The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited September 2010
    This thread goes way too fast for me to keep up.

    Also, it's my birthday today. What did you all get me? And remember the old saying: "If it isn't money, fuck off"
  • edited September 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Also, it's my birthday today. What did you all get me?

    I got you...
    Fealiks wrote: »
    And remember the old saying: "If it isn't money, fuck off"

    ... oh... Never mind.
  • edited September 2010
    OMG! What is up with all the Illuminati here!?
  • edited September 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Also, it's my birthday today. What did you all get me? And remember the old saying: "If it isn't money, fuck off"

    I got you some gift vouchers, I took some money that's perfectly good everywhere and made it only good in one place, enjoy!!
  • edited September 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I got you some gift vouchers, I took some money that's perfectly good everywhere and made it only good in one place, enjoy!!

    doodo! wrote: »
    OMG! What is up with all the Illuminati here!?

    A while ago a truly amazing, influential and, above all, warm-hearted poster suggested that we all take pictures of our eyes and use them as our avatars for some reason that I now forget. Eyevatars are the way forward. You should totally get one.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, Don't worry about it. It's not a freakin' cult.
  • edited September 2010


    Those are awesome! At AX, the most you ever see are a few spies and medics, but you've got the whole team there! That must've been pretty fun.
  • edited September 2010
    Naw, not the whole team. We didn't see a single Demoman all weekend. There was also a BLU Sniper who was totally nice when I talked to her out of costume, but a bitch to anyone in a TF2 costume, and then my two friends who missed out on the whole thing (because they were being jerks and ditched me and my other friend) who would've been a BLU Sniper and Scout.

    But yeah, we had tons of fun. Before the convention ended, I started a Steam group so we could all keep in touch with each other. We're probably going to do a meet-up sometime soon.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, Don't worry about it. It's not a freakin' cult.

    Of course you don't think that it is...that's the beauty of its genius.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm starting to think my Sister with her boyfriend like to kiss while I'm turned around just because I might turn around to see...
  • edited September 2010
    *Insert inappropriate comment*
  • edited September 2010
    Naw, not the whole team. We didn't see a single Demoman all weekend. There was also a BLU Sniper who was totally nice when I talked to her out of costume, but a bitch to anyone in a TF2 costume, and then my two friends who missed out on the whole thing (because they were being jerks and ditched me and my other friend) who would've been a BLU Sniper and Scout.

    But yeah, we had tons of fun. Before the convention ended, I started a Steam group so we could all keep in touch with each other. We're probably going to do a meet-up sometime soon.

    Nobody wanted to be a crazy Scottish guy who blows up stuff? What has the world come to?!?

    Still pretty awesome though.:D
  • edited September 2010
    A coworker of Rag's came in for supper tonight and we had a great evening (and a great meal).
  • edited September 2010
    Why is it so hard to get your seat back in the right spot when someones been fiddling with the up and down thingy? (I'm looking at you, Mum!) Also applies to the drivers seat in the car...
  • edited September 2010
    Nobody wanted to be a crazy Scottish guy who blows up stuff? What has the world come to?!?

    Still pretty awesome though.:D

    Correction: Nobody who wanted to be a crazy Scottish guy who blows stuff up was black. Actually, Demoman is the only class I've never seen cosplayed (unless you count Civilian), and I'm guessing that's the reason.
  • edited September 2010
    Correction: Nobody who wanted to be a crazy Scottish guy who blows stuff up was black. Actually, Demoman is the only class I've never seen cosplayed (unless you count Civilian), and I'm guessing that's the reason.

    I suppose that makes sense. I now feel a distinct inclination to find someone who meets all of these prerequisites and coerce them to cosplay as Demoman.

    ....This may take awhile.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, Don't worry about it. It's not a freakin' cult.
    Hey I'd almost forgotten about our cult. We're a bit of a dying breed now.
  • edited September 2010
    Hey I'd almost forgotten about our cult. We're a bit of a dying breed now.

    Hey guise, can I be a cultist? Pretty please?
  • edited September 2010
    Got an interview today, actually in 3 hours to be exact.
  • edited September 2010
    I was daydreaming a Telltale/Lucasarts/Pixar partnership: A Monkey Island movie, along with a second MI season
  • edited September 2010
    I had a dream that I was playing Poker Night at the Inventory and then a dragon showed up! I don't know why (maybe he wanted to play poker?). Then everyone got sucked into a black hole. That is all.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, it's very possible to happen. Trogdor is still at large since SBCG4AP, after all.
  • edited September 2010
    Hey guise, can I be a cultist? Pretty please?

    Of course, brother. Just change your avatar to a picture of your eye and you're in. A few months back, this thing was all the rage and now it's gone out of fashion, and you know what it means when something's not in fashion: it's cool again!
  • edited September 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Of course, brother. Just change your avatar to a picture of your eye and you're in. A few months back, this thing was all the rage and now it's gone out of fashion, and you know what it means when something's not in fashion: it's cool again!

    If I remember correctly,Your avatar was radioactively awesome before. now, It's even more radioactively awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    I today, out of a sudden, wanted to drink some beer. As i only had water left, i ran to the store just shortly before they intended to close. I thought, soon i'll enjoy some yummy beer, but as soon as i stood in front of all those bottles i recogniozed that due to the soon starting Oktoberfest almost all there was was this crappy Weizenbier.

