Sam and Max 2010...



  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    I rather doubt TTG will go back to making machinima since they quit in S1 They made this, but it's mostly just the cutscenes from episode 201.
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo - official script writer for the unofficial Sam and Max movie. Which I guess is actually, "Midtown Cowboys: The Movie," but oh well!
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    "Midtown Cowboys: The Movie"

    Wait, did you actually see it? *Gasp* what was it like?!
  • edited December 2009
    It was like this, only with fewer demons.
  • edited December 2009
    Pale Man wrote: »
    I hereby petition Telltale to create this as a video.


  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    You don't need a trailer to know what's obviously going to happen:

    [season spoilers removed]

    Yes, the entire season will be twenty-three lines long.

    That was awesome.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    It was like this, only with fewer demons.

    That Midtown Cowboys trailer shot with the helicopter took a surprising amount of work. I don't think anyone even noticed, which means we did a good job, I guess, but man. We used to have a lot of time to throw away on stuff like that!
  • edited December 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    That Midtown Cowboys trailer shot with the helicopter took a surprising amount of work. I don't think anyone even noticed, which means we did a good job, I guess, but man. We used to have a lot of time to throw away on stuff like that!

    Why was the helicopter part so tough? Just so you know, this was my favorite ad you've ever done. I've actually re-watched it multiple times, and I still can't figure out what the fine print says or how you made that brownstone in the beginning looks so real.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Why was the helicopter part so tough? Just so you know, this was my favorite ad you've ever done. I've actually re-watched it multiple times, and I still can't figure out what the fine print says or how you made that brownstone in the beginning looks so real.

    Neither Nick or I had really done any motion matching or compositing before, but we really wanted a cheesy shot of a helicopter hovering over something large/ominous. We bought some cheesy stock footage of a helicopter hovering over a colorless sky (similar to this, but not that exact clip), and then built the background of the statue of liberty and dark nighttime sky, keyed out the sky in the helicopter footage, color-adjusted it so that it looked like nighttime, added the fake glass ceiling and support structures, added camera shake (with added movement on the ceiling structure in the foreground to look like perspective) and then animated the searchlight in over the top.

    Then we ran it through a VCR twice so nobody would ever think twice about it.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    That trailer was hilarious - I laughed so hard at "Envy". :D
  • edited December 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    Neither Nick or I had really done any motion matching or compositing before, but we really wanted a cheesy shot of a helicopter hovering over something large/ominous. We bought some cheesy stock footage of a helicopter hovering over a colorless sky (similar to this, but not that exact clip), and then built the background of the statue of liberty and dark nighttime sky, keyed out the sky in the helicopter footage, color-adjusted it so that it looked like nighttime, added the fake glass ceiling and support structures, added camera shake (with added movement on the ceiling structure in the foreground to look like perspective) and then animated the searchlight in over the top.

    Then we ran it through a VCR twice so nobody would ever think twice about it.

    You guys are amazing. Wow, I mean ... yeah. Awesome.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm more curious about what the heck Max is holding. It looks like a scapel and... something else.

    It's a nutcracker.
  • edited December 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    Neither Nick or I had really done any motion matching or compositing before, but we really wanted a cheesy shot of a helicopter hovering over something large/ominous. We bought some cheesy stock footage of a helicopter hovering over a colorless sky (similar to this, but not that exact clip), and then built the background of the statue of liberty and dark nighttime sky, keyed out the sky in the helicopter footage, color-adjusted it so that it looked like nighttime, added the fake glass ceiling and support structures, added camera shake (with added movement on the ceiling structure in the foreground to look like perspective) and then animated the searchlight in over the top.

