I think all of my posts in this fan-fiction should be in lower case, except for occasional random words that will be in full upper case.
Does that sound good?
I looked to the outside of the cracked wall of windows, staring at the horizon ahead. Apparently this place had been a law firm or something like that before the walkers changed everything. But that's not really what interested me, it was the view of the city. Hiking forty-seven stories up is definitely not my cup of tea but once you got up here, there was no denying how great it looked. I wonder where the group thought I was when I was up here, did they ever worry about me? Screw it, maybe they just thought I was taking a dump.
I scavenged the room for any pens of some sort, I wanted to draw this out while there was still some good light. All the other pens had recently ran out of ink and there was a shrinking pile of papers in the corner. I quickly scanned the room before getting up close, searching under tables, flipping under books.
"Nothing." I sighed to myself, but then I realized there were many other floors, even some above me for some odd reason I'd just always choose forty-seven out of odd habit. I quietly sneaked down the stairwell to the forty-sixth floor, opening the door it revealed a nearly identical look to the forty-seventh floor, even a paper basket filled with paper in the same corner. I let out a sigh of relief as I spotted a black pen hiding next to the desk on the carpet floor. I bent over to pick it up when I heard the moan.
And the dead iron tight grasp locked on my wrist as I screamed in terror, trying to fight back as best I could as the walker dragged my arm further under the desk. I awkwardly reached for my gun in my boot, finally getting it the second try. I turned off the safety and peeked under the desk and fired the head as his group loosened and I freed my hand, I checked my wrist for bites or scratches. Luckily my leather jacket had protected me but it was too close for comfort.
"Aw shit, the group isn't going to like this." I mumbled to myself. We had run low on ammo and I had just three bullets left. Maybe it was best if I just left right now and met up with the group, I had already wasted enough time already. I pick myself up as I hear footsteps slowly grow louder and louder and the voices calling.
"You think she's up here?" One said.
"I don't know but I heard a gun go off, we better check." The other called.
I have to hide! I thought to myself. There's no other choice! I finally summoned the courage to take my first step when the knob slowly turned, and the door creaked open, revealing the two faces.
Quick question, just so there is no confusion (between me or anyone else) will you be continuing this and saying who the two characters at the end are or would you like another person to pick up writing from there as one of the people at the door?
Screw it, I'll start. I'll probably edit this
Melody Carter: 311 days in
I looked to the outside of the cracked wall of windows, stari… moreng at the horizon ahead. Apparently this place had been a law firm or something like that before the walkers changed everything. But that's not really what interested me, it was the view of the city. Hiking forty-seven stories up is definitely not my cup of tea but once you got up here, there was no denying how great it looked. I wonder where the group thought I was when I was up here, did they ever worry about me? Screw it, maybe they just thought I was taking a dump.
I scavenged the room for any pens of some sort, I wanted to draw this out while there was still some good light. All the other pens had recently ran out of ink and there was a shrinking pile of papers in the corner. I quickly scanned the room before getting up close, searching under tables, flipping under books.
"Nothing." I sighed to… [view original content]
Quick question, just so there is no confusion (between me or anyone else) will you be continuing this and saying who the two characters at the end are or would you like another person to pick up writing from there as one of the people at the door?
The lock finally gave in. Anton looked around the small room and sighed with disappointment. "There is nothing useful here, either", mumbled Anton to himself. He checked the working table, and the only thing he found was an unopened pack of chewing gum. "Oh, good, I was worried my breath was getting too bad", he sarcastically remarked, but, nevertheless, put it into his backpack. Deciding not to stay behind from the rest of the group, Anton decided to push forward. Melody was nowhere to be found, and they've already checked almost every floor in this damn building. "Whoever came with an idea of building offices this high can rot in hell", cursed Anton, as he was going up yet another set stairs.
