Sam and Max 2010...



  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    A few comments (I'm too lazy to go through it all and make quotes)

    1. I agree at the least the "no longer click..." probably means direct control.
    a. I fear it means this will be more serious as well, though I hope not

    2. I'm dissapointed that they're going with direct control. As somone pointed out, interacting with the top of a bookshelf is awkward, at best. Also it means you hae to walk upto EVERY SINGLE OBJECT in the game and tap the "search" button, and 3/4 of these, of course, will have no dialog associated with them... I will agree that a task like walking around an object will be made easier, but otehrwise, I hate the direct-control idea

    I would bet money that it's going to be more of a Monkey Island control than the W&G one. Far too many people disliked the W&G way.
  • edited December 2009

    It's a cinematic thing so you don't have to see the floor everywhere you go!
  • edited December 2009

    It's a cinematic thing so you don't have to see the floor everywhere you go!

    Well, it's probably that AND consoles.
  • edited December 2009
    Well, it's probably that AND consoles.


    For the love of Max, just say it was that to ward off the haters no matter what you think.
  • edited December 2009

    For the love of Max, just say it was that to ward off the haters no matter what you think.

    I've had a sudden flash of intuition that tells me... This has nothing to do with consoles.
  • edited December 2009
    Majus wrote: »
    I applauded when I saw the Max-Flag at the end of Pirate God. What nicely placed surprise!

    I was about to do it, but my mom is sleeping now, so......
  • edited December 2009
    I dont care if it's console or not, I still dont like direct-control, just my personal prefernce (though you do ahve to admit, it makes it easier for somone on a console like 360 to direct-control instead of trying to simulate a mouse-cursor)
  • edited December 2009
    Christ, Sam & Max won't be serious. It's Sam & Max! In Space. Telltale wouldn't screw with those iconic characters. It will be hilarious.
  • edited December 2009
    I ended up liking TOMI direct control. If they can enhance it, make it even more friendly then it wouldn't be that bad.

    I'm sure this season will be pure awesomeness!
  • edited December 2009
    I'm scared... And hoping we can buy a collector's DVD with all episodes to download as they come out BEFORE December 31 this year... (Interloper subscribers will understand). 50% off!

    I think that it actually might have something to do with traveling around the globe? "You are the only thing that stands between the total annihilation of the earth" Plus, there was an english sam and a sarcophagus.

    So wait. Max is a president-high priest-psychic-maniacal-homocidal-lagomorph? Cool!
  • edited December 2009
    I would bet money that it's going to be more of a Monkey Island control than the W&G one. Far too many people disliked the W&G way.

    I've yet to play Monkey Island, but the W&G controls aren't bad, sure there are a few glitches and awkward camera angles making me going into rooms I don't want to go in. :p

    Does this mean TOMI is pretty much flawless?
  • edited December 2009
    So wait. Max is a president-high priest-psychic-maniacal-homocidal-lagomorph? Cool!

    try saying that 3 times fast! :)
  • edited December 2009
    Also I hope after so many years of development, I hope we will have 5 jam-packed 4-act episodes in constrast with the regular Sam and Max episodes of a shorter 3-act formuula.
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    try saying that 3 times fast! :)

    Funny, it took me 3 minutes to think up more things to add!
  • edited December 2009
    Also I hope after so many years of development, I hope we will have 5 jam-packed 4-act episodes in constrast with the regular Sam and Max episodes of a shorter 3-act formuula.

    I hope we get 6 episodes :D But, if the 6 episode format removes comedy, tension, or makes the game to easy, or does not allow for a 4 act episode at least 5 times, i would prefer 5 episodes. (I'm too fussy about Sam & Max)
  • edited December 2009
    (I'm too fussy about Sam & Max)

    I don't offend you for it - I praise you, my friend. ;)
  • edited December 2009
    I'm scared... And hoping we can buy a collector's DVD with all episodes to download as they come out BEFORE December 31 this year... (Interloper subscribers will understand). 50% off!

    Well it says we can't use it for future games either, so too bad. :(
  • edited December 2009
    Max with psychic powers! What else could I dream of?
  • edited December 2009
    I hope we get 6 episodes :D But, if the 6 episode format removes comedy, tension, or makes the game to easy, or does not allow for a 4 act episode at least 5 times, i would prefer 5 episodes. (I'm too fussy about Sam & Max)

    I'm a rabid sam and max fanboy, so were even.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm just looking forward to another incredible cinematic trailer a la Season Deux.
  • edited December 2009
    Pfft... Who cares about Sam and Max? I want Telltale Texas Hold'em 2!!

    Seriously though, I am just excited about this. When I first played Telltale's Sam and Max, I loved it, but back then Telltale's still pretty raw and new, and Sam and Max seasons 1 and 2 are still pretty much a basic adventure game. Now that I see how Telltale's games get better each series, I would LOVE a Sam and Max game with SBCG4AP's replay value, WaG's detailed environment, and TOMI's amazing storytelling. But most of all, I just want to see more of Sam and Max. It's been almost two years (Well, it will be have been almost two years in January, or whatever) and as much as I love Strong Bad's attitude, Wallace and Gromit's innocence, and Guybrush's witty remarks, I've missed Sam and Max the most, they're the ones who reignited my love of adventure games once again. And I wouldn't mind more drama in the story, like they did in TOMI, as long as they keep the humor.

    By the way, MAX gets psychic powers?! Come on, Telltale, you made him president, high-priest of the ocean chimps and you're giving him Psychic powers?! Give something to Sam for a change, will ya?

