The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited October 2010
    omg, its the weekend!!!
  • edited October 2010
    Dammit, Wii homebrew is awesome and all, but is it so hard for someone to write an application that lets you copy save files from the SD card to the GameCube memory card? There's two of them, but one crashes your Wii every time you use it and doesn't work most of the time anyway, and the other only works on third party memory cards. All I want is an unlocked Melee save file to replace the one I lost!

    I suppose I should at least be grateful that the crashing one did manage to successfully copy a completed Sonic Adventure 2 file. I'm not good enough at that game to get all A ranks, so I never would've gotten to see the bonus 3D Green Hill Zone otherwise.
  • edited October 2010
    i like vintage ads
  • edited October 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    i like vintage ads


    I bought a GPS so, now I will never have to rely on mapquest again.
  • edited October 2010
    I have a third-hand GPS that my friend gave me. The antenna's busted and it can't find satellites worth a crap, but it's gotten me out of a couple jams.

  • edited October 2010
    I really want to be in europe and catch...all the war of the worlds musical...
  • edited October 2010
    Somedays, all you can do is dream.
  • edited October 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    i like vintage ads

    Looks like it was taken straight out of the monkey island special edition :p
  • edited October 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Looks like it was taken straight out of the monkey island special edition :p

    hahaha so true XD
  • edited October 2010
    I'm sick of "this is so much better than justin bieber, mainstream music sucks" being the highest rated comment on EVERY video. Is it no indication to these people that the fact that it's the highest rated comment negates their "i'm a non-mainstream non-conformist" ideal?

    I really want to make non-conformists realise that a) they ARE conforming, just to a minority, b) the fact that they care at all means that they're MORE concerned with conformity than most people, and c) the quality of something doesn't necessarily depend on how popular it is; conformity doesn't matter! It's irrelevant! Live your life happily, be yourself, and stop giving a shit about irrelevant crap. Listen to pop music, it's usually quite good.

    I don't think, though, that my efforts to tell them this would be that well received >.>
  • edited October 2010
    Im wishing invader zim would return in some form
  • edited October 2010
    I don't listen to pop music because Autotune messes with my ears.

    I also think Beiber's music is awful. Partly because one of his songs Rips off the chorus to Lovefool, partially because his voice, although natural, is grating.

    Which is why I listen to Metal and Classic rock. And alternative that doesn't involve the name Owl City. That guy is autotuned and makes less than no sense.

    At least I can stand Lady GaGa.
  • edited October 2010
    Opinions on Psychonauts? I thinking about buying it :)
  • edited October 2010
    Buy it.
  • edited October 2010
    Opinions on Psychonauts? I thinking about buying it :)

    On GOG. It's $5 there this week.
  • edited October 2010
    I went into this day knowing it was going to suck, but it's just going from bad to worse. Going in, I expected to be going to a wedding reception that I didn't want to go to, and I had to blow off my best friend to do it. Then an hour and a half ago, I was told "oh, we decided to go to the wedding ceremony. Why aren't you ready yet?" Well, turns out I was the first one ready, we missed the wedding, and we're running late to get to the reception.

    Even better, we're now suddenly carpooling with my grandmother and my cousin's daughter, who is sick, and I'm certain I'm going to have to sit next to her.

    And I don't even like the person this wedding is for.
  • edited October 2010
    Following a drive of at least 45 minutes, I've just arrived at the reception, and already I'm miserable. I swear, the next person to get married in my family had better be damn close to me or I'm refusing to go.
  • edited October 2010
    I've had a good birthday, despite watching the football team I support surrender a 2-0 lead to end up drawing 2 all earlier in the day.

    It was good because I got to have a good, fun and highly entertaining time with my closest friends and my brother. Especially when the Wii came on after we all came back from the pub at around midnight.

    I am quite drunk and so this post is taking a while to type out as I want to make sure I'm typing it correctly for once. I don't usually bother when I'm drunk but then when I'm drunk at this time of night I'm usually miserable and right in the maudlin stage. But tonight (or, more exactly, this morning) I am happy despite the things I'm not happy about in my life generally and I just want to take a little moment to enjoy it before I embrace the enticing grasp of sleep.

    Boy, this spell check thing dictionary do-dah you can get for firefox is such a help right now.
  • edited October 2010
    Survived the wedding. It was made so much more bearable because of some accidental drama when I didn't realize my friend was forwarding a text and I thought her phone was stolen or something.
  • edited October 2010
    I want to make the whole world happy because Depression sucks to all parties, especially the depressed.

    I know this will never happen, but I can dream.

    This is mainly because of a girl I know. I've managed to talk her out of suicide on more than one occasion. What she really needed was someone she knew cared. She doesn't think her father and brothers do at all.

