Sam and Max 2010...



  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    HAve you been watching Tripping the Rift? ;) (probably 3 people on here know what the hell I'm talking about...)

    Oooh, I am one of the three!
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    HAve you been watching Tripping the Rift? ;) (probably 3 people on here know what the hell I'm talking about...)

    Uh, no, why?:p
  • edited December 2009
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    Everyone is saying that point and click is better, which makes NO sense to me. Isn't is boring just sitting there

    *click* *click" *click* *click*
    *click* *click" *click* *click*
    *click* *click" *click* *click*
    *click* *click" *click* *click*
    *click* *click" *click* *click*
    *click* *click" *click* *click*
    *click* *click" *click* *click*


    I agree, I like using my left hand as well for the game - instead of having it drooped down dead at my side.
  • edited December 2009
    Adventure games are defined by more than just the control scheme. Sam and Max may no longer be a point-and-click adventure game, but it still is an adventure game - and that is what matters.
  • edited December 2009
    Sooo ... do we call it a point-and-click-and-drag adventure game or a mouse-and/or-keyboard adventure game? And I sure hope they've got something up in the blog about on Monday 'cause I'm getting tired of discussing Sam's outfit over and over again. (I mean, seriously! It's been twenty years! Dog deserves some new threads.)
  • edited December 2009
    My conclusion is that Max is going to be killed off, and replaced with a manicly depressed teddy bear named Bruce. Sam will lose one of his limbs, not saying which, and end up with a robotic limb that can fire rockets out of the kneecaps. Flint Paper hooks up with Sybil and Sybil becomes a femme fatale, a dangerous woman with a deadly past. There is a Peter Lorre lookalike with a shady five game contract and a pen made from E.T.'s actual finger.

    However, Max points out in a cutscene that the game is still called Sam and Max, not Sam and Bruce, therefore the game resets halfway through giving you anothe chance to avoid Max's demise at the hands of the giant clown Bozo-zilla.

    If this isn't the plot to season three, I hate Telltale Games.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Sooo ... do we call it a point-and-click-and-drag adventure game or a mouse-and/or-keyboard adventure game?
    I vote for a "point-and-click-and/or-drag adventure game", ie. drag being optional. Like suggested before, one doesn't exclude the other, so please implement both, and everyone should be happy.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Sooo ... do we call it a point-and-click-and-drag adventure game or a mouse-and/or-keyboard adventure game? And I sure hope they've got something up in the blog about on Monday 'cause I'm getting tired of discussing Sam's outfit over and over again. (I mean, seriously! It's been twenty years! Dog deserves some new threads.)
    I've been using "Episodic and Hilarious Adventure Game", personally, though your mileage may vary.
  • edited December 2009
    I've been using "Episodic and Hilarious Adventure Game", personally, though your mileage may vary.

    Sooo ... EHAG? Hmm. Out of curiosity, what other kind of adventure games are there, anyway? I mean, everybody talks about "point-and-clicks", but it seems like, before 1998 anyhow, that was the only kind of interface for graphic adventures. How did the non-point-and-clicks work?
  • edited December 2009
    There were text adventures (Sierra early games) and keyboard adventures (Shadow of the Comet, Grim Fandango, EMI)
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Sooo ... EHAG? Hmm. Out of curiosity, what other kind of adventure games are there, anyway? I mean, everybody talks about "point-and-clicks", but it seems like, before 1998 anyhow, that was the only kind of interface for graphic adventures. How did the non-point-and-clicks work?

    Well theres action adventure. Like tomb raider, Uncharted 1&2.

    I don't remember there being any really, every actual adventure game, I've has had the point and click interface.
  • edited December 2009
    It's a shame they're ditching point and click when it worked so well for the first two seasons buuuut as long as there's click and drag I don't mind. Worked fine in MI for me - I could still play it on my bed without having to awkwardly hold me keyboard.
  • edited December 2009
    It's a shame they're ditching point and click when it worked so well for the first two seasons buuuut as long as there's click and drag I don't mind. Worked fine in MI for me - I could still play it on my bed without having to awkwardly hold me keyboard.

    This isn't going to get into Winslow territory is it?
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    This isn't going to get into Winslow territory is it?

    :D :p
  • edited December 2009
    Wow, yet another Sam and Max Season Three thread derailed with talks about the control scheme. I really wish everyone would either keep it in one thread or just give it a rest entirely.
  • edited December 2009
    :D :p

  • edited December 2009
    Footnote wrote: »
    Wow, yet another Sam and Max Season Three thread derailed with talks about the control scheme. I really wish everyone would either keep it in one thread or just give it a rest entirely.
    I agree completely.
  • edited December 2009
    Icedhope wrote: »

  • edited December 2009
    Here's something to chew on: Combine Items? Yes or No?
  • edited December 2009
    No. Let's face it, Sam is no MacGyver. He's barely a Phil Marlowe.
  • edited December 2009
    Here's something to chew on: Combine Items? Yes or No?

    Yes. YES, PLEASE.
    Lena_P wrote: »
    No. Let's face it, Sam is no MacGyver. He's barely a Phil Marlowe.

    ...being MacGyver-esque was so awesome in Hit the Road...
  • edited December 2009
    Here's something to chew on: Combine Items? Yes or No?

    Well you know, I think it would bring a hit the road esque so yeah. I'm in total support of combining Items. It may make the puzzles a little harder.
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Sooo ... EHAG? Hmm. Out of curiosity, what other kind of adventure games are there, anyway? I mean, everybody talks about "point-and-clicks", but it seems like, before 1998 anyhow, that was the only kind of interface for graphic adventures. How did the non-point-and-clicks work?