    Then we ran it through a VCR twice so nobody would ever think twice about it.

    wow... you guys have a major eye for detail or waaaaaay too much time to dedicate to these bits. You coudl have thrown in a cheesy public-domain web-graphic and most of us woudl have been happy! ;)
  • edited December 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    Neither Nick or I had really done any motion matching or compositing before, but we really wanted a cheesy shot of a helicopter hovering over something large/ominous. We bought some cheesy stock footage of a helicopter hovering over a colorless sky (similar to this, but not that exact clip), and then built the background of the statue of liberty and dark nighttime sky, keyed out the sky in the helicopter footage, color-adjusted it so that it looked like nighttime, added the fake glass ceiling and support structures, added camera shake (with added movement on the ceiling structure in the foreground to look like perspective) and then animated the searchlight in over the top.

    Then we ran it through a VCR twice so nobody would ever think twice about it.
    I'll have you know that it is definitely one of my favorite Telltale ads. I think it turned out really awesome.

    I kinda wish you had more time to dedicate to that kind of stuff still, actually. It was all really awesome and added to the experience of the whole season. I'm not even sure what exactly has changed so that you can't do(for example) Intermission Theater anymore, but it sucks! =P
  • edited December 2009
    I'll have you know that it is definitely one of my favorite Telltale ads. I think it turned out really awesome.

    I kinda wish you had more time to dedicate to that kind of stuff still, actually. It was all really awesome and added to the experience of the whole season. I'm not even sure what exactly has changed so that you can't do(for example) Intermission Theater anymore, but it sucks! =P

    Marketplace Realities.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    I'll have you know that it is definitely one of my favorite Telltale ads. I think it turned out really awesome.

    I kinda wish you had more time to dedicate to that kind of stuff still, actually. It was all really awesome and added to the experience of the whole season. I'm not even sure what exactly has changed so that you can't do(for example) Intermission Theater anymore, but it sucks! =P

    We don't have time because Nick and I now work full time on the games :) I'm working on UI, design, and some effects, while Nick is making cutscenes and helping direct in the choreography department. The large majority of the Interim Theater and trailer stuff, Behind the Bad, etc came from us. Everyone figured it made sense to get us working on the games instead of the marketing, though, so that time and work would end up showing up in the product itself instead of the promo materials. Getting Majus on board with the "I Wonder What Happens" videos was intended to provide some of that older community promo flavor for Monkey, though, and I think he did a great job.
  • edited December 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    We don't have time because Nick and I now work full time on the games :) I'm working on UI, design, and some effects, while Nick is making cutscenes and helping direct in the choreography department. The large majority of the Interim Theater and trailer stuff, Behind the Bad, etc came from us. Everyone figured it made sense to get us working on the games instead of the marketing, though, so that time and work would end up showing up in the product itself instead of the promo materials. Getting Majus on board with the "I Wonder What Happens" videos was intended to provide some of that older community promo flavor for Monkey, though, and I think he did a great job.
    Ah, neat. It's always cool to hear about the inner workings and decision-making behind what we get every season. I suppose it is generally a good idea to have a better game rather than having a better ad.

    And you're right, the "I Wonder What Happens" videos were definitely great, and apparently won over a lot of people, so I think we can call that move a success! Doesn't mean I can't miss getting horribly failed paper bag puppet projects, though. :D
  • edited December 2009
    People wrote:
    Thank you!

    Yeah, I'm late, shut up.
  • edited December 2009
    And you're right, the "I Wonder What Happens" videos were definitely great, and apparently won over a lot of people, so I think we can call that move a success! Doesn't mean I can't miss getting horribly failed paper bag puppet projects, though. :D

    Majus...animated paper bag puppets...maybe...
  • edited December 2009
    lecharles wrote: »
    Majus...animated paper bag puppets...maybe...

    I think it'd be easier just to film actual paper bag puppets ...
  • edited December 2009
    The Ribs Theory

    Applaud for my detective work.
  • edited December 2009
    i'm gonna print this out and put it on my refrigerator, with the conspiracy theories

    nice find!
  • edited December 2009
    lecharles wrote: »
    i'm gonna print this out and put it on my refrigerator, with the conspiracy theories

    nice find!