    She know I will always care about her. I hope she never loses her habit of wanting to say goodbye, because that's what made so I could talk her out of it. A couple of times I hurt her pretty bad too. The last time I did she said I ruined her life. I started considering suicide but decided against it a decided to lock myself in my room for the day. She later said she was fine and she overreacted. although I agree that she overreacted, I'm still not sure if she was really okay. I haven't talked to her in a while, mainly because currently she has sucky phone and internet service, but I hope she's alright.

    I need to talk to her at some point.
  • edited October 2010
    Opinions on Psychonauts? I thinking about buying it :)
    I'm almost certain that I'm about the greatest critic of Psychonauts that you'll find on this forum.

    Buy it. At the current Good Old Games price of $5, it's worth it simply for the writing and the art style. The actual platforming game at the core, while not always amazing, is never inherently broken and has moments of real value(plus, it gets better near the end). My complaints, though, are not anywhere near enough to make Psychonauts not worth $5.

    In short: I have my complaints, but at $5, the game is totally worth it.
  • edited October 2010
    Survived the wedding. It was made so much more bearable because of some accidental drama when I didn't realize my friend was forwarding a text and I thought her phone was stolen or something.

    Imagine how miserable wedding receptions used to be back the days when you couldn't get online to the Telltale Forums or text your friends during them!
  • edited October 2010
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Imagine how miserable wedding receptions used to be back the days when you couldn't get online to the Telltale Forums or text your friends during them!

    or the wedding them selfs

    I just said I do guys!
  • edited October 2010
    or the wedding them selfs

    I just said I do guys!

    Wait - did u just get married?
  • edited October 2010
    w00000t im so happy on WWE
    Kane defeated Undertaker when Undertakers manager and Kanes farther Paul Bearer turned on Undertaker and gave Kane his urn to use as a wepion thus enabling kane to defeat his brother agian
  • edited October 2010
    To Dream the Impossible Dream...
  • edited October 2010
    To move the immovable object...
  • edited October 2010
    ..roah roah fight the power?
  • edited October 2010
    Oh good, I wasn't the only one that had that come to mind.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm awake...I have no Idea why I'm awake...this is madness...
  • edited October 2010
    Madness? THIS IS TELLTALE!
  • edited October 2010

    My new site is finally pretty much finished... me and a friend started setting it up on saturday and then yesterday we started to really get it going it. I've been looking at photoshop and stylesheets for a good 20 or so hours now. When it's all polished up (DISCLAIMER: our definitions of "polished" may vary), I'm gonna post a thread about it. We've got a forum installed so I look forward to seeing at least a few people signing up there (but you don't have to sign up to enjoy the lovely, shiny content of the site (probably just my comics for a while, but with hopefully more to come)).
  • edited October 2010
    Why?! I said WHY!?
  • edited October 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Why?! I said WHY!?

    Retort: Because!
  • edited October 2010
    I shaved my beard off =(
    It came up a rather nice bronze colour in the bathroom sink!
  • edited October 2010
    I'm back from my really short holiday! So now I've got quite a few things on my mind. I wanna check everything going on with this site that I missed (that'll take a while), during this my cat will return from the catery and I really can't wait to see my 'lil bundle of fur again. :) I was also glad to see that my fish are fine!

    Other things on my mind include I've just finished reading the last book I own, so what should I find next? And how come I left my bedroom perfect before I went away and come back to the radio playing? It's not the alarm.. that was set for 6am (stupid early holiday start) and only lasts an hour before it'll cut itself off again. I'm not looking forward to my parents asking why the electricity bill is so high all of a sudden. :(

    Oh and I almost fogot! It seems I recieved my package from and they didn't pay full postage - so I have to pay the rest in order to get the merchandise. Woo.
  • edited October 2010
    Right now, I'm trying to decide wheather to buy a large amount of games this month, or wait until next month and get a Kinect. I will have around $150, the price of a Kinect, and a bit more than the total of these games:

    Star Wars: Force Unleashed 2 Limited Edition($80)
    Left 4 Dead 2($10)
    Comic Jumper($10)
    Super Scribblenauts($30)

    Game Total: $143.50
    Kinect Total: $150
  • edited October 2010
    What you should decide is if Kinect is worth those $150. If it were me I'd choose the games.
  • edited October 2010
    Buy the games RingmasterJ5. The games will provide you with a longer amount of enjoyment and entertainment. Kinect will be a novelty for a short while, but the initial enjoyment of the device will eventually wear off and you'll probably find yourself wanting to go back to a standard controller.

    Just my 2 cents.
This discussion has been closed.