Ugh, disagree. The Binding of Isaac combines almost everything I hate about rogue-likes with a few frustrating things about old-school Zelda games, and then wraps it all up in ugly. I can understand how this type of gameplay would appeal to some gamers, but this is a very niche title, and it does a very good job of being exactly the type of game I don't want to play.
Wasn't it in one of those Indie bundles a while back? Don't recall actually buying it but do remember actually playing it, so can't think how else I got it.
I'm not that big a fan of this. The difficulty is just too much. It's a goog little game, but if I can't get past the second stage without possessing god-like skill, then where's the fun in that?
And I'm not saying it can't be challenging, but the ability to restart from the beginning of the current level if you die, with all your stuff stripped away, would have been much appreciated.
And I'm not saying it can't be challenging, but the ability to restart from the beginning of the current level if you die, with all your stuff stripped away, would have been much appreciated.
That's what a roguelike is. You start from scratch if you die. There are extra-lives in 2 forms. A 1-up-Mushroom and a dead cat which gives you 9 lives but honestly: you are as good as dead as you start with 1 heart if you use the cat.
I for one enjoyed Isaac a lot (my personal game of the year 2011, better than Skyrim, LA Noire & Deus Ex HR imo).
Wasn't it in one of those Indie bundles a while back? Don't recall actually buying it but do remember actually playing it, so can't think how else I got it.
It was one of the "extra" games offered for going over the average or buying early for the Humble Voxatron Debut.
I'm not that big a fan of this. The difficulty is just too much. It's a goog little game, but if I can't get past the second stage without possessing god-like skill, then where's the fun in that?
I wouldn't call my skill in anything "God-like". It took me more than a year to get around to beating Super Meat Boy's Light world, and I still have a long way to go before I'm even close to beating the Dark World levels or Cotton Alley. I can't easily beat games like Sonic the Hedgehog or Streets of Rage, I am a complete novice when it comes to fighting games, and this roguelike genre is frankly one that I haven't actually played much at all in the past. Beating the second stage(I hope to God you mean the Caves, and not Basement 2) is really not all that difficult.
And I'm not saying it can't be challenging, but the ability to restart from the beginning of the current level if you die, with all your stuff stripped away, would have been much appreciated.
A successful game of The Binding of Isaac lasts roughly half an hour. To suggest dropping back to some earlier point rather than starting over is to completely misunderstand the entire point.
Item rooms? Shop? Hidden rooms? Tinted rocks? Devil rooms? All only have range up items?
You forgot that bosses always drop items, that the beggars often drop items*, that the arena challenge rooms can contain items, that chests can contain items, and that arcades are capable of dropping the Dollar, Skatole and Blood Bag items. You *could* include glitch rooms, but they're so rare(in 80+ hours I've only seen a glitch room once) that it's fair not to consider them part of normal play.
*The rule I use is that if you have 7 coins they're a good call, and if you have 20+ they're a guaranteed major success.
Also the Midweek Madness deal this week is From Dust for $5 (67%).
Have anyone here played From Dust? Because the game looks like it might be great.
I have it on my 360, and I really enjoyed every second of it. I seem to recall hearing that the PC version had some problems back when it released though. I'm sure it must have been patched by now, but you may want to look into it first.
But alas, my boycott of Ubisoft must continue.
I don't like anything even resembling Ubi-DRM. Even when Ubisoft back down and lower their drm, I still won't buy it.
Its a shame, as Ubisoft have some great quality titles, but hinder themselves with this barbaric copy protection.
(That in the end of the day, just doesn't work and makes them look like a joke!)
I need some advice guys. Should I buy From Dust because of it's sale price, or should I just continue to bank on preordering The Walking Dead? (Just pick one!)
You can just hear him getting more and more disappointed by it as he realises that it only will be a stupid pinball table and not the level of the same name he expected.
Incredibally addicting game, even if it hates me(Spawn 55 coins or 7 hearts dang it)
Ugh, disagree. The Binding of Isaac combines almost everything I hate about rogue-likes with a few frustrating things about old-school Zelda games, and then wraps it all up in ugly. I can understand how this type of gameplay would appeal to some gamers, but this is a very niche title, and it does a very good job of being exactly the type of game I don't want to play.
I'm not that big a fan of this. The difficulty is just too much. It's a goog little game, but if I can't get past the second stage without possessing god-like skill, then where's the fun in that?
And I'm not saying it can't be challenging, but the ability to restart from the beginning of the current level if you die, with all your stuff stripped away, would have been much appreciated.
I for one enjoyed Isaac a lot (my personal game of the year 2011, better than Skyrim, LA Noire & Deus Ex HR imo).
I wouldn't call my skill in anything "God-like". It took me more than a year to get around to beating Super Meat Boy's Light world, and I still have a long way to go before I'm even close to beating the Dark World levels or Cotton Alley. I can't easily beat games like Sonic the Hedgehog or Streets of Rage, I am a complete novice when it comes to fighting games, and this roguelike genre is frankly one that I haven't actually played much at all in the past. Beating the second stage(I hope to God you mean the Caves, and not Basement 2) is really not all that difficult.
A successful game of The Binding of Isaac lasts roughly half an hour. To suggest dropping back to some earlier point rather than starting over is to completely misunderstand the entire point.
I always get the stupid homing tears. They home in if the enemy is like a centimeter away.
Item rooms? Shop? Hidden rooms? Tinted rocks? Devil rooms? All only have range up items?
*The rule I use is that if you have 7 coins they're a good call, and if you have 20+ they're a guaranteed major success.
TB made a video on it. I say avoid it.
And TB also made the most epic Terraria Let's Play ever!
Yes, there are plenty of TotalBiscuit fans here and is the sole reason for the loss of our money.(I bought terraria for him)
Also his WTF on Sonic Generations DLC is a gem.
I second the recommendation. TQ is a surprisingly good game for a Diablo clone, and still has an active community.
66% off at a value of $4.99 / £3.99
I haven't played it, though I have heard good things.
Have anyone here played From Dust? Because the game looks like it might be great.
"why can I boost myself off of the board?"
EDIT: Nevermind.
Also, thanks to the pair of you who pointed out that From Dust is the Midweek Madness.
I have it on my 360, and I really enjoyed every second of it. I seem to recall hearing that the PC version had some problems back when it released though. I'm sure it must have been patched by now, but you may want to look into it first.
But alas, my boycott of Ubisoft must continue.
I don't like anything even resembling Ubi-DRM. Even when Ubisoft back down and lower their drm, I still won't buy it.
Its a shame, as Ubisoft have some great quality titles, but hinder themselves with this barbaric copy protection.
(That in the end of the day, just doesn't work and makes them look like a joke!)
You can just hear him getting more and more disappointed by it as he realises that it only will be a stupid pinball table and not the level of the same name he expected.
There's also a four-pack for $7.48 / £5.98 (one for you, three to gift) and a Weapons DLC Pack for 0.49, whatever currency you happen to use. Enjoy!
That HAS to mean the new patch comes out soon.
There is a beta update available already. In Steam. Steam->settings-> beta participation (2 available, 1 for the client and 1 for Skyrim)
What? No it's not.
Today's Daily Deal is Smash Cars. £3.49 / $4.99.
Yes, but I'm waiting until the beta ends. I only want the update for the modding tools and see what I personally can do:D