The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited October 2010
    Don't get the Kinect. It's buggy as hell. Trust me, I've seen it in action. However, if I were you, I would only buy one game (if even one) out of that group of games and save the rest for the future. I spent too much money on magic cards at that age, and I don't want you to feel like you made a mistake when you're older and don't have money. :I

  • edited October 2010
    Also, if I were you RmJ5, then I'd also wait for 'The Force Unleashed II' to drop in price. Even if that means waiting a month or two. I personally never rush out to buy games upon release because I know I'll be kicking myself later on when I see the game for under half the price I paid for it.
  • edited October 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Don't get the Kinect. It's buggy as hell. Trust me, I've seen it in action. However, if I were you, I would only buy one game (if even one) out of that group of games and save the rest for the future. I spent too much money on magic cards at that age, and I don't want you to feel like you made a mistake when you're older and don't have money. :I


    Well, I get $50 each month, so that's not really a problem for me.
  • edited October 2010
    Well, I get $50 each month, so that's not really a problem for me.

    Yeah, I used to get paid 100 bucks a month, until my family unexpectedly got poor and I realized that I was buying a whole ton of crap that's just sitting on my shelves instead of saving my funds so I could have had it now.

    Before you know it, you're not going to be paid anymore, so I'm just suggesting that you don't make decisions you don't regret.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2010
    Hehe... I used to get $2 pocket money a week. Inflation? ;)
  • edited October 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Hehe... I used to get $2 pocket money a week. Inflation? ;)

    When I was little we had a garage sale and I priced everything I put out for sale at $.25. I thought that was big money at the time! :p
  • edited October 2010
    When I was little we had a garage sale and I priced everything I put out for sale at $.25. I thought that was big money at the time! :p

    When i was little, you used to be able to get little sweets(candy) for 1p each (gummy lips, dolly mixture, haribo, etc.) Nowadays, you have to bay £3 for a small cup of them (which there is no way you'd fit 300 sweets into. Not even 100. Not even 50.)

    And they came in nice little paper bags, which are impossible to find these days. And they were ideal for trick or treaters at hallowe'en (not that Hallowe'en was all that big 14 years ago).
  • edited October 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Hehe... I used to get $2 pocket money a week. Inflation? ;)

    Two bucks a week?! I only got five bucks a month! It took me forever to save up for my book collection.

    In much sadder news, my adorable rabbit, Blackavar, died last night of fly-strike (which is a pretty awful rabbit disease). I'm pretty bummed out right now, especially 'cause I was so far from home during the whole ordeal.
  • edited October 2010
    Two bucks a week?! I only got five bucks a month! It took me forever to save up for my book collection.

    In much sadder news, my adorable rabbit, Blackavar, died last night of fly-strike (which is a pretty awful rabbit disease). I'm pretty bummed out right now, especially 'cause I was so far from home during the whole ordeal.

    Sorry about your rabbit.

    Anyway, I actually make $10 a week. All I have to do is empty the dishwasher and put all the clean stuff away on a daily basis. Sometimes I do it twice!
  • edited October 2010
    In much sadder news, my adorable rabbit, Blackavar, died last night of fly-strike (which is a pretty awful rabbit disease). I'm pretty bummed out right now, especially 'cause I was so far from home during the whole ordeal.

    :( Sorry to hear that. That's the only part of keeping a pet I can't handle. They say that letting children keep pets will help them deal with death later in life. I've kept pets all my life (20 now) and it has never helped me. I always end up bursting into tears.
  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    :( Sorry to hear that. That's the only part of keeping a pet I can't handle. They say that letting children keep pets will help them deal with death later in life. I've kept pets all my life (20 now) and it has never helped me. I always end up bursting into tears.

    I've had about ten rabbits so far and it hasn't really gotten any easier. Actually, it's gotten harder because my first rabbit died of extreme old age and I was satisfied with that because he had lived a long and full life.

    I guess I'm far more upset about Blackavar because he had the most personality of any rabbit that I've had (barring the very first) and died of a horrible dwindling disease. I just hope that he's gone to a bunny afterlife with lots of bananas (his favorite food) and goggles to steal (he liked to steal people's swim goggles).
  • edited October 2010
    Can this new helmet I bought defeat light calibre rounds? Who wants to be a guinea pig!?
  • edited October 2010
    Mother Earth is a awesome album so far.
  • edited October 2010
    what will
    sybils baby look like
    (305 spoilers)
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    I'm sorry but having a spoil tag about a game in What's on your mind is really wrong. I had no idea that it was a spoiler to a game, I thought it was just a playful spoiler about something on your mind, nothing in particular...

    :mad: Dude man, not cool...

    it was just on my mind

  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    it was just on my mind



    That's a lot cooler though.
  • edited October 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Hehe... I used to get $2 pocket money a week. Inflation? ;)
    Yeah, we used to be rich. Now we're poor. You know how it is. ;A;
    In much sadder news, my adorable rabbit, Blackavar, died last night of fly-strike (which is a pretty awful rabbit disease). I'm pretty bummed out right now, especially 'cause I was so far from home during the whole ordeal.

    As a rabbit enthusiast, this makes me very sad. :(
  • edited October 2010
    First night in the room that will be my home for a year here in York. Really wishing my new digs didn't smell like pinesol and mint.
  • edited October 2010
    One of the things that's great about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the epitome of it: a thread for whatever random thought happens to be passing through your mind.

    For example, I've just been struck by the most random craving for Taco Bell nachos.