The broken sign near the elevator was barely visible. A blood stain was sliding down from the elevator's control panel, and whoever might have left it was probably still there. Anton went a little forward, and discovered a half-eaten corpse with its hand still attached to the wall, with blood stain connecting with a tip of corpse's fingers. Anton planned to ignore it at first, but decided that such negligence may cost him dearly. He slowly approached the corpse, it showed no signs of life. Anton pressed the corpse to the floor with his foot, and zombie immediately reacted. Not being able to move properly, the zombie started making gurgling sounds and trying to grab Anton's leg, but he was prepared for that - a quick stab in the head by a screwdriver, and the zombie finally went to its rest. "One less dead bastard in the world", Anton said to himself. The commotion, however, attracted a few walkers from adjacent office rooms. Anton decided not to stick around. "Probably should just go ahead", he thought. Trying to be as sneaky as he could be, Anton went to the staircase that led to the next floor.
"I wonder if the guys have already got here", Anton thought to himself. He went along the corridor, staying alert in case of sudden attacks by walkers. The upper floors, however, weren't as dangerous as the lower ones. "Guess most of the people managed to leave this place before this all went to hell", Anton mumbled. "Well, except some of them". Passing near a storage room, Anton looked in it to see if there was anything salvageable. The room was empty and looked ransacked, with everything worthwhile most likely gone. Anton moved a broken table, and looked around. The only useful thing he found there was an old wrench. It was rusty, but still held together. "Someone didn't have their priorities straight when they wrecked this place up", said Anton as he took the wrench with him. "Hmm, I wonder if there's any-". Suddenly, a shot was heard. Judging from how close it sounded, it was most likely made on this very floor. "This ain't good", Anton thought to himself as he took his gun out. "Not good at all".
"Where the hell is Melody" I thought to myself as a trudged up the 43rd staircase. "And why isn't there any good shit in here?" I mumbled as I opened the door to office on the 43rd floor, I quickly pulled out my machete in case the dead were still walking in the office, "wouldn't be the first time someone almost took a chomp out of me" I mumbled unpleased. "The last time I was searching a building my best friend got a bite taken out of his ass, literally, he turned around and the fucker bit his ass" I exclaimed as I threw my arms in the air in frustration. I had been on my own ever since he turned. And then, I met this group. We're a dysfunctional group that's for sure. Melody spends half her time in who-knows-where and Anton barely speaks to me.
"Yuck" I exclaimed puckering my lips. I still had the taste of fish In my mouth from last night. I pulled out one of the many packets of gum, that I keep stashed, from my pocket and popped it in my mouth. "Much better" I said returning the gum to my pocket. I continued checking the office, making sure to look behind everything for any unwanted guests. "Fuck! What the hell is that!" I say as I trip over something, grabbing the poster on the wall to keep me stable "SHIT!" I yell as the poster drops to the ground. I look around frightened to see what I tripped over. "Really, I tripped over a fucking mug on the floor" I say as I pick myself up off the floor and place the mug on the desk. I look around brushing myself off when I realize that behind the poster there was a door.
"The fuck?" I say as I take out my machete and slowly open the door. Behind the door is large studio apartment, "Someone must have lived where they worked, damn this is pretty cool" I say as I look around, still with my machete in hand. "This place looks untouched!" I think excitedly as I hop over to the kitchen area. "Please let there be food please!" I say as I open the drawers and cupboards. " Holy, shit... There's enough food in here for months!" I say aloud. "Holy shit I have to tell Melody" I exclaim as I run out, closing the door and replacing the poster to ensure that no one finds it. Just as I finish putting up the poster " Do I hear a.. a... fuck is that a.. a gunshot!" I say out loud.
I whip out my machete and run up a few floors to find out where it came from, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuckkkk" I say as sprint up to the 46th floor. I see Anton standing with his gun out trying to open the door. "Anton! fuck was that you shooting! Fuck! You know we're low on ammo!" I say as I run up next to him. (Kay so, for the writer of Anton I apologize for putting a line of his here but if you would like me to change it just comment ) "That wasn't me.." He whispered as he fumbled with the locked door. "Shit do you think she's up here?" I whisper nervously, hoping that Melody wasn't hurt. "I dunno but I heard a gun go off. We better check." he mumbles. "Damn right we better check we don't need another bite victim" I mumble to myself in a displeased tone. "Opened" Anton whispers as the door opens to reveal Melody standing in front of us, gun in hand.
It's fine, I'm not offended by it... much. Lol, no, really, it's fine. If needed, the writer can put a line or two for another writer's character, just as long as the character stays "in character", no pun intended. Though, of course, one has to remember not to overdo it.