    That's easy to answer!

    | ZORK: The Great Underground Empire
    |Score: 0 Moves: 0
    |South of White House
    |You are standing South of a white house. There is a Mailbox here.

    | ZORK: The Great Underground Empire
    |Score: 0 Moves: 0
    |South of White House
    |>Open mailbox

    | ZORK: The Great Underground Empire
    |Score: 0 Moves: 1|
    |South of White House
    |You open the mailbox. Inside is a Flier

    | ZORK: The Great Underground Empire
    |Score: 0 Moves: 2
    |South of White House
    |What would you like to kill?
    |> Kill Self

    | ZORK: The Great Underground Empire
    |Score: 0 Moves: 3
    |South of White House
    |You have died.
    |Your score is 0 out of a possible 100
    |This gives you the rank of "village idiot"

    (Yes, that is real, you CAN type "kill self" and it say "Done" and kill you.)

    I tell you, there was nothing like the old days when you spent hours typing "kill thief" as hard as you could, thinking it might make a difference, and waiting upto 30 seconds for the computer to type back a responce...

    There were text adventures (Sierra early games) and keyboard adventures (Shadow of the Comet, Grim Fandango, EMI)

    SIERRA?!?!!? SIERRA?!!?!

    What Balphemy is this! If you want to talk about Interactive Fiction, you should talk of the kings: INFOCOM! (Zork series, Psanetfall series, HHGG series, and about 3 dozen others)
  • edited December 2009
    Here's something to chew on: Combine Items? Yes or No?

    Very yes!
  • edited December 2009
    I'd love to combine items.. It makes more sense in the Sam & Max universe to combine ridiculous stuff.. I'm just picturing what you had to do in Hit the Road to dress up as a bigfoot. That was a genius puzzle.
  • edited December 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I'd love to combine items.. It makes more sense in the Sam & Max universe to combine ridiculous stuff.. I'm just picturing what you had to do in Hit the Road to dress up as a bigfoot. That was a genius puzzle.

    Or to get Shavuls Mood Ring, that one took me a while to figure out.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm hoping for non-car story-relevant action sequences. And Psychonauts-style mind entering. We've been through time and space, we need to explore a new frontier! Alternate universes would need to be handled in a clever and original way but mental worlds, if designed well (going beyond Sam's weird mental office, although revisiting it would be nice), would be brilliant.
  • edited December 2009
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    Isn't is boring just sitting there

    *click* *click" *click* *click*

    Well... no. The games are massively entertaining, not boring. I don't NOTICE the point and click interface, I'm just enjoying the characters and situations and scenery.

    Personally, I find it really annoying the way the characters get stuck on the scenery and sometimes face the wrong way with clickanddrag.

    However, whatever reasons some people like direct control, there are clearly a lot of people who don't like it, so why not just provide both?

    Now I'm going to stop discussing this because some people are obviously not interested.
  • edited December 2009
    Offically my mind is blown away @_@!
  • edited December 2009
    T_T mine too...
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    SIERRA?!?!!? SIERRA?!!?!

    What Balphemy is this! If you want to talk about Interactive Fiction, you should talk of the kings: INFOCOM! (Zork series, Psanetfall series, HHGG series, and about 3 dozen others)
    Sorry, I missed the TRUE text adventures time. I was too young and there weren't many (if any) text adventures in Spanish. Those days, I didn't had computer either way. I suppose I could play all these games now that I know enough English to do it...
    When I said text Sierra's text adventures, I mean graphic adventures with text interface (Leisure Suit Larry 1 to 3, King Quest, etc...), rather than point-n-click interface.
  • edited December 2009
    Sorry, I missed the TRUE text adventures time. I was too young and there weren't many (if any) text adventures in Spanish. Those days, I didn't had computer either way. I suppose I could play all these games now that I know enough English to do it...
    When I said text Sierra's text adventures, I mean graphic adventures with text interface (Leisure Suit Larry 1 to 3, King Quest, etc...), rather than point-n-click interface.

    Now, you got me all nostalgic trying to find my copies of leisure suit larry 1-7..I miss the good old days.
  • TeaTea
    edited December 2009
    In regards to presidency, with this being released in 2010, won't Max's tenure be over?
  • edited December 2009
    TheJoe wrote: »
    In regards to presidency, with this being released in 2010, won't Max's tenure be over?
    The president thing has to drop: it is rarely mentioned in season 2, and when it does it is always a throwaway gag.
  • edited December 2009
    Randulf wrote: »
    The president thing has to drop: it is rarely mentioned in season 2, and when it does it is always a throwaway gag.

    I don't know, when they do mention it. the gag is pretty funny, like at the end of NoTRD.
  • edited December 2009
    Max also can do 2 types of wedding ceremonies there. And, if I remember correctly, Max was running for re-election. Maybe he just find a way to eliminate competition and be forced to continue due the lack of participants. Or something.

    By the way, Am I the only one here who started with adventure games thanks to Telltale by any chance?
  • edited December 2009
    Not really GinnyN. I had played a few of the old Lucas Arts game back in the day, but I wasn't a real "adventure" gamer. I wasn't really a "gamer" at all, to be honest. I played video games, but who didn't? Learning about all those old adventure games, it's like finding a treasure trove, isn't it? :D
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Not really GinnyN. I had played a few of the old Lucas Arts game back in the day, but I wasn't a real "adventure" gamer. I wasn't really a "gamer" at all, to be honest. I played video games, but who didn't? Learning about all those old adventure games, it's like finding a treasure trove, isn't it? :D

    That's true! But, some times I think some people here acts like there's no new blood around here... that all...
  • edited December 2009
    I think they just don't realize it, that's all. I don't think the "old-timers" know what they sound like to newbies like us :p
  • edited December 2009
    Here's something to chew on: Combine Items? Yes or No?

    Good question. My answer is no, though - looking back at my ToMI experience, none of the real genius puzzles had combining items at their core.
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