    Oh right, he gets to drive the car and answer the phone, and he gets to do that Banang thing in episode 204.
  • edited December 2009
    And we gets to control him too, Max needs something unless we get to control him too! Or at least set him loose on people...
  • edited December 2009
    Max needs to be an inventory item again.
  • edited December 2009
    Max needs to be an inventory item again.

    Amen to that.
  • edited December 2009
    tredlow wrote: »
    Give something to Sam for a change, will ya?

    Oh right, he gets to drive the car and answer the phone, and he gets to do that Banang thing in episode 204.
    Well, maybe Sam's moustache will be pernament for the season? :confused:
  • edited December 2009
    I thought Max always had psychic powers...
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    I thought Max always had psychic powers...

    Maybe you mean sidekick powers? :p

  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    3. I'm also dissapointed TTG is focusing more on consoles.

    Well, if someone offered you the opportunity to work 30% more for 3 times the salary, would you refuse?
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    2. I'm dissapointed that they're going with direct control. As somone pointed out, interacting with the top of a bookshelf is awkward, at best. Also it means you hae to walk upto EVERY SINGLE OBJECT in the game and tap the "search" button, and 3/4 of these, of course, will have no dialog associated with them... I will agree that a task like walking around an object will be made easier, but otehrwise, I hate the direct-control idea

    The current plan (subject to change!) is that you will navigate the character with WASD/arrows/control stick and use another stick or mouse or whatever to move the cursor. You still click on things with the cursor to activate them, and if you are out too far away to activate them then you will path to it first.

    It's not Resident Evil-style "spam A on everything in the environment as you run around" or Wallace & Gromit's selection bracket thing. It's more like Monkey Island.
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    The current plan (subject to change!) is that you will navigate the character with WASD/arrows/control stick and use another stick or mouse or whatever to move the cursor. You still click on things with the cursor to activate them, and if you are out too far away to activate them then you will path to it first.

    It's not Resident Evil-style "spam A on everything in the environment as you run around" or Wallace & Gromit's selection bracket thing. It's more like Monkey Island.

    Any chance the Click & Drag-option from Monkey makes it into Sam & Max Season 3? I rather liked that method.
  • edited December 2009
    tredlow wrote: »
    By the way, MAX gets psychic powers?! Come on, Telltale, you made him president, high-priest of the ocean chimps and you're giving him Psychic powers?! Give something to Sam for a change, will ya?

    Oh right, he gets to drive the car and answer the phone, and he gets to do that Banang thing in episode 204.

    In the cartoons, Sam lets Max choose the form of a Giant Robot in exchange to choose the music they will hear. Apparently those kind of exchanges are a big deal with the two guys. ^^!

    Seriously, I keep thinking Max having psychic powers probably will mean he will be an inventory item again. So Sam would use him as a psychic rod and do... psychic stuff. But, as long I laugh playing this, everything will be ok ^^!
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    As I said in another thread, the combination of audio and clipart confuses me. The art seems comical, but the audio (to me) is implying this is a much more serious adventure, like the part " longer can you... unleash witty bantor..." sounds like they're cutting a lot of dialogue and jokes out, less of a comedy and more of a dramatic sci-fi/fantasy game.

    Umm, you're inferring WAY too much from what is basically a very siller teaser site for a very silly game. I think all we will be getting will be more of the Sam & Max we love.

    I'm excited anyway! :D
  • edited December 2009
    Tjibbbe wrote: »
    Any chance the Click & Drag-option from Monkey makes it into Sam & Max Season 3? I rather liked that method.

    No! No! Please, TTG, no! At least leave point & click in place on top of whatever other rubbishy mechanism you feel you have to implement to appease the thumbstick wielders.
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    The current plan (subject to change!) is that you will navigate the character with WASD/arrows/control stick and use another stick or mouse or whatever to move the cursor. You still click on things with the cursor to activate them, and if you are out too far away to activate them then you will path to it first.

    It's not Resident Evil-style "spam A on everything in the environment as you run around" or Wallace & Gromit's selection bracket thing. It's more like Monkey Island.

    Thank you for clearing up the control issue. Thankfully this doesn't sound that bad :)
    Altough I'd still prefer the traditional point and click.
  • edited December 2009

    It's a cinematic thing so you don't have to see the floor everywhere you go!

    You never did need to see the floor.

    With point and click you can click any part of the background and the character would move in that direction. To be honest I rarely click the floor, I just click near the object/area I want to go to.

    I really hope they stop trying to reinvent the wheel soon and realise that point and click was always fine.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Tjibbbe wrote: »
    Any chance the Click & Drag-option from Monkey makes it into Sam & Max Season 3? I rather liked that method.

    Click+Drag is in as well.
  • edited December 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    It's not Resident Evil-style "spam A on everything in the environment as you run around"

    You have no idea how releived I am about that. (though I still wish you'd use classic point-and-click ala S1 and S2)
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    You have no idea how releived I am about that. (though I still wish you'd use classic point-and-click ala S1 and S2)

    I realise a lot of people are happy with the new control system. But whenever there's a thread like this, there are also a lot number of people who REALLY prefer the old way.

    I've played thru a whole season of MI and I still haven't got used to click and drag. In fact - I disliked it more with each episode, and it was the only thing that tarnished the whole experience for me!
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    serializer wrote: »
    there are ... a lot ... of people who REALLY prefer the old way.

    I'm sorry to say that pure Point+Click won't be making an appearance. You can still click on any object you can see to path to it as I said before, but there will also be many times when you are required to directly control the character to make a different part of the environments visible.
  • edited December 2009
    tbh I prefer the direct control approach rather than point and click. I didn't mind point and click in the first 2 seasons but now that I have seen how it is done in W&G and TOMI I think that sam and max will greatly benefit from the cinematic approach.
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