"Where the hell is Melody" I thought to myself as a trudged up the 43rd staircase. "And why isn't there any good shit in here?" I m… moreumbled as I opened the door to office on the 43rd floor, I quickly pulled out my machete in case the dead were still walking in the office, "wouldn't be the first time someone almost took a chomp out of me" I mumbled unpleased. "The last time I was searching a building my best friend got a bite taken out of his ass, literally, he turned around and the fucker bit his ass" I exclaimed as I threw my arms in the air in frustration. I had been on my own ever since he turned. And then, I met this group. We're a dysfunctional group that's for sure. Melody spends half her time in who-knows-where and Anton barely speaks to me.
"Yuck" I exclaimed puckering my lips. I still had the taste of fish In my mouth from last night. I pulled out one of the many packets of gum, that I keep stashed, from my pocket and poppe… [view original content]
It's fine, I'm not offended by it... much. Lol, no, really, it's fine. If needed, the writer can put a line or two for another writer's char… moreacter, just as long as the character stays "in character", no pun intended. Though, of course, one has to remember not to overdo it.
I woke up to the sound of the gunshot. I had heard the sound many times and it always freaked me out. I boosted himself onto my wheelchair and rolled out the door into lobby. Due to my "inability" I couldn't get to the higher levels of the firm, and the elevator was busted so I had to remain on the first floor. The gunshot was not a good sign. I thought of all the scenarios in my head. Maybe it was just self defense against a zombie, though they usually went to guns for last resort... Maybe somebody got in? Were they fighting? I didn't know much about the group, but luckily some of them were kind enough to let me in, though I knew some people weren't so happy about keeping a person like me around.
Melody, Riley, and Anton were the only ones I had saw go up. I barely saw Melody, she always liked to climb the stairs and check out the floors. Some members suggested bringing me to one of the higher floors, but then if we were attacked I wouldn't be able to escape so I chose to stay down here and guard the doors in what little way I could. The lobby was empty. I needed to know what was going on. It seemed futile but he called out anyway. "Is anyone there?"
I guess i'll go. FYI, Aaron isn't part of the group yet.
"Gunshots?" Aaron whispered, as he stared up at the ceiling above him. He had only just finished looting the 6th floor, on which he had managed to find a can of baked beans and a rotten orange. He had decided to only take the can. Upon hearing the shots from above, he questioned whether or not he should follow up with his plan of tailing the two strangers he saw entering the building. He felt anxious, he knew he needed supplies - was he really ready to kill someone? He had done it before, but only in self defense. "I gues-"
Suddenly, he heard a groan from outside. A group of walkers were walking toward the building, albeit incredibly slowly. "Thank god for Winter." he muttered. The walkers posed little to no threat to him, they were far to slow for him to have to worry. Of course, it could be a different case if he was trapped inside a building with them. He thought on the matter; should he continue moving upward? "...Fuck it. I need supplies." were the last words Aaron said before he put up his hood and continued upwards to the 7th floor.
15 minutes later...
After a mix of scavenging and running up stairs to ensure he kept a safe distance from the walkers (who were now somewhere inside the building, likely still on the first or second floor), Aaron had made it to the 41st staircase. He heard voices coming from upstairs, and so he quietly drew his Fathers machete. He had to make his move now, before these people realized he was here. He carried on walking, but he did so silently.
I guess i'll go. FYI, Aaron isn't part of the group yet.
"Gunshots?" Aaron whispered, as he stared up at the ceiling above him. … moreHe had only just finished looting the 6th floor, on which he had managed to find a can of baked beans and a rotten orange. He had decided to only take the can. Upon hearing the shots from above, he questioned whether or not he should follow up with his plan of tailing the two strangers he saw entering the building. He felt anxious, he knew he needed supplies - was he really ready to kill someone? He had done it before, but only in self defense. "I gues-"
Suddenly, he heard a groan from outside. A group of walkers were walking toward the building, albeit incredibly slowly. "Thank god for Winter." he muttered. The walkers posed little to no threat to him, they were far to slow for him to have to worry. Of course, it could be a different case if he was trapped inside a building with them. He thought on th… [view original content]
The gun violently trembled in my hand despite my best efforts. Anton and Riley in the room, Anton with his screwdriver and Riley with a machete pointed at me before realizing it was me. Both had the same expression painted across there face. I knew what they were going to say. What the hell's going on? Were you bit? How many bullets are left? Y'know, standard protocol. I clicked the safety back on and slowly tucked the gun back in my boot. I wiped the sweat off my forehead which to my surprise was not sweat, but a dark, thick red blood smeared across my face.