    Bahhh i want my Augustiner Export. I looked twice at all those bottles but again nothing. After investigating all those bottles for a final round i ended up with something new, dunno how it tastes so far as i felt pissed in a way that i continued drinking water. Let's see if i'll change my mind in a few hours...

    I'm in a melancholic coding mood anyway, btw here's a nice tune:
  • edited September 2010
    What does "Lackadaisy" mean?
  • edited September 2010
    I was looking who was online when I noticed it is Will's (TTG) birthday. So, Happy Birthday Will!
  • edited September 2010
    4 day weekend...I love this part of the year.
  • edited September 2010
    Dear 72% of adults. Stop complaining and take care of your children yourself.

    Seriously. talk to your children and make sure they know that they shouldn't do what's in those games. Chances are they won't anyway. If your child has violent video games and starts committing crimes look further in their bedroom/whatever and look for the drugs.
  • edited September 2010
    Is it strange that I'm afraid to enjoy myself in front of others, even family? Interesting link Remolay.
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Dear 72% of adults. Stop complaining and take care of your children yourself.

    Seriously. talk to your children and make sure they know that they shouldn't do what's in those games. Chances are they won't anyway. If your child has violent video games and starts committing crimes look further in their bedroom/whatever and look for the drugs.

    I know right! Even Marge Simpson can stop Bart from playing a violent game for God's sake!
  • edited September 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    Is it strange that I'm afraid to enjoy myself in front of others, even family?

    You're not supposed to do these things in public, doodo. Especially in front of family. It's just awkward.

    EDIT: Remolay, after reading the link, I can't say I see a problem with that. I mean, they don't let people under a certain age in theatres for violent movies. I don't see why not selling violent games to kids would be any different. It's not like they're banning violent games altogether.
  • edited September 2010
    but they already have that ban, anyone under 17 already can't buy an M rated game. Violent can be rated T, 13 and up. They already have these bans, Their parents have to buy these games for them anyway. They are complaining about games either they, their brother/sister, or their mother bought for their kid.

    The way this is saying it, Enter the Matrix (Rated T) wouldn't be able to be sold to people my age. Seriously, ESRB already has these bans.

    Most game stores wont sell AO, and they don't sell M to anyone under 17. They are complaining about their own ignorance

    Edit: From now on, Add a mental this after every thing I say while annoyed
  • edited September 2010
    Wait, so you think people are the ones who buy these games for their kids? If so, it's not going to change anything anyways...
  • edited September 2010
    LOL, better not talk about clothes I bought with other guys.
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Dear 72% of adults. Stop complaining and take care of your children yourself.

    Seriously. talk to your children and make sure they know that they shouldn't do what's in those games. Chances are they won't anyway. If your child has violent video games and starts committing crimes look further in their bedroom/whatever and look for the drugs.

    The Common Sense Media should be called Parents Against Fun or at least something a little bit more honest about their intentions.

    They'd probably have us playing Jump Start until we were eighteen or something if they could. Math Blasters would be too violent.
  • edited September 2010
    This week, parent watchdog group Common Sense Media released the results of a survey it commissioned on children's access to violent games. Conducted by polling firm Zogby International, the survey asked 2,100 adults whether they would support a law that "prohibits minors from purchasing ultraviolent or sexually violent video games without parental consent." Of those surveyed, some 72 percent said they would approve such a law.
    I don't like statistics. Statistical analyses can be skewed in various directions depending on various factors, most of which are commonly not publicized with the analysis given. It's annoying.

    For example:
    What were the EXACT questions on the poll? The exact wording of a question and the type of answer expected (eg. true/false vs. scale-of-1-to-10 vs. open-ended) is important and can affect the answer obtained.

    Who was in the statistical sample that was taken? (ie. Who took the poll?) Also:
    What ethnicity are they? How old are they? How many kids do they have? What is their political affiliation? Where are they from? How were they located for use in the sample? Do they play video games themselves?

    These are all very good questions to know, as it can also affect a sample if you consider whether or not they might be mostly over 60 years old; right-wing Republicans; mostly from conservative states; never play video games other than old-school stuff like Pac-Man ...or whatever else. The purpose of using a sample is that it's impossible to poll everyone, so one has to try to create a sample that properly reflects the population that the sample represents.

    It's hard to know exactly who was asked these poll questions or how diverse the sample is, or whether or not the wording of the poll questions might have prompted the poll-taker to answer more likely one way over the other.

    Polls can be misleading if not done correctly, and there is no evidence to support that they weren't trying to get this outcome when they created the poll in the first place, thus skewing the results to match their intent.
  • edited September 2010
    I saw Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed tonight. Disturbed was awesome. Avenged Sevenfold was all right, but the (former) drummer from Dream Theater was with them, so that was awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    My girlfriend stopped over, and she bought me the An American Tail, and Fievel Goes west I am ecstatic about it! I love those movies.
  • edited September 2010
    I saw Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed tonight. Disturbed was awesome. Avenged Sevenfold was all right, but the (former) drummer from Dream Theater was with them, so that was awesome.

    Mike Portnoy - one of the greatest drummers on the earth.

    Did he do a solo, by any chance? (Even though half of the stuff that he plays during the songs is better than the majority of drummers' actual solos)
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