    I finally got my nachos tonight. They were delicious.

    Now the thread has come full circle.
    And continuing this line of soft drink related thoughts, I'm dying for Mountain Dew White Out to come out as a permanent flavor. I have a few Dewmocracy cans left, but I've barely touched them since I know that's all I get until it comes out for real.

    I also got two 12 packs of White Out tonight!
  • edited October 2010
    Achievement unlocked: Full Circle
    Go back to original topic

    Achievement Unlocked: Zzzzzz
    Take over 100 pages to come Full Circle
  • edited October 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Achievement unlocked: Full Circle
    Go back to original topic

    Achievement Unlocked: Zzzzzz
    Take over 100 pages to come Full Circle

    Achievement Unlocked: Killing Time

    You have wasted hours of your life on a pointless forum to reach this point. Go outside or read a book or something.
  • edited October 2010
    Achievement Unlocked: Achievement Unlocked: Immediately change the topic to Achievements from the original topic of nachos.
  • edited October 2010
    Can't get gypsy jazz out my head.

    also, rabbits in a cup
  • edited October 2010
    Remolay wrote: »

    The books however aren't boring and in other news.

    In about an hour and a half I will be playing the new Castlevania teeHeee
  • edited October 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »

    I want to know how they managed to get the rabbits to stay still for that long. All the rabbits I've had would have eaten the cups and gone on to more interesting things in the duration of that video.
  • edited October 2010
    I want to know how they managed to get the rabbits to stay still for that long. All the rabbits I've had would have eaten the cups and gone on to more interesting things in the duration of that video.

    I know right! My rabbit would have freaked out and jumped immediately.
  • edited October 2010
    Need...sleep...but...I must...finish...
  • edited October 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Need...sleep...but...I must...finish...

    You can start by finishing that sentence :D: what do you need to finish? Just out of curiosity...
  • edited October 2010
    Essay (ok, I still have another day for this, but still)+art class drawing that now I had to redo from scratch because of some bad mistakes+my part for a debate+memorize said part. And it's 2AM over here...

    I have to, at the very least, come up with something for the debate, and finish the outline of the drawing, the ****ing shading can and will wait until tomorrow between classes -___-
  • edited October 2010
    Ooh, that's tough. Especially having to start that art piece from scratch. I take it procrastination has landed you in this state? It's happened to me too from time to time. I hate it when projects and assignments stack up like that. Oh well, just keep at it. And perhaps you should avoid the forums for now? Good luck, anyhow.
  • edited October 2010
    Castlevania WOOO!
  • edited October 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Ooh, that's tough. Especially having to start that art piece from scratch. I take it procrastination has landed you in this state?

    I'll just say yes and no. This just taught me that I really hate drawing with coal, I hate having team mates that won't sent their part of the work that's completely necessary for yours at 10PM, and that my hate for essays is justified.

    As for leaving the forum, as I've mentioned before, it's what keeps me from going insane from stress, yet it takes away precious time too -__-
  • edited October 2010
    Today is the funeral of my granma. She died yesterday in the morning.

    I greeted so many people I don't know I'm tired. But I had to be there for my dad...
  • edited October 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    I'll just say yes and no. This just taught me that I really hate drawing with coal, I hate having team mates that won't sent their part of the work that's completely necessary for yours at 10PM, and that my hate for essays is justified.

    Heh, fair enough man. And that's frustrating about your teammates letting you down. It's not fair that you should suffer because of their incompetence.
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    As for leaving the forum, as I've mentioned before, it's what keeps me from going insane from stress[...]

    Haha! I think this applies to all of us at times.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Today is the funeral of my granma. She died yesterday in the morning.

    I greeted so many people I don't know I'm tired. But I had to be there for my dad...

    That's very sad, my condolences go out to your family, especially your dad. Did you know your grandma well?
  • edited October 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    That's very sad, my condolences go out to your family, especially your dad. Did you know your grandma well?

    Yes I did, I meet her a lot. But the rest of the family lived with her, so, that side of the family is the most affected. And thanks.
  • edited October 2010
    My cat won't get off my desk. I normally would like him up here, but every few seconds he walks across the keyboard.
  • edited October 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Heh, fair enough man. And that's frustrating about your teammates letting you down. It's not fair that you should suffer because of their incompetence.

    I'll be honest with you, I'd call it karma >.> In case you care about how it ended, I just got too tired at 3 and said to hell with it and lets see what happens..

    Today is the funeral of my granma. She died yesterday in the morning.

    I greeted so many people I don't know I'm tired. But I had to be there for my dad...

    My condolences, same thing happened this year to me, so I know how you feel. Well, not exactly same thing, my family was the one that had been living with her.
  • edited October 2010
    I have recently played a small freeware game called Eversion. It was an interesting journey. Now, I would like, if possible, to see other's reactions to it. If anyone wants to, please play through the game (it's only about an hour long, a bit longer if you get stuck on an obstacle/try to get all the gems) and have some way of documenting it, whether it would be notes, a Youtube video and voiceover, or a Livestream with chat. No one has to do this, but the game is quite... interesting. Two rules:

    1.You must NOT know anything about the game before playing.
    2.You, as previously stated, must have some way of documenting your reaction to the game as you go along.

    One more thing: Don't play this game if you are under 13/have a nervous disposition.

    Download Link: (It's safe, trust me.)

    (Also, should this be moved to it's own thread?)

    EDIT: image attached:
This discussion has been closed.