Character Status
Zayne Pattinson (alive)
Linda Arlus (alive)
Thomas Reed (alive)
Riley Tzatski (alive)
Anton Kirby (alive)
Felix Davis (alive)
Melody Carter (alive)
Jim Parker (alive)
Nicholas Green (alive)
Frederic Green (alive)
Aaron Kenway (alive)
Aidan Howell (alive)
Sienna Sokal (alive)
Sera Morgan (alive)
Damn right.
Well, at least I got a chance to shoot you. That's fine, too.
I think all of my posts in this fan-fiction should be in lower case, except for occasional random words that will be in full upper case.
Does that sound good?
I kinda forgot. Do we write in first or third person in this fanfic?
It was a mix, some people did and others didn't.
Soooo, start now?
I think different people do different things. I think I'm going to do first person this time around.
Hey, what about second person, lol?
Who is going to start?
Unless someone decides to start, it will be Zyphon.
Screw it, I'll start. I'll probably edit this
Melody Carter: 311 days in
I looked to the outside of the cracked wall of windows, staring at the horizon ahead. Apparently this place had been a law firm or something like that before the walkers changed everything. But that's not really what interested me, it was the view of the city. Hiking forty-seven stories up is definitely not my cup of tea but once you got up here, there was no denying how great it looked. I wonder where the group thought I was when I was up here, did they ever worry about me? Screw it, maybe they just thought I was taking a dump.
I scavenged the room for any pens of some sort, I wanted to draw this out while there was still some good light. All the other pens had recently ran out of ink and there was a shrinking pile of papers in the corner. I quickly scanned the room before getting up close, searching under tables, flipping under books.
"Nothing." I sighed to myself, but then I realized there were many other floors, even some above me for some odd reason I'd just always choose forty-seven out of odd habit. I quietly sneaked down the stairwell to the forty-sixth floor, opening the door it revealed a nearly identical look to the forty-seventh floor, even a paper basket filled with paper in the same corner. I let out a sigh of relief as I spotted a black pen hiding next to the desk on the carpet floor. I bent over to pick it up when I heard the moan.
And the dead iron tight grasp locked on my wrist as I screamed in terror, trying to fight back as best I could as the walker dragged my arm further under the desk. I awkwardly reached for my gun in my boot, finally getting it the second try. I turned off the safety and peeked under the desk and fired the head as his group loosened and I freed my hand, I checked my wrist for bites or scratches. Luckily my leather jacket had protected me but it was too close for comfort.
"Aw shit, the group isn't going to like this." I mumbled to myself. We had run low on ammo and I had just three bullets left. Maybe it was best if I just left right now and met up with the group, I had already wasted enough time already. I pick myself up as I hear footsteps slowly grow louder and louder and the voices calling.
"You think she's up here?" One said.
"I don't know but I heard a gun go off, we better check." The other called.
I have to hide! I thought to myself. There's no other choice! I finally summoned the courage to take my first step when the knob slowly turned, and the door creaked open, revealing the two faces.
Quick question, just so there is no confusion (between me or anyone else) will you be continuing this and saying who the two characters at the end are or would you like another person to pick up writing from there as one of the people at the door?
I left the two people at the end vague so it could be anybody who wants to write next.
But they are from the group or they are bandits/ other people?
I don't think you're supposed to do dialogue/talking for them, but I think it's okay in this case. Good start, your writing has improved :P.
That's up to whoever wants to write next.
The lock finally gave in. Anton looked around the small room and sighed with disappointment. "There is nothing useful here, either", mumbled Anton to himself. He checked the working table, and the only thing he found was an unopened pack of chewing gum. "Oh, good, I was worried my breath was getting too bad", he sarcastically remarked, but, nevertheless, put it into his backpack. Deciding not to stay behind from the rest of the group, Anton decided to push forward. Melody was nowhere to be found, and they've already checked almost every floor in this damn building. "Whoever came with an idea of building offices this high can rot in hell", cursed Anton, as he was going up yet another set stairs.
