The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited September 2010
    Yes all of us Amerincans are generalizing idiots who cant speell or tipe.
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Yes all of us Amerincans are generalizing idiots who cant speell or tipe.

    no just teh onez on teh internetz
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Yes all of us Amerincans are generalizing idiots who cant speell or tipe.

    Well, one of the highest rated comments on that video was someone who was saying that we should kill all pelestinians. Whatever they are. Generally, the arrogant, agressive, illiterate youtubers are american (not the other way round). The amount of times i've been called unamerican is, well, a reasonably large amount!
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Yes all of us Amerincans are generalizing idiots who cant speell or tipe.

    nah, im american myself. im just generalizing those that would call friar a muslim.
  • edited September 2010
    Wondering why someone wouldn't name their band "The Fatcocks"
  • edited September 2010
    I've got a lot of useless achievements this week. I figured out how to use the Console in Half-Life 2 (but failed at spawning anything. I WANT TO SPAWN A VORTIGAUNT AND BARNEY!)
    I got half-life 1 to work properly on my computer. (it still gives me motion sickness.)
    I tried to make a Max and Max Destroy The World type thing. (kinda fail)
    and I've gotten through all of Penny Arcade in three days!.
  • edited September 2010
    I just freaked myself out. I looked at my schedule and saw that all my midterms happen in two weeks. GAH!
  • edited September 2010
    I just freaked myself out. I looked at my schedule and saw that all my midterms happen in two weeks. GAH!

    If it's science based then I think you'll pass. All the textbooks you mention are always biology or physics based so I'm assuming science is your favourite subject.

    Just in case: 'Midterm' does refer to an exam, right? I've never heard that phrase before and had to google it.
  • edited September 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    If it's science based then I think you'll pass. All the textbooks you mention are always biology or physics based so I'm assuming science is your favourite subject.

    Just in case: 'Midterm' does refer to an exam, right? I've never heard that phrase before and had to google it.

    It is science based, but I guess I freaked out because this is my first upper division (major) class and I really need to do well in it. I've also heard horror stories about the professor. :eek:

    Yeah, not technically in the middle of the term, but at my university they call all exams midterms to make them seem more scary. At least, that is my interpretation based on personal experience.
  • edited September 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Wondering why someone wouldn't name their band "The Fatcocks"

    They have high standards?
  • edited September 2010
    It is science based, but I guess I freaked out because this is my first upper division (major) class and I really need to do well in it. I've also heard horror stories about the professor. :eek:

    When you first start taking upper division classes, it's a little scary, because you think they're probably harder, and all the other students in your class are also likely in your major, so you're not competing for grades against the stoners and partiers so much anymore.

    It turns out, though, that the upper division classes are a lot more interesting than the lower division ones (assuming you chose the right major). The professors also start to have more respect for you. Even if there are horror stories about them. If you're interested in learning and working on things until you get them right, I'm sure you'll do fine.
  • edited September 2010
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    When you first start taking upper division classes, it's a little scary, because you think they're probably harder, and all the other students in your class are also likely in your major, so you're not competing for grades against the stoners and partiers so much anymore.

    It turns out, though, that the upper division classes are a lot more interesting than the lower division ones (assuming you chose the right major). The professors also start to have more respect for you. Even if there are horror stories about them. If you're interested in learning and working on things until you get them right, I'm sure you'll do fine.

    Thanks for the support. I'm starting to relax a little bit more now, though. I suppose it was a bit of a shock for me to see a midterm so soon in the year, especially because I always seem to (intentionally) forget that my classes involve exams. Oh well, I've got my study schedule planned out now so hopefully it won't be too painful.
  • edited September 2010
    Assignments, assignments, Poker Night, Poker Night, assignments, Telltale, assignments, can't wait for Poker Night to be released, assignments, GAH! Damn assignments, get outta my way so I can just focus on anticipating the release of Poker Night at the Inventory.
  • edited September 2010
    I've come to realize my Facebook statuses are a lot like Telltale Games forum topics. They both end in the most random discussions. Normally I wouldn't post this stuff since posting your Facebook statuses on a forum is one of the greatest definitions of sad on the planet, but screw it; you're all forced to look at it now, you poor bastards.