    I wrote it, so moreso nice thoughts, but thank you fine sir!
  • edited December 2009
    Just like lecharles said it: Bosco would be proud ^^!
  • edited December 2009
    The Ribs Theory

    Applaud for my detective work.

    Every TTG employees thoughts right now. "Damn, he spoiled it with his ingenious reasoning! Now we have to come up with a whole new plot! Sam and Max 2011?"
  • edited December 2009
    Tpravetz wrote: »
    Every TTG employees thoughts right now. "Damn, he spoiled it with his ingenious reasoning! Now we have to come up with a whole new plot! Sam and Max 2011?"

    Hmmm...Seems Plausible.
  • edited December 2009
    Just a quick question, will Sam & Max 2010 be released to XBLA & Wii/WiiWare as seperate episodes or will it be all the episode bundled up when the season's done?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Just a quick question, will Sam & Max 2010 be released to XBLA & Wii/WiiWare as seperate episodes or will it be all the episode bundled up when the season's done?

    There's no answer to that yet. We haven't announced anything at all beyond "Sam & Max exists," and what's up on the teaser site.
  • edited December 2009
    It's not even announced that there is A GAME being made.

    But we like dreaming.
  • edited December 2009
    Bagge wrote: »
    I have really high hopes for this. If TTG can improve on S2 the way S2 improved on S1, this game is going to be nothing short of an instant adventure game classic.
    Season 2 was good but it wasn't as pants wettingly funny as season 1. We need more risqué jokes!
  • edited December 2009
    Again and again, I say what the franchise needs is a game built-up from its roots, not an "improvement".

    I can hardly say S2 was the "improved" one between two seasons, either...
  • edited December 2009
    Am I the only one who wants a good game with good laughs and that it? I loved S1 for been S1 and S2 for been S2. Not because one was better of the other and vice versa...
  • edited December 2009
    We all are. But in my definion, a game's quality can be measured by the uniqueness of its additions to the history of gaming. S1 has done it well. But S2 kinda tried to be a "continuation" of S1. There is a known thing that there wasn't a big time of development for S2 either.

    I think S2 is rushed. Because of this, the plot and writing is rushed. It didn't give me much of a laugh as S1 did.
  • edited December 2009
    I measure the quality in a game when, at the end, I feel good after finish it and not tricked or bored.

    It's a good way.
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I measure the quality in a game when, at the end, I feel good after finish it and not tricked or bored.

    It's a good way.

    I measure the quality of a series (game, book, anime, etc) by how often their plot deviated from what I expected it to do, if the ending suprised me, and if I felt it was appropriate and tied everything up nicely. (and of course wasnt a cheasy ripoff made only to milk a cash cow like certain anime with "mon" in their names...)
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    I measure the quality of a series (game, book, anime, etc) by how often their plot deviated from what I expected it to do, if the ending suprised me, and if I felt it was appropriate and tied everything up nicely. (and of course wasnt a cheasy ripoff made only to milk a cash cow like certain anime with "mon" in their names...)

    Also "bey", also "-OH", also "ben10"... Whoops, said the whole name.
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Also "bey", also "-OH", also "ben10"... Whoops, said the whole name.

    I forgot all about the -oh ones! thanks! ;) (didnt know enough about "Bey" to know it was 1 series then a cow-milking...)
  • edited December 2009
    Exactly. Worst part is that those new series just goes even worse and worse, yet kids still love them enough to pay those people-without-creativity some ridicilous amounts of dad-money.
  • edited December 2009
    To sum up this recent discussion, S1 is better than S2 & amines are only made to make money.:)

    I know this isn't accurate, but who cares? ON WITH THE NEXT RANDOM SUBJECT!
  • edited December 2009
    amines are only made to make money.:)

    Not all of them, only the ones that are partly done by Americans. Pure Japanese-made animes can be mindlessly fun. God I love Japanese people. They're so disturbing that knowing something like that exists is just awesome.
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