The broken sign near the elevator was barely visible. A blood stain was sliding down from the elevator's control panel, and whoever might have left it was probably still there. Anton went a little forward, and discovered a half-eaten corpse with its hand still attached to the wall, with blood stain connecting with a tip of corpse's fingers. Anton planned to ignore it at first, but decided that such negligence may cost him dearly. He slowly approached the corpse, it showed no signs of life. Anton pressed the corpse to the floor with his foot, and zombie immediately reacted. Not being able to move properly, the zombie started making gurgling sounds and trying to grab Anton's leg, but he was prepared for that - a quick stab in the head by a screwdriver, and the zombie finally went to its rest. "One less dead bastard in the world", Anton said to himself. The commotion, however, attracted a few walkers from adjacent office rooms. Anton decided not to stick around. "Probably should just go ahead", he thought. Trying to be as sneaky as he could be, Anton went to the staircase that led to the next floor.
"I wonder if the guys have already got here", Anton thought to himself. He went along the corridor, staying alert in case of sudden attacks by walkers. The upper floors, however, weren't as dangerous as the lower ones. "Guess most of the people managed to leave this place before this all went to hell", Anton mumbled. "Well, except some of them". Passing near a storage room, Anton looked in it to see if there was anything salvageable. The room was empty and looked ransacked, with everything worthwhile most likely gone. Anton moved a broken table, and looked around. The only useful thing he found there was an old wrench. It was rusty, but still held together. "Someone didn't have their priorities straight when they wrecked this place up", said Anton as he took the wrench with him. "Hmm, I wonder if there's any-". Suddenly, a shot was heard. Judging from how close it sounded, it was most likely made on this very floor. "This ain't good", Anton thought to himself as he took his gun out. "Not good at all".
Thank's! I've been writing a lot since then.
Ignore this
"Where the hell is Melody" I thought to myself as a trudged up the 43rd staircase. "And why isn't there any good shit in here?" I mumbled as I opened the door to office on the 43rd floor, I quickly pulled out my machete in case the dead were still walking in the office, "wouldn't be the first time someone almost took a chomp out of me" I mumbled unpleased. "The last time I was searching a building my best friend got a bite taken out of his ass, literally, he turned around and the fucker bit his ass" I exclaimed as I threw my arms in the air in frustration. I had been on my own ever since he turned. And then, I met this group. We're a dysfunctional group that's for sure. Melody spends half her time in who-knows-where and Anton barely speaks to me.
"Yuck" I exclaimed puckering my lips. I still had the taste of fish In my mouth from last night. I pulled out one of the many packets of gum, that I keep stashed, from my pocket and popped it in my mouth. "Much better" I said returning the gum to my pocket. I continued checking the office, making sure to look behind everything for any unwanted guests. "Fuck! What the hell is that!" I say as I trip over something, grabbing the poster on the wall to keep me stable "SHIT!" I yell as the poster drops to the ground. I look around frightened to see what I tripped over. "Really, I tripped over a fucking mug on the floor" I say as I pick myself up off the floor and place the mug on the desk. I look around brushing myself off when I realize that behind the poster there was a door.
"The fuck?" I say as I take out my machete and slowly open the door. Behind the door is large studio apartment, "Someone must have lived where they worked, damn this is pretty cool" I say as I look around, still with my machete in hand. "This place looks untouched!" I think excitedly as I hop over to the kitchen area. "Please let there be food please!" I say as I open the drawers and cupboards. " Holy, shit... There's enough food in here for months!" I say aloud. "Holy shit I have to tell Melody" I exclaim as I run out, closing the door and replacing the poster to ensure that no one finds it. Just as I finish putting up the poster " Do I hear a.. a... fuck is that a.. a gunshot!" I say out loud.
