grey, rotting arm launched out from behind him and dragged him to the ground, screaming.
“NOOOOOOO!” I fired my gun in the direction of the menace, hitting him in the shoulder. I’ve never missed a target before…
The air was filled with gasps and groans from the undead, but something cut above that. A sharp, quick noise, like someone striking a tree with a stick.
The walker’s body split in two, and half of its disgusting face laid itself flat on the pavement. The body jerked back, and did the same. Hearing another groan from behind me, I struck at the source of the noise, hitting it in the stomach. It continued to growl and further impaled itself upon my blade. I knock it down by twisting my blade, and finish the job by destroying its head. Turning around, I see the body of one of the kids in front of me, the very same one that I had helped earlier. The man in the suit who I recalled being named Sebastian was knocking walkers down left and right, but not actually killing them. I kneel down, place the kid on my left shoulder, and try to balance my weight. Some of the ones over by Sebastian find their way to me, and I ready my katana.
“Hey Sebastian, you feel like helping out here?” I inquire, raising my voice above the noise. The response I was given was a quick glance at the walkers, behind him, and at me.
“I’m sorry, I..I can’t.” He finally said in a depressed tone.
“What?!” I exclaim, backing up.
“There’s just too many, I..” He swallows and sticks his gun in his pocket. “I can’t.” He starts running alongside the road, a majority of the walkers following him.
“Shit..” I sheathe my weapon and try running between two houses, trying to catch up to him. I round the corner and observe him outrun his half and hop over a chain link fence. I run after him, but when I get close they cut us off.
“You asshole, help us out! I’m walking for two people, here!” I tell him angrily.
He shakes his head. “I told you I can’t. Not with this many.” He scratches his head. “Try getting to the evac point, we’ll rendezvous there!”
“Rendezvous there? How the hell are we supposed to do that without the van?!”
He opens his mouth to respond, but stops himself short when the walkers slowly get closer to him. His head shakes and he backs away from us.
“I wish I could answer that, I really do. But our time is up.” As he turns away and escapes, I spit some profanity at him. Shifting my head slightly, I could see the other half of the walkers closing in on us. There wasn't much time until they reached us.
1)Run along chain link fence
2)Sprint across road
3)Enter a nearby house
Here's a little excitement to kick off the return of RtRR! What's the right choice of action? We won't know until it's picked..or it's too late.
Voting ends at 5 PM Tuesday. Happy voting
Rin along Chamín link fence
3)Enter a nearby house
I must have in followed this on accident. Great chapter!
1)Run along chain link fence
I lost power.
While working on the part.
Why me.
Voting has ended, Usui will run along the fence. You guy'll get a part tomorrow and Thursday, don't worry.
Fence it is, then.
Running out of options, I started running along the fence, hoping to find a gap to squeeze into or time to climb up it. There seemed to be a small tear in the fence a few yards away, I didn’t make it 10 feet before some others noticed us, closing that option off to us. To our right were two houses so close together that they practically touched. Pressing my body against the wall of one, I managed to crawl through with Santiago in my arms.
“Cmon, kid. Just stay with me for a little while longer. We’re almost there…” I tried talking to him, but the only response I was given was a small groan as he folded his arms in to fit. Looking behind, I could see the walkers piling on top of one another in blind fury, however this prevented any of them getting through. When we reached the other side I moved my torso out, placing Santiago on the ground. After what seemed like ages I wheedled my own way out, only to be greeted with a pair of gasping jaws. Taken back by surprise, they pinned me against the wall. I kept my hands at their throats, keeping them away. But their strength proved to outweigh my own, and soon my arms folded, leaving only my forearms as my last line of defence. I couldn’t grab my sword, or else one would chomp down. I couldn't kick at this angle, either...Was this really the end? Dying to save some kid I didn’t even know thanks to a man who refused to…
The jaws got closer, overpowering me little by little. I could smell the putrid stench of flesh and blood on their teeth when one of them suddenly stopped. It slumped to the floor and I grabbed the other walker with my free hand. Adrenaline and anger pumping through my veins, I threw it to the ground where a sharp, metal object that protruded from the house pierced its skull. Looking back to the other one, I noticed three men staring at me, all of them wearing some kind of gas mask. The one closest to me was holding a small knife in his right hand, but the most peculiar thing about him was that he was wearing a cast upon his left arm. One of the others knelt down next to Santiago, who I placed on the floor. The one in the cast approached me, wiping his knife on his camo pants.
“Close one, huh?” He asked.
“Seems like it.” I replied, brushing some dirt from my shirt.
“You two shouldn’t be out here, it’s a wasteland at this point.” He folded his knife back into its handle and pocketed it. “What’re you two doing here?”
“Trying to get the hell out of this place.” Taking a closer look at the three, I noticed the one furthest from us was wielding some time of assault rifle, perhaps an M4. The one by Santiago was examining him closely, perhaps out of concern. The last man with the cast had brown hair sticking out of the end of his mask, and his shirt was pure black.
“Anyways, let’s cut the small talk in get right into introductions.” He walked right up next to me, and held out his hand. “Name’s Alec Devic. You two need some help?”
His arm stayed firmly planted in front of me, and I could his his light brown eyes shining through the eye sockets in his mask.
1)Shake hand (Accept)
2)Shove hand (Deny)
You chose to wait it out.
“I still haven’t changed my mind, Shino. The other will get here, and we’ll all leave together.”
“But what if-”
“No ‘what if’s. If we leave now and they come back, do you really expect Quirk to point them in the right direction?” I asked.
“The others aren't like Quirk. Thomas or Elvira will-” I stopped her.
“If he’s the leader now, then his word is law. Elvira was only it charge of medicine, right? He outranks her.” I sat back against the driver’s seat. “Besides, what can two people do to protect a base anyway? You’re almost out of rounds and I’m using a knife. Do you really think we can survive by ourselves? James and I’ve been traveling for only a short while, but I know that he's reliable person. Usui sounds like he’s good, too. It’s a bad situation, but our only option is to wait. If we left and they came looking for us, we’d be abandoning them.” My voice quivered at the end, imagining all the stuff both of us had been through with our comrades.
Shino’s eyes shone as she spoke. “I hadn’t really thought about it that way...I’m glad you think so.” She smiled, and her face lit up with joy. I haven’t seen her this happy before…
She twisted around, staring outside of the passenger window. “Good thing I was rescued by someone who knows how to answer an obvious question.” Her voice had a tint of playfulness in it.
(?) Shino will remember your kindness.
“I bet it is.” I reply, thinking things over in my head. There’s still a lot of time to kill before sunset, but Quirk would probably not like me hanging around his group. What to do…
1)Walk around James's truck
2)Walk around camp
3)Stroll along the outsides of the camp
Finally got the part up. Voting ends tomorrow at 5 PM. Happy voting!