    STATUS - I have a horrible confession to make. I think Tom Cruise is a good actor.
    Friend 1: You scum
    Belgian friend: ‎:O
    Friend 4: So all that stuff he did on Oprah WAS just an act!
    A friend named Akos: I already told you, STOP USING DOPE!!!
    Me: Don't call your mom a dope.
    Belgian friend: Call her by what she is: A hedgehog!
    Me: Dude, that joke is DOPE!
    Belgian friend: Wait, is dope phat?
    Me: Nope, but Akos' momma is!

    STATUS - tons of statuses...only one in remembrance of September 11th. Shame on you, people.
    Friend 1: I'm surprised you didn't end this status with "the terrorists have won"
    Me: No...not the terrorists. The superintelligent monkeys. Monkeys evolved from men! They're gonna take over! Warn everybody! Warn your friends!
    Friend 1: I don't think I should even comment on this >_>
    Me: I've found your kryptonite! Wooo.
    Friend 1: Rofl goddamnit Cross
    Friend 1: Micheal, the God you know and love actually evolved from a monkey God named Bonobious
    Me: Lies! You won't get me to turn to the monkeys side! They've gotten to you already! No one is safe! No one is safe! This is our planet you poo flinging hairmuppets!
    Belgian friend: People who think they save their life by jumping out of the window from the 20th floor deserve what they got. No point in making a status to remember them.
    Me: Once again, you made me laugh at something I'll hate myself later for laughing at. ...Er...I mean....curse you stupid Poirot lookalike (as you all look alike) I hate you!
    Belgian friend: It's evolution. Survival of the fittest. Don't jump out a window from the 20th floor and you won't get a plane crashed into you. Simple as that. It's got nothing to do with hating yourself over laughing at it or not.
    Me: No no. It's Intelligent Design. It's the ultimate proof that if God wanted us to fly, he wouldn't make us crash into tall buildings.
    A friend named Akos: I blame the building. It didn't have what it takes to survive, it should've jumped or at least leaned) out of the way of the planes. It deserved to get destroyed, but it also killed a lot of people, and I will hate WTC for this forever. Stupid skyscrapers...
    Me: I know why Akos hates buildings so much. I'll explain it in this limerick.

    There once was a man named Akos
    Who was not a very good boss
    So his employees gagged him
    Then away they dragged him
    And off of the roof he was tossed

    A friend named Akos: Drat! How do you know my awful secret?! Curse you, Cross, CURSE YOOOUUU!!!
    Friend 1: What if the plane didn't crash into the WTC? What if the WTC was what crashed into the plane! Gasp!
    A friend named Akos: Yeah, I was thinking about that. What if the WTC buildings were suicidal? What if they had enough of the corporate scheming, lies and stealing that was going on inside of them, and just decided to end it all. So the buildings made it look like an accident or terrorist attack. The twin towers just leaned in front of airplanes and Building 7 just collapsed for no reason. Like I said, stupid (suicidal) skyscrapers...
    Friend 1: Maybe that's how planes and buildings have sex?
    Me: WOW
  • edited September 2010
    Banished Beyond Cadets 2009

    soooo sick
  • edited September 2010
    I'm a bit concerned about someone I don't even know, I sold one of the geekiest things I've ever made to a guy in the US, who paid me via Paypal before I sent it. I posted it over two weeks ago with international tracking, and according to the tracking there was a delivery attempt last week. I e-mailed the guy just in case they hadn't left a card to tell him they'd tried to deliver it, never got a reply. One of my friends suggested that maybe he'd changed his mind about buying it and just didn't want to tell me, but he hasn't tried to reverse the Paypal payment, it's still sitting in my account. So the guy seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth. If the item comes back to me in the mail I'm going to return his payment anyway, but I hope he's okay.
  • edited September 2010
    Picture it. Arkham Asylum. Need to destroy one final Joker Teeth in the Botanical Gardens to 100% the game. I come up to the headless statue, and hear the chattering sound. I look all over the place... no teeth. I pinpoint where the sound is coming from. ... ... ... Yep. Underneath the statue. All that work undone by a single glitch.

    Good thing the game is so ridiculously fun, and I was planning on starting a second playthrough anyway.
  • edited September 2010
    Achivement Unlocked: Photo Catch: Take a photo of a friend who's always hiding from the photos.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    I'll be back to check the rest of the forums after I unpack, and then do I ever have stories and pictures for you people.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    I'll be back to check the rest of the forums after I unpack, and then do I ever have stories and pictures for you people.