I whip out my machete and run up a few floors to find out where it came from, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuckkkk" I say as sprint up to the 46th floor. I see Anton standing with his gun out trying to open the door. "Anton! fuck was that you shooting! Fuck! You know we're low on ammo!" I say as I run up next to him. (Kay so, for the writer of Anton I apologize for putting a line of his here but if you would like me to change it just comment
) "That wasn't me.." He whispered as he fumbled with the locked door. "Shit do you think she's up here?" I whisper nervously, hoping that Melody wasn't hurt. "I dunno but I heard a gun go off. We better check." he mumbles. "Damn right we better check we don't need another bite victim" I mumble to myself in a displeased tone. "Opened" Anton whispers as the door opens to reveal Melody standing in front of us, gun in hand.
It's fine, I'm not offended by it... much. Lol, no, really, it's fine. If needed, the writer can put a line or two for another writer's character, just as long as the character stays "in character", no pun intended. Though, of course, one has to remember not to overdo it.
Okay , no problem
Might need to edit this a little due to the part that I just posted. Specifically the "Two armed men" Part. sorry for any inconvenience!
Thanks haha, I apologize if that was a little over done, I'm new to more than 2 person fan fictions
No, those were fine. I'm just relaying what I remember from the original "What Comes After".
I noticed this as well! Great job.
Ah I see, I wasn't a part of that nor did I read it, so this a completely fresh start for me
Zayne has got 13 too. XD And you didn´t aimed anything to me. Melody and Anton did
ignore this lol
Thomas Reed
I woke up to the sound of the gunshot. I had heard the sound many times and it always freaked me out. I boosted himself onto my wheelchair and rolled out the door into lobby. Due to my "inability" I couldn't get to the higher levels of the firm, and the elevator was busted so I had to remain on the first floor. The gunshot was not a good sign. I thought of all the scenarios in my head. Maybe it was just self defense against a zombie, though they usually went to guns for last resort... Maybe somebody got in? Were they fighting? I didn't know much about the group, but luckily some of them were kind enough to let me in, though I knew some people weren't so happy about keeping a person like me around.
Melody, Riley, and Anton were the only ones I had saw go up. I barely saw Melody, she always liked to climb the stairs and check out the floors. Some members suggested bringing me to one of the higher floors, but then if we were attacked I wouldn't be able to escape so I chose to stay down here and guard the doors in what little way I could. The lobby was empty. I needed to know what was going on. It seemed futile but he called out anyway. "Is anyone there?"
I guess i'll go. FYI, Aaron isn't part of the group yet.
"Gunshots?" Aaron whispered, as he stared up at the ceiling above him. He had only just finished looting the 6th floor, on which he had managed to find a can of baked beans and a rotten orange. He had decided to only take the can. Upon hearing the shots from above, he questioned whether or not he should follow up with his plan of tailing the two strangers he saw entering the building. He felt anxious, he knew he needed supplies - was he really ready to kill someone? He had done it before, but only in self defense. "I gues-"
Suddenly, he heard a groan from outside. A group of walkers were walking toward the building, albeit incredibly slowly. "Thank god for Winter." he muttered. The walkers posed little to no threat to him, they were far to slow for him to have to worry. Of course, it could be a different case if he was trapped inside a building with them. He thought on the matter; should he continue moving upward? "...Fuck it. I need supplies." were the last words Aaron said before he put up his hood and continued upwards to the 7th floor.
15 minutes later...
After a mix of scavenging and running up stairs to ensure he kept a safe distance from the walkers (who were now somewhere inside the building, likely still on the first or second floor), Aaron had made it to the 41st staircase. He heard voices coming from upstairs, and so he quietly drew his Fathers machete. He had to make his move now, before these people realized he was here. He carried on walking, but he did so silently.
Machete buddys highfives
totally didn't get my idea for a machete off of Luke nope didn't happen
The gun violently trembled in my hand despite my best efforts. Anton and Riley in the room, Anton with his screwdriver and Riley with a machete pointed at me before realizing it was me. Both had the same expression painted across there face. I knew what they were going to say. What the hell's going on? Were you bit? How many bullets are left? Y'know, standard protocol. I clicked the safety back on and slowly tucked the gun back in my boot. I wiped the sweat off my forehead which to my surprise was not sweat, but a dark, thick red blood smeared across my face.
"I can explain." I whispered.
Ignore this
"Then best get to it", Anton said. "Wait, is that your blood?"