Sam and Max 2010...

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Well, when you finish Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 5 - Rise of the Pirate God, after the credits and all that, you get a web address that shows you an interesting pic, six pieces of concept art and a weird audio...


  • edited December 2009
    come on!
  • edited December 2009
    Yay, that's my third Ice Station Santa serial number... sigh.

    Anyway, Sam and Max Season 3 is great news! As long as Monkey Island Season 2 comes right after it... and that we actually get to go to Monkey Island THIS TIME... :P
  • edited December 2009
    ...It's going to be amazing.
  • edited December 2009
    Yeah, I've already learned that spending over $35 on a game isn't a generally good idea, so I'm really hesitant on getting the two season deal, seeing as I don't actually have both seasons on Telltale Games. I do have season one on STEAM, but now that I've got a taste of Telltale Games, I'm more inclined to actually get my Telltale Games trough Telltale Games itself directly.
  • edited December 2009
    Where's the concept art? I don't see it.

    Thanks for posting this, by the way. I beat Rise of the Pirate Gods, but my computer crashed during the credits, and I didn't want to go back and do everything from
    feast for the senses part deux

    Edit: Never mind, found the concept art.
    Max is psychic now? Interesting...
  • edited December 2009
    "In all the universe, the only power beyond the mind's comprehension is the power to comprehend the power of the mind. If any one of us could unlock this terrible power, would we use to explore the mysteries of the infinite? Or would we use destroy?

    It's a familiar tale. A power-mad space gorilla pitted against a canine detective and a sociopathic bunny with psychic powers.

    But, my friends, this story is different. In this story, you are in control. There will soon come a time when you will be called upon to lead Sam and Max to defeat the forces of evil."

    Well, I'm excited. :D

    Concept art on both of Max's ears and his mouth. Also on Sam's hat, nose, and one of his eyes.
  • edited December 2009
    "In all the universe, the only power beyond the mind's comprehension is the power to comprehend the power of the mind. If any one of us could unlock this terrible power, would we use to explore the mysteries of the infinite? Or would we use destroy?

    It's a familiar tale. A power-mad space gorilla pitted against a canine detective and a sociopathic bunny with psychic powers.

    But, my friends, this story is different. In this story, you are in control. There will soon come a time when you will be called upon to lead Sam and Max to defeat the forces of evil."

    Well, I'm excited. :D

    Concept art on both of Max's ears and his mouth. Also on Sam's hat, nose, and one of his eyes.
    You missed one. :)

    (I missed it too, first time I saw the page).
  • edited December 2009
    Chuck wrote: »
    You missed one. :)

    (I missed it too, first time I saw the page).
    Oh, right! On the side of Sam's face. That's actually the first one I noticed, but I forgot it when going through and listing them!
  • edited December 2009
    There's one more line of dialogue that didn't show up until I'd clicked on some things multiple times.

    "No longer can you blindly mash buttons to unleash a torrent of irreverent banter and comic mischief. Now you are all that stands in the way of the total annihilation of the planet Earth."

    Don't know what that means.

    I'm confused about the moustachioed Sam art. Is that Sam or a relative from the 19th century? Also, I wanted an excuse to say "moustachioed".
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I'm confused about the moustachioed Sam art. Is that Sam or a relative from the 19th century? Also, I wanted an excuse to say "moustachioed".

    Don't be confused.
    Love it for what it is.
  • edited December 2009
    I can do both, probably.

    I think my favourite art there is the one of Max doing... psychic things. The concept intrigues me more than it probably should.
  • edited December 2009
    I am officially excited. Sounds like something quite different.
  • edited December 2009
    Great concept art. Something tells me this is going to be epic!
  • edited December 2009
    who cares about sam and max i want season 2 of monkey island
  • edited December 2009
    A lot of people, apparently.
  • edited December 2009

    That's what I did after seeing the website link at the end of TMI.


    That's what I did after going to said website.

    Can't wait!
  • edited December 2009
    lameflame wrote: »
    who cares about sam and max i want season 2 of monkey island

    That may be the most fitting username of all time.
  • edited December 2009
    ShaggE wrote: »
    That may be the most fitting username of all time.
    I concur.
  • edited December 2009
    ShaggE wrote: »
    That may be the most fitting username of all time.
    Really, if that is their one and only post in the forum, then I will assume that this will have been some sort of social art project meant to preserve and codify the essence of lame internet flaming in a single, short work of intentionally disjointed prose.
  • edited December 2009
    lameflame wrote: »
    who cares about sam and max i want season 2 of monkey island

    Sorry, we just spent 6 months with guybrush and it was onto sam and max.