    I wasn't aware you were gone. I was gone for a while anyway though
  • edited September 2010
    I left for a convention on Thursday morning, and nothing happened at all the way I anticipated. Whether this is good or bad...who knows?

    Still unpacking!
  • edited September 2010
    I left for a convention on Thursday morning, and nothing happened at all the way I anticipated. Whether this is good or bad...who knows?

    Still unpacking!

    What sort of convention?:D
  • edited September 2010
    my guess is a PAX sort of Convention
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    my guess is a PAX sort of Convention

    I could definitely see some one going to that. I wonder if he is.

    Did he mention earlier that he was going? LOL I bet he said it like 2 posts earlier and I was just too lazy to read them.

    I want to go to a convention some day, don't know what, when, where, who will be involved.

    You ever been to one?
  • edited September 2010
    I wish, There's an anime one near my area. I'm pretty sure I already missed it.

    I want to go to PAX at some point.
  • edited September 2010
    Note to self: Draw Layton fanart tomorrow in conmemoration of the new game.
  • edited September 2010
    I have nothing original on my mind now other than 'sometimes I feel like an idiot' and 'did you hear about those new Universal games? WOW!' and 'i heart trolling'.

    Hopefully my mind will think up something on its own later. After I'm done watching this movie.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, I kept posting in this thread when I was getting ready on Wednesday night when I should've been sleeping. Never got to sleep.

    And it was an anime convention. Nan Desu Kan in Denver.

    Finally getting to start unpacking!
  • edited September 2010
    Oooh! Anime conventions are fun! I went to the AX in LA this summer and it was great. Were there any cool cosplays (that's sort of the reason I go...)?
  • edited September 2010
    Happy 25th Anniversary, Super Mario Bros.!
  • edited September 2010
    Oooh! Anime conventions are fun! I went to the AX in LA this summer and it was great. Were there any cool cosplays (that's sort of the reason I go...)?

    There was a crazy awesome TF2 group. I'll try to get pictures of the photoshoot up soon. Unfortunately, I was barely able to get my BLU Spy costume finished at the last minute and didn't have enough time to to Max's Severed Head this year, so it'll have to wait until later. I'm not done with this costume, though, so there's still time!
  • edited September 2010
    There was a crazy awesome TF2 group. I'll try to get pictures of the photoshoot up soon. Unfortunately, I was barely able to get my BLU Spy costume finished at the last minute and didn't have enough time to to Max's Severed Head this year, so it'll have to wait until later. I'm not done with this costume, though, so there's still time!

    I always love to see the TF2 people, but sadly they were missing this year at AX. They were, instead, replaced by a ginormous Hetalia group that was more than a little disturbing. So please, do post pictures!
  • edited September 2010
    You guys are lucky. I wanted to go to AX but my parents wouldn't let me because "it's not safe there"
  • edited September 2010
    You guys are lucky. I wanted to go to AX but my parents wouldn't let me because "it's not safe there"

    I would say that it's pretty safe for an event in LA. You just need to use common sense and probably go with a friend to fend off any creepers (I've never had to, though). I have had friends who had to take extra precautions to convince their parents to let them go, so who knows.
  • edited September 2010
    The Dilemma of Every Chilean: The Firefighters Raffle. To buy or not to buy? That's the question.
  • edited September 2010
    I would say that it's pretty safe for an event in LA. You just need to use common sense and probably go with a friend to fend off any creepers (I've never had to, though). I have had friends who had to take extra precautions to convince their parents to let them go, so who knows.

    Crap, now I'll never be going to Los Angelessssssssssssssssssssssssssssttt...
  • edited September 2010
    So please, do post pictures!


    Here's all of my photos of the TF2 shoot.

    Here's photos taken by a Canadian BLU Sniper.

    Here's one of me with an awesome BLU Scout. I actually printed out the pictures of his mom from the Meet the Spy video and put them in the folder (which I also printed to look like the one from the video).


    And here's one of all us Spies Spycrabbing. You can see in other pictures that I'm wearing a Sandvich mask, though I had many other masks inside the Sapper, most of them dumber than that.

  • edited September 2010
    I would say that it's pretty safe for an event in LA. You just need to use common sense and probably go with a friend to fend off any creepers (I've never had to, though). I have had friends who had to take extra precautions to convince their parents to let them go, so who knows.

    There's my problem, I have no one to go with since all of my friends are away at college...
This discussion has been closed.