    Observation: 1 think I just fell for something.
  • edited December 2009
    It's a familiar tale. A power-mad space gorilla pitted against a canine detective and a sociopathic bunny with psychic powers.
    If Max has psychic powers, does that mean we can play as Max?
  • edited December 2009
    Randulf wrote: »
    If Max has psychic powers, does that mean we can play as Max?
    I don't see how that could be what you infer at all. I'm pretty sure that's just like saying "Since Max is the President, does that mean we can play as Max?"
  • edited December 2009
    I don't see how that could be what you infer at all. I'm pretty sure that's just like saying "Since Max is the President, does that mean we can play as Max?"
    What I mean is that some situation may require psychic power to get through, and at these points the game may require you to switch roles and play as Max: in the same manner that Guybrush Threepwood has to "play as" somebody else (get inside that person's body) to perform tasks not accessible to his physical form.
  • edited December 2009
    That concept art is so strange ..I really can't draw (or jump to) any conclusion based off of it. Certainly is interesting though!
  • edited December 2009
    Interesting ... mustachioed Sam seems to be a bit slimmer than his usual self. Also, Sam in a mustache is funkin' adorable.

    Does the star field Sam and Max remind anybody else of those old Nelvana cartoons? With the star bear logo and stuff? Or maybe I'm thinking of DiC ... ?
  • edited December 2009

    I'm really looking forward to this now. Just have to finish TOMI first, won't be able to play the last chapter until Thursday. :(
  • edited December 2009
    I have a bad feeling about this... I hope for once my gut feeling is wrong.
  • edited December 2009
    Don't worry, I'm pretty sure your gut feeling is wrong :)
  • edited December 2009
    I am getting a rather 19th century vibe from the pics. And Sam looks rather dashing with that moustache, though whether Rather Dashing himself has a moustache I cannot say. ;)
  • edited December 2009
    I have really high hopes for this. If TTG can improve on S2 the way S2 improved on S1, this game is going to be nothing short of an instant adventure game classic.
  • edited December 2009
    I applauded when I saw the Max-Flag at the end of Pirate God. What nicely placed surprise!
  • edited December 2009
    lameflame wrote: »
    who cares about monkey island i want season 3 of sam and max

    Me to!
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Oooh... tantalising. Guess I need to hurry up and play Season 2 before 2010 arrives!
    Jazzy wrote: »
    I am getting a rather 19th century vibe from the pics.

    I'm feeling early-ish 20th century (pre-1940s).
  • edited December 2009
    Ooh, so looking forward to a new Sam&Max-poster by Steve Purcell!
  • edited December 2009
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I'm feeling early-ish 20th century (pre-1940s).

    I read it as more of an 1880's gentleman down on his luck, but that's partly because of the bowler.
    Majus wrote: »
    Ooh, so looking forward to a new Sam&Max-poster by Steve Purcell!

    Oh man, I hadn't even thought of that! And I'm pretty sure this season will be the most visually tantalizing yet :D !
  • edited December 2009
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I'm feeling early-ish 20th century (pre-1940s).
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I read it as more of an 1880's gentleman down on his luck, but that's partly because of the bowler.

    It does seem like it could be either of those periods, though the pic of the guy holding the rose does look closer to 1880 to me. Does anyone else feel like the whole thing is screaming 'steampunk' to them? Like we're gonna see Sam say 'Tally ho' as he jumps into his airship with Max and fly through the ether to the moon...
  • edited December 2009
    Wow, out of all the surprises we got in Pirate God, this one was the best!

    My bet: We're going to get a timetravel season with Sam & Max changing outfits to fit into the different periods (1840's London, Ancient Egypt, whatever else we're going to get). Maybe the Max-space ship is the new homebase, and we won't be seeing the office or the street again (or maybe the office is transported into the spaceship). Also, there's a demon clown telephone involved.

    This is going to be awesome.

    Edit: Also, the voice on the Sam & Max 2010-website reminds me of what I always imagined Mack Salmon to sound like. I love baseless speculation!
  • edited December 2009
    As I said in another thread, the combination of audio and clipart confuses me. The art seems comical, but the audio (to me) is implying this is a much more serious adventure, like the part " longer can you... unleash witty bantor..." sounds like they're cutting a lot of dialogue and jokes out, less of a comedy and more of a dramatic sci-fi/fantasy game.

    Overall, as strange as it seems, the whole thing give me more of a JRPG vibe than a point-and-click adventure vibe... Though I think a sam and max RPG would be loads of fun it's quite a different direction than what we've seen before.
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    As I said in another thread, the combination of audio and clipart confuses me. The art seems comical, but the audio (to me) is implying this is a much more serious adventure, like the part " longer can you... unleash witty bantor..." sounds like they're cutting a lot of dialogue and jokes out, less of a comedy and more of a dramatic sci-fi/fantasy game.

    Overall, as strange as it seems, the whole thing give me more of a JRPG vibe than a point-and-click adventure vibe... Though I think a sam and max RPG would be loads of fun it's quite a different direction than what we've seen before.
    I suppose you missed the part where the guy talked about a power-mad space gorilla. The narrator is just playing it straight, and it's fairly obvious.
  • edited December 2009
    Rather Dashing - The Grumpy Voice of Reason

    And we love you for it :p
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